
How to Display Asian Fonts in WordPress

Display Asian Fonts for Your Blog Readers
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from the wp-admin directory of your website. Navigate to 'Editor' from the 'Appearance' screen and load header.php in the editor. Check that your opening HTML tag includes the 'language_attributes()' function like this:
>Change your HTML tag to include the function if you do not see it there.
2. Check that your header.php includes the following line after the opening head tag:
'>Add this line if it does not already exist in the code, or replace anything between the quotation marks after 'charset' with the PHP code to call 'bloginfo().' Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.

3. Navigate to 'Settings' in the dashboard and click 'Reading.' Check that your blog is set to use 'UTF-8' character encoding. You must use 'UTF-8' to display foreign characters on your blog.
4. Create a post or page in any Asian language you need. Click 'EN' on your Windows taskbar and switch to your Asian language if you did not already do so. Publish the post as you normally would.
Switch the Dashboard to an Asian Language
5. Visit 'WordPress in Your Language' at the WordPress Codex website and scroll down until you see the language you want. Use the links under the language's heading to find the MO file. The file you need for Japanese, for example, is '' Download the file to your computer.
6. Create a 'languages' directory under the wp-content or wp-includes directory of your WordPress website. You can do this using an FTP client. Upload your MO file to that directory.
7. Download the wp-config.php file from the main directory of your WordPress website. Open the file in a code editor or Notepad and look for this line:define('WPLANG', '');Add the code for your language between the empty set of single quotes. The code is the same as the name of your MO file, so for Japanese, edit the file to look like this:define('WPLANG', 'ja');Save the file and upload it to your server, overwriting the old version.
8. Go back to your WordPress dashboard and refresh if you do not see the new language. WordPress now displays in your chosen language. If you see question marks instead of the Asian fonts, install the language on your computer.


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