- How to Turn My Regular WordPress Blog Into a Vlog
- How to Create a Wordpress Static Website
- How to Export Blogspot to WordPress
- How to Upload All PLR Articles to Wordpress
- How to Turn Off the WYSIWYG Editor in WordPress
- How to Lightbox Videos in WordPress
- How to Insert Yahoo! Maps in WordPress
- How to Insert Bullets Into WordPress
- How to Add a Photo Slideshow to WordPress
- How to Set Auto Text Wrap in WordPress
- How to Center a Header in WordPress
- How to Upload Files to WordPress
- How to Post Everything in My WordPress Blog to My ...
- How to Add an Amazon Store to WordPress
- How to Restore a WordPress Blog After Changing Ser...
- How to Add Columns to Pages in WordPress
- How to Remove Bullet Function in WordPress
- How to Edit the Heading in a WordPress Thesis
- How to Create Subdomain Wild Cards in WordPress
- How to Upload Downloaded .Zip Files to WordPress
- How to Update Categories in WordPress
- How to Automatically Activate the Plugins on WordP...
- How to Embed Twitter on WordPress
- How to Run a WordPress Test Site on Your Computer
- How to Create Rounded Navigation Menu Links on a W...
- How to Include Java Script on All Pages in Wordpress
How to Turn My Regular WordPress Blog Into a Vlog
1. Go to YouTube.com and click the 'Sign up' link at the top of the page. Fill out the text fields that appear, setting your account type to 'Director.' If you will be using this account solely to add vlogs to your site, try to create a username as close to your own name or the name of your blog as possible. Click the 'Sign Up' button when you're done.
2. Go to your email account and open the email that YouTube sent you to verify your account. Click the link in the email. You will be taken to YouTube and asked for your username and password. Enter these and click 'Log In' to activate your account.
3. Click 'Upload' at the top of the YouTube page. Click the 'Browse' button and navigate to the location of the vlog you want to publish. Click the file once and then click 'Upload Video.' Fill out the text fields as the video is uploading, including its title, a description, some tags, and a category. Click 'Save Changes' when you're done.
4. Click your username at the top of the page and then click 'My Videos.' Click the title of the video you just uploaded, then copy the URL from your browser's URL bar.
5. Log in to your WordPress admin area. Click 'Posts' then 'Add New.' Enter a title for your vlog, then click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the main editing area. Paste the URL into the post; if you wish you can add some descriptive text above or below it. Click 'Publish' when you're done. Your vlog has now been posted to your site.
9:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Wordpress Static Website
1. Sign up for an account with a Web hosting provider that features a one-click Wordpress installation. Blue Host or DreamHost are two such providers. Once you create your account, register your domain name through the hosting provider, and buy a hosting plan. Make sure that the plan you buy offers one-click Wordpress installation. Consult with your hosting provider about how to proceed with the one-click Wordpress installation.
2. Navigate to your new Wordpress site in your Web browser, and click the 'Log in' link under the 'Meta' heading. Supply your administrative username and password. You either chose this during the one-click Wordpress installation, or it was assigned to you. Your Wordpress dashboard will load.
3. Click the 'Pages' link in the menu on the left. Your dashboard will reload with additional menu items under 'Pages.' Click 'Add New.'
4. Fill in the title and contents of your page. Click 'Publish.'
5. Click 'Settings' in the menu on the left. The 'Settings' menu will expand. Click 'Reading.'
6. Look for a group of option buttons entitled 'Front page displays.' Click the option button labeled 'A static page (select below).' Select your newly created page from the drop-down list labeled 'Front page.' Click 'Save Changes.' You are now using Wordpress as a CMS to maintain your own traditional website instead of a blog.
8:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export Blogspot to WordPress
1. Click the 'Tools' section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and then click 'Import.'
2. Click 'Blogger' at the top of the window. This prompts you to install the WordPress importer for Blogspot blogs.
3. Click the 'Install Now' button in the upper-right corner of the window, and then click 'Activate Plugin Run Importer.'
4. Click the 'Authorize' button.
5. Log in to your Blogger account if prompted, and then click 'Grant Access.' This returns you to your WordPress website. A box at the top of the window shows the number of posts and comments detected on your Blogspot blog.
6. Click the 'Import' button to import the content to your WordPress website.
7:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload All PLR Articles to Wordpress
1. Sign into your WordPress account.
2. Copy the PLR article to your clipboard. Select the PLR text and then press 'Ctrl' and 'C' together to copy the text.
3. Click 'Posts' and then click 'Add new post.'
4. Click in the blank text box and then press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste the article content.
5. Cut the article title from the text you just posted into the text box and then paste it into the 'Title' text box. To cut the title, highlight it, right click and then click 'Cut.'
6. Click 'Publish' to publish your post to WordPress.
7. Repeat Steps 2 to 6 for all of your PLR articles.
3:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Turn Off the WYSIWYG Editor in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress installation admin dashboard. To do this, you will need administrator privileges for that particular installation.
2. Click on 'Users' in the left menu of your dashboard.
3. Click on 'Your Profile' in the sub-menu, which is now open under 'Users.'
4. Click on the first check box, next to 'Disables the visual editor when writing.' Your WordPress installation will now let you use a simple HTML editor.
7:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Lightbox Videos in WordPress
1. Download Videobox: Lightbox for Videos (see Resources).
2. Unzip the downloaded file 'Video.'
3. Upload the files 'js,' 'css' and 'swf' to your Web server. Note their file paths.
4. Log in to your WordPress site.
5. Select 'Editor' from the 'Appearances' option in the left navigation menu. Choose the php file for the site's header.
6. Place the following code between the
Customize 'yoururl.com' to the domain path of where you uploaded the files in Step 3.
7. Add the Lightbox code to a post or page. Place the following tag in the body:
The URL of the video goes in place of the YouTube URL. Change 'caption' to text explaining what the video is. Alter 'Video' to text or an image that will be used as a link to launch the video in the Lightbox window.
8. Click 'Save Draft,' then 'Preview.' Ensure the Lightbox script works correctly before publishing.
1:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Yahoo! Maps in WordPress
1. Use UMapper. This free plug-in allows you to integrate Yahoo! Maps into your WordPress blog or website. It will only work if you have installed WordPress 2.8 or higher. As well as inserting maps, you can insert and move markers on a map to specify a location, create Geogames, such as darts, using the maps and is fully compatible with IE 7, Safari and Mozilla FireFox browsers. You can find the UMapper plugin at wordpress.org/extend/plugins/umapper/.
2. Download Yahoo! Shortcuts from wordpress.org/extend/plugins/yahoo-shortcuts/. Using the Yahoo! Shortcuts plugin, you can embed Yahoo! content into your blog or website, including maps. The plugin works by identifying keywords within your site content and highlighting them. When you hover your cursor over the highlighted word, it displays relevant Yahoo! content. By typing in locations, you will see a pop-up map when you hover your cursor over the text.
3. Install GeoPress from wordpress.org/extend/plugins/geopress/. This adds geographic tagging to your website or blog using photo websites like Flickr and a range of online map providers, one of which is Yahoo! Maps. Once you have installed the plugin, you simply type 'INSERT_MAP' into the text of your blog post after a location to display the relevant map to your readers. You can also choose the size of your maps and specify specific addresses or locations using the plug-in's star feature.
9:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Bullets Into WordPress
1. Click 'Add New' under 'Posts' to add a new post.
2. Type the text of the post, including the text you want to be displayed as a bulleted list. For example, type:Shopping ListMilkButterBreadEggs
3. Click the 'Visual' tab on the right-hand side of the post editing area. Use the mouse to highlight the items for which you want to insert bullets. On the Editor toolbar, click the 'Bullet' button to insert a bullet in front of each item in the list.
4. Click the 'HTML' tab on the right-hand side of the post editing area. Click the mouse so that the cursor flashes right before the first item where you want to insert a bullet. Enter the HTML tags to insert bullets for each item in the list. For example, type:
5. Publish the post, and preview the bulleted list on the screen.
7:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Photo Slideshow to WordPress
Adding a slideshow directly from WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress account. Click 'Posts' and then 'Add New' to start a new blog post.
2. Click the 'Add an Image' button to assemble a slideshow while creating the post. Upload images directly from your computer or attach photos stored in the WordPress media library by choosing 'Media' and 'Add New.' Click 'Save all changes' when your slideshow is complete.
3. Select the 'Insert Slideshow' button to embed the slideshow into the post.
Adding a slideshow using RockYou
4. Access the 'RockYou' website at the link given in the reference section. Press the 'Upload' button and add images from your computer.
5. Select a style for your slideshow, then click 'Save' when finished. Enter your email address if you have an account with 'RockYou' or click 'Skip' to bypass this step.
6. Choose the 'WordPress' option from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. If that option is not listed, click 'More Options' and select 'WordPress.com.'
7. Log in to your WordPress account in the form provided to automatically upload the slideshow to a new blog post, or copy and paste the code provided to post the slideshow on any page in your blog.
Adding a slideshow using Slide.com
8. Visit 'Slide.com' and click the 'Make a slideshow' link. If you do not see the link, click the 'More...' button.
9. Upload photos from your computer by clicking the 'Browse' button in the large orange box. Customize the design by choosing options from the right menu. Choose slideshow speed from right menu and set caption options in the blue caption bar.
10. Arrange images by dragging to the bottom of the page. Click 'Save,' then copy and paste HTML code into the blog post.
Adding a slideshow using Slideshare.com
11. Sign up for a free account at 'Slideshare.com.' Log in to your Slideshare account and choose 'Upload' at the top of the page.
12. View uploads and select the WordPress logo on the left. Copy and select the code from the pop-up window.
13. Paste the code into a WordPress blog post. You can edit the HTML code to adjust the slideshow's height and width.
4:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Auto Text Wrap in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress account.
2. Click 'My Blog,' then click 'New Post.' WordPress displays the 'Add New Post' page that contains your Post Editor interface.
3. Click the 'Add an Image' icon at the top of the editor, then click 'Select Files.' A file selection window opens allowing you to pick a file from your hard drive.
4. Double-click one of your image files to highlight it, then click 'Insert into Post.' The image appears in the editor window.
5. Click any blank area in the editor and type a few sentences. Note that the typed text does not wrap around the image. The text instead appears below the image or above it.
6. Click the image to reveal two icons in the image's upper-left corner. Click the icon on the left. The 'Edit Image' pop-up box opens and displays four buttons: 'None,' 'Left,' 'Center' and 'Right.' Each button wraps text around your image in a different way. The 'None' button prevents wrapping, while the 'Left' and 'Right' buttons force text to wrap around the left or right side of the image. 'Center' simply centers the image on the page, but does not wrap text around the image.
7. Click the 'Left' button. WordPress displays your image and text at the top of the pop-up window. Note that the image appears on the left, while your text wraps around it on the right side. If you click the 'Right' button, the image appears on the right and the text wraps around the image's left side.
8. Click 'Update' to return to the editor. Additional text you type will wrap around the image.
8:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Center a Header in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'Posts' from the menu on the left.
3. Click 'Edit' under the name of the post that you want to edit from the list of posts on your blog. You can also create a new post by clicking the 'Add New' link from the left menu.
4. Click the 'Visual' tab from the top right corner if it is not already selected.
5. Click the 'Show/Hide Kitchen Sink' button located at the far right of the WordPress editor toolbar. This will display more post options in a second toolbar underneath the first.
6. Type the text that you would like to make your header, then highlight it with your mouse. You can also highlight text that already exists in your post.
7. Click the 'Formatting' drop down menu, and select 'Heading 1.' This will turn the text into a header in your post.
8. Click the 'Align Center' button from the top toolbar. This will center your header text.
9. Click 'Publish' or 'Update' to save the changes to your post. When you view your blog, you will see the centered header text on your post.
5:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload Files to WordPress
1. Select the WordPress post you want to add the file to. Either select 'Add New' from the 'Posts' menu or click 'Edit' by an existing post.
2. Click the 'Browse' button in the 'Upload' section and locate file on your computer. The 'Upload' section is located directly beneath the text-editor window.
3. Enter a title and description for the file in the appropriate text boxes in the 'Upload' section. These can be used to located your uploaded file later.
4. Click the 'Upload' button. WordPress will now upload the file to the appropriate directory of your blog.
5. Click the 'Browse' tab located next to the 'Upload' tab. This tab displays the file you just uploaded, as well as any previously uploaded files.
6. Click once on the file name and edit its options. These options relate to how the file is displayed and linked.
7. Click 'Send to Editor' to place the uploaded file in your post. The link to the file appears where the cursor was placed within your post's content.
1:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Post Everything in My WordPress Blog to My Facebook Page
1. Install and activate the WordSocial plugin through your WordPress dashboard. Configure the plugin through the 'WordSocial' link under Settings in the left navigation bar of the dashboard. Choose to publish your posts automatically or after a delay and tell the plugin where to obtain an image for the post. Click on the 'Facebook' tab and connect the plugin with your Facebook account. Note that you are giving permission to the plugin to post as an admin of your Facebook page. The plugin automatically publishes your posts to your Facebook page and you can additionally configure it to publish to Twitter and LinkedIn.
2. Install the WordBooker plugin and activate it. Click on 'WordBooker' in the left menu to configure the settings. Click the 'Connect with Facebook' button to grant permission to the plugin to post to your Facebook account and log in as your page. Click the 'Reload Page' button in WordPress to complete the authorization. Customize the plugin's settings. For example, choose the length of the post, whether to include a share button and where, the name of your Facebook page and your email address for notifications. Note that WordBooker publishes excerpts from your posts with a link back to the full post on your blog.
3. Search for the application 'NetworkedBlogs' in Facebook and add it to your account. Edit the application's settings and register your WordPress blog name, URL and description. Validate your blog to confirm it's yours and your blog feed will appear on the NetworkedBlogs tab. Edit your Facebook page, go to the 'Apps' tab and click on 'Edit' under NetworkedBlogs. Check the box to publish your blog on your page wall. Save your changes and grant permission to the application to post directly to your page. Future blog posts will update your Facebook page wall automatically.
5:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add an Amazon Store to WordPress
1. Add a new page to your website. This is done on the dashboard of your WordPress-based site by clicking the 'Pages' tab and then clicking the 'Add New' button at the top of the screen.
2. Log into your Amazon Associates account. This will bring you to the main Amazon Associates window with the different options for adding Amazon products to your website.
3. Click the 'aStore' tab at the top of the screen. This takes you to the start of setting up your Amazon store.
4. Click the 'Add an aStore' yellow button. Fill in the tracking ID that you want to use for this store. The tracking ID is specific to the website you are tracking in Amazon. If you have only one website set up, then that tracking ID will be already in the field as a default. Click 'Continue' when you are finished.
5. Set up the products you want in your Amazon store. Click 'Add Category Page' to add different categories of products. Click 'Add Products' to search Amazon and add specific products. You can click 'Preview Store' at the bottom of the page at anytime to see how your store looks. Click 'Continue' when you have finished building your store.
6. Design the look of your store by changing the various colors. In this screen you can change the background, header, content background, text and link colors as well as type fonts. Click 'Continue' when finished with this page.
7. Choose where you want the store navigation placed on your store page. The choices are to the left or to the right. Also choose what additional features you want in your store such as list manias, similar items list and accessories list. Click 'Finish Get Link' when done.
8. Choose the code you want to use depending on how you want your store to look. For WordPress the standard link or inline frame work best. With a standard link, the customer will be taken to a separate shopping site. With an inline frame, you will have the store on your website with the navigation on the same page.
9. Copy the code you have chosen. Paste that code on your shopping page that you created on your website. Click update and you now have an Amazon store on your website.
4:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Restore a WordPress Blog After Changing Servers
1. Open an FTP program on your desktop and use it to log in to the FTP account given to you by your old Web host. In most cases, your FTP login information is the same as the username and password you use to log in to the control panel for your Web hosting. The address is usually 'ftp.yourdomain.com' although a few hosts set this up differently. Download an FTP program like FileZilla, CuteFTP or SmartFTP if you need one.
2. Navigate to the directory where you installed WordPress. The FTP program will display all the directories in your website in a panel on the right side of the screen. Using the panel on the left side of the screen, navigate to the folder on your computer where you want to temporarily save your files. Highlight the WordPress directory and drag it over to the left FTP panel. Wait for all files to finish downloading.
3. Sign out of your FTP account in the FTP program and sign in to the FTP account for your new Web host. Navigate to the directory where you want to put WordPress; this should match the same location where you found it on the old server. Highlight and drag the WordPress folder in your left panel to the right panel. Wait for your files to finish uploading.
4. Use Notepad to open the 'wp-config.php' file located in the folder where you downloaded your WordPress files. Look for the name of the database in the code:Define('DB_NAME', 'data_basename_here');
5. Log in to the control panel for your old Web host and navigate to myPHPAdmin. Locate the WordPress database listed in the left sidebar and click its name. Click the 'Export' tab at the top of the screen. Don't change the options already selected. Click 'Go' to create and download the export file.
6. Log in to the control panel for your new Web host and navigate to myPHPAdmin. Click the 'Import' tab and click 'Browse...' to select the SQL file you created. Click 'Go' to import the file.
7. Go to the WordPress login page on your new server and log in to the dashboard. Navigate to 'Settings' and 'Permalinks' and click 'Save Changes' to update your URLs.
1:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Columns to Pages in WordPress
1. Click 'Plugins' on the left side of the WordPress dashboard to expand the menu, then click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'WP Post Columns' in the field at the top of the page and press 'Enter.'
3. Click 'Install Now' under 'WP Post Columns' on the result screen, and install the plugin by clicking 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin.'
4. Open the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, then click 'Add New' to create a new post.
5. Click the main field on the post creation page, and type the text '[column width='47%' padding='6%'] [/column]'. Place all of the content that you want to appear in the first column between this set of brackets. Move the cursor to the first blank line after the last bracket.
6. Type '[column width='47%' padding='0'] [/column]' in the blank line. Place all of the content that you went to appear in the second column between this set of brackets. Move the cursor to the next blank line.
7. Type '[end_columns]' in the blank line, and publish the post.
1:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Bullet Function in WordPress
1. Open a browser and go to the WordPress admin login website page. Type your username and password. Click the blue 'Log In' button to go to the WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click 'Appearance' on the left-hand side of the Dashboard menu. Click 'Editor' to go to the 'Edit Themes' page.
3. Click 'Stylesheet' under 'Styles' on the right-hand side of the 'Edit Themes' page to open the 'style.css' file.
4. Scroll down through the style.css file until you see the 'ul' tag. It could appear in any of the following forms:.menu ul#left_sidebar ul#right_sidebar ul
5. Add an extra line of space above the coding containing the 'ul' tag.
6. Add modified coding defining the list, using the 'li' tag for list. Then in the brackets next to the tag, type 'list-style-type: none;' followed by any parameters. It looks similar to this:#left_sidebar li { list-style-type: none; margin: 0px; padding: 5px; }
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for any additional places you want to remove the 'ul' tag.
8. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save the coding.
4:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit the Heading in a WordPress Thesis
1. Navigate to wordpress.com and allow the page to load. Log in with your username and password to access your account. Select 'My Account' on the top left side of the page.
2. Click 'Appearance' on the left side menu bar. Select 'Themes' from the drop-down menu that appears. Look for the theme menu to appear on the top of your screen, including the name 'Thesis' and an options menu below.
3. Use the 'Options' menu, located at the top of the web page to customize your theme. Select the option titled 'Header' and allow the new page to load. Use the prompts on the page to upload an image, add and edit display text, change the text color or reset your settings. Press 'Save Changes' to save your thesis header.
1:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Subdomain Wild Cards in WordPress
1. Locate the httpd.conf file for your Web server and add this line:ServerAlias *.yoursite.comIf you use a Web host that doesn't offer access to the Apache Web server settings, you can email technical support and ask if the host supports wild-card subdomains. You can also try going through the other steps and see if they work.
2. Add the wild-card subdomain to your Domain Name Server (DNS) records. Within cPanel, for example, you can just add it as a new subdomain wherever you see the 'Add Subdomain' options listed. Most Web hosts come with a similar management system in which these settings are easy to find, provided that your hosting package came with subdomains.
3. Download the wp-config.php file from the main directory of your WordPress website using an FTP client. Open the file in a code editor or Notepad and find this line of code:define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', false);Change 'false' to 'true' to turn on network settings for your WordPress installation. Re-upload the file to your server and overwrite the original file.
4. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from your website's wp-admin directory. Navigate to 'Tools' and click on 'Network.' Select 'Sub-domains' for your site addresses. Give your network a name and fill in the 'Admin E-Mail Address' field with your email. Click the 'Install' button.
5. Create a new blogs.dir directory uner your wp-content directory in WordPress using an FTP client. Right-click on the directory and check all user permissions so the permissions value rises to 755.
6. Go back to your WordPress dashboard and copy the code that the network installer gave you. Paste it in to your wp-config.php file above the comment that says 'That's all, stop editing!' Save the file and re-upload to your server.
7. Log out of WordPress and log back in. You can now create new blogs for your network while in the 'Network Admin' area. You can get there by clicking 'Network Admin' on the top bar of the dashboard. Click 'Sites' and then 'Add New' to start. Your original blog is also still intact.
8:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload Downloaded .Zip Files to WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress installation's dashboard.
2. Click the 'Themes' link under 'Appearance' in the left sidebar.
3. Move to the 'Install Themes' tab.
4. Select 'Upload' from the list of options at the top of the page.
5. Click the 'Choose File' button and select your theme's ZIP file, then click 'Install Now.' This automatically extracts your theme from its ZIP file and installs it in WordPress.
6. Sign in to your WordPress installation.
7. Click the 'Add New' link under 'Plugins' on the left side of the screen.
8. Select the 'Upload' option from the top of the page.
9. Click 'Choose File' and open your plugin ZIP file, then click the 'Install Now' button to automatically install the plugin.
2:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Update Categories in WordPress
Sign into your blog
1. Sign into your WordPress blog by either using WordPress.com or your admin login. An admin login is required if WordPress has been installed directly on your server. For example, get a login page at www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin
2. Click on the 'Category' option located in the 'Posts' menu. After logging in, WordPress takes you to your blog's dashboard. On the left side of the screen are the menus.
3. Click on the category you want updated. To update categories, you have three options: Quick Edit, Edit and Delete. To update the category name or slug, the name that shows up in permalink, use Quick Edit. If you need to edit the Parent (the hierarchy it belongs in), or the description, you must use the Edit option.
4. Click on the 'Delete' option to permanently delete a category. Approve any prompts to confirm the deletion.
1:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Automatically Activate the Plugins on WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click 'Plugins' in the left-hand sidebar. A list of plugins will appear that you have already installed.
3. Click the check box next to 'Plugin' to select all your plugins.
4. Click the down arrow next to 'Bulk Actions' and then select 'Activate.'
5. Click 'Apply.' WordPress will automatically activate all your plugins.
2:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Twitter on WordPress
1. Go to the WordPress.org site and search the plugins database for a Twitter widget or plugin that meets your needs. There are hundreds, if not thousands of options here, so choose a plugin with a high user rating and ample installation instructions.
2. Access your WordPress dashboard using your login information and find the 'Plugins' option on the left side of your screen. Press the link to the 'Add New' plugin under the 'Plugins' link.
3. Type in the name of the plugin you found for adding Twitter to the site and press the 'Search Plugins' button.
4. Locate your desired plugin and select the 'Install Now' link.
5. Select the 'Activate Plugin' link and allow WordPress a few moments to open and install the plugin. WordPress will post the progress of the task on screen. It should take only a few moments to complete.
6. Return to the Dashboard and go to the 'Appearance' section and select the 'Widgets' link. Find your newly installed Twitter plugin, which will likely show up in the Widget options, and drag the widget to the proper sidebar location on the right side of your screen. This will vary based on your individual theme design, but the 'Primary Sidebar' is the most likely place to install your Twitter widget.
7. Enter your Twitter handle, the @username from your Twitter account, and enter any additional preferences for how the widget will read and import your Twitter feed. Depending on the plugin you choose, you may need to add additional settings to the plugin, which is usually in the 'Settings' section of your Dashboard.
8. Save your adjustments and return to the main Dashboard page. Select the link to your site's homepage and review the sidebar to see that your widget is properly importing your Twitter feed onto your website.
9:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Run a WordPress Test Site on Your Computer
1. Download a server application. XAMPP and Wamp are the most popular, and both are simple and low maintenance. Install it at the root of your hard drive. The first time you run the program, you will be presented with a menu of services to install. Select 'Apache' and 'MySQL.'
2. Type 'localhost' into your browser, then click the PHPMyAdmin tab. In the 'Create New Database' text field, type 'wordpress' (without the quotes) and click 'Create.'
3. Download the latest version of WordPress from wordpress.org and unzip the file in C:/
4. Open the WordPress folder and find a file named 'wp-config-sample.php.' Rename this file to 'wp-config.php,' then open it in a text editor like Notepad. Find the 'MySQL settings' area in the text file and replace it with these values:define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the databasedefine('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL usernamedefine('DB_PASSWORD', ''); // ...and passworddefine('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); //
5. Point your browser to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and follow the instructions. The program will ask for non-technical details as it installs.
6:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Rounded Navigation Menu Links on a WordPress Thesis Theme
1. Log in to WordPress. Scroll to the 'Thesis' pane, then select 'Custom File Editor.' Choose 'custom.css' and click 'Edit Selected File.'
2. Scroll to the bottom of the field and paste in the following code:.custom #nav_area {-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-khtml-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px;}
3. Click the 'Big Ass Save Button.' Open the site in a new tab or window to verify you like the rounded corners.
3:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Include Java Script on All Pages in Wordpress
1. Upload your JavaScript file in your theme's folder via an FTP client.
2. Log on to your WordPress site and click on 'Appearance' and 'Editor.'
3. Select 'Header' from the list of templates on the right.
4. Insert the script to include your JavaScript file within the
section of the template:
Replace 'pathto/yourscript.js' to the location of your JavaScript file.
5. Click on 'Update File.'
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