
How to Build Footer Links in WordPress

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard using your administrator account.
2. Click 'Appearance' from the left menu, then click the 'Editor' submenu. This will display the coding for your WordPress theme.

3. Click 'Footer' from the list of pages on the right side of the screen. The code for the Footer area will appear in the text box.
4. Find the section of code that displays 'Powered by WordPress.' While this may be a little different depending on what theme you use, the WordPress copyright indicates this is the area of the code where you can add more links.
5. Highlight the following code, right-click and choose 'Copy' from the menu:
Website Name

6. Right-click in the WordPress code and click 'Paste' from the menu. A copy of the code will appear in your WordPress editor.
7. Highlight 'linkURL' and type the URL of the website you want to link. Do not remove the quotation marks in the code.
8. Highlight 'Website Name' and type the text you want associated with the link. This can be the name of the website or any other text you would like.
9. Click the 'Update File' button to save the changes to your WordPress site. When you view your site, you will see the link appear in the footer, next to the WordPress copyright.


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