
How to Make Wordpress Not Look Like a Blog

Select a New Theme
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard using your administrative username and password.
2. Click the arrow beside 'Appearance' to display the settings in this section. Then click 'Themes.' Select the 'Install Themes' tab.

3. Type a word describing the type of theme you might like ('non-blog' for example) or click on the 'Featured,' 'Newest,' or 'Recently Updated' links to browse themes at random.
4. Click on any theme to see a preview of your website using that theme.
5. Click 'Install' to install the theme to your website. You may need to use an FTP program to upload the them to your web server, depending on which Web hosting service you use. Consult your Web host documentation for full instructions.
Create a Home Page
6. Log into your WordPress dashboard using your administrative username and password.
7. Click on the 'Pages' link on the left of the screen. Then click 'Add New.'
8. Design your home page as you would like it to appear with appropriate content and images. This will be the first page visitors see when they go to to your site's web address.
9. Name your page 'Home' or some other name you will remember as the main page of your website. Then click the 'Publish' button.
10. Click the arrow beside 'Settings' on your administrative dashboard. Then click 'Reading.'
11. Click the radio button beside 'A static page' in the 'Front page displays' section. Then select the 'Home' page you just created from the 'Front page' drop-down menu.
12. Click 'Save changes.'
Use Permalink Settings
13. Click on the 'Permalinks' entry in the 'Settings' menu of the dashboard.
14. Select 'Custom Structure' by clicking on the radio button.
15. Type '/%postname%/' (without quotation marks) into the 'Custom Structure' field. This will make the Web address of each page and blog entry display in a traditional, less blog-like format, using the name of each page rather than a date or post number in the address field of a visitor's web browser.
16. Click 'Save Changes.'


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