
How to Add Line Spaces in WordPress

1. Login as administrator to your WordPress website (or blog). Select the WordPress Admin link (or equivalent) at the bottom of your website and enter your administrator user name and password.
2. Select the page or post that you want to add a line break to. Using the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to the page or post you wish to edit.

3. Switch to HTML mode. Select the HTML tab on the upper right side of the text editing area. This will display the HTML code for the page.
4. Add a line space. Move the cursor to the location where you want a line space. Insert the following HTML code:

. This code will add an empty paragraph that will serve as a line break. WordPress will not remove this code because it won't appear as a blank line or as the HTML code. The '' portion of the code is a code for a non-breaking space (basically a regular space).
5. Preview the change using the Preview Changes button. Make sure the line space is being displayed at the desired position. Make any necessary changes.
6. Update the page. Once everything looks correct in your preview, update the page.


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