
How to Set Up SSL for WordPress Administration

1. Get an SSL certificate. You can get one from a third-party provider or many hosting providers (see Resources).
2. Install the necessary documents for the SSL certificate. This process might be slightly different based on your hosting provider and your certificate provider. Documents should include a CRT file and key.

3. Download the '.htaccess' file from your WordPress installation using your FTP client software. Any FTP client software will work. If you do not have an '.htaccess' file, go to the next step.
4. Open your '.htaccess' file using your code editing program. Open a new, blank document, if you are creating an '.htaccess' file.
5. Enter the following code:redirect 301/wp-admin your WordPress installation is in a sub-folder, you will have '/YourWordPressInstallation/wp-admin' instead of just '/wp-admin.'
6. Upload your '.htaccess' file to the root directory of your website files using your FTP client software. Your WordPress Administration SSL has been set up.


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