
How to Format Yahoo! Pipes RSS for WordPress

1. Sign up for a free Yahoo! Pipes account and create an example RSS feed. Yahoo! provides a wealth of documentation and tutorials on the Pipes website to get you started.
2. Copy the URL for your Yahoo! Pipes RSS feed. After you've created a pipe, choose the 'Get as RSS' option at the top of your pipe's configuration screen and copy the link to your clipboard. You can also click the 'Get as RSS' link to open the feed in your default reader.

3. Log in to the WordPress administrative interface for your blog, and navigate to the Widgets configuration screen. You can find the Widgets administration link in the left column underneath the Appearance header.
4. Drag the RSS widget to one of the sidebars of your blog.
5. Enter the URL of your Yahoo! Pipes feed as a source for your WordPress feed widget and give it a title. A title is not absolutely necessary, but the RSS feed URL is.


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