
How to Create Columns and Content in WordPress

Creating Content
1. Log into your WordPress installation. The login page for your WordPress installation is typically located in the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. For example, if your WordPress blog is located at ',' then the WordPress login page would be located at ''. Type in your username and password, then click 'Log In.'
2. Click the 'Add New' link under the 'Posts' menu.

3. Type the blog post title into the 'Enter title here' text field. Type the main content of the blog post into the post content text area. Click the 'Add an Image' button to upload an image from your computer or another location on the Internet, then click 'Insert into post' to insert the image into your blog post.
4. Click to place a check mark in the 'Categories' boxes, indicating which category or categories you wish to associate with the blog post. Type any words with which you wish to 'tag' the blog post into the 'Tags' text field, then click 'Add.'
5. Click the 'Publish' button in the right column to publish the newly created content on your blog.
Creating a Column
6. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' menu.
7. Click to select the template page to which you wish to add the column or 'sidebar.' Click the 'index.php' page to add the column to the home page of your blog, or click 'single.php' to add the column only on blog pages that display a single blog post.
8. Select an area of the template page to place the column. If you wish to add a column to the left of the main content area, you will want to add the column code above or before the '
' tags that contain the 'loop' (a line or series of lines of code that display blog posts or page content). If you wish to add a column to the right side of the main content area, you'll want to add the column code below or after the loop. The loop typically looks like this: '
' but may contain slightly different text depending upon the theme you are using.
9. Click to place your mouse cursor on a blank line in the template page where you wish to add the column. Type '
' onto the blank line. This will execute the code that is on the 'sidebar.php' page, creating a column. The contents of this column are called 'Widgets,' which can be added, removed or edited by clicking the 'Widgets' link under the 'Appearance' menu.
10. Click the 'Update File' button to save the template page with the new changes. Click your blog name at the top left corner of any page while logged into WordPress to view the blog. If the column does not appear correctly (if you need to adjust the margins or width of the column), this can be changed from within the 'style.css' file for your theme, which can be edited by clicking the 'Editor' link again, then click 'style.css' at the bottom of the menu on the right side of the page.


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