- How to Put an Amazon Ad Into WordPress
- How to Use Picasa as an Image Host for WordPress
- How to Convert WordPress to MediaWiki
- How to Embed Google Voice on WordPress
- How to Find Your RSS Feed Settings on a WordPress ...
- How to Insert an Ad into Every WordPress Post
- How to Update Automatically in WordPress 3.0
- How to Add AdSense Ads to a WordPress Blog
- How to Use Sessions With WordPress
- How to Set Up a WordPress Website
- How to Host My Wordpress Blog on My Domain
- How to Make a Wordpress Gradient Background
- How to Find WordPress Attachment IDs
- How to Put Ads in the WordPress Footer
- How to Change the WordPress Permalinks Redirect Plug
- How to Set Up a Database for WordPress on My Website
- How to Put CSS Code in a WordPress Widget
- How to Install a Friend Connect Widget on Your Wor...
- How to Make a WordPress Blog a Widget on Facebook
- How to Transfer a Website to WordPress
- How to Embed Flash in WordPress Template
- How to Change the Password for WordPress Users
- A Tutorial on How to Copy Microsoft Charts Graphs...
- How to Create a Static Wordpress Page
- How to Install WordPress on Amazon Cloud
- How to Indent in WordPress
- How to Change your Wordpress Header without gettin...
- How to Move Posts From WordPress 2.0.2 to 2.9
- How to Export Joomla to WordPress
How to Put an Amazon Ad Into WordPress
Adding a Banner Advertisement
1. Browse to Amazon.com and sign in to your account. Click the 'Amazon Associates' link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
2. Move the mouse pointer to the 'Links Banners' tab at the top of the window, and click 'Banner Links.'
3. Click a link to see the available banner advertisements for a specific category. For example, you might select 'Musical Instruments' for a website that reviews music equipment.
4. Click the 'Highlight HTML' button under the advertisement that you want to use. Right-click the text in the field above the button, and click 'Copy.'
5. Open a new browser window or tab and navigate to the administrator dashboard for your WordPress website. Enter your user name and password to log in.
6. Click 'Appearance' on the left side of the page, and then click 'Widgets.'
7. Drag the 'Text' button from the 'Available Widgets' section to the 'Sidebar' section on the right side of the window. If you are using other sidebar widgets on your WordPress website, drop the button in the location where you want the banner advertisement to appear.
8. Click inside the 'Title' field, and type a title for the advertisement such as 'Sponsors.'
9. Right-click inside the field under the 'Title' field, and click 'Paste.' The HTML code for the banner advertisement appears in the field.
10. Click the 'Save' button. The advertisement appears on the WordPress sidebar and can now be seen by people who visit your website.
Linking to a Specific Product
11. Browse to Amazon.com and sign in to your account. You should now see the Amazon Associates toolbar appear at the top of the page.
12. Use the search functions of Amazon.com to find the product that you want to link to.
13. Click the 'Link to This Page' button on the Amazon Associates toolbar.
14. Click 'Text and Image,' 'Image Only' or 'Text Only' to indicate the type of link that you want to create. A preview area on the right side of the window shows what the completed product link will look like.
15. Click the 'Highlight HTML' button at the bottom of the window. Copy and paste the code using the 'Text' sidebar widget as described in Section 1.
9:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Picasa as an Image Host for WordPress
1. Register for a free Google account. Google is Picasa's parent company, and you'll need a Google account to create a Picasa Web Album. From the Picasa Web Albums home page, click the blue 'Create an Account' button and follow the instructions to create your free account.
2. Create a Picasa Web Album account by creating a Google profile, which includes the 'Photos' feature. This is where you manage and update your online photo albums through Picasa. While logged into your Google account, visit the Picasa Web Albums home page at http://picasaweb.google.com. Log in using your newly created Google account. Click the 'Yes, Create My Google Profile' button and follow the on-screen instructions to create your Google profile.
3. Download and install the Picasa software onto your hard drive. Click the blue 'Free Download' button and follow the on-screen instructions to install the software onto your computer. At the end of the installation dialog, leave 'Run Picasa' checked before clicking the 'Finished' button, so that the software launches automatically.
4. Allow the Picasa software to automatically populate with all the photos on your hard drive.
5. Upload the photo you wish to use in your WordPress post to your new Picasa Web Album. Double-click on the image in the Picasa software, then click the small 'Upload' button on the bottom of the screen. Customize the display information and designate an album in which to upload the image, if you wish. Click the 'Upload' button uploading the image to the server. The software may prompt you to log in again; if so, enter your Google user name and password.
6. Copy to your computer clipboard the direct URL of the image on the Picasa servers. Click the 'View Online' button to see your newly uploaded image in your Picasa Web Album. If you're using the Firefox browser, right-click on your image and select 'Copy Image Location' to copy the direct URL to your clipboard. In Chrome, right-click and open the image in a new tab, from which you can copy the URL.
7. Insert the photo into the WordPress page or post. While editing the WordPress page document, click the 'Image Insert' button above the content field next to the words 'Upload/Insert.' Click the 'URL' tab at the top. Paste the direct image URL in the 'Image URL' field, and fill out the rest of the form with your image's information. Click the 'Insert Into Post' button when you're done to insert the image into your WordPress page or post.
8. Click the blue 'Publish' button. Your WordPress document will publish with the Picasa photo embedded in its content.
7:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert WordPress to MediaWiki
Export WordPress Content
1. Go to your site's WordPress administration panel and sign into your account. For example, if your website's domain was 'yourdomain.com,' then the administration area is normally located at 'yourdomain.com/wp-admin/.'
2. Scroll down to the bottom left side of the administration dashboard, go to the 'Tools' section and click the 'Export' link.
3. Click the radio button for 'Posts' and click the 'Download Export File' button. WordPress creates a XML file that you can import to MediaWiki. It should automatically download to your computer wherever the browser normally saves downloaded files.
Import WordPress Content
4. Upload the WordPress XML dump file to your hosting account, preferably into the same directory as your MediaWiki installation.
5. Access your MediaWiki hosting account via a shell terminal. Enter the username and password to gain shell access.
6. Type 'php importDump.php wordpress.xml' at the terminal's command prompt.
7. Replace the actual file name of your WordPress XML dump file for the 'wordpress.xml' value in the command above.
8. Press the 'Enter' key to begin the import process. It may take several minutes and even longer if you have hundreds to thousands of records to import. Once it completes, you've successfully imported your WordPress content to MediaWiki.
5:19 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
How to Embed Google Voice on WordPress
Creating a Call Widget
1. Sign into your Google Voice account at Google.com/voice.
2. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select 'Voice settings.'
3. Open the 'Call Widgets' tab, then click the 'Add a new Call Widget' link.
4. Enter a name for your call widget.
5. Select the phones you'd like the widget to ring, and the greeting you'd like users to hear, then click 'Save changes.'
6. Copy the line of code in the box next to the 'Embed' label.
Embedding the Call Widget into WordPress
7. Visit your WordPress dashboard page and sign into your account.
8. Click the 'Widgets' link under the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the page.
9. Drag a 'Text' widget from the middle of the screen over to one of your available sidebars.
10. Paste the code for your Google Voice Call Widget into the text box, and click the 'Save' button. The next time you visit your Web page, you'll see a Google voice Call Widget in your sidebar. Visitors can click this widget and immediately connect with you on a phone call.
2:37 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
How to Find Your RSS Feed Settings on a WordPress Blog
1. Go to Wordpress.com, type the username and password associated with your WordPress account in the corresponding text fields and press enter.
2. Click 'My Account' in the top right.
3. Scroll down and click 'Settings' in the left sidebar to reveal the settings menu.
4. Click 'Reading' in the 'Settings' menu. The main pane reveals the 'Reading Settings,' which contains the settings for your blog's RSS feed.
9:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert an Ad into Every WordPress Post
Manual Method
1. Access your advertisement management system and retrieve the HTML or JavaScript code to display your ad. For example, if you use Google Adsense, log in to Adsense to retrieve the ad. Copy the ad code to your clipboard.
2. Paste the ad code into a Notepad file. Save the file to your desktop. Name it 'Ad.php.' Make sure you save the file format as 'All Files' instead of the default 'TXT' format.
3. Access your website's file manager. The process depends on which Web host you use. Most Web hosts have browser-based file managers you can access from your account. Click on the 'WP-Content' folder on your server. Click on 'Themes.'
4. Click on the WordPress theme you are currently using. Upload the 'Ad.php' file to the directory using the on-screen tools. Save the changes.
5. Log in to your WordPress administration page. Click on 'Edit' beneath 'Appearance' to bring up the theme editor. You'll see the list of template files on the right. You should see the 'Ad.php' file.
6. Click on the 'Single.php' template file. This is the page template used for WordPress posts.
7. Type the following code where you want your ad to appear in the post template:
8. Click 'Update.' Visit your site to make sure the ad shows up.
Plug-in Method
9. Log in to your WordPress administration page. Click on 'Add New' beneath 'Plug-ins.'
10. Search for 'Smart Ads.' Click 'Install' and then click 'OK.'
11. Click 'Smart Ads' under the 'Settings' bar.
12. Paste your advertisement code into one of the ad boxes. You can use the 'Top of Content' or 'Beneath Content' box. You can also insert the code into the 'Custom' box. When adding the code to the custom box, type '[smartads]' inside the post editor where you want the ad to appear. Click 'Save.'
7:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Update Automatically in WordPress 3.0
1. Log in to the WordPress administrative center or control panel using the administrator ID.
2. Click 'Upgrade' below Tools on the left-pane of the WordPress control panel page.
3. Click 'Update Automatically' on the Update WordPress page that opens. This starts the update process. It is complete in about 10 to 15 minutes.
4:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add AdSense Ads to a WordPress Blog
1. Use your favorite seach engine such as Google, Yahoo! or Dogpile.
2. Type in: Adsense-Deluxe Wordpress Plugin.
3. Once the search engine has finished populating its results, click on the first link provided.
4. Follow the instructions.
3:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Sessions With WordPress
1. Open a Web browser and log into the WordPress dashboard using your user name and password.
2. Click the Appearance left panel link. Click Editor to open the editor. Click the header.php page to open the code for the main header file. The header file is the typical location for session variables, but you can use any file in your WordPress app.
3. Add the following code to the editor:session_start()
$_SESSION['myid'] = 'value';Replace 'myid' with the name of your session and replace 'value' with the value you want to store in the session variable.
4. Click 'Update' in the editor window to save the changes to your blog page. The changes take effect immediately.
9:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Up a WordPress Website
Installation of Your Wordpress Site
1. Choose the name for your website. Search for a domain hosting service which offers a control panel (CPanel), such as HostGator or GoDaddy.
2. Search for your chosen domain name at the hosting site of your choice. Pay the domain registration fee.
3. Choose from the hosting service's monthly plan options. Pay the first month's hosting fee. Note down your username and password in a safe place.
4. Log into your CPanel using your username and password.
5. Locate the Fantastico Suite Smiley Face icon near the bottom of the page. Find the WordPress download link on the top left of the next page. Click to start your new WordPress installation.Upload WordPress to your new website. Save all of the usernames and passwords as you upload the program.
6. Email a copy of the installation data to yourself. Check your Inbox to locate the installation data email. Save it in a safe place for future reference.
Customization of Your WordPress Site
7. Click on the domain name link in the email to log into your new website through the WordPress administration area. Enter your username and password.
8. View the Dashboard and click on 'Posts.' Click on the title of the post 'Hello World' to edit it. Change the title of the post in the small box at the top to the title you would wish for the introduction to your website. Type in or copy and paste the content for your page into the large box to customize the content of the post.
9. Click on the link 'Pages' on the left hand side. Edit the sample 'About' page that WordPress has provided to give more details about your company or yourself.
10. Click on the 'Dashboard' link. Click on the link that says 'Comments' and edit or delete the sample comment there.
11. Click on 'Categories' tab and start creating topics for your new website to help organize your posts.
12. Click on 'Appearance.' Click on the tab 'Install Themes.' Search for a name or keyword in the top box, or choose by color, number of columns, width and so on by checking all the boxes you wish. Click the 'Find themes' button at the bottom of the page.
13. View each theme that appears on the list by clicking 'Preview'. Click 'Install' for the theme you like. It should appear on the top of the 'Manage Themes' tab as the 'Current Theme.'
14. Click on the name of your blog in the top left corner of your dashboard. View your website in the new theme. Change the theme as needed until you are satisfied.
15. Click on 'Plug Ins' to search for items you would like to add to your site, such as a contact form, large shared calendar, and so on. Search for items by typing a keyword in the search box. Upload each plug in as needed and activate.
16. Start adding new posts to the website by clicking 'Posts, Add New.' Check all category boxes that apply to each post. Save the content as a draft by clicking 'Save Draft.' Publish the content immediately by clicking 'Publish,' or click the word 'Edit' to set the content to be published at a date in the future.
17. Add pages to the website by clicking 'Pages, Add New.' Type in or copy and paste the content and save or publish immediately, or in the future.
7:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Host My Wordpress Blog on My Domain
1. Confirm that your hosted domain account includes a MySQL database service, preferably MySQL 5.0. If you don't have a MySQL database account you won't be able to host and install WordPress. Some domain hosts charge additional fees for MySQL database add-ons and have policies restricting the amount of bandwidth you can use for your blog. Once you confirm you have a MySQL account, set it up with a truncated version of your blog site name, such as 'myblog,' and an administrative password. Write down the configuration settings shown for the Account Name, User Name, Server assignment and your administrative password.
2. Download the WordPress main files to your hard drive. Label and save this folder for future use. Extract the compressed file to this folder location.
3. Open your FTP program and navigate to the root directory of your website. Copy all the extracted files in the WordPress folder over to the root directory of your website.
4. Locate the file 'config-sample.php' within the WordPress core files on your hard drive. Open this file to edit it using a text editor like Windows Notepad. Type in the data from your MySQL account into the appropriate lines of code. Make sure you have entered this data correctly. Save the file with the new name 'config.php' and load it to your domain server.
5. Open a new Brower window and type in the address http://mydomain.com/wp-install.php. This will load your WordPress installation page. Fill in the blanks with your information. Provide a current email address that you can receive email from immediately. Save and close the install page.
6. Retrieve your log in information from the email WordPress will send you in a few moments. The default User name will be 'admin.' The log in password will be unique so write it down.
7. Navigate to your website. You should see the default homepage of your new blog. Click on the 'Log In' link shown and type in 'admin' and the unique password to access the Dashboard for the first time and begin populating your blog with content.
2:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a Wordpress Gradient Background
1. Go to the 'wp-admin' directory of your website and log in to the Wordpress dashboard. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link. Click the link to 'header.php' under the 'Templates' heading to load the HTML file containing your website's body tag.
2. Look for a div with an ID of 'container' directly below the body tag in your 'header.php' file. If you do not find one, add one. Here is what it should look like:
Save the file by clicking the blue 'Update File' button. If you added a div, load 'footer.php' in the editor and add '
' directly above '
' to close the div.
3. Load 'style.css' in the editor. Add this code to the very bottom of the file:#container {background-color: #038394;background-image: linear-gradient(top, #038394, #00CCCC);background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #038394, #00CCCC);background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #038394, #00CCCC);}The above code sets a fallback for browsers that do not support gradients. Setting 'background-image' to 'linear-gradient' creates the gradient background. At the least, you need to set a direction for the gradient to start at and then two colors that fade into each other. Add that line of code again two times, adding the Webkit and Mozilla prefixes for Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers.
4. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your 'style.css' file. Your gradient background now appears on every page of your Wordpress website.
9:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find WordPress Attachment IDs
1. Go to your WordPress blog login page, type your user name and password. Click the blue 'Log In' button to go to the Dashboard page.
2. Click the arrow next to 'Media' on the 'Dashboard' menu on the left-hand side of the window.
3. Click 'Library' from the drop-down menu to go to the 'Media Library' page.
4. Hover the mouse over the name of the item in the Media Library. The attachment ID appears as part of the image URL at the bottom of the browser window. As an example, it looks like:http://blogname.wordpress.com/wp-admin/media.php?attachment_id=256
7:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put Ads in the WordPress Footer
Create Ads
1. Sign up for an ad network. Google AdSense is one example. Log in to the ad network if you are already an ad publisher.
2. Create a new ad. For example, click the 'My ads' tab and 'New ad unit' in Google AdSense.
3. Enter a name for the ad, and choose a size and type. Select the formatting for the ad, such as colors to match your theme. Save the ad and get the ad code, which is usually JavaScript code. For example, click 'Save and get code' in Google AdSense.
4. Highlight the code with your mouse. 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the ad code to the clipboard.
Install Plugin and Insert Ad Code
5. Sign in to WordPress as the 'admin' user. Download and install a plugin that allows you to add custom code to the WordPress theme footer.
6. Click 'Plugins' from the menu, locate the plugin you installed, and click 'Activate' beneath its name to make it active.
7. Navigate to the options for the plugin. For example, click 'Post Footer' under 'Settings.'
8. Press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste the ad code in the box provided by the plugin -- in the 'Ad Code' box, for example. Click the button to save your changes. Click 'Update Options.'
9. Create another ad, copy the ad code to the clipboard and paste it into the custom footer to display more than one ad in the footer. Click the name of your blog to view the blog and check to make sure the ads are properly displaying in the WordPress footer.
6:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the WordPress Permalinks Redirect Plug
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard with your administrator account.
2. Click 'Plugins' from the left menu, then click the 'Editor' sub-menu.
3. Select 'Permalink Redirect' from the 'Select plugin to edit' drop-down menu in the upper right corner, then press the 'Select' button. The code for the plug-in will appear in the text box.
4. Type your changes to the PHP code in the provided text box, then click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the page. The exact changes you make to the code vary depending on the way you want the plug-in to function within your WordPress site. The changes will automatically take effect the moment you save the file.
5:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Up a Database for WordPress on My Website
Database Setup
1. Launch phpMyAdmin or a similar MySQL database tool.
2. Click 'Privileges' from the list of tasks. Scroll to the bottom of the list of databases displayed and click 'Add a New User.'
3. Enter a user name, which will also become the name of the database. Type '%' for the host, enter a password and retype the password. Click the radio button next to 'Create Database With the Same Name and Grant All Privileges.' Click 'Go' at the bottom-right of the screen.
4. Click the 'Databases' tab to display a list of databases. Scroll to the database you just created and click on it.
5. Click the 'Operations' tab and change the collation by selecting a different collation from the drop-down list box, for example: 'utf8_unicode_ci.' Click 'Go' after you've selected the new collation.
WordPress Setup
6. Open a command-prompt window and change to the directory of the WordPress installation. For example, type:cd /var/www/myblog
7. Create the WordPress configuration file by copying the sample configuration file in the directory. For example, type:cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
8. Edit the WordPress configuration file in an HTML editor or in the Notepad. For example, type:nano wp-config.php
9. Scroll to the section of the file that begins with '** MySQL settings' and locate the three configuration statements for the name of the database, the database username and the database password.
10. Replace 'database_name_here' with the username/database name you entered when you created the database. Replace 'username_here' with the same name. Replace 'password_here' with the database password. Keep the single quotes surrounding each name in all three statements. Exit the editor and save the file.
11. Open a browser and navigate to the installation utility for the blog installation, for example: www.example.com/myblog/wp-admin/install.php. Verify that the installation program does not issue a database connection error and proceed with the WordPress installation.
1:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put CSS Code in a WordPress Widget
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Widgets' link to load the 'Widgets' screen. You'll see your sidebars and a list of widgets on this page.
2. Click the name of a sidebar to expand it and display its widgets. Expand the widget's options by clicking on its down-pointing arrow.
3. Add HTML tags containing inline CSS code in an options field of the widget. Not all options fields can take HTML or CSS cod. To test this, input some HTML and click 'Save' to see if the HTML stays or gets deleted. You can always add HTML and CSS to the 'Text' widget that comes with every installation of WordPress. Click the blue 'Save' button in the widget's option box to save your changes.
4. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link if you couldn''t add CSS code directly in to the widget through its option fields. Locate the 'functions.php' file and click its link. Locate the 'register_sidebar' code and make the line containing 'before_widget' look like this:'before_widget' => '
',Change the 'after_widget' so that it closes the '
' tag you opened:'after_widget' => '
5. Load your blog in another tab or window of your Web browser. Right-click the browser screen and select to view the source code. Find the '
' tags surrounding the widget you want to change and take note of its ID attribute. The code will look similar to this:
6. Go back to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to the 'Edit Themes' screen again. Locate the 'style.css' file at the bottom of the screen and click its link. Add your CSS for the widget at the end of the file like this:#archives-3 {property: value;}Replace 'property: value;' with a CSS property-value pair such as 'color: red;'. Update the file when you finish editing.
6:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a Friend Connect Widget on Your Wordpress Blog
How to Install a Friend Connect Widget on Your Wordpress Blog
1. Go to http://www.google.com/friendconnect/ and log in with your Google account. It can be the same one as your Gmail account. Register your site with this service: enter your web site's URL, the title, and the language it's written in.
2. Go to the 'Overview' section on the left column and edit the information there. Then click on the option right below it, where it says 'Gadgets'. Those are all the different Friend Connect boxes you can have on your sidebar. We are going to install the one for your Friends and community of readers.
3. The 'Members' gadget is the first one on the list. Click where it says 'Get this gadget' to access the HTML code you will paste on your site. Different boxes will show up--that's where you can choose the number of rows, columns, and the colors you want to include on the box. Once you are done, click on the third option, 'Generate code', and copy it (Ctrl C or cmd C)
4. Log in to your Wordpress blog and go to the 'Widgets' section on your administrator panel. Drag one of the 'Text' widgets to your sidebar. Open the widget and paste the code you copied from the Google Friend Connect Members gadget. Save and close the widget, and choose the location you want it to appear on your sidebar.
5. Go to your 'Settings' menu inside the Wordpress admin dashboard. There should be an option for 'Friend Connect.' Click on it. You'll need to enter your site ID in order for it to work. You can retrieve your site ID from your Google FriendConnect page. The ID is the last 20 digits on your URL. You can also find it within the code you posted on your widget, where it says:
(The numbers following 'div-' are your ID.) Save all changes.
6. Go to your blog and the widget should show on your sidebar. Now you can login to the widget and start inviting your friends to be part of your community!
7:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a WordPress Blog a Widget on Facebook
1. Log in to your Facebook account using your user name and password.
2. Type 'RSS Feed' in the search box, and press the 'Enter' key.
3. Click on the 'Simply RSS' link.
4. Click on the 'Go To App' button at the top of the page.
5. Click the 'Allow' button to let the app access your basic information.
6. Click the 'Add new feed' button on the right.
7. Type the URL of your WordPress feed.
8. Enter the number of posts that you wish to display.
9. Check the 'Enable feed on profile' box.
10. Click the 'Add' button. Your WordPress blog's feed has now been added to your Facebook Profile. Each time you publish your blog, your Facebook profile will be updated with your most recent blog entry.
3:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Transfer a Website to WordPress
1. Register for WordPress and make sure to create your blog. Log in to the site and click 'My Blog' and then 'Register a New Blog,' then choose your 'something.wordpress.com' address to begin. You can't use the import tools or add new posts until you've created your site. After your site is set up, all the WordPress functions are available to you.
2. Click 'Tools' on the left-hand side of the WordPress Dashboard; choose 'Import.' WordPress has built-in migration tools for a few platforms. You can use the Import tool to migrate all your content from Blogger, Blogroll, Israblog, LiveJournal, Movable Type (or TypePad), Posterous, Vox, Yahoo! 360 or another WordPress website through this control panel. If you use one of these platforms, this is the easiest way to move your site to WordPress, but not the only way.
3. Check the WordPress support forums for specific importing instructions or tips for moving your content from a database other than the ones listed in Step 2. It's likely that someone else on WordPress is coming from the same kind of setup that you have. If you are using a site based on Drupal, Joomla, Mambo or another open-source CMS, you'll find tutorials in the forums to help you transfer your site over. But since WordPress is a simplified CMS, you may find that the contents of a complex, open-source CMS won't migrate seamlessly.
4. Create a new blog structure on your WordPress site and manually migrate your content if Step 2 or Step 3 don't work for your website. This is also the easiest way to migrate your content from a basic site that didn't utilize CMS software. Define pages in WordPress that mimic the static content of your existing site. If you have a section on your site called 'About Us,' create a page on WordPress by the same name, then copy and paste the content from your site to WordPress. WordPress uses 'Pages' for static, unchanging content and 'Posts' for blog entries. Create new posts for each piece of content from your old site and copy and paste the data into each post. This process can be time consuming for large sites.
1:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Flash in WordPress Template
1. Open a Web browser and type your WordPress blog into the address bar. Press 'Enter.'
2. Log in to a WordPress account which has administrative access to that installation.
3. Click 'Administration.' Click 'Appearance.' Click 'Editor.'
4. Select the page that you wish to include the Flash embedded code on. If you're using a Flash ad, you may wish to change the header.php or footer.php file. For Flash widgets and small Flash ads, you can look at your sidebar.php file. Copy and paste the Flash embed code into the template file. Click 'Update File.'
8:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Password for WordPress Users
1. Hover the mouse over the WordPress Admin menu and click on 'Users.'
2. Click your WordPress username from the list. Scroll down to the 'New Password' section of the 'Edit User' screen.
3. Enter your desired new password into the two boxes marked 'New Password.' Choose one that creates a strong password on the strength meter below the boxes.
4. Click 'Update Profile' button at the bottom of the page when you have found a strong password.
7:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
A Tutorial on How to Copy Microsoft Charts Graphs to WordPress
Take Screen Shot
1. Open the Microsoft document that includes the graph or chart you want to post.
2. Click 'File,' then click 'Print Preview.' This allows you to see your document without extra layout lines or formatting.
3. Scroll until you can clearly see the graph or chart you want to post on your monitor screen. You may need to use the zoom to position the chart properly on the screen.
4. Press the 'Print Screen' key on your keyboard to take a screen capture. This will save an image of everything on your screen, including the chart or graph.
Create Image
5. Click the 'Start' button on your computer's task bar, then type 'Paint' in the text box and press the 'Enter' key. This will launch Microsoft Paint.
6. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard and press the 'V' key. This will paste a copy of the chart or graph into the Paint window.
7. Click 'Select' from the top toolbar, left-click in the top right corner of your chart or graph and drag your mouse across the image until you have drawn a rectangle around the entire area of your chart.
8. Click the 'Crop' button from the top toolbar. This will remove all extra area around your chart or graph.
9. Click 'File,' then choose 'Save' to save your chart or graph as an image file on your computer.
Post Chart Or Graph on WordPress
10. Launch your Internet browser and log into your WordPress blog.
11. Click 'Posts' from the left menu, then click 'Add New' to navigate to the new post page.
12. Click the 'Add an Image' button located above the text editing box. A new window will pop up.
13. Click 'Select Files' and browse your computer for the graph image file you created.
14. Double-click the image file to load it into the WordPress form.
15. Configure your image using the WordPress form. You can configure the size and position of your chart or graph, and type a caption if you need.
16. Click 'Insert into Post' to place your chart or graph into the WordPress post.
17. Create the rest of your WordPress post as you would normally do, then click the 'Publish' button. This will publish your new post, including the Microsoft chart or graph.
7:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Static Wordpress Page
1. Browse to your WordPress dashboard at www.example.com/wp-admin, where 'example.com' is the domain name of your website.
2. Open the 'Pages' menu on the left side of the screen, and click 'Add New.'
3. Give the page a title using the field at the top of the screen. Using the default menu system with most WordPress themes, the title of the page appears on the menu bar running across the top of each page on your website.
4. Type the content for the page using the large text field in the center of the window.
5. Click the 'Publish' button on the right side of the window to save the page.
5:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress on Amazon Cloud
1. Register an account with Amazon Web Services Cloud. If you have an existing Amazon account, enter your email address in the appropriate field. If not, enter your information in a standard Web registration form.
2. Navigate to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, or Amazon EC2.
3. Click “Sign Up Now.” Amazon registration will ask for a confirmation phone number.
4. Click “Account” on the redirected Amazon Services page.
5. Select “Amazon EC2” from the drop-down menu. Click “Go.”
6. Select “Launch Instance” from the Amazon EC2 management console.
7. Install Amazon Machine Image on your server. Select a customized Wordpress image, such as BitNami Wordpress. If you do not have BitNami Wordpress installed, download it at bitnami.org. You will be presented with a selection of operating systems.
8. Select an image version that contains “EBS” in the “Root Device ?” column.
9. Copy the image name and return to the Amazon EC2 popup window.
10. Select “Community AMIs.” Enter the copied image version from the previous step in the text box. Click “Select.”
11. Select “Micro (t1.micro) (Free Tier Eligible).” Click “Continue.” Click “Continue” on the follow-up window. You will be prompted to create an XHTML tag. Create a default tag, such as “key/value pair.” You will then be prompted to create a name for your key pair.
12. Create a name for your key pair in the “Enter a name for your key pair:*” field. After titling your key pair, click “Create Download your Key Pair.”
13. Configure your firewall. Click “Radio” and “Create a New security group”.
14. Select “HTTP, HTTPS, SSH” under the “Application” heading. Click “Add Rule.”
15. Click “Launch.” Click on any row on the Amazon ECT Console.
16. Select “Public DNS.” Copy the URL on the Amazon ECT Console and paste it in your browser’s search engine field.
17. Click “Wordpress” on the Bitnami page.
18. Add “/wp-admin” at the end of your Wordpress URL and press enter. The default username you will enter for BitNami is “user/bitnami.”
1:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Indent in WordPress
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Go to 'Posts' or 'Pages' and click on the name of the post or page you want to edit. Click the 'Visual' tab on top of the editor box and press 'Alt Shift Z' to show a second row of buttons on the editor toolbar. Place the cursor in front of the text you want to indent in the editor box and click the 'Indent' button.
2. Click the 'HTML' tab on the editor box to view the HTML of your post or page. Locate the HTML tag in front of the content you want to indent and add 'padding-left: 30px;' to the 'style' attribute:
The editor generates this same code for indents when you indent using the 'Visual' editing mode. Change '30px' to a different pixel amount to change the size of the indentation.
3. Replace 'padding-left' with 'text-indent' if you only want to indent the first line of a paragraph:
No equivalent button exists in the 'Visual' editing mode, but WordPress will not strip this code out after you switch to 'Visual' and save.
9:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change your Wordpress Header without getting into the HTML Codes
1. Let's start by logging in your dashboard in WordPress. Once you are in look for the left column. Once you find it look for the 'Appearance' button and click on it. This will open up several choices, click on the 'add new themes' button , this will bring up another page full of choices for a theme. Look to the right of the page for the choice that reads 'Custom Header' click on that, then on the bottom of the page click the button ' find themes'.
By clicking the custom header choice, WordPress will only select those templates which will allow you to change the header without getting into the codes. For my husband's blog I chose the theme called ' Violinesth Forever 4.5 by Patrick Chia ' once you have chosen your theme install it and active.
3. Now that your theme is active, stay on the 'Appearance' Page. Look for the ' Custom Header' choice which is on the left column of the page and click on it. This will show you only the header for theme you have chosen. In here you will find the actual Picture Pixel Measurements you will need to create your own header, so it will fit with this theme. The theme I chose for my husband's blog measures 1024 x 279 pixels. Knowing this information I can go to my editing program and create a new and unique header.
4. Use your photo editing program of your choice, if you don't have one you can download Gimp.org for free. Size your header appropriately then edit to your choice. Save the photo to a Jpeg and put it in a folder you can easily find.
5. Now go back to the 'custom header' button that is located in the left column of the page click on it and then click on the 'choose a file' button. Find your edited header, click 'upload' and your header will take the place of the old header. Visit your site to see that the theme fits well and it looks the way you want it, then continue to edit the rest of your template.
1:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move Posts From WordPress 2.0.2 to 2.9
1. Perform a backup of the 2.0 version database, the complete WordPress directory and the access file.
2. Deactivate all the plugins currently enabled in the administration panel in the plugins area.
3. Upgrade the WordPress blog from 2.0 to 2.7 in increments by downloading the required older versions of WordPress from the official release archive. Each updated version should be downloaded, unzipped and then uploaded to the directory named WordPress on the 2.0 server. Overwrite existing files if asked.
4. Login to the administrative area of WordPress and check to see if WordPress is prompting you to do a database upgrade. Confirm that you would like to do an upgrade if you see the notice.
5. Click on the tools menu in the left sidebar of the dashboard, and then on the export link in the drop-down menu that appears. Note the export function choices in the main dashboard area.
6. Choose to export all content by clicking the corresponding radio button. Complete the export by clicking the button labeled 'Download Export File' at the very bottom of the page. Save the exported XML file to your computer.
7. Start importing the XML file containing all your blog posts into your WordPress 2.9 installation by logging into its administration panel, clicking on tools and then on import.
8. Click on the WordPress link in the choices of systems to import from. On the following screen, select the XML file just exported and choose to upload it. Assign authors for your imported posts and the import process is complete.
2:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export Joomla to WordPress
Install the Joomla Component
1. Open your browser and visit your Joomla! administration login page. This link typically looks like YourWebsite.com/Joomla/Administration or something similar.
2. Enter your user name and password. Click the 'Login' button.
3. Click the 'Extensions' link at the top of the window. Select the 'Install/Uninstall' option.
4. Locate the 'Install from URL' heading and enter 'http://www.bin-co.com/tools/joomla/plugins/com_wordpressexport/com_wordpressexport.zip' in the text box. Click the 'Install' button.
Exporting Joomla Posts
5. Click the 'Components' link at the top of the window. Select the 'Export to WordPress' link.
6. Click the 'Export to WordPress Dump' link. A box will appear prompting you to download your Joomla files in XML format.
7. Click the 'Save' button. Your Joomla posts are now available to be imported into your WordPress site.
8:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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