- How to Install The Google Sitemaps Plugin in a Wor...
- How to Stop Wordpress Trackbacks
- How to Clone WordPress Network Subdomains
- How to Use WordPress Template Tags in a Post
- How to Make ebooks Available on WordPress
- How to Add WordPress Template Tags
- How to Build a Site With Wordpress
- How to Find the Server Error Log for a WordPress Blog
- How to Auto
- How to Install WordPress 2.9
- How to Install WordPress With FTP
- How to Block Certain IP Addresses From Viewing My ...
- How to Create Custom Post Type in Wordpress
- How to Change the Logo on Amplify in WordPress
- How to Install a Plug
- How to Access HTML on WordPress
- How to Remove a WordPress HostGator Footer
- How to Send a Code 503 for WordPress
- How to Convert a PSD Web Design Into WordPress
- How to Insert Anchors in WordPress
- How to Change a WordPress Blog Into a Static Website
- How to Monitor Your Hits on WordPress
- How to Add MapQuest Map Builder to Your Wordpress ...
- How to Show a PowerPoint Presentation on WordPress
- How to Insert a Facebook Link Into WordPress
- How to Turn a WordPress Site Into an Email Newsletter
- How to Display Custom Fields in Wordpress
How to Install The Google Sitemaps Plugin in a WordPress Blog
1. Download the Google Sitemap plugin to your computer. You can find the link for this in the Resources section below, or just search for the Google Sitemap plugin on the WordPress plugin page.
2. Sign onto your web host. This will vary from user to user. If you use free WordPress and not a host, you cannot use plugins.
3. Find wp-content/plugins directory on your hosting site. Upload the zip file (google-sitemap-generator. or higher) to the plugins folder.
4. Extract the zipped files.
5. Make two different files (named sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz) and upload via FTP to your directory. The directory is usually called wp-config.php. Althought you do not want your whole site to be writable, you do want these two new files to be writable via CHMOD 666.
6. Go into your plugins on WordPress and activate the newly added sitemap.
5:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Stop Wordpress Trackbacks
1. Log on to the administration area of your WordPress site with your administrator username and password.
2. Click on the blue 'Discussion' link in the settings section on the right.
3. Click to remove the check mark from the option labeled 'Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks).' This option appears in the 'Default Article Settings' section on the right.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save Changes' button.
4:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Clone WordPress Network Subdomains
1. Create the new subdomain using your Web hosting provider's instructions. A subdomain usually follows the 'subdomain.primarydomain.com' format, in which 'primarydomain.com' is your existing domain.
2. Back up your entire WordPress installation to your computer's hard drive using FTP, and back up your WordPress database using phpMyAdmin or a WordPress database backup plug-in. Place them into a folder named 'Old Site.'
3. Install the Maintenance Mode plug-in into your existing WordPress installation and activate it. This will prevent visitors from entering your site while you're working.
4. Go to the WordPress administration area of your existing site, click 'General' in the 'Settings' submenu and change both the 'WordPress Address' and 'Site Address' to the new URL including the subdomain. Click 'Save Changes.'
5. Download a new copy of your WordPress installation to your computer's hard drive and create a new backup of your database. Don't overwrite the copies you created in Step 2. Place them into a folder named 'New Site.'
6. Create a new SQL database for your new WordPress clone using the instructions from your Web hosting provider and restore the database backup from your 'New Site' folder.
7. Open the 'wp-config.php' file in your 'New Site' folder in a text editor and edit the database name, user name and any other details that have changed.
8. Copy the WordPress installation from your 'New Site' folder to the subdomain. Log in to the new site's administration area and deactivate the Maintenance Mode plug-in. Your subdomain clone is now live.
9. Delete your old site's database and then restore it from the copy in your 'Old Site' folder. Copy the WordPress installation from your 'Old Site' folder to your original site's domain, overwriting the existing files. You should now have two functional copies of your site, one at the primary domain URL and one at the subdomain.
8:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress Template Tags in a Post
1. Log in to your WordPress admin control panel. Click 'Plugins' from the left-hand menu bar, and then click 'Add New.' Type 'PHP Execution' into the text field in the middle of the screen, and then press 'Enter.'
2. Find 'PHP Execution' in the list of results that appears, and then click the 'Install Now' link. After WordPress has finished installing the plugin, click the 'Activate Plugin' link that appears. Once PHP Execution has been activated, the visual editor will immediately accept PHP code.
3. Click 'Posts' from the main menu bar on the left, then click 'Add New.' As an alternative, if you want to add a template tag to an existing post, find the post in the list and click its title. Click the 'HTML' tab, then put your cursor at the point you want to add the template tag, and paste in the following code:
Replace 'put_tag_here()' with the template tag you want to use. See the WordPress Codex for a full list of available tags. Note that the opening
tag are essential -- if you do not include them, your post will simply display the tag as normal text.
4. Click 'Publish,' or 'Update Post' if you are editing an existing post to save your changes. Go to the post on your blog and check to see if the tag is performing correctly. If it is not, try these two steps. First, go back to the editing screen for the post, and check that you added the code correctly. Make sure the semi-colon is present at the end of the tag,and that any tag parameters in the brackets are in the correct format, and flanked by apostrophes. Secondly, try clearing your browser cache, and then click 'Update Post.'
8:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make ebooks Available on WordPress
1. Login to your WordPress account.
2. Click the 'Add New' option below Posts on the left-pane of the WordPress webpage.
3. Click the star-shaped 'Add Media' button on the right side of' Upload/Insert.'
4. Click the 'From Computer' tab on the dialog box that opens.
5. Click the 'Browse' button.
6. Navigate to the location your computer where the ebook that you want share is stored on the File Upload dialog box that opens, double-click the ebook to select it and then click 'Upload.'
7. Click 'Publish' to publish the post on your website and share the ebook.
6:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add WordPress Template Tags
1. Learn to recognize a template tag. They look like this:
Template tags tell your theme what to do. This one is telling the theme to retrieve the blog's name from the database.
2. Secure the template tag you want to add. This may take research at codex.wordpress.org. Countless tags perform numerous tasks.
3. Choose the correct template tag parameter. Parameters are unique variables that accompany template tags. Use these parameters to define specific database requests, such as calling up an email address, a blog description or your website address.
4. Identify the theme file where the template tag needs to go. Not all template tags are alike. Some tags must appear within the Loop, which is code that WordPress uses to display posts. Setting template tags within the Loop can be a complicated process. Beginners may want to gain experience adding template tags in theme files unrelated to posts, until comfort working with template tags grows.
5. Open your selected theme file in a text editor. You can use any text editor that allows you to save files with the file extension .php.
6. Insert the tag into one the.php theme file. For example, if you desire the template tag to call information from the database into your header, place the tag within your theme's header.php file. When in doubt about where you should place the template tag, add the code on its own line, near code you are already familiar with.
7. Visit your blog and check for success.
9:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Build a Site With Wordpress
1. Install the WordPress software. The software does not need to be downloaded, as it is made available by the hosting company on the server. For most hosts that support WordPress, the installation utilizes a program called Fantastico De Luxe, accessible from the web host's control panel. In Fantastico, select WordPress and then click 'New Installation.'
2. Configure the WordPress settings. The main settings are the site's information itself, like site name, contact information and time zone. You can also configure post-related settings, including how many posts to display on the front page, along with author profile information.
3. Select the WordPress theme to use for the site's design. The theme is the design template uses to create the look and feel of the site. WordPress includes many built-in themes, which you can download directly from the Themes menu in the WordPress administration area. Popular themes for WordPress include TwentyTen and Mystique. All themes are available for preview on the official WordPress site.
4. Add any desired plug-ins to WordPress from the Plug-Ins menu in the administration area. WordPress has thousands of free plug-ins to extend the software's functionality. These range from allowing users to follow the blog with an RSS reader to controlling spam in the blog's comments section. Installing the plug-ins is a simple point-and-click process from the Plug-Ins menu.
5. Create the first blog post. Click the New Post button located at the top of the administration page to write the first blog post. Clicking 'Publish' when finished will send the new post to the front page, and make it available publicly.
4:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find the Server Error Log for a WordPress Blog
1. Determine which Web server software is being used to host the WordPress blog. Apache is widely used and has been a favorite since the early days of the Web. If you are not sure which server your blog is using, you can look it up at Netcraft's 'What's That Site Running?' service.
2. Go to the website with the documentation for the server you are using for your blog and look up reference information on where the error log file is stored on the server hard drive. On Apache, when using the default settings, the error log file is named 'error_log' and is stored in the '/var/log/httpd' directory.
3. Log in to your Web server using your administrative username and password. These may not be the same as your WordPress administrative username and password; WordPress login credentials give you access to the WordPress dashboard only. You may have been given a different username and password for direct access to your server.
4. Navigate to the directory indicated by the documentation in Step 2. If your server is using the default configuration, the error log file will be located there. If not, go back to the server documentation to determine where configuration settings are made. For example, on Apache, the location of the error log can be changed (or looked up) in the 'httpd.conf' file located in the '/etc/httpd/httpd.conf' directory.
3:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Auto
1. Open a web browser and type in your WordPress administrative login URL. This is typically formatted as 'http://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/', with 'www.yourwebsite.com' replaced by your website's domain name. Press 'ENTER.'
2. Type in your username and password, then click 'Log In.' Click the 'Add New' menu option under the 'Plugins' heading.
3. Type 'Auto Post Thumbnail' into the 'Search' field, then click 'Search Plugins.'
4. Click the 'Install Now' link next to the 'Auto Post Thumbnail' entry, then click 'OK.' Click the 'Activate Plugin' link after the plugin has been installed.
5. Click the 'Auto Post Thumbnail' link under the 'Settings' heading. Click the 'Generate Thumbnails' button to generate thumbnails for any posts you have already created. The plugin will generate a thumbnail based on the first image it finds added to each blog post.
6. Click the 'Editor' link under the 'Appearance' heading. Click to open a theme template page, such as 'index.php' or 'single.php.'
7. Type '
' inside the 'loop' (a section of code that displays blog posts in the theme template) of your activated theme to add the automatically-generated thumbnail image to your WordPress theme template, or activate a blog theme that incorporates thumbnail images.
8:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress 2.9
WordPress.com Installation
1. Register for a WordPress.com account using your domain name as the 'Blog address' in the first field on the registration web page. At the time of publication, using a .com, .net or .org domain name with WordPress.com is $12 annually for each domain you associate with your account.
2. Change the name servers for your domain name to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM, NS2.WORDPRESS.COM and NS3.WORDPRESS.COM. Make these changes by visiting the DNS settings tab on your user control panel at your domain registrar's website. Allow 72 hours for the new changes to take effect and contact your domain registrar's customer service if additional help is necessary.
3. Log in to your WordPress.com account and choose the 'Domain' option in the 'Settings' tab on your dashboard. Select 'Add a domain' and wait for WordPress.com to verify the name server settings for the domain used during your WordPress.com registration.
4. Return to the 'Domain' web page on the WordPress.com dashboard. Choose your domain name from the list of available domains. Click the 'Update primary domain' button at the bottom left of the web page.
5. Wait 10 minutes and type your domain name in the address bar of your web browser. If the domain mapping is successful a WordPress blog will load.
One-Click Installation
6. Register for a domain name and an account with a web hosting company supporting WordPress one-click installations. Log in to your web hosting cpanel or dashboard and look in the software or services sections for one-click installation software. QuickInstall and Fantastico De Luxe are two popular one-click installation programs. If you have trouble finding the program contact your web host's customer support center.
7. Select your web host's one-click installation software and look for 'Blog software.' Choose 'WordPress' from the list of available blogging software and click 'Continue.'
8. Choose the root folder for your installation. Name an existing folder on your website that you would like to use for your blog, or type a name for a folder you would like the installation program to create. Typing the name 'Blog' will create a 'http://yourdomain.com/blog' web address for your new blog. Leave the field blank to have the blog appear on your main web page 'http://yourdomain.com.'
9. Provide a name, password and email contact for the MySQL database the one-click installation will create during the WordPress installation. This information is necessary for blog security, and some programs automatically generate usernames and passwords. Computer generated user names and passwords are sent to the contact email address.
10. Name your new blog and click the 'Install now' button. If installation is successful a web page providing the WordPress log in address, username and administrative password will load. Print or save this page for your records.
Manual Installation
11. Download WordPress 2.9 from the WordPress.org website. The download is free of charge and will start immediately. Select 'Save file' when the prompt appears. If the download does not start check your web browser's pop-up blocking settings. Unzip the file after completing the download.
12. Check with your web hosting provider to see if a WordPress MySQL is set up for you. If not, select 'MySQL' from your cpanel or dashboard's 'Databases' section. Choose a username and password before selecting 'Create database.' Write down the database name, username, password and host name shown on the next web page when installation is complete.
13. Open the WordPress 2.9 folder and find the 'wp-config-sample.php' file. Use a text editor to open the file and change the username, password and host name to your WordPress MySQL database account information. Rename the file to 'wp-config.php'.
14. Upload the unzipped WordPress 2.9 file to your domain name using your web hosting company's cpanel or dashboard file manager. Alternatively, you may use an FTP manager to upload WordPress to a domain. Place the file into the folder or directory you plan to make your blog. If you want the blog address to be 'http://yourdomain.com/diary' upload WordPress to the 'Diary' folder or directory on your website.
15. Complete the installation by visiting 'http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/install.php' or 'http://yourdomain.com/diary/wp-admin/install.php'. During the installation you will receive prompts to name your blog, choose a username and create a password.
2:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress With FTP
1. Visit Wordpress.net and download the latest copy of WordPress. For Windows users, this is a .ZIP file. Unzip the file onto your computer.
2. Log into your web hosting control panel and locate the MySQL database tool. This is often called 'phpMyAdmin' or just 'MySQL Databases.' Create a new database for WordPress to use. Copy down the database name, your MySQL username and user password.
3. Start your FTP client. The most popular and widely used FTP client is FileZilla. In FileZilla, go to 'File' and then 'Site Manager' and fill out the form with your credentials. The server is usually 'ftp.yourdomain.com,' and your username and password are in most cases the same as you use to log into your web hosting panel. Click 'Connect' and then in the right-hand pane, double-click the 'public_html' subdirectory. Find your WordPress folder in the left-hand pane. Drag and drop this folder into the right-hand pane. This puts WordPress in the following location: http://yourdomain.com/wordpress. You can change the name of the 'wordpress' subdirectory or move its contents up into 'public_html' to make your site directly accessible from the domain.
4. Visit your new WordPress website to begin its installation on the server. The address is as follows:http://example.com/wordpress/wp-admin/install.phpFill out the form with your database name, MySQL username and password. Leave the 'Database Host' field set to 'localhost.' Leave the 'Table Prefix' field blank. Click 'Submit' to configure your site with this database information. Fill out the next form with your desired site name, username and password that you will use to log into WordPress.
4:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Block Certain IP Addresses From Viewing My Wordpress Blog
WordPress Self-Hosting Tool Users
1. Confirm which IP address or addresses you want to ban. Consider that although you may be able to ban specific IP addresses from viewing your blog, a user can still use other computers to view your blog. Similarly, while blocking IP addresses reduces spam and unwanted visitors, it also can increase the chance of blocking legitimate users and visitors to your blog.
2. Locate your .htaccess file. The .htaccess file should be saved in the folder where your WordPress installation is located. If you do not have an .htaccess file, you can create one. If you have shell or SSH access to the server, open shell or SSH session and type in the 'touch .htaccess' command to create the file.The .htaccess file may not be visible if you are using certain FTP clients. If using an FTP client, you may need to change the preferences of the FTP tool to show all files. You can also create a .htaccess file by using a text editor on your computer (for example, Notepad on Windows-based computers) and saving the file as '1.htaccess.' You can then upload the file to the root of your WordPress folder and rename it to '.htaccess.'
3. Open and review the .htaccess file. Below is an example of an .htaccess file:Order allow,deny
Deny from
Deny from 134.134.134.*
Deny from 156.156.*.*
Allow from all
4. Type in the IP addresses you wish to ban. To enter the new IP addresses, type 'Deny from' followed by the IP address. For example:Deny from also can add simpler IP addresses by dropping one or more of the IP numbers, for example:Deny from 156.156.*.*orDeny from 134.134.134.*By using simpler IP addresses, you can block any IP address that starts with the first numbers, such as 156.156, which saves you some time from typing individual numbers.
5. Close the file and save any changes. Before blocking an IP address, consider testing the changes by asking someone you know to provide you with his IP address. Inform your friend about what you are doing and follow the steps for changing the .htaccess file using his IP address. Have him try to access the blog. Once you know the access restriction works, remove your friend's IP address and revise the .htaccess files with the IP address or addresses you wish to block.
WordPress.com Users
6. Confirm which IP addresses you wish to limit access to your site. At the time of publication, WordPress does not block IP addresses since it may inadvertently prevent other people from using WordPress.com. However, you can limit certain users from commenting on your blog.
7. Log in to your WordPress.com blog account and click on 'Settings' on the navigation sidebar on your blog's dashboard. Select 'Discussion' under the settings menu options.
8. Enter the IP address or IP addresses you wish to restrict in the Comment Blacklist box. You should enter one IP address per line in the box. When a user with a matching IP address attempts to comment on your blog, the comment is automatically marked as spam and held for moderation. You then can delete the comment, which will not appear on your blog unless you approve it.
3:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Custom Post Type in Wordpress
1. Sign-in to the WordPress control panel.
2. Click the drop-down box next to the 'New Page' button at top-right of the WordPress webpage and click 'New Post.'
3. Type the heading of your post in the 'Enter title here' box on the 'Add New Post' webpage.
4. Type your post or article in the box below the title box.
5. Click 'Upload/Insert' to add an image to your post. Hold the cursor over the button to see the 'Add an Image' hint.
6. Click 'Browse' on the 'Add an Image' dialog box. Navigate to the location on your computer where the image is stored. Double-click the image to select it and click the 'Upload' button.
7. Click the 'ABC' button to proofread your post for spelling and grammatical mistakes. If a spelling mistake is found then the misspelled word will be underlined in red. Grammatical mistakes will be underlined in green. Right-click the red/green underlined word/sentence to be shown alternate suggestions. Click to select a suggestion. Repeat this step until you get the 'no error' found message.
8. Choose a category for your post below 'Categories,' for example: computers, nature, or health. To add a new category, click 'Add New Category.' Type the new category name in the box that opens and click 'Add New Category.'
9. Click 'Publish' to publish the post on your website. Alternatively, click 'Save Draft' to save the post now and publish it later.
1:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Logo on Amplify in WordPress
1. Sign into your Wordpress site and click on 'Amplify Options.' Inspect the options panel to determine which layout you are using. This dictates which style sheet you'll edit to change the Amplify logo.
2. Click on 'Upload New' beneath the 'Media' bar. Click on 'Browse' and select the logo you want to use. Click on 'Upload.' When the logo is uploaded, you'll see the URL. Highlight and copy it.
3. Click on 'Editor' beneath 'Appearance.' Click on the 'Style.css' file that corresponds to the layout you are using. For example, if you are using layout one, click on 'Style1.css.'
4. Locate the following line of code in the template:#head h1 a{background:transparent URL(../images/logo.jpg) repeat-x;}
5. Paste the URL for your logo over the default logo URL between the parenthesis.
6. Click on 'Update' to save the changes to the site. The new logo will now display in the Amplify header.
8:42 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a Plug
1. Log in to the Admin dashboard of your WordPress blog.
2. Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to the 'PlugIn' button in the left-hand sidebar. Click on 'Add New.'
3. Type in a search term in the search box to find a plugin. You can search by term, tag or author. For instance, if you want to find a plugin to add a Facebook Like button to your blog, type in 'Facebook Like Button' in the search box or click on 'Facebook' in the tags section under the search box.
4. Click on the 'Install Now' button under the title of the plugin. Click on the 'OK' button in the pop-up box to allow installation.
5. Click on 'Activate Plugin.'
4:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Access HTML on WordPress
1. Navigate to the 'wp-admin' folder of your WordPress website and log in to the dashboard. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link to load the 'Edit Themes' screen.
2. Find the template you want to edit under the 'Templates' heading and click on its link. When the template loads, you will see a mixture of HTML and PHP code. The '
' tags wrap around PHP code, and everything else in the file is HTML. Edit the HTML as needed and click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.
3. Navigate to 'Posts' or 'Pages' and click on the name of any content you want to edit. Click the 'HTML' tab on the top of the editor box to switch to HTML editing mode. Edit the HTML as you like, but use only standards-compliant XHTML code. If you use non-standard XHTML and switch to the 'Visual' editor, the editor will strip out all non-standard tags. This is important when pasting video embed codes using the '
' tag, for example. Click the blue 'Update' button to save your changes.
4. Look for a theme options page in the very bottom of the left-hand menu or under 'Appearance' in the same menu. Load the page and look for any text box that contains HTML. Edit the HTML as needed and update to save your new theme options settings.
7:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove a WordPress HostGator Footer
1. Open your Internet browser and log in to your WordPress dashboard using the administrator account.
2. Click 'Plugins' from the menu on the left side. This lists all of your WordPress plugins.
3. Click the 'Deactivate' link under the 'Hosted By HostGator.com' plugin. This deactivates the plugin and removes the text from your website's footer.
3:44 AM | Filed Under | 2 Comments
How to Send a Code 503 for WordPress
1. Access your WordPress Administration panel and click on 'Plugins' in the admin menu. The plugins page will appear, displaying your installed plugins.
2. Click the 'Add New' button. Type 'Maintenance' into the search field to pull up a list of available maintenance plugins. Each of these plugins, when activated, will display a 'placeholder' page instead of your website that informs visitors that the site is unavailable.
3. Install either 'Maintenance Mode,' the 'Site Maintenance' plugin or 'ThemeFuse Maintenance Mode' by clicking the 'Install Now' link beneath the plugin name. These three plugins have been tested to provide the most consistent user experience and will allow you to access your WordPress site while enabled, if you log in as an Administrator. Both 'Maintenance Mode' and 'Site Maintenance' come with some default placeholder pages, but allow you to input your own HTML. 'ThemeFuse Maintenance Mode' provides a pre-designed module that you can configure with a message, email address and Twitter username.
4. Activate the plugin by accessing the Plugin settings link from your main Plugins page. In some cases, the plugin may activate automatically when installed, and no further activation is necessary. You must still visit the settings to configure the appearance and behavior of your '503' page.
2:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert a PSD Web Design Into WordPress
1. Launch Adobe Photoshop.
2. Click 'File,' click 'Open,' and then double-click the PSD file containing your Web design.
3. Click 'File' at the top of the window, and then click 'Save for Web Devices.'
4. Click the 'Save' button.
5. Click the drop-down menu to the right of 'Format,' and then click 'HTML.'
6. Click the drop-down menu to the right of 'Settings,' click 'Default Settings,' and then click 'Save.' Note that this will also generate an 'Images' folder in the same folder to which your HTML file is saved. The 'Images' folder will contain an image of your Web design that you will need to upload to your WordPress blog as well.
7. Browse to the HTML file you just created, right-click the file, click 'Open With,' and then click 'Notepad.'
8. Press 'Ctrl A' to select all of the code, and then press 'Ctrl C' to copy it.
9. Open a Web browser window, and then go to WordPress.com.
10. Type your user name and password into their respective fields at the top of the window, and then click 'Log In.'
11. Click the'My Blogs' tab at the center of the window, and then click 'Dashboard' under the blog to which you want to upload your Web design.
12. Click 'Posts' at the left side of the window, and then click 'Add New.'
13. Click the 'HTML' tab at the center of the window.
14. Click inside the 'Enter Title Here' field at the top of the window, and then type a title for your post.
15. Click inside the post body field, and then press 'Ctrl V' to paste your copied code.
16. Click the 'Visual' tab at the center of the window, and then click the small 'Broken Link' icon at the center of the post body field.
17. Click the 'Add an Image' button to the right of 'Upload/Insert,' and then click 'Select Files.'
18. Browse to the image created along with your HTML code, and then double-click the image to upload it to your WordPress gallery.
19. Scroll to the bottom of the window, and then click the 'Insert Into Post' button.
20. Click 'Publish' at the right side of the window to publish your post to your blog.
5:44 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Anchors in WordPress
1. Visit the wp-admin folder of your WordPress installation and log in to the dashboard. Navigate to 'Posts' or 'Pages' to edit a post or a page. Click on the name of the post or page you want to edit.
2. Type and highlight the link text you want. Click the 'Link' button in the toolbar on the editor box to create a link with that text.
3. Enter the URL for your link in the 'URL' field. Give the URL a title to optimize it for search engines. Click 'Or link to existing content' below the 'URL' and 'Title' fields to also select existing content within your WordPress website. Click on a title to link to the content. Use the 'Search' box to search for content you do not see in the list.
4. Click the blue 'Add Link' button to insert the link in your post or page. Update the page to save it with the new link.
5. Edit the link by highlighting its text, then click the 'Link' button in the toolbar of the editor box. Make your changes and click the blue button to update. Highlight the link text and click the 'Unlink' button to remove the link. Remember to update the post or page to save your changes.
3:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change a WordPress Blog Into a Static Website
1. Log in to your WordPress website.
2. Create your homepage by clicking 'Add New' under the 'Pages' section of the WordPress Dashboard. Type 'Home' into the 'Enter title here' section. Type the content you want to appear on your homepage into the large text box and then click 'Publish.'
3. Click 'Readings' under the Settings section and then click the radio button for 'A static page.' Click the arrow next to 'Front page' to show a drop-down menu. Then, click 'Home' to select the page you created in Step 2 and click 'Save Changes.'
2:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Monitor Your Hits on WordPress
WordPress.com Stats
1. Sign in to your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section.
3. Type 'WordPress.com Stats' in the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
4. Click 'Install Now' beside 'WordPress.com Stats,' then click 'Activate' to begin using the add-on. This will add code to your blog that is necessary to track traffic.
5. Expand the 'Dashboard' menu in the left sidebar, and click 'Site Stats.'
6. Click 'Get your key here.'
7. Sign in to your WordPress.com account or click 'Register' to sign up for a new account. The WordPress.com API key is necessary for the stats plug-in. To register, simply select a user name and password, and enter your email address. Once registered, click the confirmation link sent to your email address to activate your account.
8. Copy the WordPress.com API key, and paste it into the 'API Key' text box in the administrative panel of your blog. Click 'Save.' Traffic stats for your blog will be displayed on the 'Site Stats' page of your WordPress administrative panel.
Google Analytics
9. Navigate to google.com/analytics, and register for a Google Analytics account. If you have an existing Google account, you can access the Analytics service by entering your Google account credentials.
10. Click 'Add Website Profile.'
11. Enter the Web address of your WordPress blog, then click 'Finish.'
12. Navigate to your WordPress blog, and sign in to your account.
13. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section.
14. Type 'Google Analytics for WordPress' in the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
15. Click 'Install Now' beside 'WordPress.com Stats,' then click 'Activate' to begin using the add-on.
16. Expand the 'Settings' menu in the left sidebar, and click 'Google Analytics.'
17. Click the 'Authenticate with Google' button.
18. Sign in to your Google account, and click 'Grant Access.' If you do not have a Google Analytics account, registration can be completed in just a few moments.
19. Click the 'Analytics' profile drop-down menu, and select the Google Analytics profile you configured earlier.
20. View your WordPress stats by signing in to your Google Analytics account at google.com/analytics.
21. Navigate to your WordPress blog, and sign in to your account.
22. Click 'Add New' in the 'Plugins' section.
23. Type 'StatCounter' in the search box, and click 'Search Plugins.'
24. Click 'Install Now' beside 'StatCounter,' then click 'Activate' to begin using the add-on.
25. Expand the 'Dashboard' menu in the left sidebar, then click 'StatCounter Stats.'
26. Click 'Register' and enter your account details to register an account with StatCounter.
27. Enter your WordPress blog title and Web address, then click 'Next.'
28. Click 'Configure Install Code.'
29. Click the radio button beside 'Invisible Counter,' then click 'Next.'
30. Select 'WordPress.org' from the 'Default Installation Guide' drop-down menu, and click 'Next.'
31. Click 'Start,' type 'Notepad' in the search box at the bottom of the menu, then press 'Enter.'
32. Copy the StatCounter HTML code to your clipboard, and paste it in an empty Notepad document.
33. Expand the 'Settings' menu in the WordPress sidebar, then click 'StatCounter.'
34. Copy the number that follows 'sc_project=' in the StatCounter HTML code, and paste it in the 'Project ID' text field.
35. Copy the number that follows 'sc_security=' in the StatCounter HTML code, and paste it in the 'Security Code' text field.
36. Click 'Update Options.' You can view your StatCounter stats from the WordPress dashboard once data has been collected.
7:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add MapQuest Map Builder to Your Wordpress Site
1. Log in to your WordPress website to access your dashboard.
2. Click the 'Plugins' tab in the left column, and click 'Add New.' In the new window click 'Upload' and then 'Browse.' Install the MapQuest's Map Builder beta plug-in by locating the file on your hard drive, and clicking 'Open.' Wait for the file to upload.
3. Click 'MapQuest' in the left column under 'Settings.' Here you can adjust the size of how the map will appear on your site. The default is 350-by-250-pixels. You also have the option to control how it appears when you are adding a post or a page. Un-check the box that says 'Show in Sidebar' if you do not want the widget in your right sidebar while adding posts or pages.
4. Click 'Add New Post' in the left column to get started with adding the MapQuest map to your website. Underneath the title section you have two rows of icons. The last two icons in the first row allow you to add a MapQuest map, or link to a MapQuest map. Click 'MapQuest-Insert Map' to add the map to your post, or type in text and highlight, and click 'MapQuest-Insert Link' to add a link.
2:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Show a PowerPoint Presentation on WordPress
1. Log in to the Admin area of Wordpress. For example, type in http://www.myblogname.com/wp-admin and type in your user name and password.
2. Click on the post or page that you want to add the PowerPoint presentation to. To bring up a list of posts, click on 'Posts' or click on 'Pages' to bring up a list of pages--both are located in the left-hand menu.
3. Click on the 'Add Media' icon next to the Upload/Insert bar. The Add Media button looks like an asterisk or star.
4. Click on the 'Select Files' button and find the PowerPoint file on your computer.
5. Click on the 'Upload' button. Wordpress will upload the PowerPoint presentation to your server and store it in the correct place to work with Wordpress.
6. Type a name for the presentation in the 'Title' text box, then click on the 'File URL' button. Clicking on the file URL button shows the link location of the file you uploaded in the 'Link URL' field.
7. Click on 'Insert into Post.'
9:36 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Facebook Link Into WordPress
Inserting a Facebook Badge
1. Log into your Facebook account. Then navigate to the Facebook Badges page.
2. Select a Profile Badge to show your Facebook profile, with a link, on your website. Under 'Choose where to add the badge,' click 'Other.' Then click 'Edit this badge' to specify what information you want included in the badge. Then click 'Save.'
3. Select a Photo Badge to show one or more of your recent Facebook photos with a link to your Facebook profile. Select vertical or horizontal layout for the badge, as well as the number of photos you want shown.
4. Select a Page Badge to promote your Facebook page. Click 'Edit this badge' to edit its layout and what information you want included in the badge.
5. Select a Like Badge to promote any Facebook page, including your own. Select the page you want to promote in the drop-down menu.
6. Highlight the code provided for your badge when you are satisfied with your selection. Then copy it by pressing 'Ctrl' and 'C' on your keyboard.
Inserting Social Buttons
7. Log into your Facebook account. Then go to the Facebook Badges page.
8. Click 'Get our social plugins' at the bottom of the page.
9. Select the type of button you want from the choices beneath 'Plugins' on the left of the page. These include 'Activity Feed,' 'Comments,' 'Facepile.'
10. Design your button using the options provided. The preview will change as you add or remove features from your button.
11. Highlight the code when you are finished. Then press 'Ctrl' and 'C' on your keyboard to copy it.
Inserting Links into WordPress
12. Log into your WordPress website using your administrative account.
13. Add the link, badge or button to any blog post or page by clicking the 'Edit' link for that page. Select the 'HTML' tab. Place your cursor where you want the link, badge, or button to be. Then press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste it. Then click 'Update.'
14. Add the link, badge or button to the sidebar of your website so it will appear on every page by clicking on the 'Widgets' link in the dashboard. Click on the 'Text' widget in the center of the page. Then drag it to your sidebar. Click the arrow at the top of the widget. Paste your code into the widget by pressing 'Ctrl' and 'V' on your keyboard. Then click 'Save.'
15. Read the documentation for your WordPress theme to see how you can insert the link on every blog post. Instructions may vary depending on the theme you use. You may need to edit WordPress system files to do this.
8:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Turn a WordPress Site Into an Email Newsletter
1. Go to feedburner.google.com/ to set up a FeedBurner account. To do this, you will need a Google account -- if you do not have one, click the 'Create an account' button and fill out the forms you are presented with. When you are done, go to the FeedBurner site and log in.
2. Burn your WordPress site's feed. Type your blog's feed URL into the 'Burn a feed right this instant' text field, right in the middle of the screen. This will usually be yoursite.com/feed/. Click 'Next' when you're done. This will allow the FeedBurner service to manage your blog's RSS feed, and give you access to their suite of additional services, including email subscriptions.
3. Fill out the text fields that appear. Give your feed a title, and choose which statistics you want Feedburner to track (if any). When you reach the page titled 'Your feed is ready for the world. Now What?' click 'Publicize' on the top menu bar, then click 'Email Subscriptions.'
4. Click 'Activate' on the form that appears. A page will appear giving you the code for the email sign-up form. Copy the code to the clipboard.
5. Log into your WordPress admin area. Click 'Pages,' then 'Add New.' Select the HTML editing mode, and paste the code into this page. This will be the front page for your site, and will allow your visitors to sign up for the newsletter. Call it 'Home' or something similar and add any other information you want. For example, you could encourage visitors to sign up, or tell them the benefits of the newsletter. Click 'Publish' when done.
6. Add another new page titled 'Back Issues,' and leave the page blank. Publish the page. This will become the new index page of the blog, with the email sign up page you created in the previous step serving as the blog's home page.
7. Click 'Settings' on the left menu bar, then 'Reading.' Next to 'Front page displays' click the 'A static page' radio button, then select your 'Home' from the 'Front Page' drop-down menu, and 'Back Issues' from the 'Posts page' drop-down. Click 'Save Changes' when done. Your blog homepage will now display a form allowing people to enter their emails and receive your newsletter. Any new post will be automatically emailed to all your subscribers. If you want them to have access to your previous newsletters, place a link to your 'Back Issues' Page anywhere on your site.
8:36 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Display Custom Fields in Wordpress
1. Start your code editing software and use it to open the template file where you want to display the custom field. For instance, if you want to add the field content to single posts, you need to edit the 'single.php' template. Your template files are in the following location:/your-site/wp-content/themes/theme-name/Make sure you open the template file from the folder for your current theme, or the theme you wish to edit.
2. Add this line of code where you want the contents of the custom field to appear:
Replace 'field_name' with the name you want to give your field. Give the field a name with no capital letters and put underscores between words. In the above code, 'true' tells WordPress to return the content of the custom field as a single string. If you change that to 'false,' it will return an array. Do not use 'false' unless you know how to work with arrays.
3. Log into the WordPress dashboard and edit a post to add custom field content. Look for the 'Custom Fields' box under the editor box. If you do not see the 'Custom Fields' box, scroll up and click on 'Screen Options' under the text, 'Howdy.' Place a checkmark next to 'Custom Fields' and click 'Apply.' Type the name of your custom field, exactly as you typed it in the template file, in the input field below 'Name.' Add the content of your custom field in the text box under the heading 'Value.' Click the blue 'Update' button to publish the new custom field content. This content will now appear on your site, but it may need additional HTML or CSS code to display as you intended.
6:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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