
How to Change the Color on a WordPress Template

1. Log in to your WordPress installation using any Web browser.
2. Click 'Appearance' and then 'Editor.' Here you are able to manually change any part of the theme you wish.

3. Click 'Stylesheet' under 'Styles.' The CSS style sheet for your WordPress theme should now appear in the text viewer.
4. Scroll down to the class or ID tag of an element in your theme that has a color property you wish to change. For example, you may wish to change the background color of the header, in which case you would scroll down to '#header.'
5. Delete the color name or hex value that appears to the right of the class or ID tag and type the color name or hex value of the new color. For example, you might see 'color: #0000FF;' under the 'a:link' tag, giving all the links used in your theme a color of black. Change it to 'color: #DC143C;' to change the link color to crimson. See Resources for additional color codes.
6. Click 'Update File' to save the color change.


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