- How to Display Custom Post Types in Wordpress 3.0
- How to Import iCal to WordPress
- How to Design a WordPress Header
- How to Increase the Header Height in WordPress
- How to Merge Widgets in WordPress
- How to Remove Navigation on Certain Wordpress Page...
- How to Embed SWF in WordPress Posts
- How to Upload a Video With a WordPress Plugin
- How to Find and Replace the Domain URL for a WordP...
- How to Install a New WordPress Template
- How to Transfer WordPress to Bluehost
- How to Move Your WordPress Blog if You Use StartLo...
- How to Customize a New User Registration Email in ...
- How to Convert a Weebly Theme to Wordpress
- How to Insert a Line After Each Blog Post on WordP...
- How to Use PHP Scripts in WordPress Posts or Pages
- How to Hide a Tagline in the WordPress Headway Theme
- How to Install and Debug a WordPress Developer Theme
- How to Configure Adobe Contribute for Wordpress
- How to Use Ajax in WordPress
- How to Find Default.CSS of Thematic WordPress
- How to Migrate From ASP to WordPress
- How to Merge Tags in Wordpress
- How to Make Boldface Headlines in WordPress and Th...
- How to Place Photos Side by Side in WordPress
- How to Add a Header to a Wordpress Blog
- How to Use WordPress for an Online Auction
- How to Use View Source to Figure Out Wordpress Sty...
How to Display Custom Post Types in Wordpress 3.0
1. Open up the index.php file -- or the template file in your theme containing the main WordPress posts loop -- in the text or code editor of your chosing.
2. Find the line of code where your loop starts, which starts with
. Change 'your-custom-post-type' to the ID of your custom post type. The 'posts' type in this example is the regular, default post type used by all WordPress blogs.
3. Find the end of your loop's code -- the
tags -- and add the follow line of code below them:
. This code ends the query so that it will not interfere with other loops.
4. Create a theme template file called 'single-your-post-type.php' where 'your-post-type' is replaced by the name of your custom post type. This file acts like single.php, so the easiest way to create it is to copy and paste the single.php file and save it with the correct filename. There are no other steps to creating this template, because WordPress will look at its filename when deciding how to handle its contents. This template file will show a single post in your custom post type.
5. Create a theme template file called 'archive-your-post-type.php' where 'your-post-type' is replaced by the name of your custom post type. This file acts as the archives page for all posts in that custom post type. To create the necessary code for this template, copy and paste your theme's archive.php code.
3:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import iCal to WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. Click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.' Type 'ICS Calendar' into the text field in the middle of the screen, then click the 'Search Plugins' button.
2. Locate 'ICS Calendar' in the search results, then click the 'Install Now' link, just below the title of the plugin. The plugin takes a few seconds to install; when done, click the 'Activate Plugin' link.
3. Click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu bar, then click 'ICS Calendar.' Type a title in the 'Calendar Title' text field, then enter the URL of your iCal calendar in the next text field.
4. Click either 'Events' or 'Days,' then type the number of days or evens you want the calendar to display in the 'Show next' text box.
5. Choose how you want the calendar items to be displayed using the options under the 'Formatting' header. Here you can choose the date format, the time format, the event format and the privacy mode of the calendar.
6. Choose the display options you want under the 'Calendar' header. From here you can choose when to show event popups, the start day of the calendar, the number of evens to display in each cell, whether to allow people to download events to their own calendar and whether to display permalinks to individual calendar events. Click 'Save Changes' when you are done.
7. Decide if you want the calendar in your sidebar or on a new page. If you want it on a page, click 'Pages' and 'Add New,' then type '[show-ics-events]' -- without quotations -- at the point you want the calendar to go. If you want it on the sidebar, click 'Appearance' and 'Widgets,' then drag a 'Text' widget to the point on the sidebar you want the calendar to be displayed. Give the section a title, then type '[show-ics-events]' -- again, without the quotes -- into the text box and click 'Save.'
6:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Design a WordPress Header
1. Create a mock-up of your design. You can use a graphics application such as Photoshop or PaintShop Pro to fully visualize what you want your header to look like.
2. Open Notepad or your preferred text editor and type in the basic framework of your header. For example, a basic framework for a header that includes the site name, description and site navigation should look like this:
' title='
Save this code in a file named 'header.php'.
3. Add your header styles in the 'styles.css' file of your WordPress theme. This can be found within your theme's folder. Add a background color, define fonts and set layouts for each section. For example, a header with a background image and fonts written in Courier will have the following CSS code:#header {background: URL('/images/headerimage.jpg') no-repeat bottom center;font-family: Courier, serif;font-weight: bold;}
4. Attach the style sheet to your 'header.php' file by using the following code:
' />Save and upload the 'header.php' file to your WordPress theme folder.
3:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Increase the Header Height in WordPress
1. Open your blog's 'header.php' template file. This is located in a subdirectory of the /wp-content/themes/ directory on your WordPress server; if you are using the Classic theme, for example, the file you want is at /wp-content/themes/classic/header.php.
2. Find the '#headerimg' style settings. These will look something like this:#headerimg {margin: 7px 9px 0;height: 192px;width: 740px; }Change the number after 'height' to specify a new height for the header image -- the primary content of the header. Save the file.
3. Open the 'styles.css' file, located alongside 'header.php,' and find the '#header' style settings:#header {background: #90a090;border-bottom: double 3px #aba;border-left: solid 1px #9a9;border-right: solid 1px #565;border-top: solid 1px #9a9;font: italic normal 230% 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;letter-spacing: 0.2em;margin: 0;padding: 15px 10px 15px 60px;}Again, change the relevant numbers to modify the size of the borders and padding on the top and bottom of the header, thus changing its height.
4. Check the 'styles.css' file for '#headerimg' settings. Not all WordPress themes include these settings in the CSS file, but many do. If yours does, change the numbers in it to match those you set in 'header.php' and save the file.
5. Experiment with different header sizes and styles -- you may need to undergo some trial and error before you find the ideal settings for your blog.
12:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Merge Widgets in WordPress
1. Sign into your WordPress site. Click 'Widgets.'
2. Click each of the widgetized areas to expand them. The assigned widgets will be visible in each section.
3. Click the widgets one by one. Hold your mouse button down and drag each widget into the same widget column.
4. Click 'Save' to save your changes. The site widgets are now combined into one widgetized area on the site.
4:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Navigation on Certain Wordpress Page Templates
1. Navigate to the folder containing your WordPress files. Go to 'wp-content' first and then look in the 'themes' folder for the folder of your current theme. Open the PHP files for the theme within a code editing program such as Notepad , jEdit or BBEdit. Each PHP file, with the exception of 'functions.php' and any file it references, is a template page.
2. Find the template page you wish to edit. For example, if you want to remove the menu from the first page of your blog, then you need to edit 'home.php'. The 'single.php' file controls how a single post is displayed, and 'page.php' controls static pages. Static front pages use a file called 'front-page.php' to display content. If your theme is missing a file such as 'home.php' or 'front-page.php' you can create it by copying and pasting code from either the 'page.php' or 'index.php' templates.
3. Look for the following code:
Though you may see more code between the parentheses, this is the basic 'template tag' or built-in PHP function WordPress uses to display menus. You can remove this function by deleting the code, but a better way is to 'comment it out' by placing 'comment' marks in front of the function, like so:
4. Use conditional tags if you want to display the menu in some situations and hide it in others. For example, if you want to hide the menu on a page titled 'Simple Page,' use this code:
WordPress uses special functions called 'conditional tags' to check for different situations, such as the user visiting the front page or a static page. The exclamation here stands for 'not' as in, 'If the page is not 'Simple Page' then display the menu.'
4:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed SWF in WordPress Posts
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard at the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Navigate to 'Posts' and select a post to edit by clicking its name. Click the 'Add New' button instead if you want to create a new post.
2. Switch to the HTML editing mode by clicking the 'HTML' tab at the top of the editor box on the 'Edit Post' screen. Add a pair of '
' tags where you want to embed the SWF file in your post:
3. Add the 'classid' attribute, along with the class ID for the Adobe Flash player, to your '
' tags:
4. Set the width, height and ID of the SWF object within the opening '
' tag:
5. Add a '
' tag inside your '
' tags:
Change 'movie_name.swf' to the name of your SWF file. If the file is in a different directory of your website, you must include the directory path as well. Everywhere you see 'movie_name.swf' in the code, including code in later steps, you need to make this change.
6. Place the following code between your '
' tags to support Internet Explorer browsers:
Remember to change 'movie_name.swf' to the path to your SWF file.
7. Add the following code after your Internet Explorer code so visitors without Adobe Flash installed will get a link to download the application:
8. End the '
' tag you created for Internet Explorer after the code for the download link:
9. Click the blue 'Update' or 'Publish' button, depending on whether your post is new. Go to 'View Post' to open the post in a new tab of your browser and see the embedded SWF file. You can switch between the HTML and Visual tabs of the post editor because the object code you inserted is valid XHTML. WordPress strips out invalid tags like iFrames.
3:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload a Video With a WordPress Plugin
Selecting a Plugin
1. Log into your WordPress administrative dashboard. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section on the left menu.
2. Type 'Video Player' and the type of format you use, such as 'FLV' or 'WMV' in the search field. Click 'Search Plugins.'
3. Scan the list of available plugins for the one that best suits your needs. Click 'Install Now.'
4. Click 'Activate' beneath the plugin title once it has been installed to your WordPress website. Then click the 'Visit Plugin Site' to read additional instructions for the plugin.
Using the Flash Video Player Plugin
5. Create a new folder on your website using any free FTP client called 'video.'
6. Upload an FLV video to that folder.
7. Create a new blog post or WordPress page from your administrative dashboard. Click the 'HTML' tab and insert the '[flashvideo file=video/video.flv /]' where you want the video to appear, using the name of your video in place of 'video.flv.'
Using the Stream Video Player Plugin
8. Click on 'Stream Video Player' located in your dashboard after the plugin has been activated.
9. Configure the appearance and behavior of the video player from the options provided. These include the size of the player, start-up volume, and whether or not the video should start by itself,
10. Create a new blog post by clicking 'Add New' in the 'Posts' section of the WordPress Dashboard. Add a new video by clicking the 'Video' icon. Then upload your video to the Media Library.
11. Click the 'Stream Video' button located above your post. Select your video from the media library. Review the configuration of the video and make any changes needed from the default values you specified in Step Two. Then click 'Generate.'
Using the VideoJS Video Player Plugin
12. Upload the video to your web server. Make a note of what folder you place the video.
13. Create a new blog post or WordPress page from your administrative dashboard.
14. Add the video short code to the post where you would like the video to appear on the blog post or page. For example, '[video mp4=http://mywebsite.com/video.mp4]' would be used for an mp4 video on your website's home directory. If you put the video in a folder called 'videos,' then the code would read 'http://mywebsite.com/videos/video.mp4.'
15. Add attributes to the video code as needed. For example width and height tags would specify the size of the video in pixels in the format, 'video width='640'.' Other attributes are explained on the plugin's details page, available from the link in your plugin directory after it has been installed.
1:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find and Replace the Domain URL for a WordPress Migration
1. Log into phpMyAdmin or a similar MySQL database editor. Click the name of the WordPress database from the list of databases on the left to display a list of tables in the database.
2. Click the 'browse' button next on the line with the 'wp_options' table to edit the WordPress options table in the database.
3. Click the edit icon next to record in the database whose 'option_name' is 'siteurl,' typically the first record displayed. Edit the 'option_value' field and enter the new domain URL for the blog. Click 'Go' to save your changes.
4. Click the arrow button above or below the list of fields to go to the next page. Find the record whose 'option_name' is 'home.' Click the edit icon on that line. Enter the new URL in the 'option_value' field and click 'Go' to save your changes.
1:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a New WordPress Template
1. Download your new theme.
2. Unzip the new theme onto your harddrive
3. Start-up your favorite FTP client. If your lost at this point, simply search eHow for how to use an FTP client.
4. With your FTP client up, log-in to your WordPress blog site.
5. Create a directory on your Web server wp-content/themes/example. Example is your new theme name and the base file that you just created.
6. Upload the theme. This will be the unzipped version that you placed on your hard drive in step 2.
7. Now log-out of your FTP client and shut it down.
8. Log-in to your admin account on Wordpress and go to Presentations.
9. Click on the new theme.
2:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Transfer WordPress to Bluehost
1. Export your existing WordPress blog to your hard drive. Log in to your WordPress account, scroll down to 'Tools.' Click 'Export.' Click 'Download Export File' to save the .XML file -- in other words, your entire blog -- to your hard drive.
2. Log in to the Bluehost Account Manager, using your domain name and password. Scroll down to the 'Software/Services' pane. Click 'WordPress.'
3. Click 'Install' to begin the process of installing WordPress on your Bluehost domain. Click the drop-down menu under 'Where Would You Like WordPress Installed?' and select the domain -- if you have more than one -- on which you wish to install WordPress, then tick the box to indicate you've read the terms and conditions. Click 'Complete.' Take note of the username and password the process assigns you upon its completion.
4. Log in to WordPress on your domain, which you access by entering your domain URL, then '/wp-admin/' after it. Enter the WordPress username and password with which the sign-up process provided you.
5. Import your blog's .XML file to your self-hosted WordPress. Scroll down to 'Tools.' Click 'Import,' and then click 'Browse' to locate the .XML file on your hard drive. Click 'Open.' Click 'Import' to upload your blog -- posts, pictures, tags, titles, comments and all -- to your own server. The blog will appear exactly as it did on your old site, unless you've installed a different theme.
1:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move Your WordPress Blog if You Use StartLogic Install Central
1. Sign in to your StartLogic account control panel and then click 'File Manager.'
2. Navigate to the directory where your WordPress site is installed and then check the box next to the installation directory.
3. Click the 'Actions' menu and then click 'Download.' Wait for the files to download to your computer. After the files are finished downloading, return to the control panel.
4. Click 'phpMyAdmin' and then sign in to your database using your WordPress database name and password. Select the database in the left column interface and then click 'Export.'
5. Select 'SQL' as the export file type and then check the box next to 'Save as File.' Click 'Go' to export your WordPress database.
6. Sign in to your new host's account portal, add the domain name to your account and then point the domain to the desired directory on the server. After adding the name your host provides you with the name servers.
7. Sign in to your StartLogic control panel and then click 'DomainCentral.' Select your WordPress site's domain name and then click 'Name Servers.'
8. Replace the existing name servers with the name servers provided by your new host.
9. Upload the files you downloaded from your StartLogic server into the appropriate directory on the new server.
10. Create a new database from your new host's control panel. Note the database name, user name and password, and then click 'Import.' Select the SQL file you exported from your Start Logic database.
11. Access the file manager on your new hosting account and then navigate to the 'Wp-config.php' file to find the database name, user name and password. Replace the values with the values for your newly created database.
6:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Customize a New User Registration Email in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress blog using your administrator account.
2. Click 'Plugins' from the left menu, then click 'Add New' from the sub-menu.
3. Type 'welcome email editor' in the search box, then press the 'Enter' button on your keyboard.
4. Click the 'Install Now' link under 'SB Welcome Email Editor,' then click the 'OK' button to confirm installation.
5. Click the 'Activate Plugin' link to launch the new plugin. You will see a new section appear at the bottom of the menu on the left side.
6. Click the 'SB Welcome Email Editor' link from the menu to view the current welcome email sent to newly registered users.
7. Type your new email message in the text boxes provided. You can change the email subject and body messages for the new user as well as the email that is sent to the administrator when a new user signs up.
8. Click the 'Update Settings' button to save your customizations to the new user registration email.
2:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert a Weebly Theme to Wordpress
1. Log in to your Weebly account.
2. Click 'Theme Editor.'
3. Click on the 'Design' tab.
4. Select 'Edit CSS/HTML.'
5. Click 'Export Theme' on the upper right corner of the screen.
6. Save the file containing the Weebly theme to your computer.
7. Log in to your WordPress account.
8. Click 'Tools' on the dashboard.
9. Select 'Import' from the drop-down menu.
10. Select 'Weebly' from the platforms listed.
11. Select the file containing the theme you saved to your computer.
12. Click the 'OK' button to import it into WordPress.
5:24 AM | Filed Under | 9 Comments
How to Insert a Line After Each Blog Post on WordPress
1. Log into the dashboard of your WordPress blog. Select 'Editor' under 'Appearance' from the icons on the left. Select 'Stylesheet' under 'Styles' on the far right side (if necessary; style.css is usually open by default in the editor).
2. Scroll through style.css until you locate .post. Depending upon your theme, the Cascading Style Sheet class may have a slightly different name. You can also use your browser's 'Find' function to find each instance of the word 'post' used in the style sheet. Press 'Ctrl' 'F' to open 'Find.'
3. Add code similar to the following:margin-bottom: 15px;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;The first line indicates how much space to place between the bottom line of your post's text and the horizontal line. The second line specifies the width, style and color of the line.
4. Click 'Update File.' Click the name of your blog at the top of the page to open your website's home page. If you are using the default configuration, you will see your 10 most recent blog posts separated from each other by thin black lines.
7:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use PHP Scripts in WordPress Posts or Pages
1. Open the 'functions.php' file of your WordPress theme in Microsoft Notepad.
2. Add your PHP script as a function. For example, the following PHP script displays 'Hello World!':function myPHPscript ($atts) {echo 'Hello World!';}
3. Define your shortcode by adding the following code in your 'functions.php' file:add_shortcode('myshortcode', 'myPHPScript');Replace 'myshortcode' with the name of the shortcode you want to use when calling the PHP script on your WordPress page or post, and replace 'myPHPScript' with the name of your PHP function.Save your file.
4. Open the post or page you want to add the PHP script to, and within the brackets, type the shortcode you defined in the last step, as in the following example:[myshortcode]
5. Save your post or page, and view it to see the PHP script in action.
1:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide a Tagline in the WordPress Headway Theme
1. Sign into your Wordpress website and click on 'Appearance' then 'Headway Visual Editor.'
2. Click on 'Site Configuration,' and then click on 'Header.'
3. Check the box next to 'Hide the Tagline.' Click on 'Save' to save the changes. The site's tagline will no longer be displayed.
12:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install and Debug a WordPress Developer Theme
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Appearance.' Go to 'Themes' and click 'Install Themes.' Search for 'framework' or 'sandbox' in the search box and browse through the various developer themes available.
2. Click on the theme you want to install and click the 'Install' button. Wait until the 'Themes' screen loads again and click 'Activate' under the new theme's screenshot to activate that theme.
3. Download the wp-config.php file located in your main WordPress directory and open it in a code editor or Notepad. Scroll down until you find 'define('WP_DEBUG', false);' and change 'false' to 'true.' Save the file and re-upload it.
4. Visit your WordPress website and inspect every page for errors. With debugging turned on in WordPress, any errors in your current theme will display messages right on the website. Most error messages come with suggestions and even links to the WordPress Codex, so read them carefully.
5. Go back to the dashboard and navigate to 'Appearance.' Click the 'Editor' link under 'Appearance' to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Find the template file you need to debug listed under 'Templates' and click on its link to load it in the editor. Make your changes and click the blue 'Update File' button to save your work.
3:32 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
How to Configure Adobe Contribute for Wordpress
Changing Settings in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress account.
2. Click on 'Admin Panel' at the top of the page and click on 'Settings' in the lower left corner.
3. Click on 'Writing' in the lower left corner.
4. Click on 'Remote Publishing.'
5. Check the box next to 'XML-RPC.'
Changing Settings in Adobe Contribute
6. Open Adobe Contribute and select 'Blog Connection' under the 'Create New' heading of the welcome screen.
7. Click 'Connect to Blogs.'
8. Click on 'Other Blog Servers.' Don't type anything under 'What is the URL of your Blog,' and type in your WordPress username and password in below.
9. Under 'Access Point' type in 'http://www.[YOURDOMAINHERE].com/BLOG DIRECTORTY/xmlrpc.php'Type in your WordPress domain in the bracketed section above.
10. Click 'Done.'
1:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Ajax in WordPress
1. Open the header.php file for the theme you use with your WordPress blog. Use a code editor or Notepad to open the file so you can work with the code. Find '
' just above your ending '
' tag and create a new line above the 'wp_head()' function. You should also write a call to 'wp_head()' if it does not already exist.
2. Add a set of script tags where you created a new line above the 'wp_head()' function and set its 'type' attribute to 'text/javascript' if your code is in XHTML or HTML 4. If you do not know, then add the 'type' attribute to be safe. Setting the 'type' attribute will not hurt anything when coding an HTML 5 document, though it is not necessary. Here is an example of the code so far:
// Your AJAX code will go here
3. Start your AJAX code between the script tags. Create a variable on the first line of the code that will hold the XMLHTTP object. The XMLHTTP object handles requests to the server for HTML and XML files, as well as text, PHP and ASP files.
var xmlhttp;
4. Create a conditional 'if-then' statement to check whether the browser is Internet Explorer (IE) 6 versus any other browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Doing this ensures that IE 6 users can still use your website, though that browser does not support the object 'XMLHttpRequest.'
var xmlhttp;if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();} else {xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}
5. Write a function to check that the XMLHTTP object is ready. This means the page is loaded and the server returned no errors.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 xmlhttp.status == 200) {}}
6. Write your code to grab information from file within the 'if-then' statement that checks for the XMLHTTP object's readiness. You can set a part of your website to get the response text sent by a requested file, for example. Here is an example:document.getElementById('updates').innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;The above code will put the contents of the XMLHTTP object inside a pair of HTML tags that have the ID name 'updates.'
7. Write your code to get the content from a particular file. This tells the server where to look for the content you want to place on the page through AJAX. Here is an example:xmlhttp.open('GET', 'myupdates.txt', true);xmlhttp.send();Change 'myupdates.txt' to the file name of the document from where you want to pull your data. In this case, 'myupdates.txt' holds information you want to place on your page. The 'true' tells the server you want an asynchronous request.
8. After writing your JavaScript and AJAX code, save your header.php file and any other files you needed to edit. Upload the files to your server, including any files containing data that your AJAX code references.
12:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Default.CSS of Thematic WordPress
1. Open the Thematic theme folder, and then open 'Library.'
2. Open the 'Styles' folder to view the style sheets for the Thematic theme.
3. Find the 'Default.css' file inside the 'Styles' folder. It is approximately half way down the list.
8:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Migrate From ASP to WordPress
1. Sign in to your new WordPress website installation.
2. Click the down arrow next to 'Pages,' and then click the 'Add New' link.
3. Enter the navigation title for a page on your old site into the 'Title' field. This ensures that the same page title shows up in your WordPress navigation bar.
4. Copy the old content from that corresponding page using your mouse, and then paste the content into the 'Body' field.
5. Click the 'Publish' button to make the Web page live. Repeat this process for each page on your website.
4:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Merge Tags in Wordpress
1. Click 'Plugins' on the left side of the dashboard menu on your WordPress website, then click 'Add New.' This displays a search interface.
2. Type 'Term Management Tools' in the search interface, then press 'Enter.' You should see the Term Management Tools first on the list of search results.
3. Click 'Install Now' under 'Term Management Tools,' then click 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin.'
4. Click 'Posts' on the left side of the dashboard interface, then click 'Post Tags.'
5. Click the check box next to each tag that you would like to merge together.
6. Click the 'Bulk Actions' drop-down menu, then click 'Merge.' A new text field labeled 'Into:' appears.
7. Click the text field, then type the name of the new or existing tag that will contain the tags that you have selected.
8. Click 'Apply.'
4:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Boldface Headlines in WordPress and Thesis
1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard, then click the 'Posts' tab on the left side of the page.
2. Click 'All Posts,' then click the post you want to edit. The Edit Post window opens.
3. Select the headline in the post that you want to edit, then click the 'Bold' button at the top left corner of the post editing area. The headline in the post automatically turns bold.
4. Click 'Preview' to view the changes. Click 'Save Draft' to save the changes or 'Publish' to publish the blog post.
1:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Place Photos Side by Side in WordPress
1. Place the cursor at the location in the post editor where you want the two images to appear.
2. Click the 'Add an Image' button above the post editor and upload the first image from your computer or select an image that you have already uploaded to the gallery. Click the 'Insert into Post' button to add the image to the post.
3. Add the second image to the post in the same manner.
4. Click the 'HTML' tab above the post editing field to view the source code for the post, and place the cursor at the first blank line above the code for the first image attachment. The attachment code begins with '
5. Type the code '
' without quotation marks. You may find it helpful to copy the code from this article to avoid a typing error. The number after 'margin-right' indicates the distance between the two image in pixels. Modify the number to change the spacing of the two images.
6. Move the cursor to the first blank line after the code for the first image attachment. The code ends with the name of the image and the tag '
7. Type '
' without quotation marks in the blank line.
8. Move the cursor to the first blank line before the code for the second image. If there is no blank line, press 'Enter' to create one.
9. Type '
' in the blank line.
10. Type '
' in the first blank line after the code for the second image.
11. Save or update the post.
4:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Header to a Wordpress Blog
Installing Your Custom Header Graphic
1. Download the free Wordpress theme of your choice. Be sure to choose one that already has a header graphic. You'll be replacing this graphic with your own custom graphic. Pick out a theme that has colors that complement the colors in your header graphic.
2. Unzip the folder containing your theme, and find the folder labeled 'images.' This is where all images for the theme are stored, and where you'll be placing your new header image.
3. Delete the file labeled 'logo.' This image file is the theme's existing graphic.
4. Replace the 'logo' file with your custom header image. Rename your image 'logo.' This tells the software that you'll be using this image as your header graphic. This step is important--if you forget it, no image will be displayed when you install your theme.
5. Upload your new Wordpress theme using your FTP software. Place it in the 'themes' folder of your Wordpress site, as you would any other theme.
Activate Your New Theme
6. Activate your new Wordpress theme from the 'Design' tab within the Wordpress software.
7. If your logo is the wrong size or only partially displays, you may need to edit the CSS stylesheet. Find the code that lists header dimensions, and replace the listed dimensions with the dimensions of your custom header.
8. Click the 'View site' button--you should see your new theme, featuring your custom graphic.
4:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress for an Online Auction
1. Install WordPress through your website's host company or set up a WordPress-hosted blog. Many hosting companies provide WordPress as a standard blogging application available with basic web hosting packages. Often the installation is as easy as the click of a button in your control panel. If your host does not provide the WordPress application, you can establish an account on the WordPress website to host your blog there.
2. Determine the page layout of your blog. Login to your WordPress administrative site using the username and password provided during installation. Click the 'Design' tab from your Dashboard main menu. Here, you can choose your theme from the list of available options included in your installation. You may also choose one from the many available through the WordPress website. Just follow the installation instructions provided with your theme download. Select a theme that offers two widget sidebars for displaying content. You may want to customize your header to correspond with the look of your main site.
3. Configure your blog to show descriptions of auction items. Choose Widgets from the WordPress Design menu and select the left sidebar. Add the widget for showing recent posts. You can change the title of the widget to an appropriate heading like 'Click to View Auction Items.' Then, choose Write from your the main WordPress menu. Write and publish a post for each item to be auctioned including a description and photographs if applicable. At the end of your post, include any stipulations for bids on each item such as bid minimums or increments. Once published, links to the auction item posts will appear under the 'Click to View Auction Items' heading on your blog site.
4. Configure the comment feature to display bids. Choose Options > General from the main WordPress menu. Under the Membership category, be sure the 'Allow anyone to register' and 'Users must be registered and logged in to comment' boxes are checked. This will ensure that bidders are registered on the site with their contact information so you will know who is bidding. Click the Discussion option tab to further configure your comment preferences. You may choose to be notified by email whenever a bid is placed and to hold comments for approval before they are posted. Once your comment feature is configured, add the 'Recent Comments' widget to your right sidebar through the Design menu. You may choose to change the widget title to 'Recent Bids' and select the number of 'bids' you would like to post.
5. Configure your User preferences to accommodate bidders. Using the Design > Widgets interface, add the Meta widget to your left sidebar. You can title this widget 'Register to Bid.' This will allow visitors to register for their first bid or login to place subsequent bids. Now, from the Options > Discussion tab, check the 'Comment author must fill out name and email' box so that site users must register with this information in order to place bids.
6. Post bidding instructions for your site visitors. Using the Write > Pages tab, publish a concise description of the bidding process including any organizational parameters. Include instructions for registering with the site, clicking the auction item posts and adding comments containing a visitor's bid to the applicable post. Under the Options > Reading tab, click the static page option for what your blog front page will display. Then, you can select your instructional page from the list. This setting will ensure that the instructions for bidding information appear on the blog home page at all times. You may also want to add this page to your main blog links so it is available when visitors click on other site pages.
7. Test the process as a 'dummy' user. Click the 'Register' link on your blog page and set yourself up as the first user. You can choose a username like 'StartBidding' as a teaser for other users while your comments appear in the list. Now, click on each auction post and add a comment like 'Start your bidding at $1.00.' Depending on your moderation preferences, your comments will appear on each auction item page and under the 'Recent Bids' list.
8. Interface the blog auction site with your main site. Include a link to the blog website on your home page to alert visitors your auction has begun. Depending on your WordPress preferences, you can keep up with bid postings via email alerts as the auction proceeds. As auctions are completed, you can close bidding by disallowing comments on the applicable posts.
3:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use View Source to Figure Out Wordpress Style Rules
1. Open your blog in a browser window.
Pick out something in the regular browser view that you want to change. Here's an image of a post from my blog. Suppose I want to change the way the headings look. The heading in this post is: 'WCAG 2.0 released as Candidate Recommendation: Test Drivers Wanted.'
3. Use the browser menu to view the page source. This is an option under the View menu in most browsers. Select the menu command that says 'View Source.'The page source will open, showing you the underlying HTML that built the page.
Find a heading in the Source. The easiest way to skip through all that code is to find some particular text, say 'WCAG 2.0 released as Candidate.' Using the menu you can select Edit > Find and then type in the phrase you're looking for to skip immediately to that part of the page.
5. Here's what I found in my blog: From the source I learn a number of things about the heading and the styles. I learn that it's an h2, so perhaps changing the h2 rules will do what I want. I also see that the h2 is assigned to the class 'entry-title,' so that may be the rule I want to look for. Those two clues should be enough to help me quickly find what I'm looking for.
For a Wordpress blog the styles are found in wp-content > themes > yourthemename > styles.css. Open the styles.css page and look for the clue words you found in the page source. In this example I looked for 'entry-title.' The styles I found in the rule you see in the image look like just what I need to make changes to the appearance of my headings. The rule in this example controls two different headings. If I didn't want to change them both, I would need to separate the styles into two different rules.
12:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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