
How to Decode a WordPress Footer

1. Open the 'Appearance' menu within your WP Dashboard's left sidebar. Click the 'Editor' submenu. The 'Edit Themes' page will load within the main Dashboard panel.
2. Locate the 'Templates' listing on the right side of the Dashboard. Click 'footer.php.'

3. Scroll through the code displayed within the main Dashboard panel. You may type in changes to the code if need be. When you have completed your changes, click the blue 'Update File' button below the code. If this button is not available, you will need to change the PHP file's write permissions in order to modify the file. This is typically done directly through your web hosting account. If you do not know how to alter the write permissions, consult with your web host.Once your changes are saved, open your WP blog in a new browser tab to view the changes to your footer.


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