
How to Replace WordPress Header Images

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button, and open the Web browser you like to use to manage the WordPress blog. Navigate to the homepage of your blog. At the bottom of the page, click the 'Admin Dashboard' link, and log in to the main WordPress control panel.
2. Click the 'Appearance' section header in the left panel. Clicking the section header expands a list of options.

3. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' section to open the PHP editor.
4. Click the 'Header' link in the right panel. This link opens the PHP code for the blog header page. Scroll down to the section of the code labeled 'id='logo-image'.' This tag property designates your header image.
5. Change the value of the logo image to the location of the image you want to set in the header file. For instance, the following changes use the 'myimage.jpg' file in the WordPress header:

6. Click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the window. The changes to the code update, and the logo image takes effect immediately.


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