
How to Use PHP Scripts in WordPress Posts or Pages

1. Open the 'functions.php' file of your WordPress theme in Microsoft Notepad.
2. Add your PHP script as a function. For example, the following PHP script displays 'Hello World!':function myPHPscript ($atts) {echo 'Hello World!';}

3. Define your shortcode by adding the following code in your 'functions.php' file:add_shortcode('myshortcode', 'myPHPScript');Replace 'myshortcode' with the name of the shortcode you want to use when calling the PHP script on your WordPress page or post, and replace 'myPHPScript' with the name of your PHP function.Save your file.
4. Open the post or page you want to add the PHP script to, and within the brackets, type the shortcode you defined in the last step, as in the following example:[myshortcode]
5. Save your post or page, and view it to see the PHP script in action.


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