- How to Install Mega Menu in WordPress
- How to Upload Camtasia to WordPress
- How to Login to WordPress.com
- How to Insert an Image Caption URL on WordPress
- How to Create Feedburner Email Box in WordPress
- How to Change the Title of an RSS Feed in WordPress
- How to Make Your Own Wordpress Blog
- How to Change the Post Order in WordPress
- How to Embed an Image in a Default Theme of a Word...
- How to Install Wordpress on Your GoDaddy Hosting A...
- How to Put a Song in a WordPress Blog Post
- How to Create a Folder on the Root Folder of a Wor...
- How to Install WordPress Outside Document Root
- How to Fix a WordPress Database Without Plugins
- How to Add PDF Forms to a WordPress Site
- How to Use PHP Includes in WordPress Posts
- How to Change a Title Subtitle in WordPress
- How to Add a Copyright to Your Wordpress Blog
- How to Increase an Indent in HTML on WordPress
- How to Edit Header Height in WordPress
- How to Increase My Download Size for WordPress
- How to Add a Scrollbar Section to My WordPress Blog
- How to Add a 404 to a Wordpress Template
- How to Add Widgets to Wordpress
- How to Change Old WordPress Tags
- How to Add Links to a WordPress Blog
- How to Install WordPress in Its Own Directory in W...
How to Install Mega Menu in WordPress
1. Open the 'Plugins' section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard page and select the 'Add New' option.
2. Type 'JQuery Mega Menu Widget' in the box at the top of the search page, then press 'Enter' to find the plugin.
3. Click 'Add New' under the 'JQuery Mega Menu Widget' plugin, and then click 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin.'
4. Open the 'Appearance' section of the dashboard, and select 'Widgets.'
5. Drag the 'jQuery Mega Menu' widget from the main area of the page to the widget area on the right side. Release the widget to display its configuration options.
6. Click the 'Title' field and type a title for the menu such as 'Site Navigation.'
7. Click the 'Select Menu' drop-down, and choose the WordPress custom menu that the widget should display.
8. Select the 'Click' radio button if you would like readers to click the menu to open it, or select 'Hover' if you would like the menu to open when readers hover the mouse pointer over it.
9. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Number Items Per Row,' and select the number of menu items that each row of the menu should contain.
10. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Skin' and select a color for the menu.
11. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Animation Effect' and select whether items should slide down from the menu or fade into view.
12. Click the 'Animation Speed' drop-down menu, and select a fast, normal or slow animation speed for the menu. You can also select 'No Animation.'
13. Click the 'Save' button to begin displaying the mega menu on your website.
5:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload Camtasia to WordPress
Upload Movie to YouTube
1. Choose the “YouTube” preset from the Camtasia “Project Settings” window. This window will appear when you add your first clip to the movie timeline while creating your movie with Camtasia Studio.
2. Create and save your movie as you normally would using the movie software. The movie will need to be less than 15 minutes and smaller than 2GB.
3. Go to the YouTube website and log in with your YouTube account.
4. Click the “Upload” link at the top of the YouTube page to launch the video upload.
5. Click “Browse,” locate the Camtasia movie file that you created and double-click it to select it for an upload.
6. Click the “Upload Video” button and allow YouTube to upload the movie. This may take some time depending on the size of the movie file.
7. Fill out the form under the upload section to include more information about the movie, then click “Save Changes” when you are finished. Once the movie has uploaded to YouTube, it may also take time for the server to authenticate the file. You will see the movie listed in the “My Videos” section of your account.
8. Visit the YouTube page for your new video and click the 'Share' button under the video. A URL should appear in the 'Share' text box.
9. Highlight and right-click on the URL, then select “Copy” from the menu.
Embed Movie in WordPress
10. Log into the administrator dashboard of your WordPress blog.
11. Click “New Post” from the top toolbar to create a new blog post.
12. Click the “Add Video” button next to the “Upload/Insert” option. A new window will pop up.
13. Navigate to the “From URL” tab.
14. Right-click inside of the “Video URL” text box and choose “Paste” from the menu. This will place a copy of the video's URL in the box.
15. Press the “Insert into Post” button. This will embed a copy of the YouTube video into your blog post.
16. Write the rest of your blog post and click “Publish” once it is complete.
17. View your new blog post to see your embedded Camtasia movie on your WordPress website.
7:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Login to WordPress.com
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on 'My Favorites' if you've saved WordPress.com there or enter WordPress.com into your browser.
3. You will either be taken to the WordPress.com Web site or a page with the WordPress.com link on it. If you reach the link, click on it.
4. Once you're on the WordPress.com homepage, enter in your username and password.
5. If you chose 'Save Login Information' when you signed up, you will automatically go to a welcome page.
6. Once you're on the welcome page, click on your username link, which will take you to your dashboard.
7. You're logged in and ready to blog.
4:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert an Image Caption URL on WordPress
1. Navigate to the dashboard page of your WordPress blog by typing the domain in the address bar of your browser and adding '/wp-admin' to the end, such as 'www.example.com/wp-admin.' Enter 'admin' as the user name and type your password to continue to the dashboard.
2. Click to expand the 'Plugins' heading of the WordPress dashboard menu, and then click 'Add New.'
3. Type 'Links in Captions' in the search field, and then press 'Enter' to perform the search.
4. Click the 'Install Now' link under 'Links in Captions' on the result page, and then click 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin.'
5. Click to expand the 'Plugins' heading of the WordPress dashboard menu, and then click the 'Edit' link under the post that you want to add an image caption link to.
6. Click the image that you want to edit, and then click the icon the looks like a small photo in the upper-left corner of the image. If you have not added the image to the post yet, do so as you normally would by clicking the 'Add an Image' icon above the post editor.
7. Click the 'Caption' field, and type '{a href='http://www.example.com'}Link Text{/a}' without the outside quotation marks. Substitute 'Link Text' for the word(s) that the reader will click to go to the linked website. For example, a link to Google might look like '{a href='http://www.google.com'}Click to view Google{/a}.'
8. Click the 'Update' button to add the link to the image caption.
9. Click the 'Update' button in the upper-right corner of the page to save the post.
7:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Feedburner Email Box in WordPress
1. Open your Web browser and visit the Feedburner home page at feedburner.com. Log in using your username and password.
2. Click on the 'Publicize' tab and select 'Email Subscriptions' from the left side of the screen.
3. Right-click the box of code under 'Subscription Management' and choose 'Select All.' Right-click the box one more time and select 'Copy.'
4. Log in to your WordPress account.
5. Click 'Widgets,' located under the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the screen.
6. Drag a 'Text' box out of the 'Available Widgets' section and into one of your sidebars.
7. Click the down arrow on the 'Text' button, right-click inside the text box and select 'Paste.' This will paste your Feedburner email registration form. Choose 'Save' to save your changes.
4:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Title of an RSS Feed in WordPress
1. Click the 'Settings' menu on the bottom of the Dashboard sidebar. By default, the 'General' submenu will open.
2. Change the 'Site Title' field to your new title. Scroll down and click the blue 'Save Changes' button
3. Unsubscribe to your blog's RSS in your preferred feed reader. When you resubscribe, you should see the new title. Most feed readers will not make this change automatically. If it is important to you that your current RSS subscribers see your new title, advise them to do the same.
2:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Your Own Wordpress Blog
1. Visit http://www.wordpress.com and click the 'Sign Up Now' button.
2. Sign up by supplying the required information. You'll need to choose a user name. The user name will also be part of your blog's website address. A strong password is required. You will be unable to register your site if the password fails to meet the criteria. The final step on the first page is a valid password.
3. Check your email. WordPress sends a confirmation email. The site states it can take up to 30 minutes. While you wait, complete your profile. You must enter your first and last names. You can then enter any information about yourself that you wish to include. Save your profile and, once the email arrives, activate your account.
4. Log in with your new user name and password. You can choose to have your computer remember your user name and password. You will arrive at the dashboard where you can set themes, establish pages and write blog posts.
5. Choose 'Appearance' in the left-hand column. This opens a list of themes. Your theme is your blog's colors, layout and so forth. You have more than 100 free themes from which to choose or you can purchase one. You can preview a theme before selecting it. Once you find the one you want, select 'Activate'.
6. Select widgets. A widget is a pre-programmed script. For instance, you may add a calendar, fun facts, and links. Widgets are also available on the Internet. Most are free of charge but some developers require payment for their designs. Drag any you want to use to the far right-hand column. The different boxes in the right column represents placement on your blog.
7. Continue through the appearance menu and make any changes you want.
8. Click 'Settings.' The settings menu has numerous options. In general, you can choose how you want your site name to appear, a tagline (motto) and time and date formats. Read all of the options to display the site the way you want. You can always make changes later.
9. Add pages. If you want pages of pictures, games, collections or anything else you want to highlight, dedicate a page. Under 'Pages', select 'Add New.'
10. Write your first post. Under 'Posts,' select 'Add New.' Your title goes in the first opening. You write your post in the larger box. It is similar to any word processing program. When you are finished you can preview it or publish it.
1:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Post Order in WordPress
Change the Date
1. Log in to your WordPress account and click the 'Posts' link on the left-hand side of the page.
2. Hover the mouse over the post title that you want to modify and click the 'Quick Edit' link that displays.
3. Enter the desired date next to the 'Date' entry that appears and click the 'Save' button. The more recent the date, the higher up your post displays on your WordPress blog. Repeat this process on other posts to change the post order as desired.
Use a Plugin
4. Click the 'Plugins' link on the left-hand side of the page, then click the 'Add New' button on the page that appears.
5. Type 'post reorder' into the text field and click the 'Search Plugins' button to bring up a list of relevant features. The 'postMash' plugin, for example, lets you create a new post order using drag-and-drop, while 'aiXorder' lets you set the order of posts based on their popularity.
6. Click the 'Install Now' button next to the plugin of your choice and follow the onscreen prompts to add this feature to your site. Follow the directions that automatically display to change your post order. Each plugin works differently, depending on the application that you use.
8:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed an Image in a Default Theme of a WordPress Blog Page
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Navigate to 'Appearance' from the left-hand menu.
2. Check that the default theme is listed under 'Current Theme.' Depending on your version of WordPress, the name of your default theme is the year of its release spelled out into words like 'Twenty Ten' or 'Twenty Eleven.' Look for the theme under 'Available Themes' if it is not your current theme, and click the 'Activate' link.
3. Click the 'Editor' link to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Open a template file for the theme by clicking its link under the 'Templates' header. For example, to embed an image in the blog's index, load 'loop.php' into the editor.
4. Add the HTML code for your image first. Here is an example:
Replace 'images/mypic.png' with the path and file name of your image that you want to embed. Change 'My Pic' to the alternative text that you want to display when the image fails to load. Screen readers for the blind also use this text, so make your alternative text useful.
5. Convert the file path to your image to a path that WordPress can use. Use the template tag 'bloginfo()' in the file path to make this work. Give 'bloginfo()' a value of 'template_directory' so the tag loads the full path to the template's directory on your server. Here is the code:
/images/mypic.png' alt='My Pic' />No matter where you install WordPress or name your theme directory, 'bloginfo('template_directory');' will find the correct path. Because 'images' is a directory under the main directory of the theme, WordPress can now find your image.
6. Click the blue 'Update File' button when you finish embedding your image. No matter how you change your content in a page or post, this image will still appear on the pages or posts that use the template you just edited.
1:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Wordpress on Your GoDaddy Hosting Account
1. LOG IN TO YOUR GODADDY.COM ACCOUNT: Begin by logging in to your GoDaddy.com account using the log in at the top right-hand corner of the GoDaddy homepage. You can find your GoDaddy account number in the confirmation email that was sent to you titled 'Welcome to GoDaddy.com!' This was sent when you purchased your website hosting package from GoDaddy.com
2. SELECT 'HOSTING' FROM THE SIDEBAR UNDER 'MY PRODUCTS': On the left side of the page, a black sidebar will appear. In the 'My Products' section, click 'hosting.'
3. PICK THE DOMAIN WHERE WANT TO INSTALL WORDPRESS: Next, select which domain (if you own multiple domains through GoDaddy) you'd like to use for your new Wordpress Blog. Click 'Manage Account' on the domain that you'd like to use to install Wordpress.
4. CLICK 'MY APPLICATIONS' ONCE YOU'RE IN THE HOSTING ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AREA: Once you've completed step 3, this will take you to the area where you manage your hosting account. Click on the section that says 'My Applications.' This will lead you to the area where you will select which program to install on your hosting account - the next step for installing Wordpress.
5. SELECT 'BLOGS' AND PICK 'WORDPRESS' FROM THE LIST: You will be presented with a page that has categories of applications that you can download onto your GoDaddy hosting account. You'll want to pick 'Blogs' and from that menu, select 'Wordpress.'
6. INSTALL WORDPRESS ONTO YOUR HOSTING ACCOUNT: Follow the prompts and provide the requisite information on your domain to complete the 'one click' Wordpress installation.
7. WAIT FOR THE INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED: Once you've completed the one-click Wordpress installation as it's called, you'll need to wait up to 24 hours before you can actually start blogging on your new niche blog. You will receive an email from GoDaddy.com when the Wordpress installation process has been completed.
9:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put a Song in a WordPress Blog Post
WordPress Player and URLs
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Roll your cursor over 'Posts' on the left sidebar.
3. Select 'Add New' to access the Add New Post screen.
4. Click 'HTML' on the screen to see the HTML Editor box.
5. Insert the WordPress Audio Player code [audio] and the entire URL for a song file uploaded to a file hosting service, in the box: [audio URL].
6. Click 'Preview' and then the player's 'Play' button to confirm it works.
7. Click 'Publish' on the Add New Post screen when you're finished to publish it to your Weblog.
Download Links
8. Open the Add New Post screen on your WordPress Dashboard.
9. Click the 'Add Media' icon -- an image of a camera and musical note -- to the right of the 'Upload/Insert' link.
10. Select 'From URL' and then 'Audio, Video or Other File.'
11. Type the URL for an audio file in the URL field.
12. Add a link title. For example, 'I love SONG TITLE NAME!'
13. Click 'Insert Into Post.' The Visual Editor box updates with the link.
14. Click 'Publish' to post the link.
Audio Player and Uploaded Files
15. Purchase an upgrade to your account if your current account is free to add the audio files upload feature. Click 'Store' on your WordPress Dashboard and then follow the on-screen instructions to purchase an upgrade.
16. Open the Add New Post screen.
17. Click the 'Add Media' icon.
18. Select 'From Computer' and then click 'Browse...' to locate an audio file saved on your computer or external storage device.
19. Select the file you want, click 'Open' and then 'Upload.' The Add Media window updates with the uploaded file data.
20. Add a title, caption and description for the song as desired.
21. Click 'None' under the 'Link URL' field so the song will play in the WordPress Audio Player.
22. Click 'Insert Into Post' to update the Add New Post screen with the file, and then click 'Publish' to post.
SoundCloud Player
23. Go to SoundCloud.com.
24. Use the Search SoundCloud field to find a song that you or someone else uploaded to SoundCloud.
25. Click 'Share' and then the 'WordPress' button. A Share To WordPress.com window appears.
26. Copy the code provided by SoundCloud.
27. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and open the Add New Post screen.
28. Click 'HTML' and paste the SoundCloud code into the HTML Editor box.
29. Click 'Preview' to see the SoundCloud player and song, or playlist of songs, on your blog.
30. Click 'Publish' to post the player to your blog.
2:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Folder on the Root Folder of a WordPress Blog
1. Open your FTP program.
2. Connect to the Web server that hosts your WordPress blog using the FTP client. Many different FTP programs exist, so the exact method for connecting to the server will depend on your software. If your FTP program uses a quick connect bar, enter your server name, address, password and port number without setting up a full FTP account for the server. Other FTP programs require you to configure all of the server details before you can connect to the server.
3. Navigate to the WordPress root directory. Right-click an empty space in the server folder and choose 'Create New Folder' from the context menu. Name the new folder whatever you like, as long as it is not the same as the existing WordPress folder.
5:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress Outside Document Root
1. Log in to your FTP account on your server and create the folder into which you want to install the WordPress core files -- for example, create 'wpsite' under your website's root directory. If you want to keep the core files hidden, use a more obscure directory name. If you think you might want to use another content management system on your homepage in the future, use a name that you'll be able to integrate with a larger site, such as 'blog.'
2. Install WordPress into this new folder, following the customary installation steps. You can do this manually or use Fantastico or a similar installation package if your Web hosting provider offers cPanel.
3. Log in to your WordPress site using the administrator credentials you created during the installation. Click 'Settings' and then click 'General' from the menu bar on the left.
4. Type the homepage URL for your WordPress into the box labeled 'Site address (URL).' This directs WordPress to use your document root as its home URL. Type the URL of the directory where you installed your WordPress core files in the 'WordPress address (URL)' text box. Click 'Save Changes.'
5. Go back to your FTP program and copy the 'index.php' and '.htaccess' files from your WordPress directory into your root directory.
6. Navigate to your root directory in your FTP program. Right click 'index.php' and click 'Edit.' Locate the line of code that looks like this:require('./wp-blog-header.php');
7. Change the code you located in Step 6 to the following:require('./wpsite/wp-blog-header.php');Replace 'wpsite' with the directory containing your WordPress core files. WordPress will now control your homepage from its installation directory.
5:24 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
How to Fix a WordPress Database Without Plugins
Transfer Configuration File
1. Launch your FTP client and log in to your Web server. Your Web hosting company will have provided you with FTP login credentials when you signed up for hosting services.
2. Navigate to your WordPress folder in the right pane. You will see many PHP files in this folder, including the 'wp-config.php' configuration file.
3. Navigate to a folder where you would like to save the configuration file in the left pane of your FTP client. For the sake of convenience, choose a folder on your computer that you can easily access.
4. Click the 'wp-config.php' file to highlight it and then click the 'Transfer' or similarly named button to copy the file to your computer. Once the file is on your computer, you will be able to edit it.
Edit Configuration File
5. Open the folder where you transferred the file in the preceding step. Right-click on the file and open it using Notepad or your preferred text editor. The code in the configuration file will display.
6. Highlight the following line of code, right-click and select 'Copy' from the menu:define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
7. Scroll to the bottom of the configuration file code, right-click on a blank line in the code and click 'Paste.' This will paste a copy of the code into the file.
8. Save the changes to the configuration file and return to your FTP program.
9. Click the 'wp-config.php' file in the left pane of your FTP program. Click the 'Transfer' or similarly named button to copy the edited file back to your Web server. Allow the edited file to overwrite the existing file on the server.
Fix WordPress Database
10. Close your FTP client and open your Web browser.
11. Navigate to the WordPress database repair page. This is located at 'YOURSITE/wp-admin/maint/repair.php' where 'YOURSITE' is the domain for your WordPress blog.
12. Click the 'Repair Database' button and allow WordPress to fix any errors in the database. A confirmation message will display once the process is complete.
2:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add PDF Forms to a WordPress Site
1. Log in to your WordPress administrator account.
2. Click 'Media' on the left side of the window to expand the menu.
3. Click 'Add New...'
4. Click 'Select Files.'
5. Select the PDF form file on your computer. Click 'Open.' Wait for the file to upload.
6. Make note of the URL in the 'File URL' box. This is the specific Web address of your PDF form. Share this URL with anyone who needs a direct link to your form.
7. Click 'Save All Changes.'
8. Paste the following HTML code within a WordPress post or page to create a clickable link to your PDF form:
Click here for my PDF form
Replace URL with the unique URL for the PDF file from above. Optionally, change 'Click here for my PDF form' to the text of your choosing.
7:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use PHP Includes in WordPress Posts
1. Select a plug-in that will allow you to enter and execute PHP code from within the body of a post. Follow the instructions to download and install the plug-in on the WordPress blog.
2. Log in to WordPress as the 'admin' user. On the 'Dashboard' screen, click 'Plug-ins.' Locate the plug-in you installed and click the 'Activate' link beneath its name to activate it.
3. Click 'Add New' under 'Posts' to add a new post. Follow the instructions provided with the plug-in to insert PHP code in the body of the post. Add one or more PHP include statements. For example, type:
1:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change a Title Subtitle in WordPress
1. Open a Web browser and go to your WordPress blog or website login page. Type your username and password. Click the blue 'Log In' button to go to the blog's dashboard page.
2. Click 'Settings' on the menu on the right-hand side of the WordPress window. Click 'General.'
3. Type the new site title and tagline in the boxes under 'General Settings.'
4. Click the blue 'Save Settings' button. Click the blog name to see the new title and tagline.
8:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Copyright to Your Wordpress Blog
1. Open your Web browser and navigate to the homepage of your blog. At the bottom of the blog, click the 'Admin' link. A login screen appears. Type your username and password to administrate the blog.
2. Click the 'Appearance' section header in the left panel. A list of sub-section links appear. Click the 'Editor' link to view a list of template pages.
3. Click the 'footer.php' link on the right. This link opens the code for the footer.php page. Scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will place your copyright notice before the closing '
' tag.
4. Type your copyright notice directly in the editor before the closing body tag. After you finish the changes, click the 'Update File' button to save your changes.
5. Refresh the blog homepage in your browser to view the changes. The blog's footer text is shown at the bottom of the homepage and any of the inner pages.
3:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Increase an Indent in HTML on WordPress
1. Begin your paragraph with the following HTML tag:
30 pixels is the value needed for a standard indentation. If you wish to increase the indentation, simply increase the number of pixels. For example:
2. Add your text after the
The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.
3. Close the paragraph using the
end tag:
The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.
5:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Header Height in WordPress
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Editor' under 'Appearance.' Click the header.php link under the 'Templates' heading on the 'Edit Themes' screen.
2. Locate the header's '
' or '
' tags in the header.php template. The header should contain things like the site title, description and website logo, though this differs from theme to theme. Once you find the tags that wrap around your header, find the ID name. The code will look something like this:
3. Click the link for style.css at the bottom of the list under the 'Templates' heading. Locate the selector that selects by your header's ID name. For a header with an ID name of 'header,' you will find code like this:#header { ...style rules go here... }
4. Edit the 'height' property for your header. If you do not see a height specified, add the property and set it to the height you want. Here is the code:#header {height: 250px;}Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.
5. View your website to see the changes and look for any problems. You might need to go back and change the size of your font in the title or change the logo height if the header looks squished or misaligned.
2:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Increase My Download Size for WordPress
1. Open the text editor of your computer and start a new file. For Mac, this application is called Text Edit, and for Windows, it's called Notepad.
2. Type the following code into the file you just created:memory_limit = 100Mupload_max_filesize = 100Mpost_max_size = 100Mfile_uploads = OnNote that you can increase your download size even further by adjusting the numbers following 'memory_limit,' 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size.'
3. Click 'File,' then 'Save As' to save the file to your computer. When the window opens where you can give the file a name, type 'php' as the file name, then add '.ini' as the file extension. Save the file to your desktop.
4. Open the WP-admin directory for your site.
5. Drag the 'php.ini' file on your desktop to the 'WP-Admin' directory.
6. Navigate to the dashboard of your WordPress site to see if the change has taken effect. Click the 'Upload Video' tab under 'QuickPress.' When a popup window appears, look at the text that displays the maximum file size. This number should now correspond with the changes you made to the 'php.ini' file.
1:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Scrollbar Section to My WordPress Blog
1. Log in to your WordPress administrator's control panel. From the large menu on the left side of the screen, click 'Appearance,' then click 'Editor.' This area allows you to view and edit the HTML files that make up your WordPress blog's theme.
2. Click the link for the Stylesheet. This is near the bottom of the list of files on the right, under the 'Stylesheets' heading. WordPress keeps the style of all your site's elements in this file. When you click the file, it will appear in the middle of the screen.
3. Start a new line in the file, then paste in the following code:#scrollbarsection {width: 400px;height: 400px;overflow:scroll;}This code tells WordPress that there is a new divider called 'scrollbarsection,' which has a height and width of 400 pixels. If any content inside the divider overflows from this 400 x 400 area, a scroll bar should be added to allow the visitor to access that content. Change the height and width to whatever size suits your needs.
4. Click 'Posts,' and either click the title of the post to add a scroll bar to it, or click 'Add New' to create a new post. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the editing area. This allows you to type code into the editor.
5. Place the cursor at the point in the post that you want the scroll bar to appear, then paste the following code:
6. Insert the content inside the two
tags. You can either type text as normal, or click the 'Add Media' button at the top of the editing pane to add images. When you have entered your content, click 'Publish' in the top-right of the screen.
7:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a 404 to a Wordpress Template
1. Open a new document in your code editing software. It needs to be totally blank, so remove any added code if you are using software such as Dreamweaver. Notepad will work for code editing, too.
2. Enter the following code in your blank document:
Error 404 - Page Not Found.
3. Save the document as '404.php' and upload it to your WordPress template directory with your FTP client software. It will be located at YourWordPressInstallation/wp-content/themes/YourTheme/.
4. Download your .htaccess file from the server using your FTP client software and open it in Notepad. It will be in your root directory.
5. Add the following line to the .htaccess file, if it is not already there:ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error=404If your WordPress installation is in a sub-directory, you will need to add this line instead:ErrorDocument 404 /YourSubDirectory/index.php?error=404Save your .htaccess and upload it to your root directory.
6. Check to see that your 404 error page is working by entering a URL you know does not exist, such as http://YourSite.com/blahblahblah/.
1:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Widgets to Wordpress
1. Log into your Wordpress account by using your admin username and password. In order to install widgets onto your blog or website, you'll need to have at least one sidebar enabled. If the theme you're using for your site doesn't allow sidebar activation, pick a new layout for your site.
2. Click on the 'Appearance' option in the admin menu to your left, toward the bottom of the page. This will open the appearance options where you can change things such as widgets, backgrounds, menus and theme options.
3. Select 'Widgets' from the list. If your blog is hosted on Wordpress.com, you'll only be able to use the widgets that are preinstalled on each blog. However, if you host Wordpress through your own web host, you may search through all available widgets for things such as Amazon listings, Facebook fans and more.
4. Click on the search function within the widget menu to search for new widgets. Note, this step is only for users who host Wordpress on their own sites. These options are not available to Wordpress.com users. When you find the widget or plug-in you're looking for, click on 'Install.' After the widget finishes installing, return to the main widget page to place those widgets on your sidebar.
5. Drag and drop the widgets you'd like to show in your sidebar by clicking on the name of the widget on your widgets page and dragging its icon under the 'Sidebar 1' or 'Sidebar 2' heading. The headings shown will depend on the kind of layout you have selected for your Wordpress blog or website. This action can be done on all Wordpress blogs. Again, Wordpress.com users may use widgets, but they're limited to the ones Wordpress has preinstalled. These widgets include archives, blog stats, calendars, Flickr, blog clouds, Twitter, recent posts and more.
6. Click the blue 'Save' button within that widget's option menu once you're finished. Some widgets come with additional options. For example, the 'Archives' widget allows you to add a title and set it as a drop-down menu, as well as an option to show post counts or not. Many of the preinstalled widgets offer options along these lines. This allows for more customization. After saving your widget placement and options, view the changes by clicking on the name of your site in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Make any necessary changes to your widgets until you're happy with their appearance.
8:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Old WordPress Tags
1. Log into your WordPress account. Click 'Posts' and scroll through your list of posts until you find the one with tags you want to edit. Click the name of the post.
2. Remove old tags you've deemed redundant, ineffective or that you otherwise want to remove. Scroll down the right side of the page until you reach your list of tags and click the gray 'X' next to a given tag to remove it from your post.
3. Add new tags to replace ones you delete. Enter a word or phrase you want to use as a tag into the 'Post Tag' field, separating tags from one another using commas. Click 'Add' to add these tags to your post. Click 'Update' to update your post to reflect new tags.
7:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Links to a WordPress Blog
1. Sign in to your WordPress blog and go to your dashboard.
2. Select Presentation, and under it, select Sidebar Widgets.
3. Drag the Links widget to the sidebar. Click the Save Changes button.
4. Go back to the main dashboard menu and select Blogroll.
5. Select Add Links.
6. Add the name, URL and description of each link; click Add to add the link.
7. Repeat to add additional links.
8:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress in Its Own Directory in WordPress 2.9
1. Open the root folder on your server. This may be 'www' or 'public_html.'
2. Create a new folder on the server. For these example, we will name ours 'WordPressFolder.'
3. Log into your WordPress site through your Web browser.
4. Click 'General' under 'Settings.'
5. Change the site address next to 'WordPress Address' (uniform resource locator) to your new folder. For instance, if the link was 'http://www.mysite.com,' make it 'http://www.mysite.com/wordpressfolder/.'
6. Enter your root address next to 'Site Address,' for instance 'http://www.mysite.com.' It may be there already.
7. Click 'Save Changes.'
8. Move the three WordPress folders on your sever (wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes) into your new WordPress folder (WordPressFolder).
9. Copy the 'index.php' and '.htaccess' files into the WordPress folder. You will now have two copies, one in the original root location and one in the new folder.
10. Open the original 'index.php' file.
11. Change this phrase 'require('./wp-blog-header.php');' to, in our example, 'require('./wordpressfolder/wp-blog-header.php');'. Select 'Save' when finished.
12. Log in to your WordPress account from the new location. Instead of 'http://www.mysite.com/wp-admin', it will now be 'http://www.mysite.com/wordpressfolder/wp-admin'.
2:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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