
How to Change a WordPress PHP Call for a Style Sheet to a Full Path

1. Go to the 'wp-admin' directory of your website and log in to WordPress. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link. Locate 'header.php' under 'Templates' on the 'Edit Themes' screen.
2. Locate the '
' tags in 'header.php' that reference your style sheets:
' type='text/css' />
/css/mystyles.css' type='text/css' />The first example shows a '
' tag containing a PHP function that points to the main 'style.css' file in the theme. In the second example, the function points to the directory of the theme and combines with HTML to create a URL to a style sheet in the 'css' folder.

3. Remove the PHP delimiter tags and anything contained between them. Remove the first forward slash as well:
This path will not work by itself in WordPress. You will need to point to the full path of the theme directory as well as the style sheet.
4. Convert the relative file path into a full path:
Above, the full path begins with 'http://' and is followed by the domain name. Add 'wp-content/themes' plus the name of the directory where the theme is located to complete the file path. Update the file to save its changes.


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