- How to Use Lightbox 2 for Wordpress
- How to Install WordPress on Media Temple GS
- How to Find API Endpoint in WordPress
- How to Make WordPress Look Like Facebook
- How to Move From WordPress to Your Own Domain
- How to Make a Widget for Every WordPress MU Blog C...
- How to Insert Pictures in WordPress Posts
- How to Use the eShop on WordPress
- How to Find Out Who Owns a WordPress Blog
- How to Include Different WordPress Footers
- How to Find Broken Links in WordPress to Remove
- How to Hide a WordPress Blog Under Development
- How to Embed Padding in WordPress
- How to Add Pages to WordPress
- How to Embed Docstoc Documents in WordPress
- How to Add PDFs Word Documents to WordPress
- How to Create a Favicon in WordPress
- How to Change the Order of the Menu for WordPress ...
- How to Edit WordPress to Default Install
- How to Manage PDF Files With WordPress
- How to Import WordPress Into a Joomla Website
- How to Use Fusion Charts in WordPress
- How to Add Twitter to a Wordpress Blog
- How to Unzip WordPress
- How to Make a WordPress Article Static
- How to Duplicate a Function in Wordpress
- How to Include Another PHP File in WordPress
- How to Export a Self
- How to Have a Subdomain on the WordPress Site at H...
How to Use Lightbox 2 for Wordpress
1. Download the Lightbox 2 plugin for WordPress (see Resources). It is a compressed file. Select a location on your computer to save the compressed file.
2. Open your WordPress Dashboard using your browser. It should be located at 'http://www.YourSite.com/wp-admin.' If your WordPress installation is in a sub-folder, it will be located at 'http://www.YourSite.com/YourSubFolder/wp-admin.'
3. Click 'Add New' under 'Plugins' in the left-side menu. Click 'Upload' at the top of the 'Install Plugins' page.
4. Click 'Browse' and locate the compressed Lightbox 2 file. Select the file and click 'Install Now.' Wait for the plugin to install, you should get a confirmation that the install was successful.
5. Click 'Activate Plugin' under the confirmation to activate the newly-installed Lightbox 2 plugin.
6. Click 'Lightbox 2' under 'Settings' in the left-side menu.
7. Choose your Lightbox color appearance. Check the box next to 'Auto-lightbox image links' to have Lightbox 2 automatically add the necessary code to image links.
8. Click 'Save Changes' at the bottom. Lightbox will now automatically add the necessary code the images that are linked to the original image file.
8:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress on Media Temple GS
1. Go to Media Temple, and sign up for an account. Afterwards, you will automatically be logged in. If you already have an account, log in to your Media Temple Account Center.
2. Click the domain associated with your gs. This will load another webpage with further options on it. Wait until that page is completely loaded.
3. Click '1-Click Applications,' located in the bottom right of all the icons.
4. Click the 'Add New Application' button, located in the middle of the page, and then 'OK.'
5. Click 'Start' next to 'WordPress.' Specify the details you want to use for the website and database and then click 'Install.' Wait for the new webpage to load and click 'Finish' when the icon appears. The administration creation page will now appear for you to specify your account details, such as your chosen user name, blog name and password. Type these in and click 'Install WordPress.'
3:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find API Endpoint in WordPress
Ensure That Your XML-RPC Interface Is Activated
1. Log into your WordPress Admin page. On the left side, look for the 'Settings' tab and click 'Writing.'
2. On the 'Writing' page, look under the 'Remote Publishing' header for the 'XML-RPC' setting.
3. The checkbox next to 'XML-RPC' should be checked. If it is not checked, check it and then click 'Save Changes.' Once it is checked, your site will be ready to offer XML-RPC services.
Find Your API Endpoint URL
4. In your WordPress Admin page, look on the left for the 'Settings' tab, and click on 'General.'
5. In the 'General Settings' page, look for the 'Site Address (URL)' setting. Copy the text in the box next to it and paste that text into a text file or other location where you want to record your API endpoint URL.
6. Add the text '/xmlrpc.php' to the end of the text that you pasted. This is your API endpoint URL.
7. Test your work by copying the API endpoint URL and pasting it into your browser's address bar. You should receive a simple error message stating 'XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.' This means your API endpoint URL is correct and your XML-RPC service is working.
1:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make WordPress Look Like Facebook
1. Log into your WordPress administrator dashboard.
2. Click 'Themes' in the 'Appearance' section of the dashboard.
3. Click the 'Install Themes' tab at the top of the page.
4. Type 'Facebook' in the search field and click the 'Search' button. You will see a thumbnail and description of each theme. Scroll through the page to find a thumbnail that looks most like Facebook.
5. Click 'Preview' to see what your website will look like using the Facebook-like theme.
6. Click 'Install' to copy the theme into your WordPress themes folder. When the theme has been installed a new page will appear inviting you to preview the theme again, or activate it.
7. Click 'Activate.' Your current theme will be replaced with the Facebook-like theme.
4:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move From WordPress to Your Own Domain
1. Open a browser window and go to WordPress.com. Log in with your username and password, click 'My Blogs,' then choose 'Dashboard' under your blog name.
2. Click 'Tools,' then 'Export.' Select 'Export' again. Set all the drop-down menus to 'All.' For example, set 'All Dates,' then 'All Content' and 'All Authors.' Click 'Download Export File' and save the file on your computer.
3. Download the latest version of WordPress from WordPress.org and install it on your website. Log in to the new WordPress installation on your website. Click 'Tools,' then 'Import.'
4. Select 'WordPress.' Click 'Install Now' to install the WordPress Importer if prompted. Click 'Activate Plugin Run Importer.'
5. Click 'Browse' and navigate to the location of the XML backup file you downloaded from WordPress.com. Double-click the file. Click 'Upload File and Import.'
6. Enter a new author name if you want to change your name on your self-hosted blog. Check 'Download and Import File Attachments' if you want to include attached files from your WordPress.com blog. Click 'Submit.'
8:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a Widget for Every WordPress MU Blog Created
1. Visit the homepage of the plug-in widget that you want to make available to all blogs on your network. Download the latest version, and if it is a zipped file, extract it. On a Mac you can use free programs that can extract archived files, and on Windows you simply have to right-click and select “Extract All.”
2. Log in to your FTP account. Navigate to the folder containing the parent site of your WordPress network. Browse to “yoursite.com/wp-content/mu-plugins.” If “Mu-plugins” does not exist, go to “wp-content” then create the folder, usually by right-clicking and selecting “New Folder.” When you are done, go into the “Mu-plug-ins” folder.
3. Upload into this folder the plug-in that you extracted. The widget will now be available on all blogs in the network. It will also be automatically active on all blogs that are added to the network in the future.
8:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Pictures in WordPress Posts
1. Log in to the WordPress administrative dashboard.
2. Enter a post title in the 'Title' text box of the 'QuickPress' section.
3. Enter the text for the post in the 'Content' section of the window. Once the text is in place, position the cursor where the picture should be inserted.
4. Click the picture icon next to 'Upload/Insert' immediately above the 'Content' section.
5. Click the tab representing the current location of the media file from the top of the 'Add an Image' window. For example, to add an image from your local computer, click the 'From Computer' tab and then click the 'Browse' button. This opens a file manager window displaying files on your local computer.
6. Select the image file and click 'Open' at the bottom of the file management window. You return to the 'Add an Image' window.
7. Click the 'Upload' button.
8. Enter the display options. When the file transfer is complete, enter a title, alternate text, caption, text wrapping and formatting options for the image.
9. Click the 'Insert into Post' button.
5:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use the eShop on WordPress
1. Navigate to the WordPress.org Plugin Directory to download the eShop WordPress plug-in and save it to your computer.
2. Go to your WordPress-powered website and log into the WordPress Dashboard.
3. Scroll down the Dashboard to the 'Plugins' section and click the 'Add New' link.
4. Click the 'Upload' link to browse your computer for the eShop plug-in.
5. Click the 'Install Now' button to install the eShop plug-in on your WordPress-powered website.
6. Click the 'Activate Now' link to activate the eShop plug-in.
7. Scroll down the Dashboard to the 'Settings' section and click the 'eShop' link.
8. Click each of the tabs at the top of the screen to create your shop page and change the settings for your shop.
9. Scroll down the Dashboard to the 'eShop' section.
10. Click each of the links under the 'eShop' section to customize the department pages of your shop. The department pages are created automatically when eShop is installed.
11. Click the 'Add New' link under the 'Posts' section to add products to your shop.
4:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Out Who Owns a WordPress Blog
1. Look for a menu labeled 'About,' 'Author' or 'Contact.' Typically, you can find blog menus across the blog header or within a sidebar. Most WordPress bloggers will have a little blurb about themselves in one of these sections. If you cannot find any menu with contact information or author credits, continue to step two.
2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the blog. Across the footer of the page, you will likely see text similar to the following:Design Template by Awesome Blogs. Powered by WordPress.Many templates also contain an author credit in the footer notes, such as:Copyright 2011, Jane Doe.If there is not footer credit visible, continue to step three.
3. Perform a WHOIS search for the WordPress blog's domain name. This will only be possible if the blog's owner has WordPress set up on their own Web server account, rather than through WordPress.com. WHOIS refers to the registration information associated with a domain name. This includes the Web host and the owner of the site. There are many search engines designed to search for WHOIS info by domain name. Examples include Network Solutions, Domain Tools and Who.is. As WHOIS info includes the personal contact information of the domain's owner, some domain users choose to purchase privacy protection for their WHOIS details. If this is the case with the owner of the WordPress blog you are searching for, you will only be able to see the name of the domain registrar to which they have subscribed.
2:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Include Different WordPress Footers
1. Log in to your site's control panel and access your WordPress directory. Click 'wp-content,' then choose 'images.' Create a folder called 'footers.' Upload any images you want to appear within the footer section of the Web page into this folder.
2. Sign in to the WordPress dashboard. Choose 'Editor' from the 'Appearance' tab and click the name of the 'style.css' file to open and edit it.
3. Scroll down to the /*** Footer ***/ section of the stylesheet and paste in the following code:#footer {background: URL('/images/footers/rotate.php')no-repeat bottom center; }Save the CSS file.
4. Open 'footer.php' and paste the following code anywhere within the document:
This code instructs the footer to display a random image from the footers folder whenever someone visits. Save the file.
5. Visit the blog in a new tab or window. Reload repeatedly to see the different footer images that appear.
8:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Broken Links in WordPress to Remove
1. Install the Broken Link Checker plugin to your WordPress installation. Perform a search in the 'Plugins' section of your WordPress dashboard, via the browser. Alternatively, you can manually download the plugin from the WordPress plugins repository and upload it to your server via FTP program or browser-based file manager.
2. Click the link to activate the plugin, if you have installed it from the dashboard. Log into your dashboard, click the Plugins section, and click to view all plugins to see the Broken Link Checker. Click 'Activate' below the plugin name.
3. Expand the 'Tools' section in the navigation sidebar of your WordPress dashboard, and click 'Broken links.' The plugin will show you all the broken links or those with redirects, as well as the page or post that contains the link.
6:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide a WordPress Blog Under Development
1. Click the 'Plugins' heading on the left side of the WordPress dashboard then click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'WP Maintenance Mode' in the search box and press 'Enter.' Click the 'Install Now' link under 'WP Maintenance Mode' on the result page then click 'OK' and 'Activate Plugin.'
3. Click the 'Settings' link under 'WP Maintenance Mode' upon returning to the 'Plugins' page to view the configuration options for the plugin.
4. Click the drop-down menu under 'Plugin Activate' and change the value to 'True.' Click the 'Update' button to begin displaying an 'Under Construction' page for website visitors. Scroll down the window to see 'Title' and 'Text' boxes that you can use to type a custom message to display for visitors. Continue to the next step if you also want to hide your website from search engines.
5. Click the 'Settings' heading on the left side of the WordPress dashboard then click 'Privacy.'
6. Click the second radio button on the 'Privacy' page to block search engines from indexing your website.
7. Click 'Save Changes.'
6:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Padding in WordPress
1. Begin a new post within your WordPress Dashboard. Select the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post-editing field, if it is not already selected.
2. Type your text into the field. For example:This line will be padded by ten pixels.
3. Add the following tags before and after the section of text you wish to pad. The padded text should look like this:
This line will be padded by ten pixels.
5:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Pages to WordPress
1. Navigate to the administration page for your website and log in. If you have never added content to your website before, use the link and random password contained in the message sent to your email account when you first installed WordPress. The default user name is 'admin.'
2. Click the arrow next to 'Pages' on the left side of the WordPress administration page, and then click 'Add New.' You should now see a new window titled 'Add New Page.'
3. Click inside the box at the top of the screen and type a title for your page. The title is shown both on search engines and on the menu system of your website.
4. Click inside the large box below the title and type the information that you would like your page to display.
5. Click the drop-down menu next to 'Parent' under 'Attributes' on the right side of the page, and click the name of another page on your website if you would like to display the page under another page of your website with similar content. This step is optional.
6. Type a number in the box under 'Order' if you would like WordPress to display the page in a specific position on your website's menu system. For example, if you would like the page to be displayed first, type the number '1.' If you type nothing in this box, WordPress displays pages in alphabetical order.
7. Scroll to the top of the screen and click 'Publish' when you are finished with the page. WordPress automatically displays the page on your website's menu system, making it available to the public.
7:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Docstoc Documents in WordPress
1. Locate the Docstoc document that you would like to embed, and click the 'Embed' button at the bottom of the document display window.
2. Click the 'Standard' radio button under 'Embed Format.'
3. Use the 'Width' and 'Height' fields to define the size in pixels that WordPress should use when displaying the document on your website.
4. Click the 'Copy' button under 'Embed Code' at the top of the window.
5. Open a new browser window or tab, and navigate to the dashboard page for your WordPress website. Open the 'Posts' menu, then click the name of the post that you want to embed the Docstoc document in.
6. Click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post editing window to begin editing the HTML code for the post.
7. Click to place the cursor at the location where you would like the document to appear.
8. Right-click with the mouse and select 'Paste,' or press 'Ctrl' and 'V' simultaneously to paste the Docstoc embed code into your post.
9. Click the 'Update' or 'Publish' button at the top of the page.
4:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add PDFs Word Documents to WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
2. Click 'Media' in the sidebar, and then click 'Add New' in the drop-down menu.
3. Click 'Select Files.'
4. Browse your folders, and double-click the PDF or Word document you wish to upload. It uploads automatically.
5. Click 'Media' in the sidebar at any time to return to this section to view uploaded PDF and Word files, and their details.
6. Click the 'Add Media' button in the toolbar while editing any post to upload new files or insert a link to a previously uploaded PDF or Word file.
2:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Favicon in WordPress
Create a Favicon for Self-Hosted WordPress Blogs
1. Create a 16 by 16 pixel image to represent your blog and name it 'favicon.ico.' You can use graphic design software such as Photoshop, PaintShop Pro and GIMP, or you can use online services such as favicon.co.uk and Dynamic Drive.
2. Connect to your WordPress Web host using an FTP client.
3. Upload your 'favicon.ico' file within your theme's folder and in the root directory of your site.
Create a Favicon for WordPress.com
4. Log in to WordPress.com.
5. Click on 'Settings' and 'General.'
6. Choose a JPEG or PNG image from your computer as your shortcut icon using the 'Choose File' button under 'Blog Picture/Icon.'
7:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Order of the Menu for WordPress Plugins
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard from your website's wp-admin directory. Navigate to 'Plugins' and click the 'Editor' link. Select the plugin you want to edit from the drop-down box.
2. Locate the 'add_menu_page()' function in the code of the plugin. If you do not find this code in the file that automatically loaded when you selected the plugin in the editor, look for it in any other files the plugin uses. The files are listed to the right of the editor.
3. Add the position setting as the last parameter in the 'add_menu_page()' function. This parameter takes integer numbers, such as '5' or '20.' The lower the number, the higher the menu page for your plugin to appear in the dashboard menu. By default, plugin options pages go to the bottom of the menu. Here is an example of an 'add_menu_page()' function with the position parameter added to the end of the parameter list:add_menu_page( 'The Plugin Options', 'My Plugin', 'edit_plugins', 'my-plugin-options', 'mypluginfunction', 20 );In this example, adding '20' to the end of the parameter list puts this plugin options page at the bottom of the menu.
4. Locate the 'add_submenu_page()' functions in your plugin if any sub-menus exist. You cannot give each its own position setting, but the first sub-menu created will appear first in the list. Reorder the functions to reorder the sub-menu pages.
2:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit WordPress to Default Install
1. Launch your FTP program and connect to the server you're uploading WordPress to. Unzip the WordPress installation package, downloaded from WordPress.org. Upload these files with your FTP program.
2. Go to your Web server control panel. Click the section for 'Databases' or 'MySQL.' Create a database and note the database name, username and password. Go back to your FTP program. Rename 'wp-config-sample.php' to 'wp-config.php.' Double-click this file to open it in your FTP program.
3. Replace 'putyourdbnamehere' with your database name, 'usernamehere' with your database username and 'yourpasswordhere' with your database password. Save this file.
4. Append '/wp-admin/install.php' to the end of your WordPress domain name. Provide a site title, username, password and email. Click 'Install WordPress' to complete the process.
4:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Manage PDF Files With WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress website. Once you're logged in go to 'Media' on the dashboard sidebar.
2. Click 'Add New' on the media page; this will take you to the basic WordPress uploader.
3. Click 'Browse' and select your PDF file. Press 'Upload' to begin the upload, which can take some time depending on the size of your file.
4. Edit the information of the PDF file by hovering over the uploaded file and clicking the 'Edit' link. On the edit page you can set a name, a caption -- which will be displayed when you attach the PDF to a page or post -- and a description of the file. You can also get the direct link to your file -- anyone with this link can view or download your PDF directly. Click 'Update Media' to save changes.
5. Share the direct link either in the body of your post or page, or by sharing the link via email, IM, or on Facebook. You can also view the PDF on your website by clicking the 'View' link in the PDF file's cell.
2:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import WordPress Into a Joomla Website
Importing WordPress into a Joomla Website
1. Back up your WordPress site to your hard drive, so that you can import it later on. The simplest way to do this is with the backup manager that comes with WordPress.
2. Download and install the full JoomBlog package from Joomla's Extensions Directory. Make sure that the package contains these four files:com_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip -- the main component.
mod_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip -- the module you'll use for registering and moderating visitors.
bot_joomblog_2.2 RC4.zip -- a bot that will allow comments on blog posts.
plug_cbjoomblogtag 1.0.zip -- the Community Builder plug-in.
3. Click on 'Components.' In the drop-down menu, click on 'JoomBlog.' Navigate to your backed-up WordPress file on your hard drive, and click 'Import WordPress.' View your articles by clicking 'Content by Section' followed by 'WordPress_Joomla.'
Importing WordPress into a Joomla Website with JD-WordPress
4. Back up your WordPress site to your hard drive, so that you can import it later on. The simplest, fastest way is to use the backup manager that comes with WordPress. Download and install the JD-WordPress module.
5. Import the backed-up WordPress file into the same directory as Joomla. Click 'Components.' On the menu that comes up, click on 'JD-WordPress' and then click 'Manage.'
6. Edit each of your posts and then put them in categories. Click 'Save' when you are done.
7. You can now post new blogs in addition to any of the blogs that you have previously posted on your WordPress blog. You can also allow visitors to view and post comments to your blogs.
9:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Fusion Charts in WordPress
1. Download the FusionCharts package you wish to use. You can buy Version 3, use the demo or download the free version.
2. Create a new folder in the root directory of your website and name this folder 'FusionCharts.' Upload the .ZIP file to this folder using your preferred FTP client. Extract the .ZIP file into the folder. Create another folder called 'FusionChartsData.'
3. Generate a FusionCharts data XML file using the XML generator found at the FusionCharts website (www.fusioncharts.com). Copy the data generated by the tool and paste it into a new Notepad document. Save the document as 'data1.xml' and upload it to the FusionChartsData folder you created in the previous step.
4. Create a new post and select the HTML editor instead of the Visual editor. Paste the following into the post (for a sample chart):
')var chartObj = new FusionCharts(myChartSWF, myChartId, myChartWidth, myChartHeight);chartObj.setDataURL(myDataXML);chartObj.render(myChartId 'container'); // ]] >
5. Click 'Publish' to publish the post and view the FusionChart.
4:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Twitter to a Wordpress Blog
1. Log in to your Wordpress blog account. Enter your username and password on your WordPress admin page and sign in to access your dashboard.
2. Enter the section you want your Twitter updates to appear in. You can choose to place the badge directly within a blog post, in the sidebar of your blog or in a static page. Select the area you want to create the badge for.
3. Log in to your Twitter account. In a separate tab or browser window, enter your username and password to sign in to Twitter.com. Signing in will take you to your Twitter updates page.
4. Select the 'Settings' option. Select 'Settings' from the top right hand corner menu bar; this option is the third option from the right.
5. Begin the Twitter badge creation process. Scroll down to the 'More Info URL' section and select the hyperlink that reads 'You can also add Twitter to your site here.' This will take you to the Twitter badges page.
6. Select 'Other' from the options available. WordPress blogs can be embedded with the HTML/JavaScript badge located in the 'Other' section. Select the HTML/JavaScript radio button or logo located on the far right of the page.
7. Customize your badge. Select the number of updates you want to appear using the dropdown menu.
8. Create a title for your updates. Type in a title for your Twitter Updates by entering information in the title field. You can also select 'No title' if you don't want any type of title to appear at the top of your box.
9. Copy the customized code. Twitter will automatically generate the customized code as you make changes; copy the code that appears at the bottom of the page.
10. Add the code to your WordPress blog. Switch back to the open section of your WordPress blog and paste the code for the badge you created.
11. Save changes in WordPress. Select 'Save' to confirm the addition of the badge and wait for the page to load. The Twitter updates will appear immediately in the area you have selected.
4:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Unzip WordPress
1. Download the latest zipped archive of WordPress from wordpress.org/download.
2. Double-click your downloaded file to open it in Windows Explorer.
3. Click 'Extract all files' on the top toolbar, then choose a location to extract the files to. This will preserve the directory structure, which is required for WordPress to function properly.
4. Click 'Extract' to perform the extraction.
5. Upload the extracted files to your website using FTP, Secure FTP or another transport protocol.
8:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a WordPress Article Static
1. Click 'Reading,' located under Settings on the left hand sidebar. This opens the Reading Settings page.
2. Click the radio button for 'A static page' and then click on the the article you want to appear as a static page from the drop down 'Front Page' menu.
3. Click 'Save Changes.'
4:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Duplicate a Function in Wordpress
1. Open a Web browser on your computer and log in to your WordPress administrator console dashboard.
2. Click the 'Appearance' panel link in the left navigation bar. Click the 'Editor' link in the 'Appearance' drop-down options. The editor opens with a list of files you can edit on the right side.
3. Click the file that contains the function you want to duplicate. Highlight the function and press 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the function to your clipboard.
4. Click the file where you want to place the duplicated function. Click the section where you want it to execute in the PHP code and press 'Ctrl' and 'V.' This command pastes the function in the file.
5. Click 'Update File' at the bottom of the editor. The added PHP function saves to the file, and the changes take effect immediately.
2:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Include Another PHP File in WordPress
1. Create the PHP file you want to include using an editor or the Notepad.
2. Enter the PHP code you want to include. For example, to display a randomly selected message, type:
3. Exit the editor and save the file.
4. Log in to WordPress as the 'admin' user to go to the Dashboard. Click 'Editor' under 'Appearance' to launch the editor where you can edit the files in the currently active theme.
5. Click 'Footer' on the right-hand side of the page under 'Templates' to edit the footer file. Locate the place in the footer where you want to insert the PHP file and type the code to insert the PHP file. For example, type:
5:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export a Self
1. Navigate to the dashboard for your WordPress website, entering the user name 'admin' and your personal administrator password to proceed to the main menu.
2. Click the arrow next to 'Tools' on the right side of the page to expand the menu, and then click 'Export.'
3. Click the 'All Content' radio button under 'Choose what to export.' This selection creates a backup file containing all of the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, comments and navigation menus associated with your WordPress website. Alternatively, you can create a backup file containing only the website's posts or pages.
4. Click the 'Download Export File' button. The Web browser displays a file download window.
5. Save the file to the location of your choice.
1:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Have a Subdomain on the WordPress Site at HostGator
1. Click the cPanel link included in the email that HostGator sent when you created your account. This brings you to a login screen. Enter your user name and password. This displays the main menu for the cPanel interface.
2. Scroll down to the 'Domains' heading and click the 'Subdomains' icon. This brings you to a new screen titled 'Subdomains.'
3. Type the desired name for the subdomain in the 'Subdomain' field. The name that you type becomes the first part of the subdomain. For example, if your domain name is 'website.com' and you type 'sub' in the 'Subdomain' field, the full subdomain becomes 'sub.website.com.'
4. Click the drop-down menu next to the 'Subdomain' field and select the domain name to which you want to add the subdomain.
5. Click the 'Home' icon at the top of the page to return to the main cPanel menu.
6. Scroll down to the 'Software/Services' heading and click the 'QuickInstall' icon. This brings you to a new screen titled 'QuickInstall.'
7. Click the 'WordPress' link under the 'Blog Software' heading on the left side of the screen.
8. Click the 'Continue' button.
9. Click the drop-down menu next to 'http://' and select the subdomain you created.
10. Type your email address in the 'Admin Email' field.
11. Type the desired blog name in the 'Blog Title' field.
12. Type your name in the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields.
1:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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Facebook Widget 1. Create a Facebook fan page for your blog, if you don't already have one. You will have to manually share content wi...
1. Download and install the WordPress for BlackBerry app via BlackBerry App World. Download the version that corresponds with your BlackBe...
1. Go to your WordPress blog's administrative control panel. 2. Click the 'Settings' button on the left-side navigation menu...
1. Click the 'Add Contact' button on the 'Add New Post' page. This opens the 'Add a Contact Form' page. 2. Click...
1. Click the 'Add New' link in the 'Posts' section of your WordPress dashboard to begin creating a new post. To add page b...
1. Register an account with Amazon Web Services Cloud. If you have an existing Amazon account, enter your email address in the appropriate...