
How to Install Wordpress on Your GoDaddy Hosting Account

1. LOG IN TO YOUR GODADDY.COM ACCOUNT: Begin by logging in to your account using the log in at the top right-hand corner of the GoDaddy homepage. You can find your GoDaddy account number in the confirmation email that was sent to you titled 'Welcome to!' This was sent when you purchased your website hosting package from
2. SELECT 'HOSTING' FROM THE SIDEBAR UNDER 'MY PRODUCTS': On the left side of the page, a black sidebar will appear. In the 'My Products' section, click 'hosting.'

3. PICK THE DOMAIN WHERE WANT TO INSTALL WORDPRESS: Next, select which domain (if you own multiple domains through GoDaddy) you'd like to use for your new Wordpress Blog. Click 'Manage Account' on the domain that you'd like to use to install Wordpress.
4. CLICK 'MY APPLICATIONS' ONCE YOU'RE IN THE HOSTING ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AREA: Once you've completed step 3, this will take you to the area where you manage your hosting account. Click on the section that says 'My Applications.' This will lead you to the area where you will select which program to install on your hosting account - the next step for installing Wordpress.
5. SELECT 'BLOGS' AND PICK 'WORDPRESS' FROM THE LIST: You will be presented with a page that has categories of applications that you can download onto your GoDaddy hosting account. You'll want to pick 'Blogs' and from that menu, select 'Wordpress.'
6. INSTALL WORDPRESS ONTO YOUR HOSTING ACCOUNT: Follow the prompts and provide the requisite information on your domain to complete the 'one click' Wordpress installation.
7. WAIT FOR THE INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED: Once you've completed the one-click Wordpress installation as it's called, you'll need to wait up to 24 hours before you can actually start blogging on your new niche blog. You will receive an email from when the Wordpress installation process has been completed.


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