- How to Upload a Wordpress in Webmin
- How to Get Into Admin on WordPress 2.9.2
- How to Change the Order of Your WordPress Posts
- How to Edit Columns in WordPress
- How to Write CSS for a Thumbnail Image in WordPress
- How to Add a Date Stamp in WordPress
- How to Get Rid of an Author Profile on a WordPress...
- How to Insert a Custom Header Into Wordpress
- How to Auto Export My WordPress Blog to the Wall o...
- How to Replace a WordPress Feed With FeedBurner
- How to Edit the Search Bar in WordPress
- How to Rename a Website With WordPress
- How to Use a Category Template in WordPress
- How to Hide Comments in WordPress
- How to Create a WordPress Splash Page
- How to Call a Footer in WordPress
- How to Block Spiders on the WordPress Install
- How to Insert a Space into a WordPress Post
- How to Import a WordPress Blog into Facebook
- How to Link to NextGen in Wordpress
- How to Get Logged into WordPress Email
- How to Use a Thematic WordPress
- How to Change the Domain Name in WordPress
- How to Make Changes in cPanel for My WordPress Blog
- How to Use WordPress With Go Daddy
- How to Remove an Image From a WordPress Photo Gallery
- How to Replace WordPress Header Images
- How to Import WordPress XML Duplicates
How to Upload a Wordpress in Webmin
1. Open your preferred SSH client and connect to your dedicated server running Webmin. You need your server's IP, username and password to connect with SSH. Each SSH client has its own configuration, so use the on-screen instructions for the log in field.
2. Type 'cd ~/public_html' and press 'Enter' to switch to your public_html folder. Type 'wget http://www.wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz' to download the latest version of WordPress to your Webmin server.
3. Type 'tar xfz latest.tar.gz' and press 'Enter' to extract the installation package. Type 'rm -f latest.tar.gz' and press 'Enter.' Type 'mv wordpress/*' and press 'Enter.' Type 'rm -Rf wordpress' and press 'Enter.' Type 'chmod 777' and press 'Enter.' Close your SSH client.
4. Open your Web browser and load the domain you installed WordPress on. Add '/wp-admin/install.php' to the end of this URL to load the installation script. Enter your database name, username, password, host and prefix in the provided fields. Click 'Submit.'
5. Create a site title for your WordPress blog. Type your username, password and email to finish the installation. Click 'Install WordPress' to finish the installation.
4:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Get Into Admin on WordPress 2.9.2
1. Click on the meta widget, where it says 'Log In.' For the default WordPress theme this will be at the very top of the screen in the header area, although the location could be different if you are using a custom theme.
2. Enter your username and password in the meta widget login box to log in to the system. Wait for WordPress to log you in, then move your mouse back to the meta widget. Notice that it now says 'Site Admin' and 'Log Out' instead of simply 'Log In.'
3. Click the 'Site Admin' button to access your WordPress admin section for your website.
12:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Order of Your WordPress Posts
Manually Changing the Order
1. Log in to your WordPress administration panel and click 'Posts.' This brings up a list of your posted articles.
2. Click 'Quick Edit' next to the post you want to show first. Edit the date to today's date. This ensures the post is the most recent.
3. Click 'Update' to save your changes to the article. Click 'Quick Edit' on the next post.
4. Change the date to yesterday. This makes the post second in your WordPress loop.
5. Repeat the process as necessary until your posts are in the desired order.
Using a WordPress Plugin to Change Post Order
6. Log in to your WordPress administration panel. Click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.'
7. Type 'PostMash' into the search box. Click 'Search Plugins.'
8. Click 'Install Now' next to 'PostMash' in the search results. Click 'OK,' then click 'Activate.'
9. Click 'Posts,' then click'PostMash.' This brings you to the PostMash control panel.
10. Click on each post and drag it into the order you want. Continue for each post that you want to rearrange. Click 'Update' to save the changes to the post order.
4:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Columns in WordPress
Adding and Moving Widgets Around
1. Log into your Wordpress account by using your username and password. This will take you to your dashboard.
2. Click on the 'Appearance' tab in your dashboard menu to the left. Once the options drop down, click 'Widgets.' The widgets page will show you plug-ins you have installed, as well as one window for each sidebar where these widgets may be added.
3. Drag the widgets you'd like to use in your sidebars. You can rearrange them by moving them from one sidebar to the other, dragging them above another widget or removing a widget completely. Make any changes you'd like and save once you're finished.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your Sidebars
4. Log in to your Wordpress account. Before making any changes, back up your files. One misplaced string of code, and your blog will be unreadable. In the dashboard menu to the left, click on the 'Appearance' tab and then 'Editor' options. For this tutorial, we'll be focusing on your Style sheet, the file that basically tells your site how to look.
5. Click the file titled 'stylesheet.css' from the menu to your right if it isn't selected already. You should notice headers explaining what each string of code is for. The actual wording will depend on who the Wordpress theme was made by. Some themes leave direct instructions, while others leave you in the dark.
6. Press 'Ctrl' and the letter 'F' on your keyboard. Type in the word 'Sidebar' and then click the 'Next' button. This will highlight the word 'Sidebar' for you, so you don't have to skim lines of code.
7. Scroll below the 'Sidebars' heading, where you should see words mixed with code. These bits of code tell your website how it should look, from the font type, color and even your sidebar's background color.What these codes mean:Font-size: how big the font on your page is.Text-Decoration: how the font should look. You can type in 'underline,' 'Bold,' or 'Italic' to change the font's appearance.Color: #(six digit number): This tells your theme what color your font should be. The six-digit number is known as a Hex code. You can change the color by using sites such as Colorcombos.com (see Resources) to pick out colors, and then typing in the six-digit code into your style sheet.Background-color: #(six digit number): This will change the background color of your sidebars. So if your main content area where your post appears is white, you can make the sidebars stand out by making their background blue, purple, pink or whatever color you like.
8. Refresh your site each time you make a change to the style sheet. If anything looks out of place, check the code again. Save, once you're happy with how it looks, and back up your new files.
8:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Write CSS for a Thumbnail Image in WordPress
1. Log on to your WordPress site and click on 'Appearance,' then 'Editor.'
2. Select 'Stylesheet' from the list on the right.
3. Add the CSS for your thumbnail using the online editor. For example, if you wish to align the thumbnail image to the left and display a solid black color for it, you can add this code:img.alignleft {float: left;border: 1px solid #000;}
4. Click on 'Update File.'
5. Select the template where you have 'the_post_thumbnail' code. If it is located within a WordPress page, select the 'Page' template from the list of templates on the right.
6. Edit the code to apply the style you specified for your thumbnail. The following code displays the thumbnail using your site's default thumbnail size, with the style you defined in your style template:
'alignleft')); ?>
7. Update your template file to apply the changes.
1:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Date Stamp in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress account and click the 'Add New' link under the 'Plugins' heading.
2. Type 'date' in the search field and then click the 'Search Plugins' button. A list of relevant options appear on the page.
3. Read through the plugin descriptions to find the one that you want to use. Some features display the date that you publish your blog entries, while others format your date stamps to Associated Press (AP) style. Click the 'Install Now' link next to your plugin choice.
4. Click the 'OK' button in the dialog window that appears to confirm the installation and then click the 'Activate Plugin' link that displays. Your date stamp is now on your WordPress site.
12:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Get Rid of an Author Profile on a WordPress Post
1. Load your WordPress blog in a browser and navigate to the post where you want to remove the author profile. Right-click in the browser screen and select “View Source” to see the source code. Find the body of the post text in the code and then look for the post ID number in the div or section tags surrounding it:
Post content here...
In this example, the post ID is “post-25.”
2. Locate the author profile text in the source code and find the tags surrounding it:
Profile text, images, etc.
Get the class or ID name of the tags. In this case, you need “author-profile.”
3. Log in to WordPress and navigate to the Edit Themes screen under Appearance in the sidebar. Load the style sheet listed at the bottom of the screen and add this code to the end:.post-25 .author-profile {
display: none;
}This code will hide the author profile on that particular post. Even if you change the name of the post, it will retain the same ID.
2:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Custom Header Into Wordpress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and click on 'Appearance' on the left-hand menu. Again in the left-hand menu, click on the 'Header' link. This brings you to the 'Custom Header' options page.
2. Upload an image by clicking on 'Choose File' and opening the image you want to use. Click on the 'Upload' button to complete the task. Depending on the width and height of the image, WordPress will either resize it or leave it as is. Note that themes offering custom headers often give instructions on what size image to use, and they place this information above the upload buttons.
3. Select a default image by clicking on one of the radio buttons next to a default image below the upload buttons. You can only select one for use.
4. Remove the current header image by clicking on the 'Remove Header Image' toward the bottom of the options page. This button removes the image from the header but not from your server. Removed default images remain in the list of defaults. Reset to the theme's original header image by clicking 'Restore Original Header Image' toward the page's bottom.
5. Click the blue 'Save Changes' button to save your changes. Visit your site or reload it in the browser to view the new or restored header.
12:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Auto Export My WordPress Blog to the Wall of Facebook
1. Copy the RSS feed URL for your WordPress blog.
2. Navigate to Facebook and log in to your account.
3. Type the word “Notes” in the search bar at the top of your home page and then click “My Notes” in the drop-down search results.
4. Click the “Import a blog” link on the ride side of the page, just under your profile picture.
5. Paste your WordPress blog’s RSS feed URL into the 'Web URL' field. Click the box underneath to confirm you have the right to import content from this blog to Facebook.
6. Click the “Start Importing” button. The previous posts on your WordPress blog will appear as Notes on your Facebook profile and all subsequent posts will also publish to your wall as Notes.
8:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Replace a WordPress Feed With FeedBurner
1. Navigate to FeedBurner and log in to your account.
2. Enter your WordPress feed address in the 'Burn a feed right this instant' text box, then click 'Next.' Your WordPress feed address is the full domain of your blog with '/feed/' at the end.
3. Configure the 'Feed Title' and 'Feed Address,' then click 'Next.'
4. Copy the FeedBurner address to your clipboard by highlighting the URL, right-clicking and selecting 'Copy.'
5. Log in to your WordPress blog.
6. Expand the 'Plugins' menu and click 'Add New.'
7. Type 'FD FeedBurner' in the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
8. Click the 'Install Now' button to download the extension to WordPress, then click 'Activate' to activate the plugin.
9. Click 'FeedBurner Configuration' in the 'Plugins' menu.
10. Paste your FeedBurner feed address in the top text box, then click 'Save Changes.' The feed address is now updated to the FeedBurner feed throughout your blog.
5:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit the Search Bar in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard and then navigate to 'Appearance' in the left-hand menu. Click the 'Editor' link under 'Appearance' to load the theme editing screen. Look for a file on the right-hand side called 'searchform.php' and click on its link. Create a file and name it 'searchform.php' and then upload it to your theme if it does not yet exist. The file goes in the following location:/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme-name/Replace 'theme-name' with the name of the theme you use. Sometimes 'public_html' is 'www'.
2. Edit or code the HTML for your 'searchform.php' to match your needs. This file can also include PHP code. Here is an example:
Use the
tag as shown above, including the ID, method and action to make it work correctly. You also must name your text field 's' so it can work with WordPress. Add whatever other HTML code you like, and add ID and class names to tags you need to reference in CSS code.
3. Edit the 'style.css' file using the theme editor screen or edit it on your computer and upload it onto the server under the same directory as 'searchform.php.' Use CSS code in 'style.css' to style the search form. Here is an example:#searchfield {border: 1px solid #ccc; font-style: italic;}The code puts a one-pixel wide, light gray border around the search field and makes its text italic. You can also edit the button or style other text in your 'searchform.php' file.
3:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Rename a Website With WordPress
1. Load your WordPress administration panel in your Web browser.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the left-side menu, and click 'Settings.'
3. Click 'General' then change the text in the Site Title field to the new name for your site.
4. Click 'Save Changes' to publish the name change.
5:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use a Category Template in WordPress
1. Open your main WordPress directory in your Web hosting control panel or FTP program. Consult your WordPress hosting provider for directions on how to access this directory on your particular server.
2. Copy the existing template file on which you want to base your category template, such as 'archive.php' or 'index.php.' Name the new file 'category.php' if you want to use it for all categories. Name the file 'category-slug.php'--replacing 'slug' with a specific category's slug--or 'category-id.php'--replacing 'id' with the ID number of the category--to make a template for just that category.
3. Edit the new category template file as needed. For example, you may want to add the word 'Category' in the
tag in the header or add the category's slug as a header. Use the following code to refer to the current category name:
4:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Comments in WordPress
Hide Individual Comment
1. Enter your WordPress account by logging into your blog. Type in your user name into the WordPress page and then type in your password that you used when you created the blog. Press the button that says 'Log In.'
2. Click on the gray button labeled 'Comments' on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
3. Click on the comment that you want to hide and a check mark will appear in the box beside it. Click on the drop down menu above the comments and select 'Unapprove comment.' The comment will not appear on your WordPress blog.
Hide All Comments
4. Locate the settings menu on the lower left hand side of the WordPress dashboard.
5. Click on the gray 'Discussion' button under the 'Settings' options.
6. Click on the small square box next to 'Allow people to post comments on new articles' to remove the check mark from the box.
7. Click on the save button at the bottom of the 'Discussion' setting screen. No comments will show up on future blog posts on your WordPress blog with this setting in place.
4:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a WordPress Splash Page
1. Log into your WordPress account and click the 'Add New' link under the 'Pages' section.
2. Enter a heading such as 'Home' in the 'Enter title here' text field. Click inside the text box and type your content.
3. Click the 'Template' drop-down menu under the 'Page Attributes' section and select the 'Default Template' option. Otherwise, select another desired template for your splash page. The template ensures the look and feel of your site is reflected on this static page.
4. Click the 'Publish' button on the right to activate the new template. Click the 'Dashboard' link at the top to return to the main administration panel.
5. Click the 'Reading' link under the 'Settings' section. Click the button next to the 'A static page' option, then click the 'Front Page' drop-down menu to select your newly created page from the list that appears. Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom to publish your splash page.
12:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Call a Footer in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard by opening your Web browser and typing your website domain name followed by '/wp-admin/' into the address bar, then press 'ENTER.' Type your username and password into the displayed text fields, then click the 'Log In' button.
2. Click the 'Editor' link under the 'Appearance' header on the left side of the WordPress dashboard. If the 'Editor' link is not displayed, click the down-arrow to the immediate right of the 'Appearance' header, then click 'Editor.'
3. Click the 'Footer (footer.php)' link on the right side of the 'Edit Themes' page.
4. Click to place your mouse cursor to the left of the '
' tag near the bottom of the footer.php page.
5. Type '
' to call the footer.
6. Click the 'Update File' button under the main text window to save the footer.php page.
7:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Block Spiders on the WordPress Install
How To Block Spiders From the Entire Site
1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. This is located at yourblogurl.com/wp-admin.
2. Click 'Settings' on the large menu bar on the left of the screen, then click 'Privacy.'
3. Click the radio button next to the option labeled 'I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors.' Click 'Save Changes' when you are done. Spiders will now be blocked from your entire WordPress site.
How To Block Spiders From Specific Pages
4. Log in to your WordPress admin panel. Click 'Plugins' on the left-side menu bar, then click 'Add New.' From this area you are able to install a great number of free plugins to your WordPress blog, offering a wider range of functions. One of these plugins can help you block spiders from crawling any posts you choose.
5. Type 'WordPress Meta Robots' into the text field, then click the 'Search Plugins' button. Find 'WordPress Meta Robots' in the results list and click 'Install Now,' just beneath it. When the plugin has installed, click 'Activate Plugin.' (Note: 'Robot' is yet another name for spiders.)
6. Click 'Posts,' then go to the post you want to block from Web crawlers. Click its title to bring up the editing screen. On the right side of the screen a new option has appeared called 'Meta Robots.' Click the drop-down menu, then click the 'noindex, nofollow' option. Click 'Update' near the top right of the screen to save your changes. Spiders are now blocked from this post. Repeat for any other posts you wish.
12:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Space into a WordPress Post
1. Navigate to the post where you want to insert a space.
2. Place the cursor in the position where you want the space. If you are in the HTML editor, type ''. If you are in the WYSIWYG editor, press the 'Return' key to insert a space (what you see on the screen will be the spacing that appears in your blog post).
3. Click 'Save Draft' to save the post or 'Publish' if you are ready to publish your post.
6:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import a WordPress Blog into Facebook
Using RSS Graffiti
1. Visit the RSS Graffiti page on Facebook and click the 'Go to App' button. You will need to allow RSS Graffiti access to your Facebook profile before you can configure the settings.
2. Select the profile or page that you want to import your blog feed to on the left sidebar of the RSS Graffiti settings page. Click the 'Add Feed' button.
3. Enter the feed URL, the name of your blog, the URL for your blog, and the format for your post when it's imported. To preview how your post will look, click the link in the preview window.
4. Change other import settings, such as how long a post must be live before it's imported, whether you want to include a message with your post and how often RSS Graffiti should check your feed, using the tabs below the preview window.
5. Click 'Save' in the upper right corner above the preview window to save your RSS import settings.
6. Click the 'Go to App' button on the NetworkedBlogs page and authorize access to your Facebook page by clicking 'Allow.'
7. Select five blogs to follow. NetworkedBlogs works by connecting users with other blogs that may interest them; in turn, other users can stumble across your blog when they sign up for NetworkedBlogs. Click 'Next.'
8. Click the link to the NetworkedBlogs home at the bottom of the next page, which shows what blogs your friends follow and gives you the opportunity to follow along as well.
9. Click 'Register a Blog' at the top of the NetworkedBlogs home.
10. Fill in the name, URL, and description of your blog. You can add a tagline if you want. You will also need to select three topics that classify your blog. Enter your email address and click 'Next.'
11. Click 'Yes' when asked if you're the author of your blog. You will be given two options for verifying your ownership: having Facebook friends verify the information, or adding a NetworkedBlogs widget to your blog. Using a widget is faster, and NetworkedBlogs offers installation instructions for installing the widget on your blog. Click 'Verify' once the widget is installed to confirm ownership.
12. Click 'Set up Syndication' to add the blog to your Facebook feed.
13. Click 'Add Facebook Target' and select the page or profile that you want to import your blog to. You can select multiple profiles and pages if you want. Click 'Customize Post' to change how your blog post looks on the news feed.
Social RSS
14. Click 'Go to App' at the top of the Social RSS Facebook page. You will be asked to allow Social RSS access to your feed; click 'Allow' to authorize it.
15. Choose the page or profile that you want to import your WordPress posts to; if you select a page you will be prompted to allow Social RSS access to your page as well.
16. Enter your feed URL under 'Feed Settings.'
17. Edit 'Tab Settings' to change how the RSS feed is added to your page's sidebar and posted to your wall. You can add an introduction to your RSS page, include a link back to your blog or set the feed to publish to your wall. Social RSS creates a page for your RSS feed in addition to updating your profile with your most recent posts.
18. Click 'Update' at the bottom of the page. It may take a moment for Social RSS to check your feed.
3:36 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Link to NextGen in Wordpress
1. Navigate to your blog. Log in to your WordPress account on the blog.
2. Note the image, gallery or album IDs of the images you want to link to in the post. NextGen provides an ID number for each picture as well as the overall albums. You need these numbers to properly link NextGen.
3. Click 'Posts' and 'Add new post.' Type '[album id=x template=extend],' where 'x' is replaced by the ID number of the album, in to the main content area of the post. That particular album displays with the extended template.
4. Type '[singlepic id=x w=width h=height mode=web20|watermark float=left|right],' replacing 'x' with the picture ID, 'w' with the width, and 'h' with the height. This code displays the single indicated image in to the post.
5:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Get Logged into WordPress Email
1. Create an email address that will be used only for posting to your WordPress account. Using your regular email address will result in all of your replies showing up on your blog.
2. Copy the mail server name and port number used by your Web host. If you do not know this information, contact your Web host.
3. Open the 'Settings' sidebar menu within your WordPress Dashboard. Open the 'Writing' submenu.
4. Enter the mail server name, the port number, your email username and your password into the fields provided within the Post Via Email section. You may choose a default post category for emailed posts if you want. Click 'Save Changes.'
5. Add the following code to your WordPress blog's footer.php file. Edit the
URL to reflect the location of the wp-mail.php file on your own domain.
5:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use a Thematic WordPress
1. Open a Web browser on your computer, and log in to your WordPress dashboard. The homepage of your blog has the 'Admin' link that navigates to the WordPress dashboard login page.
2. Click the 'Appearance' link on the left navigation panel. Click 'Themes' to see a list of installed and activated themes.
3. Click 'Install Themes' to see a list of new themes. Type 'Thematic' in the search text box to find the download for the specific theme. Click 'Search' to display the Thematic theme's link.
4. Click 'Install' next to the 'Thematic' download link. After the theme installs, click 'Activate' to activate the newly installed theme.
5. Click the blog name at the top of the dashboard. The blog's main homepage opens, and you can see the new theme changes. All pages and new posts use the new theme activated in the dashboard.
12:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Domain Name in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress site using your administrator name and password.
2. Click the 'Settings' menu on the left side of the screen.
3. Click the 'General' sub-menu to open the general WordPress settings.
4. Type the full URL of your domain name in the 'WordPress address (URL)' and 'Site address (URL)' text boxes. Make sure you spell the domain correctly and include the 'http://' section of the URL.
5. Click 'Save Changes' to change the domain name in WordPress. The site will log you out and redirect you to the new login page using the new domain name.
6:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Changes in cPanel for My WordPress Blog
Change WordPress Content Using phpMyAdmin
1. Log in to your site's cPanel, and click on phpMyAdmin.
2. Select the WordPress database from the list on the left.
3. Click on the 'Browse' icon next to the table you wish to edit content for.
4. Click on the 'Edit' icon, and change the content.
5. Click on 'Go' to apply the changes.
Upgrade WordPress Using Fantastico
6. Log in to your site's cPanel.
7. Click on 'Fantastico.'
8. Select WordPress for the list of programs on the left.
9. Click on the 'Upgrade' link to update your WordPress installation to the latest version.
3:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress With Go Daddy
Install WordPress
1. Navigate to the Go Daddy website (see Resources).
2. Enter your user name and password at the top of the page and click 'Log In.' This will take you to the account holder management main page.
3. Look under the 'Products' section and click 'Web Hosting.'
4. Choose the hosting account you want to install WordPress on and click 'Launch.' This opens the 'Hosting Control Center.'
5. Click on the 'Install Apps' link.
6. Select 'WordPress' in the list of apps to install.
7. Click the 'Install Now!' link. Choose the domain where you want WordPress site to point. Agree to the terms and agreements and click 'Next.'
8. Enter a database description and password and click 'Next.' Select the installation directory and click 'Next.' To install WordPress in your root directory, leave this field empty.
9. Input your 'Admin Name,' 'Admin Password,' 'Email' and 'Blog Title' for your WordPress installation.
10. Click Finish. WordPress is now installed.
Create a Post
11. Open your browser and navigate to your website's homepage. You should see the default WordPress blog theme.
12. Log into WordPress. Navigate your Web browser to your domain followed by '/wp-admin' to get to the admin log in page. Example: http://www.mydomain.com/wp-admin/
13. Create a new post. Once logged into the WordPress dashboard, look to the left of the screen under the 'Post' category and click 'Add New' to add a new post.
14. Give the post a title and write your post in the editor. Click the preview button to preview the post. Click on the 'Publish' button to submit the post to your website.
2:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove an Image From a WordPress Photo Gallery
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and click 'Posts' to see your posts. Find the post you want to edit, and hover over its name to reveal the 'Edit' link. Click 'Edit' to get into the post editing screen.
2. Click the square icon next to 'Upload/Insert' to load the media-uploading tool. Click its 'Gallery' tab at the top to see the images associated with that post. If you inserted a standard, nonplugin gallery into the post using this uploading tool, then any changes you make here will affect the gallery for that post.
3. Click 'Show' next to the image you want to remove. Scroll down until you see the 'Delete' link, and then click there. Click the 'Continue' button that appears to complete the deletion.
4. Click 'Media' on the left-hand menu in the dashboard, under 'Posts.' Click 'Add New' and follow the prompts to upload the file again if you still want it on your server. Now the image will be in your media library but not as part of a post's gallery.
8:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Replace WordPress Header Images
1. Click the Windows 'Start' button, and open the Web browser you like to use to manage the WordPress blog. Navigate to the homepage of your blog. At the bottom of the page, click the 'Admin Dashboard' link, and log in to the main WordPress control panel.
2. Click the 'Appearance' section header in the left panel. Clicking the section header expands a list of options.
3. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' section to open the PHP editor.
4. Click the 'Header' link in the right panel. This link opens the PHP code for the blog header page. Scroll down to the section of the code labeled 'id='logo-image'.' This tag property designates your header image.
5. Change the value of the logo image to the location of the image you want to set in the header file. For instance, the following changes use the 'myimage.jpg' file in the WordPress header:
6. Click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the window. The changes to the code update, and the logo image takes effect immediately.
4:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import WordPress XML Duplicates
1. Open any Web browser and navigate to your WordPress Administrator Dashboard at yoursite.com/wp-admin. Replace “yoursite.com” with the URL of your WordPress website.
2. Click “Tools” in the left navigation panel.
3. Click “Import” under Tools.
4. Click “WordPress.”
5. Click the “Browse” button. Select the XML file and click “Open.”
6. Click “Upload File Import,” then click “Submit.”
12:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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1. Log in to your Weebly account. 2. Click 'Theme Editor.' 3. Click on the 'Design' tab. 4. Select 'Edit CSS/HTM...
1. Sign up for a publisher account at Bidvertiser. Submit basic contact information and confirm your email address to get started. 2. Lo...
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. 2. Open the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard and then cli...
1. Open your WordPress Dashboard in your preferred browser. It is accessed at the '/wp-admin' location of your site. For example, ...
Facebook Widget 1. Create a Facebook fan page for your blog, if you don't already have one. You will have to manually share content wi...
1. Download and install the WordPress for BlackBerry app via BlackBerry App World. Download the version that corresponds with your BlackBe...
1. Go to your WordPress blog's administrative control panel. 2. Click the 'Settings' button on the left-side navigation menu...
1. Click the 'Add Contact' button on the 'Add New Post' page. This opens the 'Add a Contact Form' page. 2. Click...
1. Click the 'Add New' link in the 'Posts' section of your WordPress dashboard to begin creating a new post. To add page b...
1. Register an account with Amazon Web Services Cloud. If you have an existing Amazon account, enter your email address in the appropriate...