
How to Change a Table Background Color in Hover Wordpress

1. Log in to your WordPress blog and navigate to 'Appearance' from the sidebar. Go to “Editor” and scroll down to the bottom of the “style.css” code displayed in the editor box.
2. Write a CSS style rule that targets the hover state of table cells:td :hover {
}In this example, “td” represents the “
” tags in the HTML code of your template files. The “:hover” selector, when added as shown, tells the browser to only use this style rule when a user hovers her mouse over the selected tag.

3. Add the “background-color” property to your style rule and use it to set the changed background for that cell:td :hover {
background-color: lightblue;
}Use either a named color or a hexadecimal color code. You can get hexadecimal codes from online color pickers.
4. Click the “Update File” button at the bottom of the “Edit Themes” screen to save your work.


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