- How to Install WordPress on a Web Server
- How to Import a Static Site Into WordPress
- How to Export a WordPress Blog to Excel
- How to Add StumbleUpon to WordPress
- How to Remove the Space Between the Widgets Sideba...
- How to Install Themes for Your Wordpress Blog
- How to Import RSS to WordPress
- How to Export Blogger to Wordpress SSL
- How to Merge a Blogger Blog Into WordPress
- How to Remove Avatars on WordPress
- How to Check Page Views on a Wordpress Blog
- How to Design a Custom Blog Using Wordpress
- How to Hide a WordPress Under Construction
- How to Have Columns in a WordPress Post
- How to Hide the Header, Title Description in Word...
- How to Disable WordPress Core Update Plugin
- How to Install Flash Photo Gallery on WordPress
- How to Hide Warnings on WordPress
- How to Create a Blog With Only a Username Account ...
- How to Use Undefined Constant Descriptions in Word...
- How to Install Wordpress On 1and1 Servers
- How to Remove the Search Bar in Wordpress
- How to Add Blog Posts in WordPress From My BlackBerry
- How to Create Articles From an Email WordPress Plugin
- How to Edit WordPress Mastheads
- How to Delete Settings in WordPress Plugins
- How to Embed WordPress.tv Videos in a WordPress Blog
- How to Insert a Blog Into Your WordPress Blog
- How to Change the Title Tags in Categories in Word...
- How to Include Code Samples in a Wordpress Post
- How to Create a Sales Page in WordPress
- How to Connect WordPress to YouTube
- How to Insert an iFrame Into WordPress
How to Install WordPress on a Web Server
1. You are going to have to go to WordPress and download the latest WordPress codex (see below). This file will be in the format of a .tar.gz (for linux) or .zip (for Windows).
2. Utilizing your Web skills you are going to have to create an empty MySQL database on your Web server.
3. Add a user to your database with All Privileges.
4. If you wish you can create a directory on your Web server under the public html file for your WordPress installation. Simply call it wp1 or something similar.
5. Unzip the WP codex that you downloaded and save the directory in its entirety to your local hard drive.
6. Upload the file structure under your wp1 directory.
7. Set all of the permissions on the folders from wp1 down to (chmod 755 wp1).
8. Edit the file wp-confi-sample.php by renaming it wp-config.php.
9. Open the wp-config.php file and input the user information that you created above along with placing the name of your MySQL database into the file.
10. Type in the following into your browser: http://www.yourwebsite.com/wp1/wp-admin/install.php. WordPress will now launch its installer to complete your WordPress installation.
11. Follow the instructions that WordPress will walk you through and verify your login and database information.
5:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import a Static Site Into WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress admin control area. Click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.' Type 'Import HTML Pages' into the text box, then press the 'Search Plugins' button. When the results appear, find 'Import HTML Pages,' which should be the top result, and click the 'Install Now' link just underneath it. When the plugin installs, click the 'Activate Plugin' link.
2. Visit your static HTML site and click 'View,' then 'Page Source' in your browser. Locate the HTML element that the actual content is contained in. For example, this might be a div:
Or it may be a table of a particular size, for example:
Note down the type of element the content is in, the attribute that defines it and the value of that attribute.
3. Return to your WordPress admin area. Click 'Settings' and the new 'HTML Import' option. In the 'Content' area, insert the information you wrote down into the 'Tag,' 'Attribute' and '= Value' text boxes. In the
example above, you would write 'div' in the 'Tag' box, 'id' in the 'Attribute' box and 'content' in the '= Value' box. Type this data without quotes or brackets.
4. Go back to your HTML source code. Identify the tags that surround the title of the content. This might be
, or it might be a header tag such as
. Write this tag down, along with any attributes and values, if present.
5. Scroll down to the 'Title' heading. Type the tag that surrounds your content's title in the 'Tag containing page title' text field. Also include any attributes and values in the relevant boxes. You can also type any string of text that the plugin should ignore when collecting titles. For example, if your titles look something like 'GardeningTipsWebsite -- How to Remove Weeds,' you can put 'GardeningTipsWebsite - ' in the 'Phrase to remove' text box.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press 'Import using these options.' Your static site is copied into your WordPress blog.
9:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export a WordPress Blog to Excel
1. Go to your website and log into your WordPress account.
2. Scroll down the 'Dashboard' and click 'Export' under the 'Tools' menu.
3. Click 'Download Export File' on the 'Export' screen to export your whole WordPress blog. To export potions of your blog, use the filters under the 'Filters' section, then click the 'Download Export File' button.
4. Click 'OK' to save the WordPress XML file to your computer.
5. Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.
6. Click 'File' at the top of Microsoft Excel, then select 'Open' from the drop-down menu.
7. Select 'XML files (*.xml)' from the 'Files of Type' list.
8. Select your WordPress XML file from the 'Look In' box, then click the 'Open' button.
9. Choose how you would like to open your WordPress file from the 'Open XML' dialog box, then click the 'OK' button.
7:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add StumbleUpon to WordPress
1. Go to SumbleUpon's Badges landing page. Click 'Get Your Badge Now.'
2. Click the design for the StumbleUpon Badge you want.
3. Highlight and copy the HTML code that StumbleUpon generates.
4. Go to your Wordpress site and log in to the administrative section.
5. Click 'Appearance' in the menu on the left, then click 'Editor.'
6. Click 'Single Post' in the list of stylesheets on the right to get to your 'single.php' file.
7. Find the line in the 'single.php' file that reads '
Read the rest of this entry
'); ?>.' Your theme might have changed the exact wording of the entry. If so, look for something similar. Immediately after that line, paste the HTML code you copied from StumbleUpon.
8. Click 'Update File.' The StumbleUpon badge will appear on all of your blog posts.
1:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove the Space Between the Widgets Sidebar in WordPress
1. Visit your WordPress blog in a browser and right-click to select 'View Page Source.' Find your widgets in the code and look for the class name they share:
Many themes use 'widget' in the class name, as shown in the example above.
2. Log in to WordPress and navigate to 'Appearance' from the sidebar on the left. Load the Edit Themes screen by clicking the 'Edit' link. After you load the screen, the style.css file you need will display in the editor box.
3. Read through your style.css code and look for any styles that reference the class used by your widgets, such as the following:.widget {padding: 10px 20px;margin: 20px auto;}
4. Edit the values of the margin properties as needed. Because widgets stack one on top of the other in a sidebar, edit the vertical values of the margins. When dealing with such CSS shorthand as 'margin: 10px 20px;' (instead of 'margin-left: 20px;'), edit the first value. In the example, margin will become 'margin: 0px 20px,' which will remove any space on the top and bottom of the widget, between it and other widgets. When dealing with 'margin: 10px 20px 10px 20px,' change the second and fourth value to zero pixels. The four margin values in this case go clockwise around the edges of the widget, starting with the top.
5. Make the same changes to the padding properties as you did to the margin properties. Values work the same way in both property types, so their order is the same. The difference between margins and padding is that margins will set the space between widgets while padding sets space inside the widget. Often the visual effect of the two properties is the same, except when a widget has a background color. Leave padding alone if you want to maintain the space between the edge of the widget and its contents.
3:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Themes for Your Wordpress Blog
How to Install Themes for Your Wordpress Blog
1. This article is going to assume you have a self-hosted WordPress blog. You cannot upload themes to a free WordPress.com hosted blog.
2. First you should find several themes that you like. Download them and unzip them. You can fnd WordPress blog themes in several places, as well as searching 'free WordPress Themes'.
Here are a few sites to start with:
The Official Wordpress Theme Viewer
WP Templates (my personal favorite)
3. Once your themes are downloaded and unzipped open your FTP Client and connect to your site. You will need to open the directory usually titled 'www'. Then you need to find where you have installed your WordPress Blog. Once you have located and opened that folder, you need to open the folder titled 'wp-content'. Then you must open the folder labeled 'themes'. Now you can upload your unzipped theme folders into the WordPress theme folder.
4. Once that is finished, open your web browser and log into your WordPress account. Under the Design tab you should see screenshots of all your uploaded WordPress Themes. Just click on the one that you like the most and WordPress will apply that theme to your blog.
5. That's about it. It's really quite simple. Of course you will want to click on the Design/Widgets tabs and add widgets to your theme to make your blog more interactive. Have fun with it!!!
3:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import RSS to WordPress
1. Click 'Import' under the 'Tools' heading on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
2. Click the 'RSS' link. This displays a new window prompting you to download and install the RSS importer for WordPress.
3. Click the brown 'Install Now' button.
4. Click 'Activate Plugin Run Importer.'
5. Click the 'Choose File' button. Locate the RSS file on your computer that you want to import, and double-click it.
6. Click 'Upload file and import.' WordPress imports the content from the RSS file, and displays the prompt 'All done.' WordPress publishes the imported content automatically.
5:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export Blogger to Wordpress SSL
1. Navigate to the Blogger website and sign in with your username and password.
2. Click 'Export Blog' and save your blog as an .xml file.
3. Sign in to your WordPress SSL blog. Click 'Tools,' 'Import.'
4. Click 'Blogger.' Your WordPress SSL blog will import your Blogger blog.
7:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Merge a Blogger Blog Into WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress account and access your WordPress dashboard.
2. Click the 'Tools' menu on the left sidebar. After the menu expands, click 'Import.'
3. Select 'Blogger' from the list of available import options.
4. Locate and click the 'Authorize' button on the import page. Confirm the authorization on the next page.
5. Reenter your WordPress login information to verify your identity.
6. Locate the Blogger blog that you wish to import on the provided list. Locate the appropriate 'Import' button under the header labeled 'The Magic Button.' Click the 'Import' button. This button will change to say 'Importing.' Use the status bars in the 'Posts' and 'Comments' columns to track the import process. After both sections are finished importing, the merging process is complete.
8:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Avatars on WordPress
Remove Your Avatar
1. Enter your WordPress administration area by logging in to your WordPress website. The user name that you set up when you created the blog and your password that you created is the same information that you use to log in to your website.
2. Click on the gray button that says 'Dashboard.' This will take you to the main control panel of your WordPress website.
3. Click on the word 'General' that is located under 'Settings' on the lower left hand side of your WordPress dashboard.
4. Click on the button that says 'Blog Image' and then click on 'Remove Image.' Click on the 'Save' button. The image you used as an avatar will no longer appear on your blog.
Remove All Avatars
5. Locate and click on 'Discussions' in the 'Settings' panel on the right side of your WordPress dashboard.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and locate the circle next to 'Don't show avatars.' Click the circle so that the black dot fills the circle.
7. Press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen to save the discussion settings, including your avatar settings.
7:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Check Page Views on a Wordpress Blog
1. Open the 'Plugins' menu in the left column of the Wordpress dashboard, then click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'StatSurfer' in the search field and press 'Enter.' Click 'Install Now' under 'StatSurfer' on the results page, then click 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin' to finish the installation procedure.
3. Open the new 'StatSurfer' menu at the bottom of the dashboard page. This page shows the total number of page views that your website is receiving by day, month and year.
4. Click the 'Details' link on the left side of the page. Under the 'Top Pages' section, StatSurfer displays the most popular pages on your website ranked by the number of page views.
5. Click the 'Dashboard' link in the upper-left corner of the page to view a widget titled 'StatSurfer.' This widget displays the number of page views that your website has received during the current and previous six days.
2:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Design a Custom Blog Using Wordpress
1. Log into your hosting service and install WordPress. Many popular hosting services offer WordPress installation with a one-click install. If your hosting service doesn't offer that features, download and install WordPress from the WordPress website.
2. Choose a WordPress Theme. Themes change the overall feel of your blog. Click 'Themes' under the Appearance section of the left hand toolbar. Choose a theme and then click 'Activate.'
3. Click 'Widgets' and then click and drag any widgets you want on your blog to the sidebar, blurb or top navigation fields on the right. Widgets allow you to customize fields on your WordPress blog. For example, drag the 'text' widget to the sidebar area and then write a custom message about your blog.
4. Click 'Plugins' and then search plugins for elements you would like to add to your blog. There are thousands to choose from, including plugins for Adsense, maintenance mode, which makes your blog private and statistics, which can help you track your blog visitors. To add a plug in, click the 'Activate' link.
9:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide a WordPress Under Construction
1. Download the under construction Wordpress plugin from the Wordpress directory (see Resources). You can also download the plugin by visiting Wordpress.org and clicking on 'Extend' then 'Plugins.' Search for 'Under Construction' and click 'Download.'
2. Log in to your Wordpress administration panel. Click on 'Plugins.' Click 'Upload.'
3. Open the 'Zip' file you downloaded containing the under construction plugin. Click on 'Activate Plugin.'
4. Click on 'Settings' beneath 'Under Construction.'
5. Click 'On' to activate the 'Under Construction' template. When you are ready to launch your site, click 'Off' to deactivate it.
5:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Have Columns in a WordPress Post
1. Log into your WordPress content management system.
2. Click 'Posts' from the menu on the left, then click 'Edit' under the name of the post you wish to change. You can also click 'New Post' from the top right corner to create a completely new post on your site.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab in the top right corner of your post's editing box. This will display the post's HTML coding and allow you to add coding to your post.
4. Highlight the following HTML coding, right-click and select 'Copy' from the menu:
column 1
column 2
5. Right-click inside the post's editing box and click 'Paste.' This will copy the code into your post.
6. Highlight the 'column1' text and type the text you would like to appear in the left column.
7. Highlight the 'column2' text and type the text you would like to appear in the right column.
8. Click the 'Publish' or 'Update' button to save the changes to your post. When you view it, you will now see two columns with text on your page.
3:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide the Header, Title Description in WordPress Theme
1. Log in to your WordPress blog and navigate to 'Appearance' from the left sidebar. Click 'Editor' in the submenu and open the 'header.php' file found under the 'Templates' heading.
2. Find the tags that wrap around the entire header of your theme. You will either find '
' tags or '
' tags. Get the ID name of the tags. If the tags do not yet contain an ID name, add one:
3. Load the 'style.css' file in the 'Edit Themes' screen by clicking on its link at the bottom of the page. Add this code to the bottom of the file to hide your header, title and description:#header {display: none;}Change 'header' to the ID name you found in the header tags. When you set 'display' to 'none,' the browser treats the header as if it never existed, although you can right-click to view the source code and see the header tags there.
2:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Disable WordPress Core Update Plugin
1. Log in to your WordPress administrator account.
2. Click 'Plugins' in the menu on the left.
3. Click 'Add New.'
4. Search for 'disable core update.'
5. Click 'Install' next to 'Disable WordPress Core Update.' A box will pop up with more details on this plugin.
6. Click 'Install Now.'
7. Click 'Activate Plugin' once the plugin files finish downloading. You and all other users on your blog will no longer see WordPress core update notifications.
1:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Flash Photo Gallery on WordPress
1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard by adding '/wp-admin' to the domain name of your website in your Web browser.
2. Click the 'Plugins' link on the left side of the page, and then click 'Add New.'
3. Type the term 'Flash Photo Gallery' in the Search field, and then click 'Search Plugins.' The Flash Photo Gallery WordPress plugin appears first on the result list.
4. Click the 'Install Now' link under 'Flash Photo Gallery.'
5. Click 'OK.' WordPress installs Flash Photo Gallery and displays a confirmation screen.
6. Click 'Activate Plugin.' The Flash Photo Gallery plugin is installed and ready to use. Visit the official website for the plugin for usage instructions.
6:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Warnings on WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress installation. The login page is usually located at http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/ (replace yourdomain.com with your own domain name). This will differ if you've changed the URL structure for your WordPress blog.
2. Click the 'Screen Options' button, which is located in the top right-hand corner under your name.
3. Uncheck the boxes next to any of the warnings you'd rather not receive on your dashboard page. For instance, you could uncheck the box next to 'Recent Comments' to remove that box from your dashboard page.
4. Click the 'Screen Options' button once more to hide the menu. Any boxes you unchecked will no longer show on the WordPress dashboard page.
4:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Blog With Only a Username Account on WordPress
1. Log in to WordPress.com with your WordPress.com user name.
2. Hover over 'My Blog' with your cursor, and then click 'Register a new blog.'
3. Enter a blog address. You may be prompted to choose another address if your first choice is unavailable.
4. Enter a title, and then select your language and privacy settings from the drop-down menus. Click 'Create Blog.'
5. Click 'Visit Your Dashboard' to start editing your blog.
1:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Undefined Constant Descriptions in WordPress
Using Yoast WordPress SEO
1. Access your WordPress dashboard. Click on 'Plugins,' and then 'Add New.' Search for 'Yoast SEO.' Click on 'Install,' and then click on 'Activate.'
2. Click on 'SEO' on the bottom of the sidebar menu. Click on 'Titles.'
3. Scroll down to the 'Post' box. Type the following code in the 'Description' box:%%excerpt%%
4. Click on 'Save Title Settings.'
Using All-in-One SEO
5. Sign in to your site. Click on 'Plugins,' and then 'Add New.' Search for 'All in One SEO.' Click on 'Install,' and then click 'Activate.'
6. Click 'Settings,' and then 'All in One SEO' on the sidebar.
7. Scroll down to 'Autogenerate Descriptions.' Check the box next to the option.
8. Click on 'Update Options.'
Using SEO Ultimate
9. Log in to your WordPress site. Click on 'Plugins.' Click on 'Add New.' Search for 'SEO Ultimate.' Click on 'Install,' and then click 'Activate.'
10. Click on 'SEO' on the dashboard sidebar. Click on 'Meta Descriptions.'
11. Type the following code in the 'Post Description' box:{excerpt}
12. Click on 'Save Options.'
9:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Wordpress On 1and1 Servers
1. Wordpress uses a MySQL database to store content, member data, and other relevant information for your blog. The first thing that we need to do is log into our 1and1 control panel and create a new MySQL database. So log into your 1and1 account (customer login) and go to the control panel.
2. Click on the package that you want to install the blog in and then go to the 'Administration' tab within the control panel.
Click on the 'MySQL Administration' logo within the Web Space Access section of the 'Administration' tab. See picture for reference.
Once inside the MySQL Admin tool, click on 'New Database' to setup a new Database to be used for Wordpress. See picture for reference.
The next screen will ask you to enter a name for your database. Enter in Wordpress_Blog. Also make sure that you select the newest version of MySQL. Then click 'Set Up'. See picture for reference.
Now 11 will automatically set up a new database for you that will be assigned to your wordpress blog. This should take anywhere from 5-30 minutes to complete. To check on the status of the database being created, simply click on 'overview', and the screen will show you the status of your database as either 'setting up' or 'ready'. Once it's in 'ready' status, we can move on to the next step to start the Wordpress install. See picture for reference.
Now go to wordpress.org/download and download the most recent wordpress install package to your desktop. I have included a link to the wordpress download in the resources section of this article. See picture for reference.
8. Now we want to extract the files to our desktop so that we can install them into our site's root folder later. To do this, you can use winzip or another extraction program, but I recommend and prefer to use 7-Zip. 7-Zip is a free tool that works really well on all kinds of compressed files. You can find the download link in the resources section. So go ahead and extract the files in the Wordpress zip to your desktop.
Now open up the wordpress folder that had been uncompressed. It should look exactly like the image I have attached. Check to make sure that it looks like this.
You will need to make a change to a file called 'wp-config-sample.php'. before you upload all of these files to your websites root directory. To do this look for the file called 'wp-config-sample.php' and open it up with Notepad or Wordpad (right click on it and select open with). See picture for reference.
Now we want to add our database information from our 1and1 control panel to the file information that is within this 'wp-config-sample.php' file. To do this. Go back into your control panel and log back into your MySQL admin page. You will notice that 1and1 has listed the following information next to the new database that you created: hostname, database name, username, password. You will need to fill all of this information into the 'wp-config-sample.php' file in the red boxes that I have marked in the attached picture. See the picture I attached for reference. With 11, you WILL need to change the host name from 'local host' to the actual host.
12. When you are finished, save this file as 'wp-config.php' right in with the original Wordpress files.
13. Now all you have to do is upload all of these files to the root of your website directory, or you can upload them into a directory of your choice on your website that you want to store your blog - ie 'blog' directory. Wordpress will automatically set up the needed tables on your database. I use Dreamweaver and Filezilla to upload files. Filezilla is a free program you can download from the link I included in the resources section. If you want Wordpress to be your main site, you would upload the files in to the root directory. If you would like your blog to be part of an existing site, you would create a directory in the root and upload the files to that directory.
After you have moved all of the files to your web server, you now have to do one last step! FINALLY! Open a web browser and then type in your website address and the directory that you installed the wordpress files at and add '/wp-admin/install.php' to the address (example: www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/install.php or www.yoursite.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php). Wordpress will lead you through a final install tutorial that you will need to do in order to complete the installation and use Wordpress as a blog or your main site.
Once you have entered in the required information, you should get a final screen that gives you your username and password to login. Take special note of the password that Wordpress gives you as you need this to log in for the first time. See image for reference.
Now log-in to your site by going to:
(www.yoursite.com/wp-login.php) or (www.yoursite.com/blog/wp-login.php)
6:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove the Search Bar in Wordpress
1. Log in to your WordPress account and hover your mouse over the 'My Blog' icon in the toolbar. Click on 'Dashboard' in the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the downward arrow in the 'Appearance' line of the sidebar, which runs down the left side of the screen. Choose 'Widgets' from the 'Appearance' menu.
3. Click on the downward arrow next to the 'Search' widget--the full details of the widget will open. Widgets are listed on the right side of the screen, in either the 'Primary,' 'Secondary' or 'Footer' widget area.
4. Click the 'Delete' link at the bottom of the widget's details.
6:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Blog Posts in WordPress From My BlackBerry
1. Download and install the WordPress for BlackBerry app via BlackBerry App World. Download the version that corresponds with your BlackBerry's operating system. Some models of BlackBerries may have a built-in App World storefront that you can access right from your BlackBerry device. If this is the case, the installation steps for the app will vary depending on your BlackBerry model. You can also purchase the app via the App World website. Sign in with your BlackBerry ID and enter your payment information. The site will sync with your device and send the app directly over.
2. Launch WordPress for BlackBerry. Click 'Add Blog.' Enter your blog's address. Enter your admin name and password when prompted to sign in. Click 'OK' to sync your blog with your BlackBerry. If you have several blogs, you can add all of them at once.
3. Click your blog's title from the WordPress for BlackBerry main menu. Click 'Posts.' Click the pencil icon to create a new post. Once you've finished writing your post, click 'Submit' to publish your post to your blog.
4:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Articles From an Email WordPress Plugin
1. Create an email account to use for your blog posts, through either your Web host's mail service or a different email server, but not a free, public service like Yahoo! or Gmail. Any email sent to this email account will be posted to your blog, so keep the user name of this email account a closely guarded secret. You could also use random, difficult-to-guess strings of characters. For example, yoij380odjfh@example.com is more secure than blogposts@example.com.
2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and click 'Settings,' then 'Writing.' Under the 'Post via e-mail' heading, enter the main server, port, login name and password for the email account. Contact your email provider if you do not know its mail server and port. From the drop-down menu, choose the blog category that you want these emails to be posted to. You could set up a category called 'Latest Posts' and publish them here until you get chance to log in and properly categorize the posts.
3. Click 'Save Changes.'
4. Decide whether you want to manually confirm you want the email to be published, or have WordPress automatically post any email sent to this account. Manual verification gives an additional layer of security. This is accomplished by simply visiting yourblog.com/installdir/wp-mail.php straight after you send an email to this account. Automated activation is done by adding the following line of code to the footer.php file of your blog:
You can edit footer.php by clicking 'Appearance,' 'Editor,' then 'footer.php'. Don't forget to put your own blog location into these links.
5. Test your new system by sending an email to the account you set up in the first step, and then visiting your blog to see if it posted correctly. If you have chosen to activate email posts manually, do so now as described in Step 4. Visit your blog and see if the post is present. The subject of the email should be the title of the post; the content of the email will be the post itself.
7:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit WordPress Mastheads
Change Masthead Theme Options
1. Log in to your WordPress administration area by launching your web browser and typing your domain name, followed by '/wp-admin/' into the address bar. Press 'ENTER.'
2. Type your username and password into the displayed text fields, then click 'Log In.'
3. Click the 'Theme Options,' 'Header' or 'Masthead' link under 'Appearance' in the menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
4. Click 'Choose' or 'Browse' in the 'Logo' or 'Header Image' section. Select an appropriately sized and formatted image file from your computer (size and format requirements change based on the chosen theme) and click 'Open.' Click 'Upload' to upload the image and display it in your masthead.
5. Type the title of your blog into the 'Blog Name' or 'Title' text field. Type your tagline or company slogan in the 'Tagline' text field. Type in any additional information you wish to display in the masthead in the appropriate text fields. Masthead and header options will differ depending on the chosen theme.
6. Click 'Save Options' at the bottom of the web page to save the masthead changes.
Change Masthead CSS
7. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' menu.
8. Click to choose the 'style.css' page in the 'Styles' section on the right side of the screen. This opens the 'style.css' page for editing.
9. Locate the '#header' class in the code display window. This CSS class controls how the masthead and header will be displayed. Editing the '#header' class requires knowledge of CSS tags and values.
10. Click 'Update File' to save the 'style.css' page with the edited code.
4:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Delete Settings in WordPress Plugins
1. Log in to your WordPress installation. You will need to sign in using an administrator account to access your plug-in settings.
2. Click 'Plugins.'
3. Click 'Edit' for the plug-in settings you wish to change. Click 'Save changes' once you have reconfigured the settings to your satisfaction.
4. Click 'Disable' to disable the plug-in. Click 'Enable' to re-enable the plug-in and reset the settings to the original configuration.
1:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed WordPress.tv Videos in a WordPress Blog
1. Click the Play button in the middle of the WordPress.tv video frame. As the video buffers, the video player controls will appear. In the top-left corner will be a drop-down menu labeled 'Share.'
2. Click on the 'Share' menu to expand it. Find the 'Embed on a Webpage' option. Click the 'Copy HTML' button. The button's text will change to 'Copied!' once the code has been copied to your clipboard. Ignore the 'Embed on a WordPress.com Blog' option. This option will give you a WordPress shortcode. If you are proficient with using shortcodes, then you can use this option instead. However, most WordPress users will be more familiar with copy-and-pasting HTML code. Users running WordPress on their own domain would need to edit their functions.php file in order to use shortcodes.
3. Open your WordPress Dashboard. Open the blog post that you wish to embed the video within, or start a new blog post. Click within the post-content field. Paste the HTML code. Click the 'Preview' button to take a look at your embedded video.
2:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Blog Into Your WordPress Blog
1. Sign in to your WordPress installation using your username and password.
2. Click the 'Widgets' link under the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the screen.
3. Click on and drag the 'RSS' widget from the 'Available Widgets' section to the 'Sidebar' section on the right side of the screen. The RSS widget will automatically expand to reveal several friends.
4. Enter the RSS feed for the other blog you want to display inside the appropriate field. If you wish, you can also label the blog you're inserting by typing a name into the 'Give the feed a title' box.
5. Click the 'Save' button. The next time you visit your WordPress blog, recent posts from the other blog you inserted will appear in the sidebar.
5:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Title Tags in Categories in WordPress
1. Sign in to your WordPress account. Scroll down to the 'Posts' pane. Click on its title to expand the pane and choose 'Categories.'
2. Tick the box next to the name of the category for which you want to change the title tag. Click the 'Edit' option.
3. Replace the current 'slug' with a new title tag. Use only letters, numbers and the dash character. Click 'Save Changes.'
2:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Include Code Samples in a Wordpress Post
1. Open your browser and log in to your WordPress admin interface. It will be located at www.yoursite.com/wp-admin. If your WordPress installation is in a sub-folder, then it will be located at www.yoursite.com/yourWordPressinstallation/wp-admin.
2. Click 'Add New' under 'Posts' in the left-hand navigation menu.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the WYSIWYG editor.
4. Type '
' in the editor interface.
5. Enter the code you want displayed in your WordPress post immediately after the
tag. The
tag will reduce the text to monospaced type so that it represents code visually as well.
6. Change all of the left and right arrows, slashes and other symbols within the code to either character entities or extended characters to represent the symbols. Some common character entities are listed here (see Resources for a more complete list):
= >/ = /] = ][ = [' = '' = '
7. Type '
' immediately after the code you want displayed in your WordPress post.
8. Save your post and close WordPress or continue creating your post.
1:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Sales Page in WordPress
Creating a Wordpress Sales Page with eShop
1. Log into your Wordpress admin interface. Go to 'Plugins' and click 'Add New.' Type 'eShop' in the 'Search' box and click 'Search Plugins.' Under 'eShop,' click 'Install Now' then click 'Activate Plugin.'
2. Click 'Pages' in the left column of the admin interface, then click 'Add New.' Give the page a title; you will probably want to use the name of the product. Write a description of the product in the normal content editor. Add an image using the standard Wordpress image uploader. When the image has finished uploading, scroll down and click 'Use as Featured Image' then 'Insert into Post.'
3. Scroll down to the eShop section below the standard content editor. Fill in the 'sku' (product identification number), 'Product Description,' at least one 'Product Option' ('Small,' 'Medium,' and 'Large,' for example) and the price. Check the box next to 'Stock Available.'
4. Publish the page and refresh your Wordpress site. Go back to the admin interface and edit the page to make changes if necessary.
5. In the admin interface, under 'Settings' click 'eShop.' Go through each tab and make sure you understand all the options. You will need to change from the English pound symbol to the dollar sign in the 'General' tab under 'Product Details.' Set up your payment solution in the 'Merchant Gateway' tab.
6. Edit the automatically generated pages according to your needs. For a list of these pages go to 'eShop' in the left hand column of the admin interface and open 'About and Help.'
7. Test the cart thoroughly by placing many test orders. Under 'General' in 'Settings' switch from 'Test' status to 'Live' and click 'Save Changes.' Set up an inexpensive test product to test the payment gateway. Now your shopping page is ready for real customers.
5:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Connect WordPress to YouTube
1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click 'Users' and 'Your Profile.'
3. Click 'Disable the visual editor when writing' under Personal Options. The visual editor adds HTML code to every plain text entry in the editing window. This includes the text needed for the embed link. The additional HTML code prevents the embed link from functioning correctly. Disabling the visual editor allows you to insert the link directly and save it in the correct format.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the Profile page and click the 'Update Profile' button.
5. Click 'Add New' under the Posts section of the menu.
6. Open a new browser tab or window and navigate to the YouTube video you want to connect to your post.
7. Click the 'Share' button directly beneath the video. Copy the text in the 'Link to this video:' box.
8. Return to the WordPress 'Add New' posts window.
9. Paste the link into the text window. Add a title to the post in the title text box and click the 'Publish' button.
9:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert an iFrame Into WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress account and click the 'Posts' or 'Pages' link on the left to navigate to the area where you want to display your iFrame.
2. Hover your mouse over the desired title and then click the 'Edit' link that appears.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab on top of the text box and position your cursor in the area where the frame is going. Type the following iFrame code:
4. Enter the address of the site you want to load after the 'src=' entry. Further, type number values in pixels (px) or percentage (%) after the width and height attributes to specify the dimensions of the frame. To illustrate:
5. Enter a message between your iFrame tags in the event your visitor's browser does not load the frame. Enclose this text in '
' elements like so:
Your browser does not allow iFrames.
6. Click the 'Preview Changes' button in the upper-right corner of your WordPress screen and view how the frame looks on your page. When ready, click the 'Update' button to finish inserting the iFrame into your WordPress site.
6:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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