
How to Create a Wordpress Static Website

1. Sign up for an account with a Web hosting provider that features a one-click Wordpress installation. Blue Host or DreamHost are two such providers. Once you create your account, register your domain name through the hosting provider, and buy a hosting plan. Make sure that the plan you buy offers one-click Wordpress installation. Consult with your hosting provider about how to proceed with the one-click Wordpress installation.
2. Navigate to your new Wordpress site in your Web browser, and click the 'Log in' link under the 'Meta' heading. Supply your administrative username and password. You either chose this during the one-click Wordpress installation, or it was assigned to you. Your Wordpress dashboard will load.

3. Click the 'Pages' link in the menu on the left. Your dashboard will reload with additional menu items under 'Pages.' Click 'Add New.'
4. Fill in the title and contents of your page. Click 'Publish.'
5. Click 'Settings' in the menu on the left. The 'Settings' menu will expand. Click 'Reading.'
6. Look for a group of option buttons entitled 'Front page displays.' Click the option button labeled 'A static page (select below).' Select your newly created page from the drop-down list labeled 'Front page.' Click 'Save Changes.' You are now using Wordpress as a CMS to maintain your own traditional website instead of a blog.


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