
How to Change Menu Order in Wordpress

1. Review your website and its current menu order. Decide how you want the menu order to change.
2. Log onto your web hosting server. Find the 'header.php' file for your WordPress site. Open the file in the web hosting's file editor or download the file to your hard drive to edit it with another php-editor program.

3. Insert the 'wp_list_pages' function into your header.php file. Use an unordered list tag for the wp_list_pages function. Type '

' into your file where '( )' indicates the parameters you set. Leave the function as is if you would like to keep the default alphabetical order for your page menu. Insert the parameter 'sort_column=menu_order' with single quotes inside the function's parentheses to control the page menu order from the WordPress admin panel.
4. Save the changes to the header.php file when you are finished. Upload the saved file to your web hosting server, overwriting the existing file.
5. Log into your WordPress admin panel. Click on the 'Pages' section in the left-hand column. Click 'Edit' or 'Quick Edit' under each of the pages. In the 'Attributes' section of each page, type the number in which you want the pages to appear in your menu order. For the page you want to appear first, type '0,' for the second page type '1,' third page type '2,' and repeat this process until you have the menu order that you want. Click the blue 'Update Page' button to save the changes.
6. Refresh your WordPress website in your Internet browser. Review the changes you made to make sure that your page menu order is showing correctly.


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