- How to Remove Google Analytics Code From a WordPre...
- How to Add a Blogroll in WordPress
- How to Change Order of a Wordpress Header Menu
- How to Change WordPress Media Directories
- How to Use WordPress Tags in Clouds
- How to Wipe My Database of WordPress
- How to Monitor the Health of a WordPress Database
- How to Move a Calculator From PHP to WordPress
- How to Create an Anchor Link in WordPress
- How to Allow Others to Post to a WordPress Blog
- How to Change a WordPress Banner
- How to Integrate a Forum in WordPress
- How to Restore a WordPress Backup
- How to Change My WordPress Theme From My GoDaddy A...
- How to Make Your WordPress Site on an iPad
- How to Remove the 'Leave a Comment' Function on My...
- How to Widgetize the WordPress Body
- How to Move the WordPress Index.php From a Subdire...
- How to List Posts That Are Pending Review in WordP...
- How to Make a Three
- How to Remove and Reinstall WordPress
- How to List Story Tags in WordPress
- How to Change Text Color on the WordPress Blueberr...
- How to Reset Your Password for WordPress in MySQL
- How to Delete Home From WordPress
- How to Download E
How to Remove Google Analytics Code From a WordPress Footer
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard by navigating to the wp-admin subdirectory of your website. Navigate to the Appearance panel from the left-hand menu.
2. Click the 'Editor' link under 'Appearance' to load the Edit Themes screen. Find the footer.php file listed under 'Templates' and click its link.
3. Locate the Google Analytics tracking code. Script tags wrap around this code, which Google provides as JavaScript. The code begins with the following line:var _gaq = _gaq || [];Highlight the entire tracking code, including its containing
tags. Press the 'Backspace' key to delete the entire Google Analytics code. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.
9:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Blogroll in WordPress
1. Create a list of blogs you want to link to. A good blogroll has links to blogs that are similar in subject material and create further reading opportunities for your readers. Bloggers will appreciate you putting them on your blogroll, so it's also important to consider what blogs you want to link back to you. Bloggers are much more likely to link to someone who already links to them.
2. Log into WordPress or your self-hosted blog and choose the 'Add New' option under the 'Links' widget on the left hand side. Enter the name, Web address, and description of the blog you want to link to. You can choose if you want the new link to appear in the same window that your blog is in, or a separate one.
3. Choose the 'Blogroll' button in the 'Categories' option if it is not already checked. Create a new category if you also want to add links to websites that are not blogs. Wordpress 3.1 allows bloggers to identify how they know the person they are linking to. Choose your relationship with the blogger you are linking to carefully because this information is embedded into your blogs HTML code and read by search engines.
4. Choose whether or not you want your blogroll to have its own page or appear on a side panel on your main blog page. A blogroll with its own page will not be seen as often or carry as much relevance with other bloggers. A blogroll on your main blog page is more relevant, but it can also clutter the look of your site and create a less pleasant experience for your readers.
2:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Order of a Wordpress Header Menu
1. Log into your WordPress account. Click on 'My Dashboard' from the menu bar at the top of the window. Select 'Pages' from the navigation menu on the left hand side of your dashboard.
2. Determine how you would like your pages to be ordered in your header menu. Remember that “Home” will automatically be listed first, but you can change the order of the pages that come afterward. Open the page that you would like to place second in the menu bar by clicking 'Edit' underneath its title.
3. Locate the 'Attributes' box underneath the 'Publish' box on the 'Edit Page' screen. Enter “1” underneath 'Order' in the 'Attributes' box to indicate that you would like the link for this page to be listed first among the pages after 'Home.'
4. Select 'Update' in the 'Publish' box to save this change. Select 'Pages' again from the left navigation menu to return to the list of all of your pages. Repeat the same process for each page, changing the numbers to '2,' '3,' '4,' and so forth in the 'Attributes' box of each page.
2:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change WordPress Media Directories
1. Open the 'Settings' section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard and then click 'Media.' This displays the 'Media Settings' page.
2. Click the field next to 'Store uploads in this folder,' and enter the name of the folder where you would like WordPress to store your media files. For example, if you want media to be stored in a folder called 'Media' in the root directory of your server, type 'Media.' If the folder does not exist on your server WordPress will create it for you if the proper folder permissions are set. If you have not given WordPress the ability to modify folders on your server you must create it manually using an FTP program or through your hosting company's interface.
3. Click the 'Full URL path to files' field, and type the full URL of the folder that you defined in the previous step. For example, if your website's URL is 'example.com' and you used the folder name 'Media' in the previous step enter 'http://www.example.com/Media' in this field.
4. Click the 'Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders' check box if you would like WordPress to automatically create subfolders within the folder that you defined in order to organize files according to when you uploaded them.
5. Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page.
5:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress Tags in Clouds
1. Click the 'Appearance' heading in the left panel of the WordPress dashboard. This expands the menu. Click 'Widgets.'
2. Locate the 'Tag Cloud' button under the 'Available Widgets' heading in the main part of the window. Drag the button to the area labeled 'Widget Area' or 'Sidebar' on the right side. The widget expands to show its configuration options.
3. Click the 'Title' field, and type a name for the tag cloud. You might use the heading 'Post Topics,' for example.
4. Click the 'Taxonomy' drop-down menu, and select 'Post Tags.'
5. Click the 'Save' button to begin displaying the tag cloud in the sidebar area of your website.
7:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Wipe My Database of WordPress
Clear the Database
1. Go to the 'Database' section of cPanel and click 'mySQL Databases.'
2. Scroll down to the list of installed databases, select the one associated with the WordPress install and click 'Delete Database.' If you have multiple databases installed and don't remember which one is the right one, go back to the cPanel, go to Fantastico or SimpleScripts, click on 'WordPress' and check the database there.
3. Click 'Delete Database' when the host asks 'Are you sure you wish to permanently remove the database?'
Delete WordPress Content
4. Go back to the cPanel.
5. Click 'File Manager' in the 'Files' section.
6. Navigate from the Root, or 'www,' section of the website to the directory in which WordPress is installed.
7. Select every file in the directory, or select the whole directory, and click the red 'X' for 'Delete.' The file manager prompts you to confirm this decision. Click 'OK' to have all of your WordPress files expunged.
1:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Monitor the Health of a WordPress Database
1. Log into your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'Plugins' from the menu on the left.
3. Click the 'Add New' button at the top of the page.
4. Type 'System Health' in the search text box, then press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.
5. Click 'Install Now' under 'WP System Health,' then click 'OK.'
6. Click 'Activate Plugin' once the plugin is installed.
7. Click 'Dashboard' from the left menu to go to your WordPress dashboard.
8. Scroll down to the bottom of the dashboard and you will see information provided by the new plugin.
9. Click the 'Database' tab to view information about your WordPress database health such as statitics, utilization and posts table analysis. You can click the 'Show Detailed' link to see more in-depth information about your database health.
6:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move a Calculator From PHP to WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress administrator area. Click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.' Type 'PHP execution' into the search box, then click 'Search Plugins.'
2. Locate 'PHP execution' in the search results, then click 'Install Now' underneath its title. Wait a few moments for the plug-in to install, then click 'Activate Plugin' when the process is complete. This plug-in does not need to be configured, and PHP written into posts or pages can be read properly.
3. Copy the PHP code for your calculator onto the clipboard. Return to the WordPress screen, then place the cursor at the point on the post or page that you want the calculator to go. Right-click and click 'Paste.' You may need to start a new line to put some space between the calculator and any surrounding text or images.
4. Visit the post or page to see if the calculator is displaying correctly. If you see an error message where the calculator should go, check that the plug-in has been activated. If the calculator does not display at all, return to the editing screen of the post or page that it is on. Clear your browser cache, then click the 'Update' button on the top-right of the screen.
5:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create an Anchor Link in WordPress
Visual Editor
1. Type your post. Click and drag the text that you want to turn into an anchor link to highlight it.
2. Click the 'Insert/Edit link' button (the one with the image of the chain link), or press 'Alt Shift A' to open the dialog box to insert links.
3. Enter the URL for the website you link to in the 'Link URL' text box. Click the 'Insert' button. WordPress changes the color of the selected text to blue and underlines it to indicate it has an anchor tag.
4. Finish typing your post, then save and publish it.
HTML Editor
5. Type your post. Click the button that says 'link' to open a message prompt.
6. Enter the URL for the website you link to in the text box. Click the 'OK' button. WordPress will insert the HTML code to create an anchor link.
7. Type the text that you want to use as your link text immediately after the '>' symbol. Click the '/link' button and notice that it now has a slash preceding it. WordPress inserts the closing anchor tag, '
' to specify the end of the link.
8. Finish typing your post, then save and publish it.
2:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Allow Others to Post to a WordPress Blog
1. Log in to your WordPress account and go to your dashboard.
2. Click Users.
3. Scroll down to Add User from Community.
4. Enter the e-mail address of the WordPress user you want to add.
5. Select the role you want that user to have (administrator, editor, author or contributor) from the drop-down menu.
6. Click Add User.
7. Repeat for additional users you want to add.
7:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change a WordPress Banner
1. Sign in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
2. Click 'Media' and 'Add New.'
3. Click 'Select File,' browse to the banner you want to use on your hard drive and double-click the image. The image loads to your site.
4. Highlight and copy he text in the 'File URL' field. This is where your picture is located on your site. Click 'Save All Changes.'
5. Click 'Appearance' and 'Editor.'
6. Click 'Header.' In the PHP file, scroll to find the '#Header' tag. Look for the URL of the current banner in the text. Delete it and add the URL to the banner you uploaded.
7. Click 'Update File.'
8:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Integrate a Forum in WordPress
1. Download the latest version of the XDForum plug-in for WordPress from the Source Forge website to begin installation of an online forum. Save the folder to a place on your PC's hard drive that is easily accessible. Unzip the XDForum file. A folder displays named 'xdforum.'
2. Upload the folder named 'xdforum' to the WordPress directory named, 'wordpress/wp-content/plugins.'
3. Make certain the following folders located in the 'XDForum' folder are writable so that the forum functions correctly:
4. Navigate to the WordPress administrator's area and login. Click on the tab named 'plugins.' Locate the XDForum plugin entry and activate it.
5. Locate the 'Manage' tab and click on it. Click on the tab named 'XDForum Admin.' Review the settings options. Select and save your preferred settings. The XDForum installation process begins.
6. Go to the theme 'Style' settings page. Select your chosen theme and colors to stylize your online forum.
7. Create a 'Group' and create a forum within that Group. You are able to create as many groups as you like. The set-up of your WordPress online forum is complete and ready for users to exchange their opinions and ideas.
5:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Restore a WordPress Backup
1. Log into your WordPress website.
2. Expand the 'Tools' sub-menu from the left sidebar.
3. Select 'Import.'
4. Select the import file type. If you are restoring your site from a WordPress backup file, select 'WordPress.' Alternatively, you can import content from a variety of different blog and content management systems.
5. Click 'Choose file' to navigate to the backup file you are using to restore WordPress.
6. Click 'Upload file and import' to import the WordPress content, including posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories and tags.
3:36 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change My WordPress Theme From My GoDaddy Account
1. Connect to your GoDaddy account using your FTP client.
2. Navigate to the 'wp-content/themes' folder inside the main WordPress folder.
3. Upload the folder of the theme you want to use into the directory. If the folder name is 'newtheme,' then it should be in this path: 'wp-content/themes/newtheme/.'
4. Log in to your GoDaddy account. Click 'Wordpress' and 'Admin' to enter the admin panel for WordPress.
5. Click 'Appearances,' then 'Themes.' Click 'Add New Themes.' Select your new theme and click 'Activate.'
5:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Your WordPress Site on an iPad
Adding the WordPress App
1. Turn on your iPad and tap the 'App Store' icon. Type 'wordpress' into the search field.
2. Tap 'WordPress' from Automattic, a free app with the WordPress logo.
3. Tap the 'Free' button and then tap 'Install.' Enter your Apple ID email address and password when prompted. Wait for the app to download.
4. Tap the 'WordPress' app icon. Make a selection from the options provided: start a new blog at WordPress.com, add a blog you already have hosted at WordPress or add a self-hosted website.
5. Select 'Start a new blog at WordPress.com.' Enter a blog Web address, username, password and your email address in the appropriate text fields. Tap 'Sign Up.'
Blogging from an iPad
6. Tap the 'WordPress' app on the iPad. Tap on your blog.
7. Add a new post to your blog by tapping the 'Posts' icon or add a new page by tapping the 'Pages' icon. Tap the 'New Post' icon on the top of the page. Enter a title and then begin writing your blog entry.
8. Tap the 'Gear' icon to see the status of the blog. Tap the 'Eye' icon to see a preview. Tap the 'Photo' icon to add a photo to the blog from your iPad.
9. Tap the 'Publish' button when you are finished writing your blog post or page.
10. Tap 'Comments' to moderate comments. Tap a comment. Tap the center icon beneath the comment to approve the comment, mark the comment as spam or edit the comment. Tap the 'Trash' icon to delete the comment.
5:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove the 'Leave a Comment' Function on My WordPress Blog
1. Go to your WordPress blog's administrative control panel.
2. Click the 'Settings' button on the left-side navigation menu.
3. Click the 'Discussion' button that appears under 'Settings.'
4. Click the box next to 'Allow people to post comments on new articles' so that the box is unchecked.
5. Scroll down and click 'Save Changes' to remove the 'Leave a Comment' function from your WordPress blog.
9:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Widgetize the WordPress Body
1. Open your theme's template files in a code editor or Notepad. You need to edit every template where you want a widgetized body, so if you want to widgetize the body of the blog index and single post pages, then edit both index.php and single.php. Edit page.php if you want to widgetize static pages. Open the functions.php file for your theme as well.
2. Add the following code to your functions.php file:if(function_exists('register_sidebar')) {register_sidebar(array('name' => 'Body Widget Area','before_widget' => '
,'after_widget' => '
','before_title' => '
','after_title' => '
');}The above code checks that you can register sidebars and then registers a sidebar called 'Body Widget Area.' That is the name you will see on the 'Widgets' page in the WordPress dashboard. Wherever you place code to include this widgetized 'sidebar,' WordPress will add div tags with a class of 'body_widget.' Each widget title will get wrapped in the H3 tag.
3. Add the following code to any template file where you want a widgetized area to appear in the body of the page:
This if statement checks to see if the 'sidebar' exists or not. If it does not, it executes some fallback code. Place manual calls to widgets between the two lines of code to set your fallback. This code also places the 'sidebar' wherever you place it on the page.
4. Open the style.css file of your theme and add this code:.body_widget {width: XXpx;height: XXpx;}Replace 'XX' with the values you want, in pixels. Add any other CSS code you want for the div containing the widgetized area. The CSS code goes between the curly braces.
5. Upload your edited files to the appropriate theme file under /wp-content/themes/ on your server. Visit the wp-admin directory of your website and log in to the dashboard. Navigate to 'Widgets' and click the down arrow on 'Body Widget Area' to expand the 'sidebar' box. You can now drag and drop widgets in to the body's widgetized area, and they will appear in the body of your WordPress posts and pages.
6:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move the WordPress Index.php From a Subdirectory
1. Open your File Transfer Protocol program and connect to the server that hosts your website by typing your username, password and server address. You can contact your host if you do not know this information. Alternatively, you can log into your browser-based file manager to access your files.
2. Navigate to the folder that contains your WordPress installation and the 'index.php.' Right click and select the option to download the file to your computer (via FTP). Make note of the file's location.
3. Open the file in a code editor, such as Notepad and locate the following line of code:require('./wp-blog-header.php');Change the location of the WP blog header to indicate which directory contains the file. For example, if your installation is in a 'wordpress' folder, this line would become:require('./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php');
4. Save your index file and upload it to the new location, outside of the directory. For example, you may upload it to the root of your website instead of the 'wordpress' folder. You can double click it from the 'Local' pane in your FTP program or click and drag it from an open folder on your computer into the server pane of your FTP client.
5. Log into your WordPress dashboard in your Web browser and click 'General' from the settings section in the navigation to open your settings. Change the 'WordPress address (URL)' entry to the location of your WordPress installation. For instance, it may be 'http://yourwebsite.com/wordpress' where 'http://yourwebsite.com' is your actual website address. Change the 'Site Address' to the location of your index file/website. This is now your website's address. Click 'Save Changes' on the bottom of the page.
4:42 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to List Posts That Are Pending Review in WordPress
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard, go to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link. Locate the template where you want to add the list of pending posts and click its link to load the file in the theme editor.
2. Create a new query of the WordPress database:$query = new WP_Query();Use any name for the variable; 'query' works well but any name will work.
3. Add parameters for the query between the parentheses. Set 'post_status' to 'pending' to get pending posts. Use 'ignore_sticky_posts=1' to keep sticky posts -- posts set to always appear at the top of the blog index -- out of your list:$query = new WP_Query('post_status=pendingignore_sticky_posts=1');
4. Start a 'While' loop to display posts returned by the query:while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
5. Close the block of PHP code with an ending delimeter tag -- ?> -- and add this code to output a link to each pending post:
' title='
6. Open a new pair of PHP delimeter tags and write the next block of PHP code between them. Close your 'While' loop with 'endwhile' and use 'wp_reset_postdata()' to clear the query.
2:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a Three
1. Log in to your Wordpress account.
2. Click 'My Dashboard,' then 'Appearance.'
3. Click 'Feature Filters.' You can find this on the right-hand side, under the 'Theme' category. Click on the 'Three Columns' box. Click 'Apply Filters.'
4. Click 'Preview' on any theme that you think might be appropriate for your three column Wordpress blog. Click 'Install' if you want to use the theme on your Wordpress blog.
5. Click your blog's title at the top of the page to see how the three column layout looks when applied to your blog. You can still make minor adjustments by clicking 'Appearance,' then 'Widgets' and moving your widgets around.
1:18 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove and Reinstall WordPress
1. Open your customary direct connection to your domain server through your regular FTP software application. Navigate to your WordPress folder on the server.
2. Copy any non-WordPress 'core' files that have been stored inside your WordPress site folder on your server, such as pictures and other graphic files. These items are not a part of the WordPress module, nor your MySQL database. These are image files that you have added to your WordPress 'world' over time. Manually copy and save these important elements in another file somewhere. But note the file folders where these files were originally stored; you'll need to put these items back where they came from.
3. Highlight the WordPress file entry as a whole or the three main modules of WordPress (wp-includes, wp-admin, wp-content) and press 'Delete' on your keyboard or click on your FTP 'Delete' icon. Confirm that you indeed want to delete the entire installation by clicking 'Yes.' As soon as the file folder is empty, your WordPress core is gone. If you check your domain address now, you will receive a '404' error message: 'Website not found.'
4. Locate your preferred version of WordPress. You can either reload from a file already on your computer or download a newer version from WordPress.org. Extract the compressed WordPress file on your hard drive and then move all the WordPress files over to your domain server to the proper, or main, directory.
5. Right-click the 'config-sample.php' file that exists on your hard drive inside your WordPress folder as soon as the WordPress core has deployed. Choose 'Edit.'
6. Edit the data inside this 'config' file so it points back to your MySQL database again. Most domain servers and MySQL setups will ask for an account name or number, a user name or number, a pre-established database password, and a server address name or number. Enter these items into the 'config' file carefully. Save the file, changing the name of the file from 'config-sample.php' to 'config.php.'
7. Load the new 'config.php' file to your WordPress server file. Load any new or familiar 'theme' files to the WordPress folder 'wp-content/themes.' Reload your images and other graphic elements or other documents to their original WordPress file folders.
8. Navigate to your WordPress website with this address: http://mydomainname.com/wp-install.php. This will activate the WordPress Install module. Fill out the setup form, remembering to 'point' your WordPress install back to the correct server location for your MySQL database. The install module will then go to work reestablishing those former connections to your data. When this process is complete, exit the program.
9. Log in to your administrative account---usually with the user name 'admin' and a new password that WordPress.org emails to you.
10. Open your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to the 'Appearance/Themes' section. Highlight your old theme or a new theme entry. Click 'Activate.' This will turn on the theme elements throughout your WordPress site. Your old data should magically appear again, in the same location if you use the same theme or in new locations and forms if you are changing theme templates.
11. Troubleshoot and tweak your fresh installation. If elements such as pictures or graphics are missing, it's usually because the programming is 'looking' for the item in a certain location (such as an 'Images' folder) and you have copied the images to a different location by accident. Restore all those elements to their proper mapped locations or reload the images to WordPress through the WordPress Uploader program.
2:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to List Story Tags in WordPress
1. Open a Web browser and navigate to your blog's home page. At the bottom of the blog's main page click the 'Admin' link. This links brings you to a special section of the WordPress blog called the dashboard.
2. Type the administrator user name and password you set up when you created the blog. Click 'Login' to open the main page of the dashboard.
3. Click the 'Posts' section link on the left side of the dashboard. A list of available options is displayed below the main 'Posts' section label. Click 'Tags.' The screen that opens displays each of the tags you set up on the blog.
7:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Text Color on the WordPress Blueberry Theme
1. Log in to the dashboard and click 'Appearance' on the left-hand sidebar. Go to 'Blueberry Options' and click on the color scheme you want to use. As soon as you click on a color scheme screen shot, your theme will display the new colors.
2. Navigate to 'Editor' in the 'Appearance' submenu on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Scroll down and click the 'berries.css' link to open the Blueberry color schemes style sheet.
3. Look for a CSS comment line that includes the name of the color scheme you want to edit:/* blackberry css */
4. Find the CSS selector that 'selects' the type of text you want to edit and change its 'color' property value to your new color:.blueberry #headertxt h1 a:hover {color: #fff;}Blueberry uses shortened versions of hexadecimal codes, but you can change the value of 'color' to a full-length, six-digit hexadecimal code. You can also use color names. Click 'Update File' to finish.
5:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Reset Your Password for WordPress in MySQL
1. Log-in to phpMyAdmin through your hosting provider's control panel.
2. Open your WordPress installation's database. If you cannot remember which database you used, you can use an FTP program to open the site's wp_config.php file to find the name.
3. Browse through the 'wp_users' table. The prefix may be different, depending upon how you set-up your installation. The wp_config.php file can also tell you what the prefix is.
4. Generate a MD5 password. You can do this with a number of free websites, such as the site in the Resources section. Enter the password you want to use in the form and the site will provide a MD5 string.
5. Replace the administrator password. Select 'edit' next to the field for the administrative log-in and enter the MD5 string from Step 4 in the 'user_pass' field. Save your changes.
6. Log into your WordPress administrative panel using the password that you selected in Step 4, along with the administrative username.
3:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Delete Home From WordPress
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard. The address of the login page isyoursite.com/wp-admin/ Enter your username and password and then press 'Enter'.
2. Click 'Pages' on the left-hand menu. Find the page titled 'Home' and click on its title. If you do not see a page titled 'Home' then hover each title and click the 'Quick Edit' link to inspect the page slug. Click 'Cancel' after finding the correct page and then click on its title to get to the editing screen.
3. Click the 'Edit' link next to 'Published' in the 'Publish' box. Change the page status to 'Draft' and click the blue 'Update' button to save. You can also click the red 'Move to Trash' link, but setting a page to 'Draft' saves it in the backend while removing it from the website.
4. Navigate to 'Appearance' in the left-hand menu and then click 'Menus'. Look for a link labeled 'Home'. If you see one, then click on the arrow on that link to view its options. Click the red 'Remove' link and then click the blue 'Save Menu' button.
5. Click 'Settings' in the left-hand menu and then go to 'Reading'. Check the 'Front page displays' settings. If you used 'Home' as a static front page, then you should create a new page and set that as the front page. You can also change your settings to 'Your latest posts' to make your blog the front page.
9:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Download E
1. Log into your WordPress account, then click 'Plugins.'
2. Type 'efiles backup' into the 'Search Plugins' text box, and click 'Search Plugins.'
3. Click 'eFiles backup' then click 'Install Now.'
4. Go to the 'Manage' section in Wordpress, and click 'eFiles backup.' Choose a directory on your computer to download the eFiles to, then click 'Backup.'
6:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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