- How to Send Wordpress Posts to Twitter
- How to Find WordPress Config
- How to Transfer a Domain Name to WordPress
- How to Use WordPress As a Sales Letter
- How to Call a Footer Widget in WordPress
- How to Install a WordPress Theme Config File
- How to Delete a Blogroll From WordPress
- How to Edit a Login Redirect on WordPress
- How to Prevent SQL Injection in WordPress
- How to Reorder WordPress Pages
- How to Add Photos to a Wordpress Blog
- How to Increase WordPress Media Storage
- How to Edit Title Tags in WordPress
- How to Test WordPress Speed
- How to Disable the Thesis WordPress Link in the Fo...
- How to Back Up WordPress
- How to Set up a Contact Us Form in Thesis WordPress
- How to Use HTML in WordPress Text Widget
- How to Create a WordPress Template Homepage
- How to Add a Widgetized Footer to WordPress Themes
- How to Link Pages to the Menu in WordPress
- How to Turn off WordPress Revisions
- How to Install and Transfer From WordPress to Joomla
- How to Edit the Date in a WordPress 2.9 Post
- How to Delete Tags From WordPress Posts
- How to Change the API Key on a WordPress Blog
- How to Start a Wordpress Blog
- How to Build Out a Temporary WordPress Site on a B...
- How to Know if a Website Is on WordPress
- How to Add PDF Download Links to WordPress
- How to Install a Ready
How to Send Wordpress Posts to Twitter
1. Use WordPress' publicize feature. You can turn on this feature by clicking on the link that appears once you have published a new post. Not only does it create a link to your post in your Twitter feed, but it also shortens the link so you don't use too many characters. Using publicize, you can control which social networking sites your post is published to and customize the title before sharing.
2. Install a special plug-in. There are several WordPress plug-ins that will automatically publish new posts to your Twitter feed once you have linked your accounts. These include Post to Twitter, which prevents duplicate Twitter posts appearing if you also have a setting that creates Wordpress posts using your Twitter tweets. Twitter Tools creates a tweet indicating you have a posted a new blog entry, although it won't shorten the URL automatically. WP to Twitter will shorten the URL using the Cli.gs or Bit.ly services, and you can also choose to send a notification when you edit or update posts.
3. Use custom code. This will enable readers to send the post they're reading to Twitter and, if you click on the same link, for you to publish it on your own feed. You must have downloaded WordPress to use this method as you need access to the single .php file. Within the PHP code, find the loop you have created for your posts and enter the following inside it:
' title='Click to send this page to Twitter!' target='_blank'>Share on Twitter
. A link should now appear with every post you make that will allow both you and your readers to share your posts on Twitter.
6:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find WordPress Config
On Your Computer
1. Click on the 'Windows Explorer' icon on your taskbar.
2. Double-click on the file folder icon or the name of your WordPress folder to open the directory. Scroll down to find 'wp-config.php.' The directory will only contain the file if you've downloaded it from your Web server after WordPress was installed. If it doesn't exist, use the file 'wp-config-sample.php' as a template to create your own.
3. Contact your Web hosting company to get the name of the database that holds your blog information, the username and password used to access it and the name of the server on which it is stored. Alternatively, find the information in the 'Databases' section of your Web hosting control panel.
4. Open 'wp-config-sample.php' with a text editor. Follow the directions in the file to fill in the database name, username, password and host name in the spaces indicated, replacing the placeholder names between the single quotes.
5. Open a Web browser and navigate to the URL given in the file under 'Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.' Highlight the block of text from the browser window. Right-click on the highlighted text, and then click on 'Copy' to copy it to your clipboard.
6. Return to your text editor. Highlight the block of text that begins with 'define('AUTH_KEY'.' Right-click on the highlighted text, and then click on 'Paste' to replace it with the information you copied from the website.
7. Click on 'File' in the 'File' menu followed by 'Save as.' Type 'wp-config.php' into the 'File name' box. Click the 'Save' button to save the new 'wp-config.php' file.
Through Your Website's Control Panel
8. Log into your Web server using the username and password provided by your Web hosting company.
9. Click on the 'Control Panel' icon or menu item to access your control panel.
10. Click on the 'File Cabinet' icon to go to your files. The icon or name may vary depending on your server. Open the directory where you installed your WordPress files. If your blog is the home page on your website, you'll usually find those files in the root folder, which is the main folder for your website. Scroll through the file list to find 'wp-config.php.'
2:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Transfer a Domain Name to WordPress
Domain Mapping
1. Log into your account at your domain registrar and update the name servers for your domain name. The exact procedure will vary depending on which registrar you use, but you can often find the option to update name servers under 'DNS Settings' or 'Modify DNS.' Delete any name servers that are already listed, and add new name servers by typing them into the boxes. Enter the following name servers without quotes: 'ns1.wordpress.com', 'ns2.wordpress.com' and 'ns3.wordpress.com'. Wait approximately 24 hours for the name server changes to take effect.
2. Log into your blog dashboard at WordPress.com. Click on 'Settings' and choose 'Domains.' Type your domain name into the Add a Domain box and click on 'Add domain to blog.' WordPress will verify that the name server changes are in effect.
3. Complete the purchase of your upgrade.
4. Return to your blog dashboard and select 'Settings' and 'Domains.' Click on the radio button next to your new domain name and click on 'Update Primary Domain.'
Email Settings
5. Obtain the correct MX settings from your domain registrar, to receive or send emails at this domain through your registrar.
6. Log into your blog dashboard, click on 'Upgrades' and select 'Domains.'
7. Click the 'Edit DNS' link next to the domain name. Enter the MX settings in the format 'MX Preference Hostname.' without quotes. Note that a period follows the hostname.
8. Click 'Save DNS records' to validate and save your settings.
4:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress As a Sales Letter
1. Sign up for a WordPress account. You will need your email address, name of page desired and a password. You will confirm email activation.
2. Buy and download the WP Search Engine theme and plugin. It cost about $167 in April 2011. Its selling point is ease of use and compatibility with your current theme.
3. Select 'Plugins' on your dashboard and hit 'Add New' and 'Upload.' WordPress will then have you select the zipped file you want to upload. Activate it and it is ready to use.
4. Press the Sales Engine label on your dashboard. You will see a large 'Create New Pages' button and a list of the types of pages you can select. Choose 'Sales page' and it will be set up automatically.
5. Provide the information needed as well as the payment option, if using PayPal. Take this time to view the page and make sure the payment buttons all work. Publish the page.
7:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Call a Footer Widget in WordPress
1. Open the 'functions.php' file of your WordPress theme in Notepad. Find the widgets section of the code and add the code below.register_sidebar(array('name' => 'My Footer','id' => 'my_footer','before_widget' => '
','after_widget' => '
','before_title' => '
','after_title' => '
'));Save your changes.
2. Open 'footer.php' and add the following code where you want your footer widget to appear:
Save your changes.
3. Log on to WordPress and click on 'Appearance' and 'Widgets.' A section called 'My Footer' will appear on the left. Drag the widget you wish to place on your site's footer in this new section.
9:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a WordPress Theme Config File
1. Navigate to your Wordpress blog and log in.
2. Click 'Appearance.'
3. Click 'Themes.'
4. Choose the 'Install Themes' option.
5. Click 'Upload.' Select the zip file containing your theme files to upload to the blog site. Choose 'Activate' to set this theme as the active theme on your Wordpress blog.
6:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Delete a Blogroll From WordPress
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard and click 'Links' in the left-hand menu. Click 'Link Categories' under the 'Links' menu option. By default, WordPress installs with a 'Blogroll' link category full of helpful links related to WordPress. You cannot delete the 'Blogroll' category, but you can edit its name and delete all of its links.
2. Click the 'Blogroll' link on the 'Link Categories' page, then replace the name with a name you want to use for any category of links. Create new categories as desired.
3. Click 'Links' again on the left menu. Use the select box next to the 'Filter' button to select links by category. Select the category you renamed from 'Blogroll' and click the 'Filter' button. Check the box next to 'Name' to select all links. Deselect any you want to keep. Select 'Delete' from the 'Bulk Actions' select box, then click 'Apply.' This will delete all links that came with WordPress under 'Blogroll.'
4. Click 'Appearance' then 'Widgets' on the left menu. Check each sidebar for the 'Links' widget. Click the 'Links' widget title if you see it in a sidebar then use the select box to select the name of a links category you want to display. You cannot select a link category that does not yet contain any links, so go back and add some if you do not see a category you want to use.
1:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit a Login Redirect on WordPress
1. Access your Wordpress dashboard and click 'Add New' beneath 'Plugins.' Search for 'Login Redirect.'
2. Click 'Install Now' next to 'Peter's Login Redirect' and click 'Activate.'
3. Click on 'Login Redirects' beneath 'Settings.'
4. Select the user profile type you want to redirect logins for. For example, select 'Subscribers' if you want to change the log in redirect for your readers.
5. Input the custom URL you want to redirect the user profile type to.
6. Click on 'Save.'
1:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Prevent SQL Injection in WordPress
Update WordPress
1. Log in to the administrative console for your WordPress blog.
2. Click on the 'Updates' link in the left column of the WordPress administrative interface, just below 'Dashboard' and 'Home,' near the top of the page.
3. Verify that you have the latest version of WordPress installed; if not, install it. Back up your database and WordPress files prior to upgrading, especially if you are going from version 2 to version 3 of the software.
Update WordPress Plugins
4. Log in to the WordPress administrative console and navigate to the 'Plugins' section in the left column.
5. Click on the 'Installed plugins' link, which will take you to the plugin administration interface. Be sure to have the 'Active' tab selected to view the list of plugins that are enabled.
6. Scan down the list for any plugins that indicate an updated version is available.
7. Click the link provided to update any plugins that are out of date.
Practice Good Security
8. Verify any plugin you intend to install is registered with the WordPress.org codex. If a plugin is listed in the codex, the code has received more validation than a random plugin off the Internet.
9. Check the WordPress codex for a feedback rating and indications whether the plugin you intend to install has been reported to work with the latest version of WordPress. Look for highly rated plugins with many reports of compatibility.
10. Check the date of the most recent updates to your selected plugin. You want to ensure that bugs and exploits are going to be addressed in a timely manner. You can also verify developer responsiveness by looking into any issues and solutions that have been reported in the past.
11. Maintain constant vigilance for new potential vectors of attack that may be reported in the future. WordPress and its plugins may have unknown bugs that can be exploited. By keeping abreast of the latest news, you can quickly move to close down possible issues before they are exploited.
9:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Reorder WordPress Pages
Reorder Existing Pages
1. Log in to your WordPress blog.
2. Go to the left navigation and select 'Pages.' Your list of existing pages are displayed on the right.
3. Place your cursor over the page you want to reorder. Select the 'Quick Edit' link that appears below.
4. Place your cursor within the 'Order' text field and enter the number you want the page to appear in. For example, to place the 'About Us' page before the 'Contact' page, enter '1' for the 'About Us' page and '2' for the 'Contact' page.
5. Click 'Update' to preserve your changes.
Reorder New Pages
6. Log in to WordPress and select 'Pages' from the left navigation to expand it. Click 'Add New.'
7. Enter the title and contents of the page as you would normally. Go to the 'Page Attributes' section in the right pane.
8. Enter the 'Order' number for the page.
9. Click 'Save Draft' or 'Publish' to save your changes.
Use WordPress Plugin
10. Log in to your WordPress blog and select 'Plugins' and 'Add New' from the left navigation. You are directed to the 'Plugins' page.
11. Click the 'Add New' button at the top of the page.
12. Type 'My Page Order' into the 'Search' field and click the 'Search Plugins' button. The 'My Page Order' plug-in appears.
13. Select 'Install Now' to add the plug-in to WordPress.
14. Select 'Activate Plugin' to use the plug-in. You are redirected to the 'Plugins' page.
15. Find the 'My Page Order' plug-in you just added. To make it visible, click 'All' or 'Active' at the top of your page.
16. Select the 'Order Pages' link at the bottom of the description for 'My Page Order.' You are directed to another page to arrange your pages.
17. Drag and drop any pages you want to rearrange in WordPress. The page moves to its new location.
4:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Photos to a Wordpress Blog
1. Login to your Wordpress Control Panel, and then click on the 'Write' Tab. This is the area you use to add new posts and pages to your blog.
2. Decide if you want to write a new post or a new page. A page is a stand-alone document. Each page can have many posts. Most bloggers choose to use individual posts, while most static Wordpress sites use individual pages. The choice, however, is up to you.
3. Write the text of your post. Then, click on the 'Add Media' button above your post. Here, you will have the option to add audio, video, or images to your site. If you mouse over each picture provided, you can find the correct button easily. Click on the 'Add an Image' button.
4. A pop-up window will open. Click the button labeled 'Choose Files to Open.' This will allow you to browse your computer for the files you'd like to add to your blog post. After your file uploads, you can add a title, tags, or a description.
5. Finally, choose where you'd like your picture to display on your blog post. Select the radio button beside left, right, or center, to put your picture in the corresponding position on your blog.
2:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Increase WordPress Media Storage
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard using the administrator account.
2. Click the 'Network Admin' link in the top right corner to view the administrator settings.
3. Click 'Settings' from the menu on the left to navigate to the network settings page.
4. Scroll down to the 'Upload Settings' section near the bottom of the page.
5. Type in a larger number in the 'Site upload space' text box. This will increase the amount of space each site has for media storage.
6. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
2:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Title Tags in WordPress
Simple Editing of Title Tags
1. Log on to your WordPress account. From the Dashboard, select 'Posts.'
2. Scroll over one of your posts, and then select 'Edit.'
3. Change the title of the post on this page. Try to limit it to 55 characters, and use strong keywords to achieve search engine optimization.
Editing Title Tags with the Free SEO Title Tag WordPress Plug-in
4. Download the SEO Title Tag WordPress Plug-in (see Resources).
5. Log in to your WordPress blog. In the admin section, click 'Manage' followed by 'Title Tags.' This will give you a list of all the URLs for your pages and a 'Custom Title' section to change the title tags.
6. Type in your chosen title tag in the new 'Custom Title' input boxes, a feature of the SEO Title Tag plug-in. Limit your title tag to 55 characters and use strong keywords. Save your settings by clicking 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the screen.
5:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Test WordPress Speed
Open Footer Editor
1. Log into your WordPress site.
2. Click 'Appearance' from the left menu, then click the 'Editor' sub-menu.
3. Click 'Footer' from the list of files on the right side of the screen. The code for the WordPress footer will appear in a text box.
4. Determine if you have the following PHP string already coded into your footer. If it is already present, you will not need to edit your footer:
seconds. //-->
Add Code to Footer
5. Highlight the following code and select 'Copy' from the menu:
seconds. //-->
6. Right-click in the footer text box above the
tag and select 'Paste' from the menu. This will paste a copy of the code in your footer.
7. Click 'Update File' to save the changes to your code.
Test WordPress Speed
8. Click the link to your WordPress site in the top left corner of the dashboard and allow your site to fully load.
9. Right-click on the site and select 'View Source' or 'View Page Source.' This will display the coding of your site in a new window.
10. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and view the output of the code that you inserted. It will look something like this:
The first number tells you how many PHP queries were made to load your page and the second number tells you the loading speed of your WordPress site.
4:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Disable the Thesis WordPress Link in the Footer
1. Log in to your Wordpress control panel.
2. Click 'Thesis Options,' click 'Custom File Editor,' and then click 'custom_functions.php.'
3. Type 'remove_action('thesis_hook_footer','thesis_attribution');' to the end of the file.
4. Click 'Save' to apply the update.
9:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Back Up WordPress
1. Sign into your WordPress account. Scroll down the Dashboard until you reach the 'Tools' pane, then click 'Export.'
2. Select the 'All Content' option if it you want to back up both pages and posts from your blog. Selecting either 'Pages' or 'Posts' backs up only one or the other.
3. Click 'Download Export File' to download a copy of the blog to your hard drive in XML format.
1:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set up a Contact Us Form in Thesis WordPress
1. Log into WordPress and go to the dashboard. Click the 'Plugins' link to go to the Plugins page. Click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'Contact Form' in the search field and press enter. This will display many pages of available plugins.
3. Read the details for the plugins and look at the ratings, which are shown using a five-star system to identify which plugin might be best for your website. Although the three used here as examples work well, there are many others to choose from.
4. Click the 'Install Now' link beneath the plugin name. Click 'OK' in the dialog box that asks you to confirm that you want to install the plugin. A confirmation page will appear when the installation is finished. Click 'Activate Plugin.'
5. Click the 'Visit Plugin Site' link to learn how to use the contact form plugin. For Zero Conference Mail, for example, simply type '[zcmail]' on any page to activate the plugin. Contact Form uses '[contact_form].' Grunion Contact Form uses '[contact-form].'
6. Click the 'Settings' option to add an email address if you are using a plugin such as Contact Form or Grunion Contact Form, and wish to use a different email than the email you used to register with WordPress. Other plugins, including Zero Conf Mail, have no settings menu and will use the email address registered with WordPress for the website.
7. Go to any page or blog post on your website where you want to use the contact form. Click the 'Edit' link to make changes to the page. Click the 'HTML' tab. Locate the place on the page where you want the contact form and type in the appropriate code, such as '[contact-form].'
8. Click the 'Update Button.' The contact form will be added to the page or blog post. Click the 'View Page' button to see it. Type a message in the form text field and click 'Submit' to test it.
2:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use HTML in WordPress Text Widget
1. Visit yoursite.com/wp-admin and log into your WordPress dashboard. Click 'Appearance' and then 'Widgets' in the left-hand menu. On the right-hand side of the screen are your website's sidebars and other widget-capable areas, named things like 'Sidebar' or 'Footer Widget Section.' These names usually describe the section of the page they effect. Click on the one you want to work with to expand it.
2. Find the 'Text' widget in the middle of the 'Widgets' page and drag and drop it into the sidebar of your choosing. You can add as many 'Text' widgets to as many sidebars as you like.
3. Fill in the title if you wish a title to appear over the widget's content when you visit the site. Leave it blank if you do not want a title. Paste your HTML code into the bottom input field of the 'Text' widget. Check that the checkbox at the bottom is not checked, because automatic paragraphs will interfere with your HTML code. Click the 'Save' button to update the widget with your new content.
1:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a WordPress Template Homepage
1. Sign into your WordPress account on your website.
2. Click 'Administration,' then click 'Settings' and 'Reading Panel.'
3. Click the 'Static Page' radio button.
4. Select the page you would like to display as your homepage from the 'Front Page' drop-down menu.
5. Click 'Update Options.'
7:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Widgetized Footer to WordPress Themes
1. Log in to WordPress. Scroll to the 'Appearance' pane along the left side of the screen, and choose 'Editor.'
2. Click the 'functions.php' file. Scroll to any blank line in the file and paste the following code in:register_sidebars(1,array('name' => 'Footer Widget','before_widget' => '
','after_widget' => '
','before_title' => '
','after_title' => '
'));function footer_widget() { ?>
You can edit the content that appears here by visiting your Widgets panel and modifying the
current widgets
3. Open 'style.css' and paste the following code in:.custom .sidebar ul.sidebar_list {position: relative;}.custom #footer_widget_1 ul.sidebar_list li.widget {position: relative; text-align: left; display: block; top:4px; left:0px; width:468px; }.custom #footer-social-icons a img { float:left; }.custom #footer-social-icons {text-align: left;width: 600px;}}Edit the numbers behind 'width' to change the width of the widgetized portion of the footer, then click 'Save.'
4. Click the 'Widgets' option under the 'Appearance' page. A footer widget area now exists within the widget screen. Drag and drop any available widget into the footer widget area to make the widget appear in the footer.
7:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Link Pages to the Menu in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and open the 'Appearance' menu in the gray column on the left side of the page.
2. Click 'Menus.'
3. Click the 'Menu Name' field and type a descriptive name for the custom menu. For example, if your WordPress theme has a menu at the top of each screen, you might call it 'Top Menu.'
4. Click the blue 'Create Menu' button on the right side of the page. A new tab appears at the top with the name of the menu.
5. Locate the 'Pages' section on the left side and click the check box next to the name of each WordPress page that you want to add to the custom menu. Click the 'Add to Menu' button.
6. Scroll back to the top of the page. Each page that you have added to the custom menu is displayed as a gray button.
7. Hover the mouse pointer over one of the gray buttons until it changes to four crossed arrows. Click and drag the button to move it, and drop it to change the position of that menu item. Click the blue 'Save Menu' button when you are satisfied with the position of each item.
8. Click a drop-down menu under 'Theme Locations' and select the name of the custom menu that you have created. If your WordPress theme has multiple menu locations, there may be more than one drop-down menu in this area; click the drop-down menu for the location where you would like the custom menu to appear.
9. Click the 'Save' button under 'Theme Locations' to begin displaying the custom menu on your WordPress website.
9:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Turn off WordPress Revisions
1. Click to expand the 'Plug-ins' section of the WordPress dashboard menu; click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'Revision Control' in the search field. Press 'Enter.'
3. Click 'Install Now' under 'Revision Control' on the result list. Click 'OK' and 'Activate Plug-in.'
4. Click to expand the 'Settings' section of the WordPress dashboard menu, then click 'Revisions.'
5. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Posts' under 'Default Revision Status.' Select 'Do not store revisions.' Do the same with the menu next to 'Pages.'
6. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
3:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install and Transfer From WordPress to Joomla
Installing Joomla
1. Visit Joomla.org. Click the “Download” button and then download the “ZIP” of the latest “Full Package” and wait while it downloads to your computer's hard drive. When the download is complete, extract the file using a program like UnRarX on the Mac or by right-clicking and selecting “Extract All” in Windows 7.
2. Log in to your FTP account. Navigate to where you want the Joomla installation to go. If necessary, create a new folder to place Joomla in. Then upload all the files you just extracted to the location you want.
3. Visit your Joomla location in a browser window. You will be presented with an installation process with five steps. Simply enter the information required in each step, such as your site's name, URL, and an administrator user name and password, until you reach the final step and then click “Administration.”
Transferring Content
4. Open a new browser tab and visit the download page for the JConverter Joomla extension. Find the download link and save the extension to your computer.
5. Return to your Joomla tab, click “Extensions” and then click “Install / Uninstall.” Click “Browse” and then locate the file you just downloaded. Double-click it and wait for the extension to install.
6. Click “Extensions,” 'JConverter” and then “Global Configuration.” Type your WordPress MySQL credentials into the text boxes provided. This is to give Joolma access to the database so it can transfer the data. Click “Save” and then click “Start Conversion.”
7. Check that the data has been transferred correctly. Go through the “Article Manager” section and check the imported posts. Correct any formatting errors you find. Unfortunately you have to do this post by post. Also check the “Category Manager” to ensure post categories were imported correctly and that their hierarchy is intact. Again, correct any mistakes now.
8. If you have multiple users on your WordPress site and chose to import them, go to “User Manager” and check that all users are present and their details, such as their email addresses, are correct.
2:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit the Date in a WordPress 2.9 Post
1. Log in the WordPress administration area. Select 'Posts' from the left and click the title of the post you want to modify.
2. Go to the 'Publish' section on the right side your page.
3. Click 'Edit' beside 'Publish on.'
4. Change the date and time to the new date you want displayed. Click 'OK' to update the settings. Click 'Publish.'
2:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Delete Tags From WordPress Posts
1. Scroll down to the 'Post Tags' section to delete a WordPress tag from the post editing screen. Click the 'X' next to a tag to delete it. This deletes the tag from the post, but it does not remove other instances of that same tag from your WordPress website.
2. Click the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard to delete a tag without viewing the post editing screen. Hover the mouse pointer over the name of a post, and click 'Quick Edit.' Click the 'Post Tags' field on the right side of the page, and press the 'Backspace' key to erase a tag. Click the 'Update' button when you are finished. Like the previous method, this only deletes a tag in an individual post.
3. Click 'Post Tags' under the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard to remove a tag from your website. Hover the mouse pointer over a tag on the right side of the page, and click 'Delete' to delete it. If your website has more post tags than can fit on a single page, use the 'Search Tags' field in the upper-right corner of the page.
1:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the API Key on a WordPress Blog
1. Log in to your WordPress.com account and go to your dashboard.
2. Click 'Dashboard' from the left menu, then click the 'Site Stats' sub-menu.
3. Select the blog's name from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, then click the 'Switch' button.
4. Click the plus sign next to the 'Configure Stats Access,' type an email address into the 'Add User' text box, then click the 'Add' button. You will see a new user appear on your user's list and WordPress.com will send an email to the email address with your API key.
5. Click the 'Promote' button next to the new user's name to make that user the administrator.
6. Click the 'Leave this blog' button to remove the original user.
7. Check your email account for the message with the new WordPress API key.
8. Highlight the API key with your mouse, then right-click and select 'Copy.'
Change API
9. Log in to your WordPress blog and click on 'Plugins' from the left menu.
10. Click 'Deactivate' under the 'WordPress.com Stats' plug-in, then click 'Activate' to reactivate it again. This will clear the previous API key.
11. Click the 'WordPress.com Stats' link at the top of the page in a red box to go to the configuration screen.
12. Right-click in the 'API Key' text box and click 'Paste' to paste the new API key.
13. Click the 'Save' button to complete the configuration and change the WordPress API key for your blog.
9:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Start a Wordpress Blog
1. Go to Wordpress.com. Click on the Sign Up Now button at the top of the page.
2. Enter your email and username that you choose to sign in and out of. Your username can be the name of your blog or some other name.
3. You have the option to start a blog or just get a user name. Getting a user name allows you to comment on other blogs. Starting a Wordpress blog allows you to blog to your heart's content and comment on other blogs.
4. Choose a blog domain name. Remember that this name can't be changed. It is your permanent Wordpress web address.
5. You can choose a blog title. Your blog title can change, unlike your blog domain name. Be sure your blog title is clear and tells the reader what your blog is about immediately.
6. If you want your blog to appear in search engines, be sure to check off that option.
7. Fill out your profile. Be sure to add experience that makes you an expert in what your blog is about. If your area of expertise is plumbing and your blog is about plumbing, then be sure to write about your years of experience and companies you worked for. Also write about any awards or special recognition that you recieved for your work.
8. Start writing! The more you write, the more your blog will be read by others.
5:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Build Out a Temporary WordPress Site on a BlueHost IP
1. Click the 'Control Panel Login' button in the top, right corner of BlueHost. Input your domain ID and password and click 'Login.'
2. Scroll down to the 'SimpleScripts Installations' pane. Click the 'WordPress' icon.
3. Choose the green 'Install' button. Select the domain where you wish to install WordPress and click 'Install.' Wait for SimpleScripts to tell you the installation is complete. Take note of your temporary WordPress user ID and password.
4. Navigate to your WordPress control panel -- address format is yoursite.com/wp-admin -- and log in using your temporary name and password. Begin building your temporary WordPress site.
1:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Know if a Website Is on WordPress
1. Visit the website in your browser and then right-click on the page. Select 'View Source' so you can look at the code for the website. Note that although you can see source code for any website, you cannot see any PHP code. Since PHP code runs on servers, you can only view the results of PHP code. You can see any JavaScript code, but not HTML generated by the JavaScript.
2. Look for the following line of code:
WordPress uses this profile, but only if the programmer who created the theme -- templates used by WordPress -- included the proper PHP code in the '
' tag of the 'header.php' template file.
3. Scroll down and look for any code referencing 'widgets.' Since WordPress refers to its sidebar contents as 'widgets,' this is a good sign that the website is built upon WordPress. See if the tags labeled 'widget' are in a series contained within a tag labeled 'sidebar.' In this case, it is almost certain that the website uses WordPress.
7:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add PDF Download Links to WordPress
1. Sign into WordPress. Click on 'Media,' then 'Add New.'
2. Click on 'Select Files,' then select your PDF file. Click 'Open,' then 'Upload.'
3. Copy the URL that appears when the file is finished uploading.
4. Click on 'Posts,' then 'Add New.' If you want to add a link to an already published post, click on 'Edit' next to the post to open it.
5. Type the text that you want to appear as the download link in the place where you want it to appear. For example, type 'Download' or 'Download PDF.' Highlight the text with your mouse.
6. Click on the 'Link' icon in the post editor's header. Paste the URL of the PDF file inside the box. Select whether you want the link to open in the same window or in a new one. Click on 'Add Link.' Click on 'Update Post' or 'Publish' to save the download link.
4:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a Ready
1. Click the Control Panel link in the welcome email sent by HostGator when you started service.
2. Enter your user name and password, then press 'Enter' or click 'Log In.' The HostGator Control Panel appears.
3. Scroll to the 'Software/Services' section near the bottom of the window and click 'QuickInstall.'
4. Click 'WordPress' under 'Blog Software' in the upper-left corner of the window, then click 'Continue.'
5. Click the drop-down menu under 'Install WordPress' and select the domain that you would like to install WordPress on, such as 'mywebsite.com.' If you would like users to see your blog when visiting 'mywebsite.com,' leave the box after the forward slash empty. If you want the blog to be a separate section of the site, such as 'mywebsite.com/blog,' enter the word 'blog,' or any other word you like, in the box.
6. Enter the email address to which you would like WordPress to email the administrator password for your blog. This must be a valid email address.
7. Type the name that WordPress should display when readers visit your site in the 'Blog Title' box. You can change this value later if you like.
8. Click the 'Install Now' button. When the installation is complete, the bar changes to show the word 'Congratulations.'
9. Check the email address that you provided when installing WordPress. You will find an email from WordPress titled 'New WordPress Site.' Open the email and note the password contained within.
10. Enter the location of your new WordPress blog in the address bar at the top of the browser window, and add '/wp-admin' to the end. For example, if you installed the blog at 'mywebsite.com' or 'mywebsite.com/blog,' type 'mywebsite.com/wp-admin' or 'mywebsite.com/blog/wp-admin' and press 'Enter.'
11. Enter 'admin' in the 'Username' box, and enter the password displayed in the email from WordPress. Click 'Log In' to begin using your new blog.
9:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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