
How to Update Twitter From WordPress

1. Log into WordPress as the 'admin' user. Download and install a plugin that allows you to update your Twitter status with each new blog post (see Resources).
2. Click 'Plugins' from the menu. Locate the plugin you installed and click 'Activate' underneath its name.

3. Navigate to the settings for the plugin. For example, click 'Tools' and 'Twitter Updater' for the Twitter Updater plugin.
4. Set the options in the plugin based on how you want Twitter updated when you create a new WordPress post. Save your changes, for example by clicking the 'save options' button.
5. Click 'Add New' under 'Posts.' Type a title for the post, the body for the post and an optional excerpt for the post. Click 'Publish' to publish the post.
6. Sign into Twitter to check that a new tweet was entered for the post you published.


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