
How to Install WordPress on a Web Server

1. You are going to have to go to WordPress and download the latest WordPress codex (see below). This file will be in the format of a .tar.gz (for linux) or .zip (for Windows).
2. Utilizing your Web skills you are going to have to create an empty MySQL database on your Web server.

3. Add a user to your database with All Privileges.
4. If you wish you can create a directory on your Web server under the public html file for your WordPress installation. Simply call it wp1 or something similar.
5. Unzip the WP codex that you downloaded and save the directory in its entirety to your local hard drive.
6. Upload the file structure under your wp1 directory.
7. Set all of the permissions on the folders from wp1 down to (chmod 755 wp1).
8. Edit the file wp-confi-sample.php by renaming it wp-config.php.
9. Open the wp-config.php file and input the user information that you created above along with placing the name of your MySQL database into the file.
10. Type in the following into your browser: WordPress will now launch its installer to complete your WordPress installation.
11. Follow the instructions that WordPress will walk you through and verify your login and database information.


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