
How to Highlight Text on WordPress

1. Visit your WordPress login page and sign in with your username and password.
2. Click 'Add New' under the 'Posts' section on the left side of the screen. This will take you to the post creation page.

3. Type out your blog post, making note of the places you'd like to add text highlighting in the document.
4. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post editing box on the right side.
5. Enter this code right before the section of text you'd like to highlight:

6. Place this code after the section of text you'd like to highlight:

7. Edit the '#000000' section and use the hex code for the color you want as your highlight color. A hex code is a six digit number that represents a certain color. You can find a page listing colors and their corresponding hex codes in the Resource section.
8. Click the 'Publish' button when finished.


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