- How to Use WordPress for Distance Learning
- How to Track Links From Facebook to WordPress
- How to Use Gimp to Make a WordPress Blog Header
- How to Edit Block Quotes in WordPress
- How to Add Pages to Templates in WordPress
- How to Code WordPress From Illustrator
- How to Install Wordpress on a Dedicated Server
- How to Insert a LinkedIn Logo to WordPress
- How to Create a Custom Template in WordPress
- How to Rewrite WordPress Mods
- How to Change the Header in a WordPress Blog
- How to Find Free Wordpress Themes
- How to Remove Embedded YouTube Videos From WordPress
- How to Hide Tags on Wordpress
- How to Center a WordPress Post Title
- How to Find New WordPress Templates
- How to Create WordPress Header in Adobe Photoshop ...
- How to Hide Blogroll for WordPress
- How to Sync Disqus to WordPress
- How to Show Extra Quotes on WordPress
- How to Insert a Photo Gallery in Thesis for WordPress
- How to Make Widgets Side by Side on WordPress
- How to Update and Maintain a Wordpress Blog
- How to Assign Posts to a User in WordPress
- How to Make Blogroll Links NoFollow in WordPress
- How to Insert Thumbnails in WordPress
- How to Create Custom Post Backgrounds on WordPress
- How to Export WordPress to PDF
- How to Convert From TypePad to WordPress
- How to Access My WordPress on FTP
- How to Load an Excel Spreadsheet Into WordPress
- How to Convert Fixed Width to WordPress Fluid Width
- How to Change a WordPress eCommerce Page Name
- How to Set Up a Twitter Hashtag Feed on Your Wordp...
- How to Change Footer Credits on WordPress
- How to Post WordPress to a Facebook Page
How to Use WordPress for Distance Learning
1. Create individual WordPress accounts. This can be done as a homework assignment during the first week or two of class. Blogging should begin as soon as possible, so students can become acquainted with one another as quickly as possible. Provide a forum from which students have access to all the other accounts in the class. WordPress is an inherently public space, so make sure to explain to students that all the classmates (and the rest of the world) can read what is written on each post.
2. Implement biweekly blogging assignments. Have students write 300 to 500 words per blog. Each blog should have a purpose so students do not become aggravated with the process; if working on an assignment about persuasive papers, create a blog in which students must choose an issue they feel strongly about. Have students respond to three posts each night. This can be done by making posts due by Wednesday at 5 p.m. and responses due by Friday at 5 p.m., or however you prefer to structure the timing. Encourage or make it a rule that students respond to different classmates each time. By creating a space where students must have online dialogue, they will develop their own community.
3. Create a personal blog that responds to what students have done or learned that week. Often, students who participate in distance learning can feel a distinct disconnect from their teachers or professors. By creating an online blog that discusses and summarizes what has been learned and what you as a teacher expect from the students, a bit of that gap can be filled. Try to be honest about how you see the class progressing and if you would prefer improvement in certain areas.
4. Allow WordPress to operate as a space from which students can ask questions and respond to one another. You can set up a WordPress account just for student inquiries to one another, in which students respond to students. Teachers can also set up an account from which they answer questions posted by students.
5. Create an account that serves as a homework site that teachers can update as often as necessary and students can post questions about assignments. WordPress can also operate as a space for students to submit assignments. If a lot of writing assignments are due, students can submit them through WordPress.
3:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Track Links From Facebook to WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress platform with your username and password. You should be directed to your Dashboard.
2. Locate the 'Stats' box in your Dashboard. Click 'View All' in the lower right corner of the Stats box.
3. Locate the box that reads 'Referrers.' This is the list of websites that have linked people to your blog recently. If you don't see any sites listed there, click 'This Week' in the upper right corner of the Referrers box.
4. View the referring sites that are listed for the past seven days. If Facebook has referred anyone in that time, that page view will be listed there. From this page, you can also select '7 Days,' '30 Days,' 'Quarter,' 'Year' or 'All Time' to view the statistics on referring sites for those time periods.
5. Create a spreadsheet to keep track of your incoming links from Facebook and another other popular sites. Monitor your incoming links over time to get a sense of how your marketing efforts are going.
8:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Gimp to Make a WordPress Blog Header
1. Determine the size of the header image. This varies, and finding the answer will depend on which of the many WordPress themes you are using. If you are using Twenty Ten, the default theme that comes installed when you first use WordPress, the dimensions are 940 by 198 pixels.
2. Click on File and select 'New Image.' Set the width and height to match the dimensions you determined in the step above. Click on the 'Advanced' options and set the image resolution to 72 pixels per inch. Click on the 'OK' button to create the image.
3. Use the paint bucket tool to fill the image with a background color. Then add a layer and add some content. This can be a photo or part of a photo, or some text. If you put each element on its own layer, you can manipulate them separately.
4. Add a special effect using one of the filters in the Filters menu. You can add a drop shadow to make something stand out, for example.
5. Save the file as an XCF file, which is the native file format for the GIMP. This will preserve the layers and text modules so you can edit them again if you need to do so. Then use 'Save as' to save the file again as a JPG or PNG file so you can upload it as the header for your WordPress blog.
6:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Block Quotes in WordPress
1. Sign in to your WordPress dashboard. Click on 'Editor' to open the template editor.
2. Click on 'Style.css.' Browse through the file and locate the 'Blockquote' styling attribute. It should look something like this:blockquote {font-style: italic;padding-left: 30px;}
3. Change the styling attributes, or add to them as desired. For example, if you wanted to change the blockquote text to a bold font, replace 'italic' with 'bold.'
4. Adjust the on the left side of the blockquote by increasing or decreasing the pixel value. For example, to move the blockquote text further to the right, you could increase the pixel value for the padding to 60px.
5. Assign a custom font to the blockquote, if desired, by adding the 'font-family' tag:blockquote {font-style: italic;font-family: Georgia;padding-left: 30px;}
6. Add a custom background color or border to the blockquote by using the border and background tags:blockquote {font-style: italic;border: 3px;background: #EEEEEEpadding-left: 30px;}
3:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Pages to Templates in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress website. This is typically located at 'http://*your URL*/wp-login.php.' Ensure that you log in as the administrator or as a user that has rights for adding pages.
2. Click the 'Pages' link on the left side of the Dashboard.
3. Click the 'Add New' button on the Pages page.
4. Enter a title and write the content for your page.
5. Select whether you want commenting or trackbacks or pingbacks enabled for this page in the 'Discussion' section.
6. Click 'Publish' to add the page to your website. Note the Permalink, or URL, of the page, that appears just below the title. This is the specific URL for the page you just created.
8:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Code WordPress From Illustrator
Creating a Static HTML Site
1. Open Illustrator and load the file containing your website template.
2. Create “Smart” slices for the objects in your design. Select the object, then click “Object,” “Slice,” then “Make.” Illustrator formats the object based on its content. For example, if the slice contains text, Illustrator will detect it and automatically format it to HTML code upon export.
3. Create any additional sections you need using “dumb” slices. Click the 'Slice' tool, then drag the cursor over the region you want to slice. Dumb slices are necessary when an object holds two parts of the site. For example, you might want two columns in the object containing your main content area.
4. Define the slices. Click the 'Slice Select' tool, then click on a slice. Go to “Object,” “Slice,” then “Slice Options.” Choose “Image” for images, “No Image” for areas to be left blank, or areas to be filled with other code or content, and “HTML Text Slice” for slices containing text. Repeat until all slices have been defined.
5. Click “File,” then “Save for Web and Devices.” Select “HTML,” choose a location for the site, then click “Save.” You now have a static HTML site.
Transforming the Static Site to a WordPress Template
6. Go to starkerstheme.com and click “Download the .zip.” Locate and extract the file on your hard drive. These files are the WordPress theme files.
7. Load “header.php,” then load up your static HTML file. From your site, copy the code for the main header, below the
tag, and paste it below the
tag in header.php.
8. Open “Style.css.” If you have a CSS file with your static site, copy and save the contents into this file. Otherwise, continue.
9. Open “footer.php.” Delete everything above “
” and paste in the code for the footer area from your static site.
10. Open “Sidebar.php.” Paste in the code for the sidebar area, if you have one.
11. Locate the main content area on your static site, where the WordPress “Loop” must be placed. The loop starts with “
12. Save all files and compress the file into a .zip file. The template is ready to upload to WordPress.
12:55 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install Wordpress on a Dedicated Server
Manual installation
1. If you don't have CPanel, use your web host control panel to log into phpMyAdmin, a MySQL interface. After entering the phpMyAdmin interface, Wordpress.org explains its installation. See if there is already a pre-made Wordpress database. If not, click 'Create' in the Create New Database field and name it Wordpress.
2. Click on 'Home' in the left corner. Click 'Privileges.' If there no Wordpress user in the drop-down menu, click 'Add New User' and name it Wordpress. Create and enter a password using the text field and leave all options under default.
3. Return to the 'Privileges' screen and click 'Check Privileges' for the Wordpress user. Click 'Check All' to give the user all needed permissions. Click 'Go.'
4. Return to your web host control panel to log into your file manager. Go to the 'public html' section and create a folder called Wordpress. Make sure the file has 777 permission by checking the file permission, which should be located in a drop-down menu in the bar above the file content.
5. Use your FTP client on your computer to upload the contents of the Wordpress directory in the Wordpress program file to the Wordpress folder you created in public html.
6. To install Wordpress, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome and enter your domain name in the url with the path set at wp-admin/install.php. If your domain name is www.strawberryfields.com you would enter http://www.strawberryfields.com/wp-admin/install.php
7. On the installation screen put Wordpress as the name of the database and username and enter the password you created earlier as the password. Do not change the 'Database Host' or 'Table Prefix' slot.
8. On the next screen, input the domain name of your website and create a username and password for entering the Wordpress administration area. Input your email. Now your installation is complete.
8:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a LinkedIn Logo to WordPress
1. Sign in to your account on the LinkedIn website, point to “Profile” at the top of the page and click “Edit Profile.”
2. Click the “Edit” button to the right of Public Profile on the page that appears.
3. Click the “Create a Profile Badge” link at the right side of the page.
4. Click the text box to the right of the LinkedIn logo you want to use. The code inside the box automatically becomes selected.
5. Right-click the selected code and click “Copy.”
6. Go to your WordPress blog and log in to the dashboard.
7. Click the “Appearance” tab at the left side of the page and click “Widgets” under it.
8. Drag and drop the “Text” widget onto a sidebar on the right side of the page.
9. Right-click inside the Text widget and click “Paste” to paste the HTML code into the box.
10. Click the “Save” button. The logo appears in your WordPress blog’s sidebar.
4:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Custom Template in WordPress
1. Open a blank document in a text editor and give the file a name. WordPress requires template files to be saved with a '.php' extension. Save it as 'custom_page.php' for now. The WordPress Codex contains a list of reserved filenames that cannot be used for custom template filenames. Those names are saved for predefined template files
2. Insert the following code into the page:
'Custom Page' is the name of the file, and WordPress calls it into the administration page panel by that name and defines it as a template. Change that to the desired template name.
3. Add
below the opening five lines of code. This calls the
information contained in the 'header.php' file.
4. Enter the HTML code to display the page information and style. The containers are defined in the style.css and can be copied from other template files. According to the WordPress Codex, the template files should be modeled after the 'index.php'. The following is basic HTML code used in the default WordPress theme, 'Twenty Ten':
The 'container' div defines the layout of the page and the 'content' div defines where WordPress calls the page content. The Loop and the index.php are called with the 'get_template_part();' tag. The Loop is the code that WordPress uses to display the PHP generated content, and 'index.php' adds the default design shown on the site's front page. Add additional IDs, classes and PHP between the opening and closing 'content' div. This information is dependent on the nature of the page; for instance, an 'Authors' page or 'Contact' page.
5. Insert
below the closing 'container' tag. This calls the 'footer.php,' which contains the closing
information for the page.
6. Save the file and upload it to the WordPress theme folder on the web server. The theme folder is located in '/wp-content/themes.'
2:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Rewrite WordPress Mods
1. Ask your Web host to enable mod_rewrite on your server so you can create WordPress permalinks. Depending on your host, you may need to submit a ticket to request this server change. The Apache module mod_rewrite may come enabled by default on your server. If it isn't enabled before starting, you won't damage anything on your WordPress installation or your server. The permalinks simply will not change.
2. Open your FTP software and connect to your Web server. Navigate to the base WordPress installation folder. Look for a file named '.htaccess.' If you don't see a file with this name, create a blank TXT file and name it .htaccess. Upload the file to your WordPress base directory. Right-click the file and click 'Permissions.' Type '777' for the file permissions.
3. Log in to your WordPress administration panel. Click 'Settings.' Click 'Permalinks.'
4. Click one of the default permalink structures or click 'Custom' to choose your own. You can use parameters such as %postname%, %tag% and %author% in this field. Separate each parameter with a backslash.
5. Click 'Save' to save these settings. WordPress writes the permalink structure to your .htaccess file.
2:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Header in a WordPress Blog
1. Log in to your WordPress blog administration page.
2. Click on the 'Appearance' tab on the left side of the administration menu. This will load a number of options below the word 'appearance' and will load the theme selector on the right side of the page.
3. Click on 'Editor' in the appearance menu. This will load the theme editor on the right section of the page.
4. Click on 'header (header.php)' on the far right side of the page. This will load the header file in the middle of the page in a large text box.
5. Edit the text box that contains the header file on that page. Click 'Update File' at the bottom of the page when you are done. Your changes take place immediately and you should see your changes as soon as you view your WordPress blog.
7:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Free Wordpress Themes
1. Smashing Magazine offers up a steady stream of stunning, free Wordpress themes. (see Resources below for some links). The site has an RSS feed, so you can keep an eye on the site for new Wordpress themes.
2. Free Wordpress Themes is another site offering free themes. They don't have as many as Smashing Magazine, but they may have just the one for you.
3. The Theme Lab offers free Wordpress themes and reviews them too. This site also offers general information about Wordpress and Wordpress plugins.
4. If one of your hopes for your blog is to make money using Google AdSense ads, wpSkins provides AdSense-ready templates for free.
4:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Embedded YouTube Videos From WordPress
From a WordPress Post
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
2. Click 'Posts' from the 'Posts' drop-down menu, find the post you want to edit and click 'Edit.'
3. Click 'HTML' to view the HTML code.
4. Scroll down to the YouTube video code, highlight it and hit the 'Delete' key to remove it. The code will begin with a [youtube],
tag and end with a [/youtube],
5. Click 'Update' to save the post.
From a WordPress Comment
6. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
7. Click 'Comments.' Scroll down to find the comment you want to edit and click 'Edit.'
8. Find the HTML code for the embedded video, highlight it and hit the 'Delete' key to remove it. The code will begin with a [youtube],
tag and end with a [/youtube],
9. Click 'Update Comment' to save.
2:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Tags on Wordpress
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Appearance.' Click 'Editor' to load the theme editing screen. Select the 'index.php' from the list of files on the right-hand side. Locate this code:
The above built-in PHP function - called a 'template tag' in WordPress - displays all tags for each post. You will often see parameters between the paranthesis. Remove this function to keep WordPress from displaying tags on your blog. You can also 'comment it out' like so:
2. Load the 'single.php' template file in the theme editor screen. Remove or comment out the_tags() in this template as well. Look through your other template files for the_tags() and remove it or comment it out. You might find the_tags() in 'home.php' or any category or tag template file. Those files all have 'category' or 'tag' in their names, such as 'category-movies.php'.
3. Navigate to 'Widgets' under 'Appearance' in the left-hand menu. Look for the 'Tag Cloud' widget in any of the sidebars, located on the right-hand side. Click on the name of a sidebar to expand it if you do not see its widgets. Click and drag the 'Tag Cloud' widget away from the sidebar if you find it in a sidebar. This will keep tags from being displayed in the sidebar.
12:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Center a WordPress Post Title
1. Open the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and select the 'Editor' option. This displays the editor for your WordPress theme. Make sure that the theme name displayed in the upper-right corner of the window is your current WordPress theme before continuing. If it is not, select the theme and click the 'Select' button.
2. Click 'Single Post' in the list of your theme's files on the right side of the page. The code for the file 'single.php' appears in the editor in the center of the window.
3. Locate the code '
' Move the cursor to the space immediately before this code. If you do not see this code in the editor, your WordPress theme uses a separate file called a 'loop' to display posts. Click the 'loop-single.php' link on the right side of the page to edit that file instead.
4. Type the code '
' without quotation marks in the space before '
,' and move the cursor to the first space after '
5. Type the code '
' without quotation marks. The full block of code should now read '
6. Click the 'Update File' button below the editor.
3:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find New WordPress Templates
1. Open your favorite Web browser.
2. Go to your WordPress site.
3. Log in as 'Admin.'
4. Click on the 'Presentation' link at the top of your WordPress Control Panel.
5. At the bottom of the page you will see a WordPress theme directory. Click on this link.
6. Search the directory to locate your new template.
1:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create WordPress Header in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0
1. First you must determine that you have the version of WordPress that will allow you to edit the graphics. The self-hosted version of WordPress will allow you to make such changes. If you are working on the free online version, you will not be able to make the same edits to the header in the same manner.
2. If you already have WordPress, you are either hosting your blog on a template provided by WordPress or you may have downloaded one from the WordPress.org website or actually purchase one from an outside vender. Either way, in your hosted files, there should be an images file that is housing the images for your blog. You will need to locate the image that is your header.
3. Make note of the name of that file. If you still have the downloaded template files on your computer, locate the file in the folder or just save the headers file to your computer from the server.
4. Here is the easiest way I have found to determine the size of a WordPress template header. Open up your file manager and just place your mouse on top of the header file you saved earlier. You will see the file Dimension, Size and Type. For example: Dimensions: 220 X 150, Size: 90KB, Type: JPeg File.Make note of the Dimensions, and the name of the WordPress header file.
5. Open a new file in Adobe Elements.
6. Once the new file window opens, name your Adobe Elements file the same name as the WordPress file. More than likely the dimensions are expressed as pixels. Change the pixel width and height to match that of your WordPress file. (Directly to the right of the width box will be a drop down to change to pixel format.)
7. Begin designing your custom header.
8. Once your header is done save it to your computer as a Photoshop file (PSD, PDD). This way should you want to edit your file, you will be able to go back and edit. Now, save your file again. This time you want to save it in the same format of the original WordPress header file. (In the example above it was a JPeg file.)
9. Go back to your server or host account for your WordPress blog. Open the file that contains your header and upload (replace/overwrite the old file) your NEW Adobe image file. This will replace the old header with your new one.
12:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Blogroll for WordPress
1. Navigate to your WordPress administration panel. Enter your user name and password, then click 'Log In.'
2. Choose 'Appearance' in the left column. Select 'Widgets' in the Appearance menu.
3. Click and hold the left mouse button on the 'Links' widget. Drag the widget to the 'Inactive Widgets' box at the bottom of the panel. The changes will save automatically.
8:31 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Sync Disqus to WordPress
1. Click the 'Plugins' tab in the left sidebar of your WordPress dashboard. Click the 'Add New' button beside the Plugins header. Type 'Disqus' into the search field and click 'Search Plugins.' The first search result will be Disqus Comment System. Click the 'Install Now' link.
2. Sign into the plugin with your Disqus account. If you do not have a Disqus account, you will be given the option to create one. Follow the on-screen account creation instructions.
3. Return to the Plugins main menu. Click the 'Settings' link beneath the listing for Disqus Comment System. Scroll down the page to the Import/Export section. Click the 'Sync Comments' button. You have now synced Disqus with Wordpress.
6:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Show Extra Quotes on WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and create a new post, if you aren't already working on one; if you are, choose 'Posts' and click the name of the draft to which you want to add a block quote.
2. Type out the text you want to appear as a block quote. Alternatively, drag your mouse over existing text to highlight it.
3. Choose the 'Quote' button from the menu of functions above the main blog entry window. Click the 'Preview' button to see how the block quote will appear to readers -- when viewed from within the Compose window, it simply looks indented.
4. Click 'Publish' when you are satisfied with the way the block quote looks.
2:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Photo Gallery in Thesis for WordPress
1. Open a new post or page, and click the 'Add an Image' button on the top of the editor. This opens a dialogue that allows you to upload or insert images into the post or page.
2. Click on 'Media Library' at the top of the dialogue box, or 'Upload from Computer' if the images haven't been uploaded yet.
3. Check the box to the right of each thumbnail for every image that you would like to be included in your gallery. When finished, click 'Attach all checked items to current post' at the bottom of the dialogue box.
4. Close the dialogue box and open it again. Now there will be a new 'Gallery' button at the top. Click it.
5. Insert the gallery into your page and post by clicking 'Insert Gallery' at the bottom of the window.
2:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Widgets Side by Side on WordPress
1. Log in to WordPress. Scroll down the left side of your 'Dashboard' until you reach the 'Appearance' pane. Click 'Widgets.'
2. Click the name of the widget you want to move beside another one and hold your mouse down. Drag it to the position where you want it and release.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the widgets that are available for your blog, but currently set to 'Inactive.' Just as you would with active widgets, drag any of these into the position you want it to activate it on your blog and set it side-by-side a different widget.
1:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Update and Maintain a Wordpress Blog
1. Log in to your Wordpress account at http://wordpress.com. If you don't have a blog, click on the 'Sign Up Now' button on the top. If you lost your password or login, click on the 'Lost your password' link on the left.
2. After you log in, your blog name will be listed on the left hand side. You can also click on the 'My Dashboard' link on the top left of the screen to update and manage your blog.
3. From the dashboard page on the top left, there are links to sections where you can write, manage, design, upgrade or view comments for your blog.
4. Click on the 'Write' link on the top left to write a new post or page. Under the 'Write' tab, you can click on the 'Post,' 'Page' or ''Link' options to write a new post or page, or add a link. Type your post or page and use the formatting buttons if you wish. You may add tags or check categories. On the top right of the page, click on the 'Publish' button to post the page or post to your blog.
5. You can change the look and feel of your blog within seconds. From 'My Dashboard,' click on the 'Design' tab, then the 'Themes' link underneath it. Click on a theme to change your blog design immediately.
6. To edit prior posts or pages, click on the 'Manage' tab, then click on one of the menu choices below it. For example, click on 'Posts' or 'Pages' to find an existing page, or to post or edit.
7. To manage comments, click on the 'Comments' tab from within the 'My Dashboard' option on the top left. You can delete or approve comments, or mark them as spam.
12:47 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Assign Posts to a User in WordPress
1. Click the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the main menu of your WordPress website. This displays a list of the website's most recent published posts.
2. Hover the mouse over the title of the post you want to assign. A menu appears below the title. Click the 'Quick Edit' link. This expands the menu below the post's title.
3. Click the 'Author' drop-down menu and select the username of the author you want to assign the post to.
4. Click the 'Update' button on the right side of the page.
8:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Blogroll Links NoFollow in WordPress
1. Click to expand the 'Plugins' section of the WordPress dashboard. Click 'Add New' in the expanded menu, or use the button at the top of the page.
2. Type 'Blogroll Nofollow' using the search area at the top of the page, then press Enter or click 'Search Plugins.' The Blogroll Nofollow plugin appears first on the result list. Click 'Install Now.'
3. Click 'OK' when asked to confirm that you want to install the plugin.
4. Click 'Activate Plugin' to enable the Blogroll Nofollow plugin.
3:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert Thumbnails in WordPress
1. Sign into WordPress.
2. Click on 'Posts' or 'Pages,' depending on whether you want to insert a thumbnail into a post or a page.
3. Click 'Add New' to create a new article, or click on the title of an existing article you want to modify.
4. Click the 'Add an Image' icon above the text entry box. This icon is a small rectangle that resembles a photograph.
5. Click 'Choose File.'
6. Double-click on the image file on your computer that you want to insert.
7. Click the circle next to 'Thumbnail' in the 'Size' section.
8. Click 'Insert into Post/Page.' A thumbnail version of that image, linking to the full-sized version, now appears in your post or page.
3:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Custom Post Backgrounds on WordPress
Styling Your Backgrounds
1. Log in to your WordPress admin control panel. Click 'Appearance' then click 'Editor.' This area allows you to edit the HTML files that make up the blog. Click 'style.css' at the bottom of the list on the right. Scroll through the code and locate #content. Copy all the code starting from and including this line, to the closing } bracket.
2. Start a new line and paste this code into it. Add in new CSS code to display the background you want. If you want a color, type the following code:background-color: #FFFFFF;Replace 'FFFFFF' with the hex code for the color you want. If you want a background image, add the following code:background-image:URL('http://locationofimage.com/image.gif');Replace the URL above with the location of your image.
3. Give the section a new name, for example #contentblue. Repeat this process for each different post background that you require, and click 'Update File' when done.
Creating Custom Post Templates
4. Click 'single.php' from the list on the right. Copy all the code that appears in the middle. Load up a text editor such as Notepad or Textedit, and paste all the code into it. Add the following code at the very top of the file:
Replace 'ContentBlue' with one of the names you created in the stylesheet, and save the file as 'contentblue.php' -- again, replacing the name to the one you used earlier.
5. Repeat this process, creating a new file for every custom post background that you need.
6. Log in to your FTP account and go to 'wp-content,' 'themes,' then load up the folder of the theme you are using. Upload all your custom post templates to this folder.
Adding the Custom Background to a Post
7. Return to the WordPress admin area. Click 'Plugins,' then 'Add New,' and search for 'Single Post Template' using the search field that appears.
8. Locate 'Single Post Plugin' in the search results and click 'Install Now.' After the plugin has installed, click 'Activate Plugin.'
9. Click 'Posts' on the main menu bar, then click on the post that you want to customize. Find the new menu 'Single Post Templates,' and select the custom template you want from the drop-down menu. Click 'Update Post.'
10. Repeat this process for all the posts you want to customize.
2:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export WordPress to PDF
Export WordPress Posts
1. Sign in to your WordPress site.
2. Go to the 'Tools' pane on the left sidebar. Click the 'Export' link.
3. Adjust the choices in the 'Filters' section, otherwise leave as their defaults and click the 'Download Export File' button. Depending on your Web browser, you may be prompted to choose the location to save the file. If not, it will automatically download to the default save location.
Create PDF from WordPress Export
4. Go to the BlogBooker website, and click the 'WordPress' logo.
5. Click the 'Choose File' or 'Browse' button. Locate the WordPress export file that was saved to your computer. Click the 'Open' button.
6. Type the full URL for your WordPress blog, including 'http://' at the beginning.
7. Select any of the options below to configure the date range, formatting and other BlogBooker features. If you want the PDF to read like a book, you will want to check the box for 'Reverse chronological order.'
8. Click the 'Create your BlogBook' button to generate the PDF file. The process may take several minutes, depending on the size of your export file.
9. Right-click the 'Your Blog in PDF Book' link and choose 'Save As' or 'Save Link As.' The PDF document will save to your computer.
2:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert From TypePad to WordPress
Exporting from TypePad
1. Log into your Typepad account with your username and password.
2. Click on the 'Blogs' tab in the main admin site that appears, then click 'Settings' and 'Import/Export.'
3. Click the Export button at the bottom of the Import/Export site to download a file containing your site contents.
Importing to WordPress
4. Log into your WordPress site with your username and password.
5. Click the 'Tools' button in the sidebar, then click 'Import.'
6. Click 'Choose file' in the window that appears. Find the TypePad export file you created in the previous section using the dialog that appears.
7. Click 'Import' to import the contents of the file into WordPress.
6:22 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Access My WordPress on FTP
1. Download and install an FTP client, such as 'FileZilla,' 'AceFTP' or 'SmartFTP' (see Resources).
2. Launch the FTP client you installed. Type your FTP address in the provided text field. Typically your ftp address is the same as your domain name or your domain name preceded by 'ftp' instead of 'www.' For example, the domain name 'www.sample.com' might use the FTP address 'ftp.sample.com.'
3. Type your FTP username and password into the provided text fields.
4. Click the 'Connect' or 'Quickconnect' button to log into your FTP hosting account.
5. Double-click your Web content folder (the folder that contains your home page), if needed, in the 'hosting server' or 'remote' pane. Your computer contents are listed in the 'local' pane.
6. Double-click the folder containing the WordPress installation files and folders, if needed. The primary WordPress directory contains the PHP files that display content on the website.
7. Double-click the 'wp-admin' folder in the hosting server pane to access the files that control the administrative area of the WordPress installation.
8. Double-click the 'wp-content' folder to access the plugin and themes directories, to which you can upload the WordPress plugins and new theme templates.
9. Double-click the 'wp-includes' folder to access the function and scripting files for the WordPress installation.
10. Drag and drop files to the hosting server pane from the local pane to upload files from your computer to the WordPress directories. Drag and drop file to the local pane from the hosting server pane to download files to your computer for editing.
11. Right-click on folders in the hosting server pane and click 'Properties' or 'File Permissions' to set the permissions for folders. This determines whether users can read, write to or execute (run) the files within the folder.
12. Close the FTP client to disconnect from your hosting account and WordPress installation folders when finished.
7:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Load an Excel Spreadsheet Into WordPress
1. Open a Web browser, and go to your WordPress login page. Type your user name and password. Click the 'Log In' button.
2. Click 'Add New' under 'Media' in the left-hand column of the WordPress Dashboard page.
3. Click the 'Select Files' button on the 'Upload New Media' page. Browse for the Excel spreadsheet. Click on it to select it, and click 'Open.' Wait for the file to upload, or crunch, to WordPress.
4. Type a title, caption and description. Click the 'Save All Changes' button. The spreadsheet is uploaded to WordPress.
5. Click 'New Post' to start a new blog post. Copy the 'File URL' of the spreadsheet into the blog post to provide a link to the spreadsheet.
5:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert Fixed Width to WordPress Fluid Width
1. Log in to your WordPress admin control panel. Click 'Appearance' from the menu bar on the left, then click 'Editor.'
2. Click 'index.php' from the list of files on the right. These files control the WordPress theme. Scroll down until you find the main
tag that controls the width of the site. This is usually the first
, and is typically called 'wrapper' or 'container.' Note the id of the
, for example: '
3. Click 'style.css' from the list of files. Copy and paste this code into a new file and save it to your computer. Now you have a backup that you can restore in case you make a mistake.
4. Scroll through the file until you locate the name of the main
. To create a fluid width layout, you must alter the 'width' attribute to '100%'. For example, if it is currently listed as 'width:927px;', change it to 'width:100%;'.
5. Click 'Save Changes,' then load your blog in a browser. If your site fills up the full width of your browser window, the conversion is successful. Try making the window smaller, and watch your site shrink to fit.
4:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change a WordPress eCommerce Page Name
1. Log in to your WordPress site's administrator account. Typically, you can find the login page of your site at:http://www.yourdomainname.com/wp-admin
2. Click 'Edit' under the 'Pages' widget in the administrator dashboard on the left column. This will take you to a list of all the pages on your WordPress site.
3. Scroll down the list of pages. By default, WP eCommerce creates its pages under a 'products/' sub-directory, although you may have specified a different sub-directory during the plug-in's setup. Look for the pages in the WP eCommerce sub-directory in the list of pages; the plug-in groups them all together in the list. Click the name of the e-commerce page that you'd like to edit.
4. Change the name of the selected page. Delete the contents of the field under the 'Edit Page' heading at the top of the page. This is the title or the current name of the page you're editing. Type the new name of the page, then press 'Enter.'
5. Press 'Enter,' then click the blue 'Publish' button on the right side. Your WP eCommerce page is now live with its new name.
2:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Up a Twitter Hashtag Feed on Your Wordpress Website
1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click 'Plugins' in the sidebar.
3. Click 'Add New.'
4. Type 'Tweet Blender' in the search box, and click 'Search Plugins.'
5. Find 'Tweet Blender' in the search results, and click 'Install Now.' Click 'OK' to confirm, and then click 'Activate Plugin.' Wait for a notification that your plugin has been activated.
6. Click 'Widgets' in the sidebar.
7. Find 'Tweet Blender' in the 'Available Widgets' section. Click, hold and drag the widget to the sidebar in which you want to place your Twitter hashtag stream.
8. Give the widget a name, such as 'Twitter,' and type the hashtag in the 'Sources' box below, remembering to include the pound sign, like this: #hashtag. To produce a stream with more than one hashtag, type each hashtag on a separate line.
9. Select how often to refresh the stream and how many tweets to display on your WordPress blog, and then click 'Save.' The Twitter hashtag stream will now appear on your site.
7:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Footer Credits on WordPress
1. Navigate in your Web browser to mywebsite.com/wp-admin, where 'mywebsite.com' is the address of your WordPress website. Enter your login credentials to continue to the Dashboard.
2. Open the 'Appearance' section of the menu, and then click 'Editor.'
3. Click the 'Footer' link on the right side of the 'Edit Themes' page. This displays the HTML code for your WordPress theme's footer file.
4. Locate the code '
' in the footer file.
5. Locate the first '
' tag under '
6. Delete all the code between and including '
' and '
7. Click the 'Update File' button.
7:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Post WordPress to a Facebook Page
1. Log into your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, type 'NetworkedBlogs' into the top search bar. Click on the 'NetworkedBlogs --- App' result.
2. Click the blue 'Go to App' button in the center at the top of the page. You are taken to the Request for Permission page. Click 'Allow.'
3. Select at least five blogs to follow through NetworkedBlogs. You only have to do this once for account setup purposes. When you have selected at least five, click 'Next.'
4. Click 'Home' just below the NetworkedBlogs logo to go back to the NetworkedBlogs Facebook homepage. Click the gray button that says ' Register a Blog.'
5. Fill out the short form. Required fields include 'Blog Name,' 'URL' and 'Language.' You have the option of also including a description and topics. When done, click 'Next.'
6. Confirm that you are the author by clicking 'Yes.' Choose 'Use Widget to Verify Ownership,' then select 'Install Widget.'
7. Click within the box of HTML code that appears. Everything should become highlighted and turn blue. Right-click and select 'Copy.'
8. Open a new browser window and type in the URL for your WordPress blog's administration login page (such as mysite.com/wp-admin). Log into your blog.
9. Click 'Appearance' in the left menu, then click 'Widgets.' In the center column, find the Text widget. Click and drag the widget over to one of the boxes on the right column.
10. Type any title for your new widget in the top box. In the lower box, right-click your mouse and select 'Paste.' Click 'Save' and 'Close.'
11. Go back to your Facebook browser window. Just below the box that you copied content from, click the blue 'Verify Widget' button. A green box appears that says 'Verification Successful.' Click 'Next.'
12. Click 'Set up Syndication.' You are taken to the NetworkedBlogs website where you see the Syndication Settings page. The first drop-down menu should show your blog's name. If not, select your blog from the menu. Just below that, click 'Add Facebook Target.'
13. Select the profiles and/or pages that you would like for your blog posts to appear on by clicking the 'Add' button next to each. When you are done making selections, click 'Close.' You have now set up your blog posts to automatically appear on Facebook.
3:26 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
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