- How to Create Email Addresses on a Domain With Wor...
- How to Restart GoDaddy Hosting in WordPress
- How to Open Sidebar.PHP in WordPress
- How to Enable a WordPress Blog to Accept Comments
- How to Make a Blogroll in WordPress
- How to Create Wordpress Wallpaper
- How to Change the Display Name in WordPress
- How to Design a WordPress Header Gradient
- How to Put a WordPress RSS on Blogger
- How to Edit Photos on WordPress
- How to Remove WordPress Thumbnails
- How to Use Custom Plugins in Wordpress Themes
- How to Add Twitter to Wordpress
- How to Link to an MP3 File in WordPress
- How to Make a WordPress Blog Post Stay at the Top ...
- How to Make the Background Static in WordPress
- How to Back up Blogspot onto WordPress
- How to Post Facebook
- How to Import Ning to WordPress
- How to Insert an Affiliate Link Into a Wordpress Blog
- How to Display Code in WordPress Posts
- How to Link to a PDF in WordPress
- How to Create Columns and Content in WordPress
- How to Use Google Adsense With Wordpress
- How to Add Form Code to a WordPress Post
- How to Search a WordPress Blog for a Virus
- How to Configure Subdomains in WordPress MU
How to Create Email Addresses on a Domain With WordPress MU
1. Log in to the configuration control panel for the domain that your parent site is hosted on. For example, if you site uses cPanel as its configuration software, log in at yourdomain.com/cpanel.
2. Locate the “Mail” settings option, then click “Email Accounts.” In some cases you have to find and click an “Add New” link, while in others, such as cPanel, the options to create an account are available from this screen.
3. Type the name you want to give the email account in the relevant field. If creating the account for another person, ask her what she would like the account to be called. Type in a password in the password field. If you have the option, set a “Quota” for the mailbox to limit the size of the mailbox on your server space. Click “Create Account” when done.
4. Distribute the login details to the owner of the account. Send him his full email address, which is also his login username, his password and the URL of the mail server -- for example, “http://yourdomain.com:2096” in cPanel. He can change his password after logging in at this address, if he wishes.
8:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Restart GoDaddy Hosting in WordPress
1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Account Manager (see Resources).
2. Click 'Web Hosting,' and then click your account.
3. Click the 'File Manager.' Select the WordPress folder, and click 'Delete.'
4. Click the 'Hosting Control Center' link to return to the main Control Center page.
5. Click 'Install Apps,' then 'WordPress.' Click 'Install Now' and then continue with the wizard to create the new WordPress site, and thus resetting it.
9:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Open Sidebar.PHP in WordPress
1. Type the URL of your website in your browser's address bar, adding '/wp-admin' to the end to display the login screen. Type the user name 'admin' and your WordPress password to continue to the Dashboard.
2. Open the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the menu, and select 'Editor.'
3. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Select theme to edit' in the upper-right corner of the page, then click the WordPress theme that you want to edit the file 'sidebar.php' for. By default, this menu displays the theme that is currently active on your website. Click the 'Select' button after making your choice.
4. Scroll down the page, and click the 'Sidebar' link on the right side. This opens the file 'sidebar.php' in the editor at the top of the page.
5. Click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the page after making the desired changes.
7:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Enable a WordPress Blog to Accept Comments
1. Open the Dashboard section of your WordPress website by typing your domain name in the address line of a Web browser and adding '/wp-admin' to the end. Enter the user name 'admin' and your WordPress password to continue.
2. Click 'Settings' in the bottom-left corner of the WordPress dashboard to expand this section of the menu. Under 'Settings' click 'Discussion.' This displays the 'Discussion Settings' screen.
3. Click to place a check in the 'Allow people to post comments on new articles' box next to 'Default Article Settings' near the top of the page. This configures WordPress to allow comments on posts by default. You can still configure individual posts not to allow comments if desired.
4. Click to place a check in the 'Comment author must have a previously approved comment' box in the 'Before a comment appears' section of the window if you would like to reduce the amount of time that you spend moderating comments. If this box is checked, any user who comments on a post will have her comment automatically approved if you approved a comment made by her previously.
5. Click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the page to commit these changes to your website.
7:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a Blogroll in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard using any Web browser.
2. Click on the 'Widgets' option on the left side of the page.
3. Drag the 'Links' widget from the center of the page to the right side of the page.
4. Click on the 'Link Categories' option on the left side of the page.
5. Type a name for your blogroll in the 'Name' category and click the 'Add New Link Category' button.
Adding Links
6. Click the 'Add New Link' option on the left side of the page.
7. Type the name and Web address for the first link you want to add to your blogroll in the appropriate text boxes.
8. Click on the check box next to the name you gave your blogroll in the Categories section to select it.
9. Click the 'Add Link' button on the right side of the page to add the link to the blogroll.
10. Repeat the steps in this section for each link you want to add to the blogroll.
5:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Wordpress Wallpaper
1. Open your image editing software in order to create the wallpaper. Examples of popular software include Microsoft Paint, Photoshop and Aviary. Choose the same size image template as coincides with the resolution of your computer's monitor. Typical sizes are 1024 by 768 and 1680 by 1050.
2. Import a WordPress logo to the image. This can be acquired by right-clicking and saving the WordPress website's logo. If time is not an issue, create a WordPress logo from scratch using Photoshop or another image editing program.
3. Create a background color or pattern. Insert additional images, text or embellishments to make the design come to life. Take into account the placement of desktop icons already in place to minimize interference with the wallpaper's display. Save the image once the creation is finalized.
4. Open the image in an Explorer window or image viewing program. Right-click the file and select the 'Set as Desktop Background' option. The image should now be viewable at the optimum level on the computer's desktop.
4:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Display Name in WordPress
1. Open your computer's Internet browser. Type 'www.wordpress.com' (without the quotation marks) into your address bar and press the 'Enter' key. When the WordPress page loads, click the 'User Profile -- Dashboard' link in the Resource section.
2. Enter your username and password in the 'Username' and 'Password' boxes. Click 'Log In' to access your WordPress account's 'My Public Profile' page.
3. Click inside the box next to 'Display name publicly as' and highlight your old display name. Click 'Delete' on your computer's keyboard to erase the old name.
4. Enter your new display name in the box. Click 'Update Profile' to accept the new display name. Click 'My Blog' at the top of the website to see your online journal.
5:36 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Design a WordPress Header Gradient
1. Visit tools.dynamicdrive.com/gradient/. This free tool helps you make a gradient image for your header. Select the gradient type you want (up/down or left/right), and set the width and height to the same as your header. Set 'Top/Left color' and 'Bottom/Right color' to the colors you want your gradient to fade into. When done, click 'Get full size image,' then right click the image that appears and save it to your computer's hard drive.
2. Log in to your WordPress account. Click 'Media,' and then click 'Add New.' Click 'Select Files,' and then locate the gradient image on your hard drive. When you upload it, copy the URL next to the 'URL' header to the clipboard.
3. Click 'Appearance,' then 'Editor.' This is the Theme Editor, which allows you to modify the HTML files for your WordPress theme.
4. Click 'header.php' from the large list of files on the right. Your aim with this file is not to make any changes, but to identify the ID of the
tag that your header is in. You can do this by looking below the
tag and finding the elements that are also in your header, such as your site's logo, or any menu bars. Then find the
tag that these are wrapped in, which may look like this:
5. Click 'style.css' from the list on the right. Scroll through the file until you locate the header. Just before the closing } bracket for this section, add the following line:background-image:URL('http://yoursite.com/path/to/image/gradient.jpg');Replace the URL with the one you copied earlier.
6. Click 'Update File.' The gradient image will now appear on your site's header.
4:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put a WordPress RSS on Blogger
1. Log into Blogger.
2. Click 'Layout' on your Blogger site tabs.
3. Click 'Add a Page Element' in the area that you can alter your site's layout.
4. Click the 'Add to Blog' button under the 'Feed' widget. Provide the Wordpress RSS feed URL. Click 'Continue' and specify the display settings for the Wordpress feed.
8:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Photos on WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
2. Click 'Media' from the menu on the left to view your media library.
3. Click 'Edit' under the name of the photo you would like to edit.
4. Click the 'Edit Image' button to view the editing tools.
5. Click on the tool icon to crop, rotate or flip your photo.
6. Click 'Update Media' once you have finished editing the photo to save the changes to the image.
8:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove WordPress Thumbnails
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Posts.' Click on the title of a post you wish to edit.
2. Scroll down on the 'Edit Post' screen and locate a box labeled 'Featured Image.' If you don't see this box, click the 'Screen Options' tab at the top of the page and make sure 'Featured Image' is checked. If you don't see 'Featured Image' under 'Show on screen,' then your WordPress theme doesn't use featured images and therefore uses a different system for creating thumbnails, such as a plugin.
3. Click the 'Remove' link in the 'Featured Image' box to remove the thumbnail. After removing the thumbnail in this way, you can then add a new one by clicking the 'Set featured image' link.
4. Look under 'Custom Fields' to see if your thumbnails are set there. If your theme uses featured images, then you shouldn't have thumbnails set as custom fields. Click the 'Delete' button under any custom field containing a thumbnail.
1:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Custom Plugins in Wordpress Themes
1. Log in to your Wordpress site. Open up your FTP program. Upload your custom plugin files to the folder 'plugins' folder under 'wp-content.'
2. Close your FTP program ,then click 'Plugins,' then the sub-menu item 'Plugins.'
3. Click 'Activate' on your custom plugin.
4. Click 'Appearance' and 'Themes' if you need to add any code tags to your theme to make your custom plugin work. The exact theme file that you need to edit for your plugin depends on the type of plugin, although typically you'll add it to the home, sidebar or single post pages. Save your changes once you have completed them.
2:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Twitter to Wordpress
1. Log in to your WordPress blog using your username and password. Scroll over 'My Blog' and choose 'Dashboard.'
2. Choose 'Appearance' from the left menu column. Select 'Widgets.' Drag the 'Twitter' widget into the box that reads 'Sidebar 1.'
3. Type the title of your Twitter widget, such as 'Sara's Tweets,' followed by your Twitter user name. Choose how many tweets you want to appear on your blog at a time. Save your changes.
9:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Link to an MP3 File in WordPress
Direct Upload
1. Enter the dashboard and click 'Add New' under the 'Media' tab on the left-hand side. This option is only available if you have your own hosting or have purchased WordPress's 'Space upgrade.'
2. Click 'Select Files' and select the MP3 you wish to upload. Click 'Open' to upload. Depending on your connection speed, this could take a few minutes.
3. Select 'Add New' under the 'Posts' tab. Click the music note next to 'Upload/Insert,' and select 'Media Library' as the source.
4. Click 'Show' next to the MP3 file to which you wish to link, and click 'Insert Into Post.'
5. Fill out the rest of your post with a title, description and tags. Click 'Publish.'
6. Upload your MP3 file somewhere on the Web. This can be your personal website or anywhere online where you can store the file.
7. Click 'Add New' on the 'Posts' menu of your WordPress site.
8. Select 'HTML' view on your post. This will allow you to enter code commands.
9. Use WordPress's audio shortcode to link to the file. The shortcode should look like [audio] with the URL for the MP3 inside the brackets. One example of an audio shortcode would be '[audio http://www.yoursongsaddress.com/yoursong.mp3].'
10. Click 'Publish' to save the changes and post the MP3.
7:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a WordPress Blog Post Stay at the Top of the Blog
1. Click the blue 'Edit' link next to 'Visibility' in the upper-right corner of a WordPress post that you are creating or revising.
2. Click the 'Public' radio button if it is not selected already.
3. Click the 'Stick this post to the front page' check box.
4. Click 'OK.'
5. Click 'Publish' or 'Update' to save the post.
4:42 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make the Background Static in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'Appearance' and 'Edit.'
3. Click 'Stylesheet' from the list of templates.
4. Add the following code to your style sheet:body{background:URL('yourpix.jpg') fixed no-repeat;}Replace 'yourpix.jpg' with the URL of your background image.
5. Save your changes by clicking the 'Update File' button.
9:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Back up Blogspot onto WordPress
1. Log into your Blogger blog and then click the 'Settings,' 'Basic' tab.
2. Click 'Export Blog' to save a copy of your blog to your computer's hard drive in .xml format.
3. Log into your WordPress website.
4. Click 'Import,' located under 'Tools' and then click 'Blogger.' This starts the Blogger importer.
5. Follow the Blogger importer's instructions to upload the .xml file from your computer to WordPress.
4:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Post Facebook
1. Navigate to the YouTube video you want to share. Under the video window, click 'Share,' and then click 'Embed.' Copy the Embed code, which typically starts with '
2. Log in o the Admin page of your WordPress page. Click 'Pages' from the right hand sidebar menu to navigate to the page where you want to add the video.
3. Place your cursor in the place you want to embed the video within the page. Click 'HTML' from the page menu to display the HTML code of the page. View where your cursor is now; if it's in the middle of a string of code, move the cursor to the end of the string of code so you don't mess up any previous formatting.
4. Paste the code you copied from YouTube onto the page. Click 'Update' from the left hand sidebar when you've completed your changes.
5. Click 'View Page' to see what the video now looks like on your WordPress page.
2:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import Ning to WordPress
1. Download Import from Ning from the WordPress Plugin Directory. Type 'Import from Ning' into the Search Plugins field and then click 'Search Plugins.' Click 'Import from Ning' and then click 'Download Version 2.0.6.'
2. Upload the plugin to your WordPress plugin directory using your usual FTP program. Each FTP program differs but in general, from within the program you'll click the plugin in the 'local drive' window and then drag to the WordPress plugins folder.
3. Create a directory called ning-files in your wp-content directory.
4. Upload your Ning network export file to /wp-content/ning-files using your FTP program.
5. Sign into your WordPress account and then click 'BuddyPress' in the Dashboard. Click 'Import from Ning' to view the imported content.
9:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert an Affiliate Link Into a Wordpress Blog
1. After signing up for the affiliate program, (see the links in the resource box for great places to find programs), follow the advertiser's link to 'get links' or 'get html code' or whatever language they use. You need to get the code to insert into the blog. Some advertisers have different ads you can choose, so choose the one that looks like it will fit well in the sidebar of your theme.
2. Highlight, or select the code - all of it, It may be short, it may be as long as a paragraph. Right click on it and 'copy'.
3. Go to your blog and sign in to the wp-admin screen. In the list on the left, select 'appearance', then 'editor'. In the box that appears in the right, look for 'sidebar.php' and click on it. There may be a right or left sidebar (l_ sidebar.php or R_sidebar.php). The code for your sidebar will appear in the middle of the screen.
4. This part is trial and error unless you can really read the code. I usually start at the top and find a spot within the code that looks obvious, like one of the titles, or the first line that shows the header or beginning of the sidebar. Place your cursor at the end of the line, then enter to move it down a line and create a space. Then right click and paste the code there. Now click update and look at your main page to see what it looks like. If the placement is what you like, you're done. If not, go back to wp-admin and use 'cut and paste' to move it around.
7:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Display Code in WordPress Posts
1. Wrap code snippets in the
tag to display the text in a monospaced font. Using the
tag, you can also change the style of the code text using CSS in the 'style.css' file. Replace special characters like left and right arrow brackets with character entity codes to prevent WordPress from executing the code. Here is an example:
That code will display in your post like so:
This is an HTML H1 heading
2. Use
instead of
to display code with all line breaks and spaces intact. With
tags, you do not need to use character entity codes, but you do need to be careful of how you type out your code. Long lines of code might break your design. Here is an example:
This is an HTMLHeading
The above code outputs this:
This is an HTMLheading
3. Install a plug-in to display large snippets of code. These plug-ins number lines, color code, alternate the background color for every line and apply word wraps. Log in to the WordPress dashboard, navigate to 'Plugins' and click 'Add New.' Search 'code' and look through the many plug-ins that display code. Install the one you want to use, activate it and then follow its instructions to paste code into your posts. Most of these plug-ins use shortcodes that you can wrap around text like HTML.
7:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Link to a PDF in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard and click on 'Add New' under the Posts option in the sidebar. Type a title for your post in the Title box and enter your text in the main edit box. Choose a category for your post from the Categories list.
2. Left-click in the edit box where you want to insert the link to the PDF file. Click on the 'Add Media' icon above the edit box. Choose the icon furthest to the right of the Upload/Insert area to upload a PDF file.
3. On the From Computer tab, click on 'Select Files,' browse to the file on your computer and click 'Open' to start the upload. When the upload has completed, type a new title in the Title box if required. The title will be the clickable anchor text of your link.
4. Click on 'File URL' in the Link URL area, then click 'Insert into Post.' A correctly formatted link to the PDF file will appear in your post.
5. Click on the 'Publish' button to make the post live on your site.
7:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Columns and Content in WordPress
Creating Content
1. Log into your WordPress installation. The login page for your WordPress installation is typically located in the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. For example, if your WordPress blog is located at 'http://www.bobsblog.com,' then the WordPress login page would be located at 'http://www.bobsblog.com/wp-admin/'. Type in your username and password, then click 'Log In.'
2. Click the 'Add New' link under the 'Posts' menu.
3. Type the blog post title into the 'Enter title here' text field. Type the main content of the blog post into the post content text area. Click the 'Add an Image' button to upload an image from your computer or another location on the Internet, then click 'Insert into post' to insert the image into your blog post.
4. Click to place a check mark in the 'Categories' boxes, indicating which category or categories you wish to associate with the blog post. Type any words with which you wish to 'tag' the blog post into the 'Tags' text field, then click 'Add.'
5. Click the 'Publish' button in the right column to publish the newly created content on your blog.
Creating a Column
6. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' menu.
7. Click to select the template page to which you wish to add the column or 'sidebar.' Click the 'index.php' page to add the column to the home page of your blog, or click 'single.php' to add the column only on blog pages that display a single blog post.
8. Select an area of the template page to place the column. If you wish to add a column to the left of the main content area, you will want to add the column code above or before the '
' tags that contain the 'loop' (a line or series of lines of code that display blog posts or page content). If you wish to add a column to the right side of the main content area, you'll want to add the column code below or after the loop. The loop typically looks like this: '
' but may contain slightly different text depending upon the theme you are using.
9. Click to place your mouse cursor on a blank line in the template page where you wish to add the column. Type '
' onto the blank line. This will execute the code that is on the 'sidebar.php' page, creating a column. The contents of this column are called 'Widgets,' which can be added, removed or edited by clicking the 'Widgets' link under the 'Appearance' menu.
10. Click the 'Update File' button to save the template page with the new changes. Click your blog name at the top left corner of any page while logged into WordPress to view the blog. If the column does not appear correctly (if you need to adjust the margins or width of the column), this can be changed from within the 'style.css' file for your theme, which can be edited by clicking the 'Editor' link again, then click 'style.css' at the bottom of the menu on the right side of the page.
9:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Google Adsense With Wordpress
Copy Adsense Code
1. Log into your Google Adsense account.
2. Navigate to the 'My Ads' tab and click 'Get Code' next to the Adsense ad you want to display. This will take you to a page with the ad's HTML code.
3. Highlight the code with your mouse, right click and click 'Copy' from the menu. This will copy the code to your computer's temporary memory.
Insert Code in Wordpress Widget
4. Log into your Wordpress dashboard using your Wordpress account.
5. Click the 'Appearance' option in the menu, then click the 'Widgets' submenu. This will take you to the widgets section of your blog.
6. Click a widget position from the menu on the right, such as 'Left Sidebar,' 'Right Sidebar,' or 'Primary Widget Area.' A menu will unfold and display all the widgets currently in the widget area. The widget area you choose depends on where you want the ad to appear on your site and which widget areas are available on your Wordpress template.
7. Left-click and drag the 'Text' widget option from the widget bank on the left side of the screen into the widget area you just selected in the right menu. This will create a blank new widget text box for you to edit.
8. Type a name for your advertising box in the 'Title' text box. This is optional.
9. Right-click inside of the larger content text box and select 'Paste' from the menu. This will paste your Adsense code into the widget.
10. Click the 'Save' button. Now when you visit your Wordpress blog, you will see your Adsense ad.
7:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Form Code to a WordPress Post
1. Highlight the block of form code.
2. Press 'Ctrl' 'C' to copy this code to your computer's clipboard.
3. Log into your WordPress account.
4. Click 'Posts.'
5. Click 'Add New.'
6. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the text entry box.
7. Click inside the text entry box.
8. Press 'Ctrl' 'V' to paste the form code into your post.
9. Click 'Publish' to publish a post containing your form code. Edit the post to add headers and additional information, such as form instructions or a legal notice.
7:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Search a WordPress Blog for a Virus
1. Use the AntiVirus plugin found at WordPress.org. The AntiVirus plugin allows for manual testing, as well as a white list --- you can place any files marked as suspicious onto the white list if you know they're free of viruses, so that they're not tested in the future. The AntiVirus plugin also runs automatic daily checks.
2. Download Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) from WordPress.org. This plugin is designed to look specifically at the theme you're using on your WordPress blog and detect any signs of malicious code. After malicious code is detected, you can either try to contact the theme's author, or uninstall your theme and find a new one.
3. Use the Exploit Scanner from WordPress.org. The Exploit Scanner works by scanning all of your files, including comments and posts for signs that someone has found an exploit and is able to access your WordPress. Exploits can be caused by a virus or a hacker attack. One of the downsides is that Exploit Scanner doesn't remove anything --- that's left for you to do.
5:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Configure Subdomains in WordPress MU
1. Log in to your WordPress MU administrator account.
2. Click 'Sites' from the left menu, then click 'All Sites.' This displays a list of sites and subdomains on your WordPress network.
3. Click 'Edit' under the subdomain you want to configure.
4. Change the subdomain name by typing a new name in the 'Domain' and 'Path' text boxes. This changes the URL address for the blog using that domain name.
5. Navigate to the 'Settings' tab. This displays the site settings for the blog that uses the subdomain. Type new settings in any of the text boxes on this page to configure the way the blog on the subdomain displays.
6. Click the 'Save Changes' button once you have finished editing the subdomain. Return to the 'All Sites' page to edit other subdomain sites.
1:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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