
How to Add Clickable Logos in WordPress

1. Sign in to your website's WordPress admin panel and click on 'Appearance.'
2. Click on 'Editor' then 'Header.php.' Right-click on the contents of the header file. Click 'Select All.' Right-click and click 'Copy.'

3. Open Notepad or another word processing program. Paste the clipboard contents from the 'Header.php' file into the document. Save it as a backup.
4. Examine the 'Header.php' file in your admin panel closely. Look for a line of code that begins with '
.' Between the tags you'll see the script to deliver the clickable site title. It reads '
' followed by 'Name,' although the exact function code depends on your theme.
5. Replace the entire line of code with the following line of code:
. Replace 'yourimage' with the URL of your site logo; leave the quotation marks around the URL. If you haven't uploaded the logo yet, click on 'Media' then 'Add New.' Once uploaded, you'll see the image URL path.
6. Click on 'Update' to save the changes to the 'Header.php' file. Visit your website and make sure the logo is visible and clickable.


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