- How to Use an iFrame in WordPress
- How to Create a Separate Blog Roll on WordPress
- How to Upload New Header Images for a WordPress Theme
- How to Create a Grid in WordPress
- How to Place Chitika Ads on WordPress
- How to Set a Post Thumbnail in WordPress
- How to Use Wordpress Widgets
- How to Display Posts Outside of WordPress
- How to Import an ActiveRain Blog to WordPress
- How to Import Articles Into WordPress
- How to Show Breadcrumbs in a WordPress Blog
- How to Create a Line Separator in WordPress
- How to Add Line Spaces in WordPress
- How to Import WordPress Users Into Joomla!
- How to Insert Shortcode Into a WordPress Page
- How to Move Wordpress to Root
- How to Change the Default Homepage in WordPress
How to Use an iFrame in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
2. Select 'Add New' under 'Pages' in the left navigation menu.
3. Populate the body of this new page with HTML code and text. This page will serve as the one being linked to in the iframe HTML code. Click 'Publish' upon completion. Take note of the new page's URL.
4. Select 'Add New' under 'Pages.' If you are adding the iframe to a previously created page, select 'Pages.'
5. Add the following iframe code to the body of your page:
Your browser does not support iframes.
Change 'http://www.yoursite.com/yourpage.html to the URL of the page you created. Both width and height can be adjusted based on your styling preference. The 'Your browser does not support iframes' note will only appear in unsupported browsers.
6. Select 'Publish' to push your page live. Preview it to ensure the iframe is functioning correctly. You may have to alter the text and HTML code in the page being pulled in to satisfy proper formatting.
7:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Separate Blog Roll on WordPress
1. Open the 'Links' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and then click 'Link Categories.'
2. Click the 'Name' field under 'Add New Link Category,' and type a category name for your website's second blogroll.
3. Click the 'Add New Link Category' button.
4. Click the 'Links' menu on the left side of the dashboard.
5. Click the 'Add New' button.
6. Click the 'Name' field, and type the name of the website that you want to link to.
7. Click the 'Web Address' field, and type the website's URL.
8. Click the check box next to the category that you added in Step 3 under 'Categories.'
9. Click the 'Add Link' button.
10. Open the 'Appearance' menu on the left side of the dashboard, and click 'Widgets.'
11. Drag the 'Links' widget from the center of the page to the widget area on the right side.
12. Click the drop-down menu at the top of the Links widget, and select the new link category that you created.
13. Click the 'Save' button. Your website now has two separate blogrolls.
5:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload New Header Images for a WordPress Theme
1. Open the WordPress (wordpress.org) site and log in to your blog/website.
2. Click your blog/website's dashboard and click on 'Appearance,' then 'Header.' If you don't see these options, your theme won't support a custom header and you'll need to use a different theme.
3. Click on the 'Browse' button to browse through your computer's folders and find an image.
4. Click an image and click 'Okay.' Then click on 'Upload' to upload the image.
5. Highlight the area of the image you'd like to use within the box of broken lines to crop it to WordPress' banner size, and click 'Crop and Publish.' The header banner on your WordPress blog/website will change to the image you cropped, with your blog/website's title over the top of it.
2:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Grid in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress account or admin panel.
2. Click 'New Post,' and then click 'HTML.'
3. Type the following example code to create a two by two grid:
Top Left
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
The 'tr' defines a row. The 'td' defines a column (table data).
4. Click 'Publish' to publish your grid to WordPress.
7:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Place Chitika Ads on WordPress
1. Open the 'Plugins' menu on the left side of your WordPress Dashboard. Click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'Chitika' in the search field. Press 'Enter.' 'Chitika | Premium' should appear first on the list of search results. Click the 'Install Now' link below it.
3. Click 'OK,' and then click 'Activate Plugin.' The top of the window displays a red box with the words 'The Chitika | Premium Plugin is almost ready to place ads on your site.'
4. Click 'Chitika account username' in the red box. This brings you to the Settings page for the plugin.
5. Scroll to the 'Placement' section. Click a radio button to indicate where the Chitika advertisement should appear -- above WordPress posts, below posts or both.
6. Type your Chitika username in the 'Chitika Account Username' field.
7. Click the 'Size' drop-down menu and select the size that you would like to use for the ad placement.
8. Click the 'Font' drop-down menu and select the text font that the advertisement should use.
9. Use the 'Background Color,' 'Link Color' and 'Text Color' fields to customize the colors of the advertisements. Enter the colors using valid six-character HTML color codes.
10. Click the 'Update Settings' button at the bottom of the page to begin using the Chitika ad placement.
7:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set a Post Thumbnail in WordPress
1. Log on to your Web server via FTP.
2. Go to the folder where your WordPress theme is located and copy over the 'functions.php' file to your computer.
3. Open the 'functions.php' file in Notepad.
4. Add the following code:if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) {add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );}Save the file.
5. Upload the new 'functions.php' back to your Web server.
12:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Wordpress Widgets
1. Download Wordpress 2.2 or later with widgets enabled.
2. Install Wordpress.
3. Make sure everything is installed correctly before customizing is done.
To Add widgets to Sidebar
4. Click on the Presentation tab at the top menu in Wordpress.
5. Click on the Widgets tab on the sub menu and the Sidebar Arranngement page should appear with a Default Sidebar box and rows of Available Widgets at the bottom.
6. Choose the widget needed.
7. Drag the widget box into the Default Sidebar box above the widgets area, which will add it to your current side bar.
8. Rearrange widget position by dragging it where it is needed.
9. Click on 'Save changes.'
To Add New Widgets
10. Locate the widget you need online.
11. Download the widget.
12. Open up a connection to the remote location where Wordpress is located with FTP or other method.
13. Browse your remote file structure and find the 'plugins' folder.
14. Locate the widget on your local hard drive.
15. Upload the widget into your plugins folder and it should now show up in the Available Widgets area of the Widgets tab in Wordpress.
Configuring Available Widgets in Use
16. Go to the Widgets tab.
17. Scroll down to the Default Sidebar where the list of Widgets that are currently in use are located.
18. Click on the three-line icon on the right side of a widget tag and a window box will popup. This is where its contents can be edited and preferences can be chosen.
19. Add a header, which is the title that will show in the public Sidebar section.
20. Add or edit the text below the header.
21. Close the box.
22. Click 'Save changes.'
Adding More than One Copy of Widgets to Sidebar
23. Go to the Widgets tab.
24. Scroll down to the Available Widgets at the bottom.
25. Find the widget needed.
26. Click on the dropdown menu to add as many copies of that particular widget as needed.
7:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Display Posts Outside of WordPress
1. Copy and paste the following code into your non-Wordpress website:
' title='
Posted on
2. Change the path to wp-load in line to of the code if your folder is different from 'wordpress.' A path points to the location of your file. For example, if your folder is 'myfiles' change the code to '
3. Change 'showposts' to reflect the number of posts you want to display. For example, if you want to show 5 posts at a time then change the code to read '('showposts=5')'.
2:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import an ActiveRain Blog to WordPress
1. Export your ActiveRain blog to an XML file. Click 'Export Blog Entries' on your ActiveRain blog, and click 'Save File' to download the file to your computer.
2. Double-click the file on your computer to unzip it. An 'activerain-import.php' file appears; double-click it.
3. Transfer the 'activerain-import.php' file to your WordPress plugins folder using your favorite FTP program. The plugins folder is located in the 'wp-content' folder. Exactly how you do this depends on your FTP program, but generally you have to click and drag the file from your hard drive to the plugins directory on WordPress.
4. Log in to your WordPress blog.
5. Click 'Plugins' and 'Activate' under 'ActiveRain Importer.'
6. Click 'Tools' and 'ActiveRain Import Plugin.'
7. Locate the 'blog_entries.xml' file on your hard drive and click 'Upload file and import.'
8. Click 'Published' or 'Draft' from the drop-down menu, then click 'Submit.'
4:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import Articles Into WordPress
1. Log in to the website where your articles are currently located. Locate an export tool and use it to create an export file containing your site's contents. When moving content from one WordPress blog to another, you can find the 'Export' tool under 'Tools.'
2. Navigate to the 'wp-admin' directory of your WordPress blog and log in to access your dashboard. Go to 'Tools' and click the 'Import' link. Select the platform you want to import articles from, such as Blogger, LiveJournal or WordPress.
3. Agree to install the necessary plugin if WordPress prompts you. Activate the plugin after its installation completes. WordPress will automatically take you to the next step. Click the 'Choose File' button and select an import file from your computer. Upload the file to import its contents.
4. Assign your content to authors on your website. An author is any user account with publishing privileges. Check the 'Download and import file attachments' box if you want to import images and other media files. Click 'Submit' to finishing importing.
5:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Show Breadcrumbs in a WordPress Blog
Yoast Breadcrumbs
1. Log in to your WordPress administration panel and expand 'Plugins' on the sidebar. Click on 'Add New.'
2. Search for 'Yoast Breadcrumbs.' Click on 'Install Now' next to the plugin, and then click 'Activate Plugin.'
3. Click on 'Breadcrumbs' beneath the 'Settings' header. Choose how you want the breadcrumbs to appear. For example, you can choose whether to show the page title in bold. You can also choose whether to display the category.
4. Click on 'Try to Add Automatically,' and then click 'Save.' The breadcrumbs are added automatically if you are using a theme framework like Thesis, Thematic or Hybrid. Otherwise, you'll have to manually add the breadcrumb code to the template.
5. Open the 'Editor' menu under appearance, and then open the 'Single Post' template. Paste this breadcrumb code where you want the breadcrumbs to appear:
');} ?>
WordPress Breadcrumbs
6. Sign in to WordPress. Click on 'Plugins' > 'Add New.' Search for 'WordPress Breadcrumbs.'
7. Click on 'Install' > 'Activate.'
8. Click on 'Editor' under 'Appearance.' Open the 'Single.php' file. Paste this snippet where you want the post breadcrumbs to appear:
9. Click on 'Update File.'
Breadcrumb NavXT
10. Sign in to WordPress. Click on 'Add New' beneath 'Plugins.' Search for 'Breadcrumb NavXT.' Click on 'Install Now.'
11. Click on 'Activate' to activate the plugin.
12. Click on 'Editor' under the 'Appearance' tab, and then open 'Single.php.'
13. Paste this code in the template where you want the site breadcrumbs to appear:
2:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Line Separator in WordPress
1. Open the 'Posts' section of the WordPress dashboard, and click 'Add New' to begin creating a new post. If you would like to add a line separator to an existing post, open the 'Posts' section and click the 'Edit' link under the post that you want to modify.
2. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the WordPress post editor.
3. Click to place the cursor in the section of the post where you want the line separator to appear. The cursor should be at the beginning of a blank line.
4. Type
in the blank line. Note that there is a space between the 'hr' and the forward slash.
5. Click the 'Update' or 'Publish' button in the upper right corner of the post editor.
12:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Line Spaces in WordPress
1. Login as administrator to your WordPress website (or blog). Select the WordPress Admin link (or equivalent) at the bottom of your website and enter your administrator user name and password.
2. Select the page or post that you want to add a line break to. Using the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to the page or post you wish to edit.
3. Switch to HTML mode. Select the HTML tab on the upper right side of the text editing area. This will display the HTML code for the page.
4. Add a line space. Move the cursor to the location where you want a line space. Insert the following HTML code:
. This code will add an empty paragraph that will serve as a line break. WordPress will not remove this code because it won't appear as a blank line or as the HTML code. The '' portion of the code is a code for a non-breaking space (basically a regular space).
5. Preview the change using the Preview Changes button. Make sure the line space is being displayed at the desired position. Make any necessary changes.
6. Update the page. Once everything looks correct in your preview, update the page.
1:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import WordPress Users Into Joomla!
Install the Component
1. Log in to the Joomla! administration page and enter your username and password. Click on the 'Login' button.
2. Click on the 'Extensions' tab and select the 'Install/Uninstall' option.
3. Locate the 'Install From URL' heading and type 'http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/15558/67483/userport_r151_v2.1.zip' into the text box. Click on the 'Install' button. An 'Install Component Success' message will appear.
Use the Component
4. Click on the 'Components' tab and select 'userport' from the menu.
5. Click on the 'Change' link at the top right.
6. Select the option labeled 'Use the Contents of This File' and click on the 'Choose File' button.
7. Locate and select your WordPress user CSV file and click the 'Open' button.
8. Click on the 'Show Edit Window' link to the right. A message stating that the contents of the file were retrieved will appear on the screen.
9. Delete any unused header fields in the 'CSV Text' text box and click on the 'Update' link at the top of the screen.
10. Enter your email template in the text box using the tags provided by Joomla! to notify your users of the change, and click on the 'Update' button.
7:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Shortcode Into a WordPress Page
1. Create a new WordPress page by opening the 'Pages' menu on the left side of the dashboard and selecting 'Add New.' Alternatively, click 'Pages' to view a list of existing pages, then click 'Edit' under the page that you want to insert. You can also add a shortcode to a post by using the 'Posts' section rather than the 'Pages' section.
2. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the page editing screen to view the HTML code for the page. Move the cursor to the location where you could like WordPress to trigger the shortcode.
3. Type the desired shortcode between a pair of brackets. For example, to use the built-in gallery shortcode, type '[gallery].'
4. Click the 'Publish' or 'Update' button at the top of the screen.
7:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move Wordpress to Root
Update WordPress URLs
1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Navigate to Administration -> Settings -> General.
3. Change the WordPress address (URL) to the new web address of your blog. Since you are moving your blog to the root directory, this will probably be something like http://www.
4. Change the Site address (URL) to match the WordPress address (URL) you just updated.
5. Save changes.
Move WordPress files to root
6. Backup all files in the root directory and the existing WordPress directory, including all of its files and subdirectories.
7. Make sure the root directory is ready for the WordPress files that will be moved into it. Any .htaccess, index.php or other files with names used by WordPress files will be overwritten. If there are subdirectories that have the same name as subdirectories in the WordPress directory, they will filled with WordPress files during the move.
8. Move all files and subdirectories in your WordPress directory into the root directory.
9. Check the permissions of the files you moved to the root directory. If any have permissions of 0000, change them back to 0644.
Configure WordPress
10. Update the WordPress permalinks found under Settings -> Permalinks to reflect any permalink changes. WordPress will attempt to update .htaccess automatically, but will prompt you to do it manually if it cannot do so.
11. Make sure the uploads folder is set to use the new directory structure. This setting can be found under Settings -> Media -> 'Store uploads in this folder.'
12. Update all menus you are using to use the new URL path if they point to the old directory. These can be found under Appearance -> Menus.
13. Update all previous posts that contain images with the new location of your images. WordPress currently does not have a quick and easy way to do this and attempting to automate the process can be a complicated task that is beyond the scope of this article. See the 'Resources' section of this article for possible solutions.
14. Update the File URL of all media content to use the new URL structure. This can be found under Media -> Library. As with images in posts, WordPress does not offer a way to automate this, so you'll need to manually change the URLs and test them to make sure they work as expected.
12:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Default Homepage in WordPress
Changing The Header
1. Modify the default header by logging into the administrative end of your WordPress installation and clicking on the Appearance, then Custom Header link, located on the left side navigation.
2. Modify the blog title font color used by clicking on the font color button located under the header and select a different color. Note that the tag line below the title does not change but instead remains white.
3. Experiment with the upper and lower color buttons located under the header to exploit the gradient feature. Note the Revert button, which allows you to return to the default settings of the header.
4. Test the advanced button where you have the ability to enter in specific hexadecimal color values for each header characteristic mentioned. Click the Update Header button when you are satisfied with your changes.
Replacing the Background Image of the Header
5. To replace the background image of the header, download the default background image (Kubrickheader.jpg) from the images folder (Yoursiteroot\\wp-content\\themes\\default\\images) to your desktop.
6. Open the Kubrickheader.jpg image in your favorite graphic software and experiment by laying additional layers over the blue background to create something unique. When satisfied with the new image, save it as Newheader.jpg and upload the image back into the images folder as described in Step 1.
7. Return to the administrative page and click on the Appearance, then Editor link, located on the left side navigation. Locate and open Style.css file from the list of pages on the right side of your browser window.
8. Locate the header style \'#header\' and change only the image path from (Images/Kubrickheader.jpg) to (Images/Newheader.jpg), so it points to your new image. Reload your homepage to see your new background image.
Changing the Footer
9. Navigate to the Appearance, then Editor link, and open the footer.php page located on the right side of your web browser.
10. Locate the following text:
- - - - -
is proudly powered by
11. Edit the text to suit your needs. Typically users like to include a copyright symbol and the date, and remove the \'Powered by WordPress link.\' To do this you need to change the text mentioned in Step 2 to the following and click update file.
- - - - -
Copyright © 2010
Changing the Navigation Position
12. Navigate to the Appearance, then Editor link, and open the Style.css page located on the right side of your web browser. Locate the following:
- - - - -
.narrowcolumn {
float: left
padding: 0 0 20px 45px
margin: 0px 0 0
width: 450px
13. Replace the narrowcolumn style in Step 1 with the code below. Note that we are only changing the float and padding settings to the opposite of the default settings.
- - - - -
.narrowcolumn {
float: right
padding: 0 45px 20px 0px
margin: 0px 0 0
width: 450px
14. Also in the Style.css file find the following:
- - - - -
padding: 20px 0 10px 0
margin-left: 545px
width: 190px
15. Replace the sidebar style in Step 3 with the code below. Note that we are only changing the margin-left setting which is basically bringing the sidebar containing the navigation left.
- - - - -
padding: 20px 0 10px 0
margin-left: 20px
width: 190px
16. Click the Update File button and check your work by reloading the front end of your website.
8:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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