- How to Insert Anchor Text in WordPress
- How to Make a Blog Using Wordpress
- How to Install WordPress With XAMPP
- How to Import Tweets to Blog Comments in WordPress
- How to Install and Configure WordPress Blogging So...
- How to Display WordPress Posts on a Website
- How to Find Widgets in WordPress
- How to Change Deprecated Tags in WordPress
- How to Move WordPress to Root After Design
- How to Create Subdomains in WordPress MU
- How to Highlight Text on WordPress
- How to Change Uppercase Text to Upper Lowercase i...
- How to Hide Pages in WordPress
- How to Use FTP With WordPress
- How to Place a Logo in a WordPress Header
- How to Create a New WordPress PHP Page
- How To Upload a Powerpoint Presentation to WordPress
- How to Embed Audio Looping With AutoPlay in WordPress
- How to Import an External Blog Into WordPress
- How to Insert Copyright in Wordpress
- How to Install WordPress 3 Beta
- How to Transfer a Website into a Blog Using WordPress
- How to Round the Corners on My WordPress Blog
- How to Find Hidden Users on WordPress
- How to Switch From WordPress to Drupal
- How to Add Plug
- How to Make My WordPress Blog Visible to Members Only
- How to Manually Update Wordpress 2.9.1
- How to Create a WordPress Header With a Picasa Photo
- How to Install Social Sharing on a WordPress Blog
- How to Remove Advanced Cache From Wordpress
- How to Podcast with Wordpress
- How to Edit HTML in WordPress
- How to Display Emoticons in WordPress
- How to Move WordPress Tarski to Thesis
- How to Move My Blog to a WordPress Server
How to Insert Anchor Text in WordPress
Create Menu Link
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
2. Click 'Posts' or 'Pages' from the menu on the left and then click 'Edit' under the name of the post or page you wish to edit. You can also create a new post or page by clicking 'Add New' on the 'Posts' or 'Pages' sub-menu.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab in the top right corner of the edit text box. This allows you to type HTML code in your post or page.
4. Type '
Menu Text
' without quotes into the WordPress text box. This will place a copy of the HTML code into your WordPress page.
5. Highlight 'linkname' and type a name for your link. This can be any one word but must be completely unique to this link attribute. Do not remove the quotation marks around the link name.
6. Highlight 'Menu Text' and type the text you would like to appear in your menu. If your page uses headers to break up the text, consider using the name of the section header.
Create Anchor Text Link
7. Type '
Anchor Text
' into your WordPress text box in the location where you would like to place the anchor text. If you use section headers, this should be in front of the section header.
8. Highlight 'linkname' and replace it with the same text as the 'linkname' you used in the menu code. Do not remove the quotation marks or the pound sign.
9. Highlight 'Anchor Text' and replace it with the text you are anchoring to in the page. If you are using section headers, replace this text with your header text.
10. Click 'Update' or 'Publish' to post the changes to your WordPress site. You will now be able to click the link at the top of your page to jump down to the anchor text within your WordPress page.
8:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a Blog Using Wordpress
1. Navigate to the WordPress.com website and sign up for a free account.
2. Sign into WordPress.com with your new account information.
3. Click 'My Blog' from the top left corner, then click 'Register My Blog' to go to the registration page.
4. Type a blog address and title for your blog in the text boxes.
5. Choose your primary language and a privacy setting from the drop-down menu then click the 'Create Blog' button.
6. Click the 'Visit your dashboard' link to go to your blog's administrator dashboard.
7. Click 'New Post' from the top right corner of the dashboard to launch the post creation tools.
8. Write your post within the text box. You can use the formatting tools on this page to create a post layout, insert media and make your blog post look the way you like.
9. Click the 'Publish' button once you are finished to publish the post to your blog.
10. Click the name of your blog in the top left corner to view it. Your post will appear on the front of your blog page. You can continue to add new posts to your blog at any time.
6:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress With XAMPP
Configure XAMPP
1. Double-click the XAMPP control panel desktop icon to start the application.
2. Click the 'Start' buttons next to Apache and MySQL in the XAMPP control panel to start them as services on the computer.
3. Open an Internet browser. Type http://localhost in the address bar and press the 'Enter' key.
4. Click 'PHPAdmin' on the menu on the left side of the screen to open the MySQL administration panel.
5. Click 'Databases' under the localhost entry to create a new database for the WordPress installation. Enter a name for the new database in the text box. Click 'Create.' After a moment, the application will inform you the database is created.
6. Click 'Server-localhost' to return to the 'PHPAdmin' panel. Click 'Privileges' and enter the appropriate user information in the 'Login Information' screen. Click 'Check All' in the global privileges section at the bottom of the screen to set up administrative privileges.
Install WordPress
7. Download the WordPress installation package and save it in the 'XAMPP\htdocs' folder.
8. Open an Internet browser. Type http://localhost/WordPress and press the 'Enter' key.
9. Click the 'Create a Configuration File' button that appears in the browser window. The subsequent screens walk you through the configuration process. Enter the name of the database you created in the previous section, along with the user name and password for the database. Click 'Run the Install.'
10. Enter the name of the blog and the administrator's email address when prompted during the installation process. You will be presented with a user name and password. Copy these for future reference.
11. Type the address http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin into the browser's address bar and press 'Enter' to log into the WordPress administrative panel.
2:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import Tweets to Blog Comments in WordPress
Twitter Mentions as Comments
1. Sign in to your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section of the left sidebar.
3. Enter 'Twitter Mentions as Comments' into the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
4. Click 'Install,' then 'Activate.'
5. Click 'Twitter -> Comments' in the 'Settings' section of the left sidebar.
6. Select the Exclude Retweets option you prefer by clicking the appropriate radio button.
7. Select the comment style you prefer from the Comment Type drop-down menu.
8. Select your preferred update frequency by clicking the radio button beside 'Hourly' for automatic imports or 'Manually' if you prefer to import tweets on a manual basis.
9. Click 'Save Changes' to store your preferred settings.
10. Click 'Check for New Tweets Now' to import tweets as comments for all entries in your blog.
11. Sign in to your WordPress blog.
12. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section of the left sidebar.
13. Enter 'TweetSuite' into the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
14. Click 'Install,' then 'Activate.'
15. Click 'TweetSuite' in the 'Settings' section of the left sidebar.
16. Click the box beside 'Display TweetBacks,' then click 'Save Changes.' TweetSuite will automatically add Twitter mentions to the comments section of your blog entries.
17. Navigate to disqus.com and click 'Sign Up.'
18. Enter your website and account details, then click 'Continue.'
19. Click the check box beside 'Reactions' to enable Twitter comments for Disqus. Configure the other optional settings, then click 'Continue.'
20. Navigate to your WordPress blog and sign in to your account.
21. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section of the left sidebar.
22. Enter 'Disqus' into the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
23. Click 'Install,' then 'Activate.'
24. Click 'Comments' in the left sidebar.
25. Enter the Disqus short name you configured for your website, then click 'Save Changes.' This will replace the default WordPress commenting system with Disqus.
5:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install and Configure WordPress Blogging Software
Preparing your web hosting account for WordPress
1. Ensure that your web hosting account meets WordPress' minimum requirements of PHP 4 or greater and MySQL 4 or greater. If you intend to use WordPress' built-in, search engine-friendly URL's feature, your web hosting account will also need the 'mod_rewrite' apache module installed. If the minimum requirements are not met, you will have to contact your web host for assistance, or switch hosts.
2. Create a MySQL database for WordPress to use. Some web hosts provide a database manager within the administrator's control panel. Others install third-party database management software such as phpMyAdmin. You may need to consult your web hosting account's user manual or contact your web host's support team for instructions. Note the name of the database.
3. Using whatever method your web host allows to create and modify MySQL databases, create a MySQL user and grant it permissions to access the database you created for WordPress. Note the name of the user and the password.
4. Unzip the WordPress software to a local directory on your PC. Using an FTP program, connect to your web hosting account and upload the WordPress software. If you cannot connect to your server, you may need to contact your web host's support team for assistance.
Installing the Wordpress software
5. Load your web browser and enter the URL where WordPress is installed. The WordPress install program will launch. If you receive any errors, check if you have uploaded all the files to the correct directory and that the correct URL is entered into the web browser. If you are sure you have done both, contact your web host's support team for assistance.
6. If there are no errors, the WordPress automated install program will launch. WordPress will prompt you to fill out a few questions regarding the location of the MySQL server, the database name and the database's user name. You will need to enter the location of the MySQL server. Usually, this is 'localhost.' Some web hosts require a special entry for this field. You may need to consult your web hosting account's documentation, or contact the support team. Enter the database name, the database user name and the database password. If the values you entered are correct, WordPress will successfully install and you will be directed to the administrator creation page. If not, WordPress will display a database connection error. If this occurs, recheck all information and enter your information again. If this does not fix the error, contact your web host's support team.
7. Next, you will need to provide WordPress with an administrator user name. WordPress will automatically generate an initial password. You can change the password later.
8. WordPress is now installed. Check the main page of the blog to ensure there are no errors. Log in to the administrator control panel by entering '/wp-admin.php' without the quotations at the end of your blog's URL. Enter the administrator's user name you created earlier, and enter the password that WordPress provided.
9. You can now begin customizing your WordPress blog! Explore the control panel to learn what each option does.
7:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Display WordPress Posts on a Website
Use an RSS Plugin to Add a Feed to Another WordPress Site
1. Add a RSS Feed button to your sidebar or header. WordPress comes with RSS functionality, so you will often find a button called 'Add RSS' or 'Stay updated with RSS' at the top of the sidebar or somewhere in the WordPress blog header.
2. Right-Click on the RSS button. Select 'Copy Link Address.'
3. Go to the new WordPress website where you'd like to add the feed.
4. Click on 'Appearance' > 'Widgets' and scroll down until you see the widget named 'RSS.' Drag it to the sidebar on the right side of the window.
5. Paste the RSS feed link address into the widget and click 'Save.' Check the box for 'Display Item Contents' if you want the text to show. Otherwise, it will just show the tile(s).
Using RSS or Atom Feeds with Other Web Design Tools
6. Add an RSS feed display to your website. All the free web-builders have RSS feed readers built in. Weebly, Wix, Yola, Google Sites, and others all provide gadgets or widgets for this purpose. In Dreamweaver you have to add an extension. Joomla! provides several plugins and modules at its extensions site.
7. Copy the RSS feed address from the WordPress site. Right-click on the RSS button and select 'Copy Link Address.'
8. Go to the settings for the gadget, widget, or extension for your website.
9. Paste the RSS address into the address box.
10. Save the information and/or publish the site.
12:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Widgets in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Appearance.' Click the 'Widgets' link to see all widgets currently available. Add widgets to sidebars by dragging the gray bars from the middle of the screen into sidebars on the right side. Expand a sidebar by clicking on its name so you can drop the Widgets into it. Click on the names of widgets within the sidebars to expand them and display their options. Some widgets also have options on a page under 'Settings.'
2. Click on 'Plugins' and then 'Add New.' Use the search bar to search for a plugin you want. For example, type 'Twitter' to find plugins related to Twitter. You can also click on one of the links under 'Popular tags,' such as 'widget' for various widgets.
3. Find a plugin you want to try and click 'Install' under its name. Click the activation link after it finishes downloading. Visit your 'Widgets' menu again and look for a widget with a name similar or identical to the plugin. If you see no widget, then you've installed a plugin with no associated widget. Drag and drop new widgets into sidebars as needed.
5:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Deprecated Tags in WordPress
1. Download your website's wp-config.php file to your computer and open it in a code editor or Notepad. Find the following code at around line 81 of the file:define('WP_DEBUG', false);Change 'false' to 'true' and save the file. Upload it to your server and overwrite the current copy of your configuration file.
2. Load your website in a browser to see errors and warning messages. WordPress prints messages about deprecated tags wherever it finds them, so look over your entire website to find them all. Each warning includes a suggested replacement for the deprecated tag plus information about where to find the old code. Copy and paste that information into a blank text file so you can read it while you edit your code.
3. Download all the files for your theme to your computer and open them in a code editor or Notepad. Open your editor's 'Replace' tool and type the name of your first deprecated tag into the 'Find' field. Type the new code, as suggested by the warning message, into the 'Replace' field. Click 'Find Next' to find the tag in a template and click 'Replace' when you find the tag. Do this for every deprecated tag on one template file and then move on to the next template file. Note that you need only to check your PHP files.
4. Save your theme files and upload them to your server, overwriting the old version of the theme. Reload your website in the browser and look again for any deprecated tag warnings. As long as you fixed all your tags, you should not find any more warnings.
3:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move WordPress to Root After Design
1. Log on to the server containing your WordPress files.
2. Type 'su root' in the terminal window, then press 'Enter.'
3. Type your root password when prompted.
4. Type 'mv /path/to/wordpress /root' and press 'Enter.' Replace '/path/to/wordpress' with the path to your WordPress install.
3:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Subdomains in WordPress MU
1. Log in to WordPress MU as the administrative user.
2. Click on the 'Site Admin' section on the left.
3. Click on 'Sites.'
4. Type in a site name and site domain in the appropriate boxes.
5. Type '/' in the 'Path' box, then type in a name for the subdomain and click on the 'Create' button to create both the subdomain and the site associated with it.
7:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Highlight Text on WordPress
1. Visit your WordPress login page and sign in with your username and password.
2. Click 'Add New' under the 'Posts' section on the left side of the screen. This will take you to the post creation page.
3. Type out your blog post, making note of the places you'd like to add text highlighting in the document.
4. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post editing box on the right side.
5. Enter this code right before the section of text you'd like to highlight:
6. Place this code after the section of text you'd like to highlight:
7. Edit the '#000000' section and use the hex code for the color you want as your highlight color. A hex code is a six digit number that represents a certain color. You can find a page listing colors and their corresponding hex codes in the Resource section.
8. Click the 'Publish' button when finished.
4:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Uppercase Text to Upper Lowercase in WordPress
1. Sign in to your WordPress dashboard, then click 'Appearance' and 'Editor.'
2. Click on the theme's main style sheet, usually named 'style.css,' or a custom style sheet.
3. Locate the CSS attribute for the element you wish to edit. For example, to allow upper and lowercase letters for post titles, look for the 'Post Title' attribute.
4. Inspect the code to find 'text-transform: uppercase;' -- delete this line to remove the uppercase-only attribute.
5. Click on 'Update' to save the changes.
12:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Pages in WordPress
1. Navigate to 'Pages' within the WordPress dashboard and click on the title of a page you want to hide. Locate the 'Publish' box on the 'Edit Page' screen, which you can find to the right of the screen or below the editor box. Click the 'Edit' link next to 'Public' and select either 'protected' or 'private' for the page's visibility setting. Click 'OK' and then update the page to save your changes.
2. Navigate to 'Pages' in the dashboard and go to the page you want to hide. Find the 'Publish' box, located on the side of the editor box or below the editor. Click the 'Edit' link next to 'Published' and select 'draft' to remove the page from the WordPress front-end. Though visitors cannot see the page, you can continue to edit and publish it again later.
3. Go to 'Menus' under 'Appearance' in the WordPress dashboard. Click on each menu tab at the top of the screen and check your menus for links to the page you want to hide. Where you find the page, click the 'Down' arrow on its grey bar and click the red 'Remove' link. Removing links to the page will not take the page down from your site, but visitors will need to know the URL to find the page.
8:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use FTP With WordPress
1. Open any FTP client. There are hundreds to choose from and you may already have one installed. Download a free client from FileZilla, WinSCP, gFTP or Cyberduck, among others.
2. Start a new connection if you've never connected to your web host through FTP. Each client is different, but the general process is the same. When you launch the FTP client a connection window will appear. If it doesn't, open the 'File' menu and look for 'New Connection...' or click the connect icon in the toolbar, if applicable.
3. Enter your host name and your web host username and password. The host name is usually your domain name, but check with your hosting provider if you're not sure. The connection type should say 'FTP' and you can check a box to save the information. Click 'Connect' or 'OK.'
4. Wait until the connection is established, then you'll see your WordPress files listed in the window. From here you can add or delete files as you need to. Use the toolbar icons to add or remove files or drag and drop them to and from your computer if your client software supports that.
5. Log out of your hosting account when you're done. There will either be a disconnect icon to click or just close the program.
7:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Place a Logo in a WordPress Header
1. Open the 'header.php' template file from the folder containing all the files for your current WordPress theme. You can find this folder by navigating to the main folder of your website and double-clicking on 'wp-contents' and then 'themes.'
2. Place an
tag in the code where you want the logo to display. You can put it in anywhere after the opening
tag, but a
tag labeled something like 'header' or 'logo' is best. Names of
tags in themes vary, but you should be able to tell their purpose by what they are called. Here is an example:
In the above code, an
tag was added to a
called 'heading,' and below it is the code for a WordPress menu.
3. Add the bloginfo() function to the path to your logo within the
tag. You can use bloginfo() to output the path to your theme files. The code looks like this:
/logo.png' />The browser will then see the path to the theme folder. If your logo is located within a folder called 'images' under your theme folder, use code like this:
/images/logo.png' />
4. Wrap an anchor tag around your logo to make it a link. You should link the logo to your home page because users expect that. Here is the code:
Notice that the anchor tag above also uses the bloginfo() function, but now it contains 'wpurl' instead of 'template_directory.' These parameters tell the function what type of info you want to display. In this case, 'wpurl' displays the URL -- the Web address -- of your WordPress-based website.
5. Use bloginfo() to add some more information to your logo, such as a title for the link or alternative text for screen readers. Adding this information is good for Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, and will improve your Google rankings. Here is code with 'title' and 'alt' attributes added:
' title='
/logo.png' alt='Welcome to
1:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a New WordPress PHP Page
1. Navigate to the 'themes' directory on the webserver from the command line. For example, type:cd /var/www/myblog/wp-content/themes/mytheme
2. Copy the 'page.php' file to a file with a different name. For example, type:cp page.php newpage.php
3. Open a browser and navigate to the administrative section of the site. For example, change the browser location to:http://example.com/wp-admin
4. Sign in to WordPress as the administrative user by entering 'admin' for the username and the password you created for the 'admin' user.
5. Select 'Editor' under 'Appearance.' Click the 'newpage.php' file on the list of files in the right-hand panel. Change the header portion of the file and provide a template name for the page. For example, type:
6. Modify the page template as appropriate and click 'Update File' to save your changes.
7. Select 'Add New' under 'Pages.' Enter a title for the page. Select 'My New Page' from the 'Template' selection box in the 'Page Attributes' window on the right. Do not enter anything in the body of the page. Click 'Publish' to save and publish the new page.
8:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How To Upload a Powerpoint Presentation to WordPress
1. Navigate to the WordPress home page. See Resources.
2. Type your username and password into the appropriate text fields at the top left corner of the screen and click the 'Login' button.
3. Hover your mouse over 'My Blog' and then click the 'Dashboard' option.
4. Select an old post in which to insert your PowerPoint presentation or click the 'Add New' button in the center of the screen to create a new post.
5. Click inside the post-editing field in the center of the screen, then navigate to the position where you would like to insert your PowerPoint presentation.
6. Select the 'Add Media' icon next to 'Upload/Insert,' which is located above the post-editing field. The 'Add Media' icon is shaped like a sun.
7. Specify the location from which you will be adding your PowerPoint presentation by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the window and click the 'Select Files' button in the center of the screen.
8. Navigate to the location of your PowerPoint file and click the 'Open' button.
9. Type a caption and description for your PowerPoint presentation and click the 'Insert Into Post' button at the bottom of the window.
6:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Audio Looping With AutoPlay in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress account.
2. Click 'Posts' or 'Pages' from the left menu to see a list of posts and pages on your site. You can edit an existing page or post or click 'Add New' to create a new page or post.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab in the top right corner if the HTML formatting is not already selected.
4. Highlight the following code, right-click and select 'Copy' from the menu:
5. Right-clink in the WordPress editing text box and select 'Paste' from the menu. This will paste the embed code into your WordPress page or post.
6. Highlight the 'AUDIOFILE' text within the code and replace it with the URL address of the audio file you would like to play.
7. Click the 'Publish' button to save the changes to your WordPress blog. When you visit this page or post, the audio file will automatically play and continue to loop until you leave the page.
5:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import an External Blog Into WordPress
1. Export the original blog from your original blog host. Save to a place on your computer that is easy to access such as the desktop or 'My Documents.'
2. Log in to WordPress with your user name and password. Upon logging in, you will be directed to the Dashboard that houses all of your blogs. Click the title of the blog you wish to upload the old blog to.
3. Click 'Tools' from the side menu of your blog's dashboard.
4. Click 'Import' from the list of options on the side menu under 'Tools.' Select the blog from the drop-down menu and upload. Once uploaded, all entries will appear in your new blog.
2:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Copyright in Wordpress
1. Sign into your WordPress account.
2. Click 'Posts.'
3. Click the name of the post into which you want to insert a copyright symbol, or create a new post.
4. Click the 'HTML' tab above the post entry box.
5. Type the following where you want the copyright symbol to appear:©
6. Click 'Update' or 'Publish' to save your post. The copyright symbol appears where you inserted the code.
8:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress 3 Beta
1. Download the Beta version you wish to use from WordPress.org and unzip the file.
2. Enter your website's control panel, and create a database for the new installation of WordPress. Create a new database user, add the user to the database and allow the user full privileges.
3. Open your FTP client program, and connect to the website on which you want to install WordPress. On the local side of the FTP client, open the WordPress folder, select all of the folders and files in it, and drag them over to the live server side of the FTP client. Wait for the files to upload.
4. In your Web browser, go to the website on which you are doing the WordPress installation. Wait for the WordPress installer page to load.
5. Click on 'Create a Configuration File' on the first page. Then click on 'Let's Go' at the bottom of the next page.
6. Retrieve the database name, database user name and database password that you created in the control panel and enter these in the spaces provided. Leave the 'Database Host' and 'Table Prefix' spaces as they are. Click on 'Submit.' Confirm the installation by clicking on 'Run the Install' on the next page.
7. Enter your chosen website title, username, password and password confirmation into the provided spaces. Enter your email address in the space below. Use the check marked box to select whether to show your site in search engine results. Click 'Install WordPress.'
8. Click on 'Log In' to go to your new WordPress login page. Type in your username and password, and click 'Log In' to access your site's WordPress dashboard.
8:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Transfer a Website into a Blog Using WordPress
1. Install the WordPress blogging software into the directory of your choice. WordPress blogging software can be installed side-by-side in the root directory next to the existing website. The WordPress installation should not affect your existing website.
2. Format the WordPress blog to your liking. Find the right WordPress template to compliment your new blog format. Once you’ve downloaded and installed your template of choice your blog is ready to accept new posts.
3. Organize your website transference process. The best way to ensure that you’ve transferred every page on your website into the new blog format is to work from a list such as an up to date sitemap of your site. A site map will allow you to cross off the converted pages as you go along.
4. Copy and paste each web page as a new blog entry in your WordPress blog. The trick to copying and pasting your web pages into a blog post is maintaining the chronological integrity of the posts. If you have a very old site with many pages, it becomes tricky estimating the actual age of the web page.
5. Validate the blog. Once you have transferred all of the web pages from HTML pages into the new blogging format, it's best to validate your new blog to ensure that all links and images display correctly. W3C.org (see Resources) offers a great validating program that will validate your site’s links.
6. Redirect your old web pages to your blog. By using a 301 redirect, your web traffic automatically redirects to the new blog site. To ensure redirection to the appropriate blog page, it's recommended to do a redirect for each individual web page. This directs readers who access your site from search engine queries to the updated blog page.
7. Create a new site map. Once you instituted the redirect create a new site map and upload it to your web server.
12:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Round the Corners on My WordPress Blog
1. Direct your Web browser to the 'wp-admin' directory of your WordPress site and log in to the dashboard. Navigate to 'Appearance' from the menu on the left. Click 'Editor' under 'Appearance' to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Click on the link to your 'index.php' file and inspect the code that loads in the editor. Load 'header.php' if you wish to examine the header; load 'footer.php' to examine the footer code.
2. Find the tags that create the elements you want to restyle with rounded corners, such as 'div' or 'section' tags around columns or heading tags around the website's title. Take note of the class or ID name assigned to each set of tags. When possible, note the class name of multiple tags when you want to give them all rounded corners, as a class ID only is applied to one tag at a time.
3. Load the 'style.css' style sheet file in the theme editor. Build a CSS selector to 'select' the elements that you want to style with rounded corners by either their ID or class names. Use the hash sign prefix to select by ID and a dot prefix to select by class name. Here are examples of both kinds of selectors:.post {}#header {}
4. Chain your selectors if you plan on giving all of your rounded corners the same 'border-radius' value. Use commas to separate the selectors and put each one on its own line, matching the WordPress guidelines for CSS code:.post,#header {}
5. Write your property-value pairs between the curly braces of your selectors. Round the corners using the 'border-radius' property and a value set in either pixels or percentages. Here is an example of how to use the 'border-radius' property:.post {border-radius: 10px;}The above code gives every post container a border-radius of 10 pixels, creating subtly rounded corners.
7:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Hidden Users on WordPress
1. Make a backup of your WordPress database. This can be done from phpMyAdmin, or through your WordPress Admin Panel by installing the WP-Optimize or WP-DBManager plug-in. A backup is important before trying to resolve your problems in the event you delete a table entry that causes your Web page to malfunction.
2. Access phpMyAdmin for your WordPress database. This tool is provided by your Web host, but may also be accessed through your WordPress Admin Panel by installing the wp-phpMyAdmin plug-in. Once inside, a list of your database tables will appear on the left-hand side, with the table details appearing on the right.
3. Locate and click on the wp_users link in the list of available tables. Click on the browse tab on the right side. A list of users for your WordPress installation will appear below.
4. Locate the problem user account and click the delete icon in its table row. If prompted, confirm deletion. Repeat this step to remove any remaining accounts you have not approved. If the problem user was not visible in the list, you may have a reporting error instead. Disable all your plug-ins, switch themes, then switch back to reset the counts and verify whether hidden users really exist.
5. Return to the User page or Dashboard in the WordPress Admin Panel to confirm the problem has been solved.
6:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Switch From WordPress to Drupal
1. Install Drupal on your server in a separate directory from your WordPress install to prevent any of the core files from either CMS from interfering with each other. If you run WordPress on a WordPress-hosted site, you can install Drupal on the root directory of your site. Some hosts have a 'control panel' that includes a script setup program to install CMS platforms. If your site has this installer, use it to install Drupal, since it will automatically configure the database for you.
2. Log in to your new Drupal installation and configure the new Drupal site as much as you can. Set the name of the site to match your WordPress project and install a theme. Create categories that match your WordPress structure to ease the transition between the platforms; if you have a category called 'Puppy clothes' in WordPress, create it in Drupal. Mimic the structure of your site completely before migrating the content.
3. Install the Drupal 'Wordpress Import' module through the 'Modules' menu in Drupal. This module grabs all of the tables from your WordPress database and imports the information into the Drupal structure, creating all of the articles and menus that existed on your WordPress site. Download the package file from drupal.org and use the built-in installer in Drupal to add the module.
4. Click 'Modules' and then choose 'Wordpress import' to begin the migration process. Enter the information for your WordPress database when prompted. Then click 'Next.' The module walks you through choosing which categories to import and then moves your WordPress blog entries to Drupal.
3:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Plug
1. Go to your blog's Dashboard. Click on the arrow next to 'Plugins' in the menu running down the left side of your screen. Click on 'Add New.'
2. Use the search box to search by term, author or tag if you are looking for a specific plugin or a specific type of plugin.
3. Click on 'Featured,' 'Popular,' 'Newest' or 'Recently Updated' if you would like to browse through lists of plugins to see what looks interesting. The lists have detailed descriptions and rating stars to make browsing easier.
4. Click on 'Install' when you find a plugin you want to try. A pop-up screen will come up with more information about the plugin. Click on 'Install Now' if you are ready to try it. WordPress will install it automatically.
5. Click on 'Activate Plugin.' WordPress will add the plugin to your 'Manage Plugin' page. You will see a link for 'Edit,' which lets you edit the plugin's code. Some plugins have a link for 'Settings.' It's easier to change settings when that option is available than it is to edit the code.
3:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make My WordPress Blog Visible to Members Only
1. Log into your WordPress account.
2. Navigate to the dashboard for the blog you want to make private.
3. Click the 'Privacy' link, found under the 'Settings' heading in the menu on the left side of the page.
4. Select the radio button labeled 'I would like my site to be private, visible only to users I choose.'
5. Click 'Save Changes.' Doing this reloads the page, presenting you with additional options.
6. Type the user name of the first person you want to be able to read the blog in the text box labeled 'Username' and click 'Add User.' Repeat this process for all other people.
7:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Manually Update Wordpress 2.9.1
1. Download the latest version of WordPress from the WordPress website.
2. Access your server by logging in with your host address, username and password.
3. Delete your 'wp-includes' and 'wp-admin' folders. For the upgrade from WordPress 2.9.1 to any WordPress 3.0 and up, also delete any stand alone .PHP files that begin with 'wp' except for your 'wp-config' file.
4. Open the zipped version of WordPress you've downloaded and extract all files to your PC.
5. Upload all files from your new version of WordPress to your website using your FTP, with the exception of the 'wp-content' folder.
6. Type the updated URL into your Web browser. This is entered as http://yoursite.com/wordpress/wp-adminupgrade.php. When it has been entered correctly, you will be asked to follow a series of instructions. Once you complete this step, your manual upgrade of WordPress from 2.9.1 is complete.
5:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a WordPress Header With a Picasa Photo
1. Log into WordPress. Scroll down the left side of the screen until you reach the Theme pane, then click 'Theme Options.' Hover your mouse under 'Custom Logo' to see the required dimensions -- 290-by-128 pixels, for example.
2. Navigate to the Picasa picture you want to use as your logo, then right-click on it and click 'Save Image As.' Double-click on the photo to open it within Microsoft Paint. Click the 'Resize' button in the Image pane of the 'Home' tab. Enter the dimensions WordPress specifies, then click 'OK.' Click the 'Disk' icon at the top of the screen, give your file a name and click 'Save.' Exit out of Paint.
3. Return to WordPress. Click the 'Upload Your Logo' button, browse your computer's hard drive until you find your modified Picasa picture and click 'Open.' Click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the Theme Options screen, then visit your website in a separate tab or window to verify that the Picasa image is now your page header.
2:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Social Sharing on a WordPress Blog
1. Sign in to your WordPress site's administrative area.
2. Click 'Plugins' and 'Add New.'
3. Type the name of the social networking site to which you want to allow your visitors to share in the Search field. Click 'Search Plugins.' You will see a list of available plugins that allow sharing to that site.
4. Click 'Details' under a plugin name to learn more about it. When you find a plugin you want to install, click 'Install Now.'
5. Click 'OK' to confirm you want to install the plugin. After it installs, click 'Activate Plugin' to add it to your site.
1:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Advanced Cache From Wordpress
Create a Temporary Script
1. Create a new plain text file, and copy/paste the following code into it:
2. Save this file onto your desktop, or a folder where you can easily find it again. Name it 'temp.php.'
3. Open your FTP program and log in to your website that contains the WordPress script. In the directory that contains the original advanced-cache.php file, upload your newly created temp.php file. If the file shows as temp.php.txt on the server, rename it to temp.php (trimming off the .txt portion).
4. Open your preferred website browser. Enter the complete URL path to where temp.php resides on your website and load the page. If you see the words 'Process completed,' then close the browser.
5. Return to your FTP program and refresh the connection. You should see that the advanced-cache.php file is now gone. Now delete your temp.php file.
12:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Podcast with Wordpress
1. Create an audio or video file to be published online. To do this, use iTunes, iMovie, or another recording computer program. The result should be a file in either .MP3 format (for audio) or .MP4 format (for video). Make sure the file is less than 5 MB, because otherwise it will be difficult for others to download.
2. Upload the audio or video file to an online server, and make sure it is able to be accessed on the Internet. An easy way to complete this step is by using iTunes, a free program from Apple that lets users easily publish their own podcasts.
3. Log in to your Wordpress account, and create a new post for the podcast.
4. Using basic HTML, link the address of the audio or video file to the Wordpress post. For example, if the file is located at http://mysite.com/podcast.mp3, the link would be
New Podcast
. Wordpress will interpret the code and create a link to your podcast.
8:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit HTML in WordPress
1. Log into WordPress, and click 'Post' in the right sidebar.
2. Click 'Posts' in the drop-down menu, and click any title to begin editing a post.
3. Click the 'HTML' tab next to 'Visual,' on the top right of the article. You can now see the post's underlying HTML code.
4. Click, hold and drag the cursor across any part of the text to highlight it ready for editing.
5. Click a command in the toolbar -- such as 'B' for bold,' 'i' for italics' or 'b-quote' for an indented blockquote -- to apply HTML code to your selection.
6. Type in HTML tags manually, if you prefer. For example,
on either side of text render it in bold. Use
for a new paragraph,
for a hyperlink to another page or website, and
to insert an image, replacing Web addresses -- or URLs -- as necessary.
7. Click 'Update' to save your changes.
7:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Display Emoticons in WordPress
1. Log on to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click 'Settings' then 'Writing.'
3. Put a checkmark for 'Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display.'
4. Save your changes.
5:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move WordPress Tarski to Thesis
1. Purchase and download the Thesis theme if you haven't done so already. Do not decompress the download ZIP file.
2. Sign in to your Wordpress website, and click on 'Themes.'
3. Click on 'Install Themes,' then click on 'Upload.' Click on 'Choose File,' and select the Thesis theme ZIP file, then click 'Install Now.'
4. Click on 'Activate' to activate the Thesis theme and deactivate the Tarski theme.
6:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move My Blog to a WordPress Server
1. Sign in to WordPress. Scroll down the left navigation menu until you arrive at 'Tools.' Click the 'Import' button.
2. Click the name of the blogging platform you currently use. Examples include 'Blogger,' 'LiveJournal' and 'Movable Type.' Enter your log in credentials for your current blogging platform and click 'Continue.'
3. Scroll through the list of blogs you use with your external blog account. Click the 'Import' button located beside the one you want to import and wait for WordPress to tell you the process has finished.
2:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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