
How to Write Arabic in WordPress

1. Go to 'Start' on the Windows taskbar and click 'Control Panel.' Open 'Regional and Language Options' and click the 'Keyboards and languages' tab. Go to 'Change keyboards...' and click 'Add.' Select the version of Arabic you want to use, click the 'plus' icon next to its name and check the box next to the keyboard you want to add. Click 'OK' to install the keyboard to Windows.
2. Open your Web browser and visit the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Log in to the WordPress dashboard. Navigate to 'Posts' and click 'Add New' to start writing a new post. Click the 'EN' icon on the right side of your Windows taskbar and select Arabic. Begin typing Arabic in to the editor box. Click the blue 'Publish' button when finished.

3. Go to 'Settings' in the WordPress dashboard and click 'Reading.' Check that your blog is using UTF-8 encoding: the default for WordPress that is required to display non-Latin text. Replace the current setting with 'UTF-8' if needed and save changes.
4. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click 'Editor' to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Check that your theme includes a file named 'rtl.css'. Your theme needs this file to reverse styles to fit the Rright-to-left script Arabic uses. Install a different theme or create the file yourself if it does not exist.
5. Click the link for 'header.php' under 'Templates' on the 'Edit Themes' screen and locate the '
' tags. Below the last '
' tag, add this code:
/rtl.css' type='text/css' />This code imports the RTL styles after your main styles. The RTL style sheet will flip margins, padding and floats as necessary to fit your Arabic text. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save changes.


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