
How to Use External Domain Names With WordPress

Using Wordpress for the Domain Registration
1. Visit a domain registrar to search for domain names. Make sure the domain name you want to use is available. You are unable to search from the Wordpress domain tool.
2. Log in to your Wordpress site and click on 'Upgrades,' then click 'Domains.'

3. Type your desired domain name into the text box and click 'Add Domain to Blog.'
4. Click on 'Register Domain.' If desired, click on 'Make this Domain Private.' This costs extra, but prevents Internet users from finding out the domain is registered to you. Click 'Purchase and Register.'
5. Input your billing and payment information to register the domain name. It will be automatically connected to your Wordpress blog.
6. Click on 'Settings,' then 'Domains.' Click on your domain to highlight it, then click 'Make Primary Domain' to activate it.
Using a Third-Party Registrar
7. Visit the registrar of your choice and register your domain name. Access your account and open the domain manager to view and edit the details of the domain.
8. Find the 'Nameservers' fields. There should be three. Type 'NS1.WORDPRESS.COM' into the first, 'NS2.WORDPRESS.COM' into the second and 'NS3.WORDPRESS.COM' into the third.
9. Click 'Save' or 'Update' to save the changes. Wait for a confirmation to let you know the settings have been updated. This typically takes 72 hours. Expect to receive an email. If you don't, contact your domain registrar.
10. Log in to your Wordpress site. Click on 'Settings'
11. Click on 'Settings,' then 'Domain.' Type the domain name you are using. Click 'Add Domain to Blog.'
12. Pay for the service. After clicking 'Add Domain to Blog,' the Wordpress cart will direct you to the page where you can enter your your payment information and select your custom domain package.
13. Click on 'Settings' then 'Domain.' Click on the domain name you added to the site. Click on 'Update Primary Domain' to make the domain your primary domain.


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