- How to Hide Blog Titles on WordPress
- How to Upload a Squeeze Page Template Into a WordP...
- How to Hide Your WordPress Version
- How to Upload a WordPress Template to My Domain
- How to Publish WordPress to Twitter
- How to Add Tracking Code To Wordpress
- How to Install WordPress in cPanel With Network Se...
- How to Use WordPress Drupal
- How to Rebuild Thumbnails in WordPress
- How to Customize the WordPress Layout in Photoshop
- How to Integrate WordPress Blog Content Into a Web...
- How to Remove Fluid CSS in WordPress
- How to Transfer WordPress to a New Owner's Username
- How to Create Static URLs in Wordpress
- How to Use Photo Gallery with WordPress
- How to Embed MOV Files in WordPress
- How to Import WordPress Posts From CSV Files
- How to Use WordPress to Create a Website
- How to Add a Sidebar to a Wordpress Template
- How to Move Meta Boxes With WordPress
- How to Insert a PDF in Wordpress
- How to Create Home Pages in WordPress
- How to Embed Quicktime With Shortcode on Wordpress
- How to Edit WordPress Themes in Dreamweaver CS5
- How to Merge a TypePad Post to WordPress
- How to Put a Code Box in a WordPress Blog Post
- How to Install a WordPress Blog to an Amazon S3 Cloud
- How to Edit Style Sheet Links in WordPress Headers
- How to Change a Blog Default Home Page in WordPress
- How to Fix a WordPress Backend
- How to Add a ZIP File to WordPress
- How to Place an Ad on a WordPress Blog
- How to Remove WordPress Thesis Attributes
- How to Add Twitter Facebook to WordPress
- How to Add Blank Space to a WordPress Blog
- How to Use a WordPress Blog as a CMS
- How to Change the Last Line of Text on a WordPress...
- How to Find Your WordPress API Key
- How to Use More Tags in WordPress Blog Posts
- How to Change Meta Tags in WordPress
- How to Customize a WordPress as CMS
- How to Create a Wordpress Registration Page
- How to Create a Website With WordPress
- How to Add a New Directory to WordPress With FTP
- How to Set Up Multiple Authors on WordPress
- How to Auto Ping Google Via WordPress
- How to Use a WordPress Page As a Blog Post Page
- How to Auto
- How to Remove the Reply Box on Wordpress
- How to Make Posts Go From WordPress to a Facebook ...
- How to Disable WordPress Plugins Without the Admin
- How To Install Wordpress Using Fantastico
- How to Set the Gravatar Size in WordPress
- How to Pass Values Between Pages in WordPress
- How to Add Bidvertiser Ads to Your WordPress Blog
- How to Move a Blog From WordPress to Tumblr
- How to Block Countries in WordPress
- How to Make Paragraphs in WordPress
- How to Embed a Flickr Slideshow in WordPress
- How to Load a WordPress Backup
- How to Redirect in Wordpress
- How to Put a Theme to a WordPress Blog
- How to Insert a Read More in WordPress Posts
- How to Turn Excerpt Off in WordPress 2.9.2
- How to Embed Images in Comments in WordPress
- How to Restore a WordPress Blog From EZ Backup
- How to Remove Featured Image
- How to Create a Free WordPress Blog Badge
- How to Check the RSS Outputs for WordPress
- How to Make Your Own Free WordPress Template
- How to Export Content From WordPress to Tumblr
- How to Change the Theme of a Wordpress Blog
- How to Export WordPress to Facebook
- How to Change WordPress Permalinks for Split Posts
- How to Embed YouTube in Thesis WordPress
- How to Make a New WordPress Blog
- How to Set Thumbnails in WordPress
- How to Convert Wordpress to a Doc
- How to Teach Yourself WordPress Visually
How to Hide Blog Titles on WordPress
1. Go to the wp-admin directory of your website and log into the WordPress dashboard. Navigate to 'Editor' under 'Appearance' to load the Edit Themes screen.
2. Click the 'Header.php' link to load the file in the editor box. Locate 'bloginfo('name')' in the code after the
tag. Wrap ' bloginfo('name')' in span tags:
Update the file to save your work.
3. Find the link to style.css under the Templates heading on the Edit Themes screen and click to load the file in the editor box. Add the following code to the bottom of the file:#title {margin-left: -999em; display: block;}You must use 'display: block' for margins to work on a span tag. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.
3:23 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload a Squeeze Page Template Into a WordPress Blog
1. Open the squeeze page file in your computer's text editor application. Place your cursor above the opening '
' tag and enter the following:
Save your file with the '.php' extension (for example, 'squeeze.php'). This Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) code identifies your document as a template in WordPress.
2. Log in to your web host account or FTP program that manages the pages of your WordPress blog. In the 'File Manager,' find your site's directory, which looks like 'public_html/yourblogname.com,' and then double-click the 'wp-content' folder. Double-click the 'Themes' folder, double-click the name of your theme, and then click the 'Browse' or 'Upload' option to select the squeeze page file from your computer and put it on your server.
3. Log in to your WordPress blog, and click the 'Appearance' link under the 'Editor' heading. Locate the 'Templates' column on the right-hand side to verify that your squeeze page file is now listed. If not, refresh the page, or log out and log back in to update the database.
4. Click the 'Add New' link under the 'Pages' section. Find the 'Page Attributes' section on the right, click the 'Template' drop-down menu and select your squeeze page from the list. Your template is now applied to the content that you enter on this page.
3:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Hide Your WordPress Version
1. Open your Web browser and navigate to the WordPress Admin sign-in page for your website. Enter your username and password and click 'Log In.'
2. Click 'Appearance' located in the left menu and select 'Editor.'
3. Click 'Theme Functions (functions.php)' under the 'Templates' column on the right.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the file and insert the following code:remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
5. Click the 'Update File' button.
12:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Upload a WordPress Template to My Domain
1. Download the WordPress theme that you would like to use, and save it to the desktop. Most WordPress themes come compressed with the ZIP compression algorithm, for which Windows has integrated support.
2. Right-click the ZIP file and select 'Extract' to uncompress it. Inside the archive is a folder with the same name as the WordPress theme. The folder contains all the files required for the theme to function.
3. Connect to your Web server with an FTP program. FileZilla is a free, open-source FTP program that you can download if you do not have one installed. Your Web-hosting provider can give you specific instructions on how to connect to your server with FTP software. Generally, this information is included in the email that you receive when you become a customer.
4. Proceed to the root directory for your website after connecting with an FTP program. Usually, the root directory is called 'public_html.'
5. Open the 'wp-content' directory.
6. Open the 'Themes' directory.
7. Upload the folder that you extracted in Step 2 to the 'Themes' directory on your Web server. WordPress themes often contain hundreds of files, and this process may take several minutes to complete.
8. Close the FTP program and open a Web browser.
9. Proceed to the dashboard for your WordPress website at www.example.com/wp-admin, where 'example.com' is the domain of your website.
10. Open the 'Appearance' menu on the left column of the page, and then click 'Themes.'
11. Scroll down to the 'Available Themes' section of the page. You should now see a listing and thumbnail image for the new WordPress theme that you have uploaded.
12. Click the 'Activate' link under the theme.
8:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Publish WordPress to Twitter
1. Log in to your WordPress administration panel using your username and password. Click the 'Plugins' button, then click the 'Add New' button. Enter 'Twitter' into the search box, then press the 'Enter' key.
2. Browse the list of plugins to find one that fits your website's content. Some provide a button for users to retweet, while others simply act as a relay for publishing. As of the time of publication, there are over 1,000 Twitter-related plugins for WordPress. Some of the most popular include Twitter Tools, WP to Twitter and WordTwit (see Resources).
3. Click the 'Install Now' button once you have chosen which plugin to use. Wait while your WordPress account downloads and installs the plugin automatically. Once the plugin has been activated, click the 'Plugins' button.
4. Click the 'Settings' button next to the plugin's entry in the list. Some plugins may require that you click an 'Account Information' link to continue. Enter your Twitter username and password to connect. Some plugins may require additional steps, such as getting your Twitter API key and other information. Follow these directions carefully.
5. Click the 'Save Settings' button at the bottom of the plugin's Settings page once your account has been successfully linked with Twitter. Depending on the plugin's functionality, you will now be able to publish your blog posts directly to Twitter or even send tweets from the WordPress Administration panel.
5:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Tracking Code To Wordpress
1. Obtain the tracking code that you'll need to install in your WordPress site from the monitoring site you intend to use. For example, to obtain tracking code for Google Analytics, open a browser and navigate to Google.com/analytics. Create a Google account, if you don't already have one. Then, follow the on-screen prompts to generate custom tracking code for your WordPress site. Copy and paste this code into a text document for later use.
2. Browse to your WordPress site and log in to the dashboard. If you are the site administrator, just add 'wp-login.php' (without the quotes) after the URL for your domain to navigate directly to the dashboard.
3. Open the WordPress file editor. Click 'Appearance' on the toolbar and then click 'Editor.' As new versions of WordPress are released, the procedure for launching the file editor may vary slightly but should closely parallel the procedure described here. Refer to WordPress Help if you need assistance completing this step.
4. Open the footer file on your WordPress site for editing. Click on 'Footer (footer.php)' to edit this file.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the 'footer.php' file and look for the following HTML code:
6. Paste the tracking code that you generated in Step 1 into the document above the closing
tag. Click 'Update File' below the text box to save your changes. The tracking code is now installed on your WordPress site. Navigate to the website that issued your tracking code (for example, Google Analytics) and follow the procedures on that site for logging in and accessing tracking reports on your WordPress site.
5:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install WordPress in cPanel With Network Settings
1. Log in to your Web server's cPanel.
2. Locate and click the icon labeled 'Fantastico.' Select 'WordPress' from the list of available software installation options. Click 'New Installation.'
3. Select the installation domain from the drop-down list at the top of this screen. Create an installation directory if you don't wish to install WordPress on your domain's root directory. Create an admin username and password.
4. Fill out the fields for admin nickname, email, site name and description. Enter your email information and mail server. Click 'Install WordPress.' Click 'Finish Installation.'
5. Open your file manager in cPanel and navigate to the newly installed WordPress directory. Select 'wp-config.php' and choose 'Edit.' Type 'define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);' before the configuration line '/* That's all -- stop editing! Happy blogging. */.' Save your changes. Once you've saved your WordPress configuration file with these settings, the network feature becomes available through your WordPress administration panel.
8:42 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress Drupal
1. Select a host server. Both WordPress and Drupal must run from a Web server, and several commercial servers, such as Bluehost and Hostgator, specialize in WordPress and Drupal sites. Your host server must support SQL and PHP.
2. Install Drupal or WordPress. Log in to your account with your host server and click the icon in the Administrative Dashboard for the content management system you want to install. The host will gather some information from you, such as the name for the site, an administrator username and password. The host will automatically install and configure the proper code for you.
3. Select and install a design theme. Themes are user-contributed templates that provide a basic look for your site, and include a user interface so you can modify the design, add modules and post content. WordPress lets you browse through available themes from within your WordPress account. Drupal requires you to go to the Drupal site, select a theme, then copy the URL for the theme's code to install it from within your Drupal account.
4. Install modules or plug-ins. Once your theme is installed, your site has some basic functionality, but you may want to allow users to comment on posts or display galleries of photos. Add these capabilities with plug-ins or modules. The process for finding and installing either differs between programs, but is similar to the process for installing a theme.
5. Add content. The Administrative Dashboard of your WordPress or Drupal site will have prominent buttons to add an article or a static Web page to your site. The process for adding other types of content, such as menus, sidebars, and RSS feeds, will vary depending on which program you have installed and which plug-ins or modules you've added. Generally, you can add these items through the WordPress or Drupal interface.
7:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Rebuild Thumbnails in WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress website.
2. Click 'Media' from the menu on the left, then click 'Library' from the sub-menu.
3. Click the 'Edit' link under the name of the image you wish to edit.
4. Click the 'Edit Image' button. This will open the built-in WordPress image editing tools, such as resize, rotate and flip. You will also see the image's current thumbnail image on the right.
5. Make your changes to the image using the tools.
6. Place a mark next to 'Thumbnail,' then click 'Update Media' to rebuild the thumbnail on your WordPress website.
7. Repeat this process for each thumbnail image you would like to change.
3:13 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Customize the WordPress Layout in Photoshop
1. Launch an FTP client such as FilleZilla, FireFTP or WSFTP on your computer and log into your website host FTP account. You will see the folders on your server host in one pane and the folders on your computer in the other pane.
2. Navigate to the folder within your WordPress installation that contains the image files for your template. This location will vary depending on the template but will often be located in a folder such as “/public_html/wp-content/themes/(ThemeName)/images” where “Theme Name” is the name of the theme you want to customize. Sometimes themes do not have an “Images” folder but place images directly into the theme name folder.
3. Navigate to the folder where you would like to save your images in the pane that displays your computer files.
4. Click on the images you want to customize and click the “Transfer” button to move the files to the folder on your computer. The “Transfer” button will look different depending on the FTP client you are using but often appears as an arrow or simply the word “Transfer.”
5. Launch the Photoshop program, click “File,” then click “Open.” Double-click the WordPress image file to load it in Photoshop.
6. Use the Photoshop tools to color and customize the images. You can change the color or draw designs using the paint tools and add your own text using the text tool.
7. Save the changes to your image file when you are finished customizing it.
8. Return to the FTP client and transfer the edited images from the folder on your computer to the image folder on the website server. This will overwrite the current image with your new customized image. When you view your WordPress site you will now see the changes you made in Photoshop appear on your WordPress layout.
5:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Integrate WordPress Blog Content Into a Web Page
1. Copy the direct link to your WordPress blog's RSS feed. Nearly all WordPress templates have a clear link to the RSS feed URL, indicated by a visual icon of the distinctive RSS satellite logo. If your template does not include a feed link, your feed URL is simply your domain name followed by '/feed/.' For example, Demand Studios' feed link might be 'demandstudios.wordpress.com/feed/' without the quotes.
2. Paste the RSS feed URL in a RSS embed generator, such as RSS Include, RSS 2 HTML or Web RSS. Each of these sites will automatically generate a code for a widget you can use in any field or page that supports HTML. Copy the entire code that appears after you submit your RSS feed's URL.
3. Access the HTML code editor for your web page. Determine an appropriate location for the RSS feed widget and paste the code into that section of the page's HTML. Save your changes and reload the page to check up on your new widget. Depending on your recent posts to the WordPress blog, you will see a brief list of previews for your posts.
2:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Fluid CSS in WordPress
1. Load your blog in a browser and right-click to view the source code. Find the tags that enclose each column of the blog, such as '
' or '
'. In Web design, a header is typically a full-width column above one, two or three columns in the middle of the page, followed by a footer. You need the ID or class name of each.
2. Log in to WordPress and navigate to 'Appearance' from the left sidebar. Click the 'Editor' link to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. The file you need -- style.css -- will load automatically.
3. Go through the CSS code of your theme and find the style rules that target each of your columns:#header {width: 100%;}#content {width: 65%;}#sidebar {width: 35%;}
4. Figure out from the percentage values how wide you need to make each column in pixels. Replace each percentage value with a pixel value, for example:#header {width: 960px;}#content {width: 624px;}#sidebar {width: 336px;}Update the file when you finish making your changes.
8:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Transfer WordPress to a New Owner's Username
1. Go to the 'Users' section of your WordPress Dashboard. The 'Users' link is on the left side of the page between 'Plugins' and 'Tools.'
2. Click 'Add New' at the top of the page. Add the username and password of the new administrator, or let the new administrator do so. An email address will be required.
3. Choose 'Administrator' from the 'Role' drop-down menu at the bottom of the page. Click 'Add User.'
4. Log out of the WordPress Dashboard, and have the new administrator log in.
5. Go back to the 'Users' section of the Dashboard.
6. Check the box next to the previous administrator. Select 'Delete' from the 'Bulk Actions' drop-down menu, and click 'Apply.'
12:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Static URLs in Wordpress
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard at the following address:http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/Substitute the name of your own domain in place of 'yourdomain.com.'
2. Navigate to 'Settings' in the left-hand menu and then click on the 'Permalinks' link when it appears in the menu. Doing this will bring you to the 'Permalinks' sub-panel, where you can change your website's permalink structure.
3. Click the radio button next to the permalink structure you want to use. Options include the default, day and name, month and name, numeric and then a custom structure. From an SEO point of view, go with the shortest permalink structure to avoid having very long URLs, especially if you plan on having many sub-pages and sub-categories.
4. Click the 'number of tags are available' link to check out structure tags you can use in the 'Custom Structure' field. Use these tags if you want a structure different from one of the presets. You must always include at least 'post_id' or 'postname' structure tags in custom structures. Format custom structures like this:/%post_id%/y%/
1:57 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use Photo Gallery with WordPress
1. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection before attempting to add any photos, no matter the quality or the size. An unstable Internet connection can lead to time outs or erratic photo uploads, so the speed of the Internet is important in this instance.
2. Log in to your WordPress admin account to access the dashboard of your website. If you do not have an account for WordPress, sign-up is free and only takes a few moments of your time.
3. Navigate to the Media section of tabs on the left-hand side of the dashboard screen, and select the 'Add New' category from the options. Your screen will refresh to a page with an upload box and browse button.
4. Click on the browse button to search your computer's internal (or external) memory for the right picture file. Current updates allow for file sizes of 2MB or smaller to be uploaded. You may also choose to use the flash uploader to upload several files at once. Select the appropriate file, or files, and hit upload when you are ready to proceed. WordPress uploads the file and takes you to the photo management page for this particular picture. Make a note of the file's Web address, either by writing this down or by copying the link.
5. Add a description to the file, if needed. Make note of the file name and change this if another name is desired for management. Save any changes you have made to return to the main page of the media library. If there is a particular post that already exists that you will be using to headline with this picture, attach the picture with the 'Attach File' feature on the file description.
6. Navigate to the intended post that you will use with the recently-uploaded picture. Scroll past the Visual/HTML editor box and locate the 'Custom Fields' area of the post editor. Under 'Add New Custom Field' an option box is presented on the left-hand side of this feature. If you would like to include a preview of your picture on the home page of your website, select the 'Thumb' option from the Custom Field box. Paste the URL in the 'Value' box. You only need to paste part of the URL, starting with 'wp-content.' Update your post and make note of the changes and positioning of the newly-uploaded photo.
4:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed MOV Files in WordPress
1. Upload the file to your own server before embedding the video. Due to limits WordPress puts on the size of uploaded files, use an FTP client to upload the video. The exact location of the file is not important as long as visitors can access it somewhere on your server. If the video is already hosted on another server and you plan on linking to the file instead of hosting it yourself, skip this step.
2. Log in to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to the post or page where you will embed the .OV file. On the right side of the editor box, you'll see two tabs labeled 'Visual' and 'HTML.' Click 'HTML' to edit in HTML mode.
3. Add the
tags where the video will go. The opening
tag needs some specific attributes, so type it out as follows, minus the concluding period:
. This code tells the browser to use the QuickTime player, and the code for that rests on the Apple Web servers. After the
tag, add the closing
4. Add a
tag between the
tags. You can use multiple
tags to specify the look and behavior of the embedded movie, but the most important one looks like this:
. Since this
tag specifies the location of your MOV file, change the 'value' attribute to the path to your MOV file.
5. Type out your
code tag below the
tag and above the closing
tag. The
needs your MOV file's location again, along with the width, height, type and a path to the QuickTime player. Apple's website suggests typing the following, again without the terminal period:
6. Click the blue 'update' or 'publish' button to save your changes in WordPress. In your browser, visit the post or page where you added the MOV file. The QuickTime logo should appear while the file loads. After the video finishes loading, to play it, click the 'Play' icon, designated by a triangle on most video players.
2:53 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Import WordPress Posts From CSV Files
1. Sign into your site and click on 'Plugins,' and then click 'Add New.'
2. Type 'CVS Importer' into the search box. Click 'Search,' and then click 'Install Now' beneath the plugin. You can also download the plugin from the Wordpress repository (see Resources) and click 'Upload' in the 'Plugins' page to install it.
3. Click on 'Activate Plugin' to enable the CVS Importer plugin.
4. Click on the 'Tools' menu, and then click on 'CVS Importer.'
5. Check the box next to 'Import Posts' as drafts if you want the imported posts to be saved as drafts, rather than published articles. Click on the 'Category' selector to choose category. If you don't, the posts will be uncategorized.
6. Click on 'Choose File' and select the CSV file you want to import. Click on 'Import.'
2:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use WordPress to Create a Website
1. Create a free WordPress account. Go to the WordPress home page, www.wordpress.com, and click on the 'Sign up now' button.
2. Fill out the one-step form. Create a user name that contains at least four characters. Your user name should use only numbers and lowercase letters, and be something you can easily remember. Fill in a password you made up in the space below your user name with any combination upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. You will need to confirm your password by retyping it in the following space. Fill in the box requesting your email address with a current, valid email address. Then, read the terms of service and check the box next to the phrase stating you read and agree to follow the terms. Select the circle next to the words, 'Gimme a blog! (Like username.wordpress.com).' Click 'Next' to continue.
3. Choose a blog domain. In the second screen of WordPress signup process, indicate the blog URL you would like. The blog URL will appear in this format: www.(yourblogdomain).wordpress.com. After creating a blog domain, check its availability to make sure it does not already exist. Keep in mind that after creating a blog domain, you cannot change it. However, you can always use your WordPress account to create a new blog domain. Click on the 'Signup' button.
4. Add additional profile settings on the next screen that appears. You can always change or update these settings in the future.
5. Check the email account linked to the email address you entered in Step 2. WordPress will send you an activation link via email that you must click to activate your account.
6. Log in to WordPress after clicking on the activation link in your email. Use the username and password you created in Step 2.
7. Click on 'My Dashboard' at the top of the new page that appears. The dashboard of the blog provides links that allow you to create and access your blog, add sidebar content and pages within your website.
8. Make a custom blog title and tagline. Click on 'Settings' on the left side of the screen. Doing this will take you to the 'General Settings' page where you can type in a blog title, tagline to explain what your blog is about and set the time and date formats. Click on 'Save.'
9. Create a static front page if you do not want the homepage of your WordPress site to contain blog posts. To do this, add a new page to your site by clicking on 'Pages' in your dashboard, and then on 'Add New.' A new screen will appear; title the page 'Home.' Use the text box in the lower part of the screen to type your content and insert pictures or media files. Click on the 'Publish' button.
10. Create a new page. Click on 'Pages' in your dashboard, and then on 'Add New.' A new screen will appear; title the new page 'Blog' or 'Posts.' Click on the 'Publish' button.
11. Go to the General Settings via the dashboard. Click on 'Reading;' you will see a new menu that has the words, 'Front page display.' Select the circle that has the words, 'A static page,' next to it. Use the drop-down boxes below to make sure your front page is 'Home' and your posts is 'Posts' or 'Blog.' Now your blog posts will not appear as the main page of the website.
12. Use the dashboard to continue to add pages and content to your site.
12:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a Sidebar to a Wordpress Template
1. Create the 'sidebar.php' file if one does not already exist for your theme. Add to this file any code needed for the sidebar, such as a
containers. Save the file. Then, open your 'index.php' file and check it for the following code:
If this code does not exit, add it to the code in the file where you want the sidebar to appear. Style with CSS rules as desired. Test that the new sidebar shows correctly by visiting your WordPress blog.
2. Widgetize your sidebar by adding the following conditional statement:
This code goes in the 'sidebar.php' file wherever you want the widgets to appear. Below this conditional statement, add template tags such as
that will appear when the user has not yet set his own widgets. After adding that code, type
to end the conditional statement.
3. Open or create the 'functions.php' file in your code editor of choice. Add the following code to the end or beginning of this file:
This code makes your theme widget-ready.
4. Reload your WordPress website and check that the default template tags you added to the sidebar work. Go to the dashboard for your site and click on 'Appearance' and then 'Widgets' in the left-hand menu. Check that the theme now has at least one sidebar. Drag and drop widgets into the sidebar from within the dashboard and then visit your WordPress site again. Check that only the widgets you added in the dashboard are now showing on the website.
5:56 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Move Meta Boxes With WordPress
Move Meta Boxes in the Dashboard
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. If you installed WordPress in a directory called 'blog,' then you would find the 'wp-admin' directory at 'http://yoursite.com/blog/wp-admin/.'
2. Navigate to 'Posts' from the left-hand menu in the WordPress dashboard. Click on the title of a post you wish to edit or click the 'Add New' button at the top of the screen to create a new post.
3. Click on the gray heading bar at the top of any module on the 'Edit Post' screen. In WordPress, a module is any box like 'Publish,' 'Featured Image' or 'Post Tags.' Modules and meta boxes are the same thing, since meta boxes save extra information about the post.
4. Drag the module while your mouse pointer is still holding the gray title bar. Move it to wherever you like on the screen. The only box you cannot move is the main editor box, and you cannot place anything above the editor, either. The menu is also not moveable as it is not a module.
Move Meta Boxes Programmatically
5. Log in to the WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'wp-admin' directory of your website.
6. Navigate to the 'Edit Themes' screen by clicking 'Appearance' in the left-hand menu and then clicking the 'Editor' link that appears below 'Appearance.' Locate your 'functions.php' file under the 'Templates' heading on the right side of the 'Edit Themes' screen and click its link.
7. Locate the following line of code, which you may find in multiple places in your file:add_meta_box('mymeta', 'My Meta Box', 'my_meta_box', 'post', 'normal', 'default');The last two parameters -- parameters match with predefined variables and pass their values in to functions in computer programming -- in the above example specify the position of the meta box. Change 'normal' -- the 'context' or placement for this particular meta box -- to 'side' or 'advanced' to move the box to the side of the text editor or allow users to drag and drop the meta box to any position.
8. Change 'default' -- the 'priority' parameter for 'add_meta_box()' -- to 'high,' 'core' or 'low.' Both 'high' and 'core' place the meta box at the top of all others in their portion of the screen, such as right below the editor box for a 'normal' context or above the 'Publish' box for the 'side' context.
3:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a PDF in Wordpress
1. Open a web browser. Go to your WordPress login page or to wordpress.com to log in to your WordPress blog.
2. Type your username and password. Click 'Log in.'
3. Click 'Add New' under 'Media' in the left-hand Dashboard column. On the 'Upload New Media' page, click the 'Select Files' button.
4. Browse to the PDF file located on your computer. Click to select it and click 'Open.' Wait for the file to crunch.
5. Type a title, caption and description. The file URL is the name of the file location, like an image or video.
6. Click the 'Save all Changes' button. The PDF is now in your Media Library to insert into a post or page.
5:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create Home Pages in WordPress
1. Sign in to your WordPress installation.
2. Click on 'Add New' under the 'Pages' section in the left sidebar. This leads you to an editor to create a new WordPress page.
3. Type 'Blog' into the 'Enter title here' field and then click the 'Publish' button.
4. Click 'Add New' under the 'Pages' section once more to add another page to your WordPress site.
5. Enter 'Home' as the page title and, in the editing box below, customize your page. This will serve as the home page for your website. When finished, click the 'Publish' button.
6. Open the Reading Settings page by clicking 'Reading' in the 'Settings' section of the left sidebar.
7. Select 'A static page' for the 'Front page displays' option. Click the drop-down menu for 'Front page' and select 'Home,' then open the menu for 'Posts page' and choose 'Blog.'
8. Click the 'Save Changes' button. Your WordPress site now has a custom home page.
4:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Quicktime With Shortcode on Wordpress
1. Prepare your Quicktime embed link, if you have not already done so. Use the following embeddable code sample to prepare your Quicktime file:
2. Replace 'sample.mov' with the URL of the Quicktime video, but leave the quotation. Change the height and width to a custom size, if desired.
3. Sign in to your Wordpress site and click on 'Editor' beneath the 'Appearance' section. Click on the 'Functions.php' file to open it. Scroll to the bottom of the file.
4. Paste the following code to register a new shortcode:function QuicktimeVideo() {return '
';}add_shortcode('quicktime', 'QuicktimeVideo');
5. Type your Quicktime video shortcode to automatically embed the video in a post. In the example, the shortcode is 'quicktime,' so you would type '[quicktime]' -- without the quotes -- to make it appear.
7:48 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit WordPress Themes in Dreamweaver CS5
Code Editing Only
1. Download the WordPress theme you wish to customize and store it somewhere that is easy to locate. The theme folder will have multiple PHP files inside which make up the main layout, requiring a header.php, index.php, footer.php, page.php and single.php at a minimum. In addition to these files, a theme will also contain at least one stylesheet, or style.css file, which controls how the layout elements look. Scripts, images and included file folders may also be present in your theme.
2. Launch Dreamweaver and click 'Open.' Navigate to the location of your WordPress theme and open it. Select the header.php and click 'Open.' The header.php file contains the top third of your page layout. The header will always contain the
portion of the HTML and the opening
tag. This file is where you can add scripts, links to css files, jQuery initiations, or meta tags.
3. Repeat Step 2 to open the index.php and footer.php files. The index.php contains the default content area of your theme layout, including the 'loop' which lists your blog posts. Unless a special page template is called, WordPress will always default to the index.php. The footer.php contains the footer area, which may contain a horizontal widget bar, or nothing more than a copyright notice and page menu. The footer must always contain the closing
4. Open the theme's style.css. This filename must never be changed, as WordPress is configured to look for a 'style.css' to identify the theme in the Appearance menu of the Administration panel. This file contains the theme's name and author, as well as all of the styles. Some themes might link to other stylesheets instead of placing all the CSS in one document. If that is the case for your theme, you will need to open and edit those additional stylesheets.
5. Open the functions.php file. Add any additional functions such as sidebars, plugins, or shortcodes to the end of the file. Keep an eye on the line counter to the left. If a line turns red, it means you have incorrectly formed a function call or missed a comma or semicolon.
Code and Design
6. Click on 'File' and 'New' and create a new HTML document. Click on the 'Code' button to enter the code editing view. Paste the following code into the file:
This will help you divide up your layout so you can easily reconstruct your PHP files later.
7. Paste the contents from the header.php file between the 'Start Header' and 'End Header' comments. Repeat this process to paste the contents of index.php into the content area, sidebar.php -- if there is one -- into the sidebar area and footer.php into the footer area.
8. Remove the template tags from the header area in order to get the JavaScript and stylesheets to detect properly, allowing you to view the design of the layout. Template tags will look like '
' and removing them may also require you remove the slash just after the tag. Fix any paths necessary and click the 'Split' button to view the final layout. Edit the template as you would any normal HTML webpage layout.
9. Replace the full file paths to any scripts or stylesheets with the WordPress template tag once you are done editing the layout. Also replace functions such as your navigation menu or sidebar widgets with the appropriate template tags. See the WordPress Codex for a full list of available template tags or refer to the original PHP files to copy them over.
10. Copy each section of edited code back into their separate PHP files. Ensure your index.php includes the 'get_header' and 'get_footer' template tags. Upload the theme to your WordPress installation and test it out by activating it through the Appearance menu. You can make any further minor tweaks by directly editing the theme under 'Appearance' and 'Editor.'
6:11 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Merge a TypePad Post to WordPress
Export TypePad Posts
1. Sign in to your TypePad account.
2. Go to 'Blogs,' select 'Settings' and click the 'Import/Export' option.
3. Scroll down on the page and go to the 'Export' section.
4. Click the 'Export' button. This will automatically generate an export file. When the process is finished, a download link will appear.
5. Right-click the download link and choose 'Save Target As' or 'Save Link As.' Remember the location of where you save the TypePad export file.
Import Posts to WordPress
6. Log in to your WordPress account.
7. Go to the 'Tools' panel on the left sidebar. Click the 'Import' link.
8. Select the 'Movable Type and TypePad' option.
9. Click the 'Choose File' button on the next page. Locate the TypePad export you saved earlier and press the 'Open' button.
10. Click 'Upload file and import' to begin the import process. WordPress will notify you when the import is complete and if the importer encountered any errors.
4:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put a Code Box in a WordPress Blog Post
1. Create a new WordPress post. Toggle the post to 'Visual' from 'HTML,' which is found at the top-right side of the publishing client. 'Visual' mode prevents code you enter from being taken literally by WordPress.
2. Type the code you want to appear in the code box. Toggle back to 'HTML' mode after you enter the code. The
or ' added to the code is translated; this is normal. The translated codes are known as 'HTML entities' and should not be edited or deleted.
3. Add a
tag before the code begins and
at the end of the code. The
tag determines what is placed inside the code box. Save your post. Code or text entered between the
tags displays in a code box.
2:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Install a WordPress Blog to an Amazon S3 Cloud
1. Sign in to your Amazon Web Services account. If you do not have one yet, you can signup for free.
2. Click on 'Products' in the main navigation menu and then click the 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)' link. Choose a pricing plan, if desired, or proceed with the free tier. The free option is typically enough to handle a standard blog.
3. Enter your phone number on the verification page. Amazon will call the number and play through a recorded prompt which will ask you to enter a 4-digit PIN number displayed on the resulting page. Amazon uses this as a form of human verification to help combat fraud. When your PIN is accepted, the page will refresh to confirm your subscription. Click 'Continue,' then click 'Complete Sign-Up.'
4. Access your control panel by clicking on the 'Sign in to the AWS Management Console' link at the top of the Amazon Web Services page. Click the link to enter your EC2 Console Dashboard and select 'US West' from the region menu. Click on 'Launch Instance' to start up your server.
5. Click on the 'Microsoft AMIs' tab, enter 'Microsoft Web Platform' in the search field and hit 'Enter.' The resulting page will list the available images you can install. Select the WordPress image and follow the prompts to begin the installation. You will be asked to enter or select configuration details. It is recommended that you start with only one instance, and choose the 'small' instance type. When asked to configure your instance, leave the defaults set and continue to the next step.
6. Enter a name on the 'Create a Key Pair' page and click 'Create Download Your Key Pair.' This file acts like a certificate in order to authenticate you to the S3 cloud. Store it in an easy-to-find and safe location on your computer.
7. Continue to the next step and click 'Create a new Security Group.' Select HTTP, HTTPS, MySQL, and RDP, and click 'Add Rule' for each. These settings allow you to administrate your server and Web space remotely, and for visitors to access your website. Continue to the next page and click 'Launch.' Click 'Close' on the confirmation page.
7:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Edit Style Sheet Links in WordPress Headers
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard from the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Go to 'Appearance' and click 'Editor' to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Locate the 'header.php' file listed under 'Templates' and click its link.
2. Locate the '
' tags in 'header.php':
' type='text/css' />These tags do not look the same in every WordPress theme, and some use different values inside of the 'bloginfo()' function. When 'bloginfo()' uses the value above, it outputs the following URL:http://yourwebsite.com/wp-content/themes/themename/style.css
3. Change 'stylesheet_url' to 'template_directory' inside the 'bloginfo()' function to output the path to your theme's files:
' type='text/css' />The above code outputs this URL:http://yourwebsite.com/wp-content/themes/themename/
4. Add the rest of the file path to your '
' tag after the PHP code:
/styles/mystyle.css' type='text/css' />
3:29 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change a Blog Default Home Page in WordPress
1. Go to the domain where you installed WordPress and visit the 'wp-admin' directory. Log in to the dashboard, which is the back-end management area for WordPress.
2. Go to 'Pages' in the dashboard sidebar and click the 'Add New' button to create a new page. Give it a name like 'Blog' because this will become your new blog page. Do not type any text in the editor as it will not appear on the page when used to list your blog posts. Click the blue 'Publish' button to create your page.
3. Navigate to 'Settings' from the sidebar in the dashboard. Click the 'Reading' link in the 'Settings' sub-menu to load the 'Reading Settings' screen.
4. Select 'A static page' for 'Front page displays' at the top of the 'Reading Settings' screen. Use the first drop-down box to select a new front page. You can use any existing page for the front page of your WordPress website.
5. Select the blank page you created for your blog using the second drop-down box. Click the blue 'Save Changes' to update the WordPress settings.
3:14 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Fix a WordPress Backend
Repair Compatibility Issues
1. Sign in to your WordPress site, and click 'Plugins.'
2. Click the 'Active' tab to display the list of active plugins. Click the bulk select box to highlight all the plugins on the page.
3. Click the bulk arrow tool. Choose 'Deactivate.' This deactivates all the plugins.
4. Check your WordPress admin panel and see if the problem is fixed. If it is, there was a compatibility problem with one or more of your WordPress plugins.
5. Click the 'Inactive' tab to display the plugins you deactivated. Click 'Enable' beneath each plugin, one by one. After enabling each plugin, check your WordPress plugin. This step-by-step approach allows you to find the plugin that caused the problem. If the admin panel problems returns after enabling a specific plugin, you've found the culprit. Deactivate the plugin again, and click 'Delete' to remove it.
Reinstallation of the WordPress Admin Panel
6. Visit WordPress.org, and download the latest WordPress software package. Open the ZIP file and extract the contents to your desktop, or to a personal folder.
7. Open the main WordPress folder. Inside, you'll see a folder marked 'WP-Admin.' This is the folder you'll replace on your server to reset the WordPress admin panel.
8. Access your server using the host's file program, or an FTP program. If you don't know how, contact your host for specific instructions. You'll need the IP address and FTP username and password.
9. Copy the 'WP-Admin' folder onto your server. You should be asked if you want to overwrite the current 'WP-Admin' folder. Select 'Yes.' Check your WordPress admin panel. The problem should be fixed.
6:25 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a ZIP File to WordPress
1. Create a ZIP file and place it on your computer's Desktop.
2. Start your FTP client. Connect to your account. Each FTP client will differ according to how you connect to your account. The procedure differs from client to client; look for a 'Connect' or 'Site Manager' button. For example, in FileZilla, click 'Site Manager' and then 'Connect.'
3. Move the zipped file from your Desktop to the root directory of your website using your FTP client. This procedure may be as simple as a drag and drop from one window in your FTP client to another.
4. Place a link to the zipped file on your website so that people can download it. The name of the file will be: 'http://yourURL/Downloads/yourfilename.ZIP.
5:30 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Place an Ad on a WordPress Blog
1. Download the 'Advertising Manager' plug-in at WordPress.org (see Resources). According to WordPress.org, this free plug-in automatically handles ad placement and coding for popular ad-share programs like Google's Adsense. Adsense, Chitika, Adpinion and other supported ad programs simply require free sign-up and the plug-in will do the rest. The ads will be placed on your page and you will earn a percentage of revenue generated from ad-clicks. Such automated advertising programs work well for many bloggers, but you can also manually place your own custom ads onto your blog if you happen to have a separate advertising agreement with an individual client.
2. Upload the advertisement image that you want to use for any additional custom advertising. When you upload the image, make a note of the image's URL address as listed in the WordPress blog management dashboard.
3. Add an HTML box on your blog and then click on the dialogue box to begin entering HTML code. Adding a new box is very simply; you just click on the 'Add HTML' button on your WordPress dashboard. This will add HTML code to your blog's sidebar, a perfect place to add advertisements without cluttering up your blog's posting area.
4. Type the following code in as the first line of HTML, as indicated by HTMLCodeTutorial.com as the code necessary to anchor a link:
5. Replace the text reading 'link.html' with the web address for the site that the advertisement is supposed to redirect user to. Make sure, however, that you leave the quotes around the new address inserted in place of 'link.html.'
6. Type the following code in as the next line of HTML:
7. Replace the text reading 'picture.jpg' with the URL address for the advertising image you recently uploaded. Again, make sure you leave quotes around the new text. This line of code is responsible for placing the picture on your blog, but it is also tethered to the link code from the line above it, making the image 'clickable.'
8. Type in the following code on the third line to end the code and finalize the advertisement link:
9. Save all changes in the WordPress dashboard and preview your blog. In addition to automated ad placement, you should also see your custom advertisement image. When clicked, the custom ad should take you to the desired page exactly as you inserted it during Step 5.
4:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove WordPress Thesis Attributes
Remove Thesis Theme Attributes
1. Open a Web browser. Go to your WordPress admin website. Type your user name and password. Click the blue 'Log In' button to go to the WordPress dashboard.
2. Hover your mouse pointer over 'Thesis' on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Select 'Custom File Editor' to open the 'Thesis Custom File Editor' page.
3. Select custom_functions.php from the drop-down menu. Click the green 'Edit selected file' button.
4. Scroll down to the end of the custom_functions.php file. Copy the following code and paste it into the file:/* Remove footer link*/remove_action('thesis_hook_footer', 'thesis_attribution');
5. Click the green 'Save Thesis Options' button. Click the WordPress site name to see the website with the footer link removed.
Remove WordPress Attributes
6. Open a Web browser. Go to your WordPress admin website. Type your user name and password. Click the blue 'Log In' button to go to the WordPress dashboard.
7. Hover your mouse pointer over 'Appearance' on the left-hand dashboard menu. Click 'Editor' to go to the 'Edit Themes' page.
8. Click the 'Footer' footer.php link to access the file. Scroll down until you see the link to 'WordPress.' It looks similar to this:
' class='rss'>WordPress Admin
9. Highlight the coding and press the 'Delete' key to remove it. Alternatively, copy and paste it into Notepad or another text editor.
10. Click the blue 'Update File' button. Click the website name to see the footer without the WordPress attribute.
5:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Twitter Facebook to WordPress
Facebook Widget
1. Create a Facebook fan page for your blog, if you don't already have one. You will have to manually share content with your fans on the page, but it can be worth it to reach users who don't regularly visit your blog (because your fans will see your posts in their general news feed on Facebook).
2. Visit the Facebook Like Box Widget plugin page (wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-like-box-widget/screenshots/). Click the orange Download box. Unzip the plugin archive.
3. Add the plugin directory to your general WordPress plugins directory (located by default in the 'wp-content' directory on your website). You can use an FTP client or your web host's file manager to upload this directory.
4. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and access the Plugins menu in the left toolbar. Locate the Facebook Like Box Widget plugin and click 'Activate.'
5. Click the Widgets submenu of the Appearance menu in the left toolbar. Drag the Facebook Like Box widget to your sidebar or one of the lower boxes. Click the widget box and enter your Facebook fan page's URL into the indicated field. You can also adjust other settings with this menu, such as width, number of fans displayed and how many recent posts will be shown in the box. Click 'Save' to complete the integration.
Twitter Widget
6. Log in to your (or your blog's) Twitter account. Visit the Twitter widget homepage (twitter.com/about/resources/widgets).
7. Click 'Profile Widget' to see a preview of the widget. Click through the Preferences, Appearance and Dimensions menus on this page to adjust the colors, size and layout of your Twitter widget. Whenever you change a setting, click 'Test Settings' to apply the changes to the preview. Click 'Finish Grab Code' when you are satisfied with the widget.
8. Copy all of the code in the box that appears.
9. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. Open the Widgets submenu in the Appearance menu on the left toolbar.
10. Drag a new text widget to your sidebar layout. Paste the Twitter widget code into this field and click 'Save.'
5:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Blank Space to a WordPress Blog
1. Log in to your WordPress blog and click 'Add New.' Alternatively, click 'Edit' beside an already-created post you want to modify.
2. Click the 'HTML' tab beside 'Visual' -- above the post.
3. Type in the following code, in between the lines of text you want to separate, to create your blank space:
4. Click 'Publish' or 'Update' to publish or revise your post.
2:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use a WordPress Blog as a CMS
Creating a Static Home Page
1. Log in to your WordPress.com website to create a static home page. While you can still keep a blog, most visitors will not expect to see your blog as the home page of your website. A static page describing your organization and the purpose of the website would be more appropriate.
2. Click 'Pages' in the dashboard, then 'Add New.' Type 'Home' or 'Welcome' in the 'Title' text field. Type any content you want to appear on the home page and include any images as desired. Click 'Publish' when you are finished designing the page.
3. Create a new blank page to display your blog posts since they will not longer be on the home page of your website. Type a name for the page so you can identify it, such as 'Blog' or 'Company Blog.' Click the 'Publish' button.
4. Click 'Reading' in the 'Settings' section of the administrative dashboard. The Reading options page is displayed.
5. Click 'Static Page' under 'Front Page Displays.' Click 'Select' next to 'Front Page' to see the available options. Select the 'Home' page you just published in Step 3.
6. Click 'Select' beside 'Posts Page' and click on the name of your blank blog page published in Step Four. Click 'Save Changes.'
Creating Content Pages and Categories
7. Create a new page for each subject category for your business or organization. Type or paste the appropriate content into each page and then publish it.
8. Provide the URL for each page to those who are interested in that page of content.
9. Create a blog for any page by creating a new blog category. You can do this when you write the first blog for each content category. Click 'Add New Category' on the right of the blog post editor page. Type the name for the category in the text field. For convenience you can name the category the same as the page. Then click the check mark beside that category.
Linking Blog Categories to Each Page
10. Go to a blog post related to a category you created in the section above. Click the 'Category' link at the bottom of the post. This takes you to the Category page, containing only the blog posts related to that category.
11. Highlight the web address for the Category page in the address field of your web browser. Copy it by pressing 'Ctrl C' on the keyboard.
12. Go to the administrative dashboard and click the 'Pages' link.
13. Find the static page for that subject related to the above category. Click 'Edit.' At the bottom of the page type an explanation of the Category blog posts, such as 'Latest blog updates on Dogs' if Dogs is what the category is about. Highlight those words. Click the 'Link' button. Paste the link into the text field by pressing 'Ctrl V' on the keyboard.
14. Click the 'Update' button. The page of content will now have a link to all blog entries related to that page of content.
8:32 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Last Line of Text on a WordPress Blog
1. Click 'Appearance' on the left side of the WordPress dashboard to expand the Appearance section of the menu.
2. Click 'Editor' to edit the files of your WordPress theme.
3. Open the pull-down menu next to 'Select theme to edit,' and choose the theme that you would like to edit the footer of. Click 'Select.'
4. Click 'Footer' on the right side of the page.
5. Press 'Ctrl' and 'F' simultaneously, and then type the text at the bottom of your WordPress website to locate it within the header file, such as 'Proudly powered by.'
6. Remove the text from the footer file, and type the text that you would like the footer to display. Alternatively, remove the text from the footer to display nothing at the bottom of your website. If you are using Twenty Ten, the default theme included with WordPress, remove the code '
', '
' and everything in between.
7. Click the 'Update File' button.
7:35 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Find Your WordPress API Key
1. Go to WordPress.com and enter the proper login information. The WordPress.com account is different from a WordPress.org account, which is used to build a self-hosted WordPress site. The WordPress.com site allows you to create a free blog, but you can also create a user account for enabling certain features, such as the API key.
2. Access your profile page by selecting the link labeled 'My Account' and selecting your profile.
3. Copy your API key and paste it to a text document. Save the document in a safe place for use when setting up your blog.
3:38 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use More Tags in WordPress Blog Posts
1. Log into your WordPress account. Click on 'Posts' and select 'Add New.'
2. Start writing your post in the blank text box and stop writing when you reach the place where you'd like to enter the 'More' tag.
3. Click on the 'More' tag button in the toolbar above the text box. This button is labeled with the symbol of a page cut in half horizontally with a dotted line. It should be to the right of the hyperlink button, which looks like two links of a chain. Clicking this button adds the code that truncates your post.
4. Click on the 'HTML Editor' tab at the top of the text box. You see a piece of code: '
.' To customize the link that takes readers from the beginning of your post on the front page or archive, add extra text after '
.' This is the message that will appear at the end of the first segment and will contain a link your readers can click on to read the rest of the post.
5. Finish your post and click 'Publish' to make it live. You are now able to view the beginning of your post on the front page of your blog.
2:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change Meta Tags in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. When its Control Panel appears, click 'Appearance' from the menu bar on the left side of the screen, and then click 'Editor.' This brings up the HTML files that control the appearance of your WordPress site.
2. Click 'header.php' from the list of files located down the right side of the screen. Before making any changes to a WordPress HTML file, it is wise to make a back up copy. Select all the code in the central editing area, paste it into a text editor such as Notepad, and save it to your computer.
3. Scan 'header.php' in the editing area of your WordPress screen, and try to find the
tags. They are all located between the
tags near the top of the file.
4. Modify the meta tags to suit your needs. When you do this, ensure that the code is correct for each meta tag. All meta tags must have a closing '>' bracket (without quotations), and the value of each attribute must be contained in quotation marks. For example, if you wanted to change the meta description of your WordPress site, which controls what is displayed in the description for the Yahoo!, Bing, and sometimes Google search engines, this would be a correct format to use:
5. Click 'Update File' at the bottom of the page. Your changes have now been saved. Go to your blog page and check that your site is working correctly. If it is not, return to the editor and review your code for mistakes.
12:22 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
How to Customize a WordPress as CMS
1. Create pages for your site. The pages automatically show up in most themes' navigation bars. Decide which is going to become your 'Home' page.
2. Log into your WordPress Dashboard and click 'Settings,' then click 'Reading.' Select 'A Static Page' and then choose the page that will become your homepage. You may also select the page that will be your blog page, but it isn't necessary to do so.
3. Change the permalinks to better reflect your site. Click 'Settings,' then click 'Permalinks' and choose 'Custom Structure.' Enter '/tegory%/%postname%/' into the text box. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
4. Create categories for posts. Remember to choose at least one category for every post. It helps WordPress organize your content when you do. You can even create menus based on these categories.
7:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Wordpress Registration Page
1. Log in to the Administrator Control Panel. By default, the direct URL for your admin page is 'http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/.' (Replace 'yourdomain.com' with the domain name of your Wordpress website.) You can also do this by clicking the 'Log In' or 'Wordpress Admin' link on your website.
2. Click 'Settings,' located at the lower left section of the page.
3. Go to 'Membership' and click 'Anyone can register.'
4. Set the 'New User Default Role' according to your preferences. Subscribers can access your admin panel but cannot make changes; they can, however, leave comments. Contributors can create new posts but cannot publish them without your approval. Authors are permitted to publish posts and pages in real time. Administrators can make major changes to your blog, such as installing themes and configuring plug-ins, even without your permission.
5. Click 'Save Changes' near the bottom of the page.
6. Direct your potential subscribers to 'http://yourdomain.com/wp-login.php?action=register.' This is the default URL for your registration page. Be sure to replace 'yourdomain.com' with the domain name of your Wordpress website.
6:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Website With WordPress
1. Open a Web browser on your computer.
2. Navigate to the main WordPress page (www.wordpress.com) and click on the 'Sign up now' button.
3. Choose a username (which becomes the name of your website), type in a password two times and enter an active email address.
4. Click on the 'Gimme a blog!' option and then click 'Next.'
5. Change the domain you wish to use for your website (if you wish to do so), choose a title for the website, choose what language the website will use and then choose whether or not you want the website to show up in search engine searches. Click 'Signup' and your website is created.
8:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add a New Directory to WordPress With FTP
CoffeeShop FTP
1. Open CoffeeShop FTP and click the 'Servers' button. The My Servers dialog box opens.
2. Enter the FTP address, such as 'yourdomain.com' into the 'Server' text field. Type in the user name and password for the FTP account and click 'Connect.' The current files on the server are displayed on the right.
3. Double-click the 'public_html' or 'www' directory on the server. Double-click the WordPress folder (example, 'blog') for your website, and double-click the 'wp-content' folder to open it.
4. Right-click anywhere on the right side and select 'New Folder.'
5. Replace 'New Folder' with the name of folder you want to create.
6. Open FileZilla and enter the FTP address, such as 'yourdomain.com' into the 'Host' text field. Type in the user name and password for the FTP account, and press 'Enter' to connect to the FTP server. The current files on the server (remote site) will display on the right.
7. Double-click the 'public_html' or 'www' directory on the server. Double-click the WordPress folder (example, 'blog') for your website and double-click the 'wp-content' folder to open it.
8. Right-click anywhere on the right side and select 'Create directory.' A Create directory dialog box opens.
9. Replace 'New directory' with the name of folder you want to create. Click 'OK.'
10. Open SmartFTP and enter the FTP address, such as 'yourdomain.com' into the 'Address' text field. Type in the login and password for the FTP account and press 'Enter' to connect to the FTP server. The current files on the server (remote site) will display on the right.
11. Double-click the 'public_html' or 'www' directory on the server. Double-click the WordPress folder (example, 'blog') for your website and double-click the 'wp-content' folder to open it.
12. Select 'File,' 'New' and 'Folder' from the menu. A new folder is created on the server.
13. Replace 'New Folder' with the name of the folder you want to create.
5:39 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Up Multiple Authors on WordPress
1. Log into your WordPress account.
2. Select the blog you want to set up multiple authors for from the 'My Blogs' tab.
3. Click the down arrow next to the 'Users' menu. Click on 'Users.'
4. Enter the email address of the user whom you want to add to your blog. Select 'Author' from the drop-down menu and click 'Add User.' The other person will receive an email saying that you wish to add them to your blog.
1:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Auto Ping Google Via WordPress
1. Open the 'Settings' menu in the bottom-left corner of the WordPress dashboard, then click 'Writing.'
2. Add the server address 'http://blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2' to the 'Update Services' field at the bottom of the window.
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
7:46 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Use a WordPress Page As a Blog Post Page
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard from the 'wp-admin' directory of your website. Navigate to 'Pages' and click 'Add New.'
2. Type a name in to the title field, which is located directly below the 'Edit Page' heading. Do not add any content to the editor box or change anything else on the page. Click the blue 'Publish' button to create the page.
3. Navigate to 'Settings' and go to 'Reading.' Where the page says 'Front page displays,' click the radio button next to 'A static page.' Select a page for the front page of your website from the first drop-down box. Click the second drop-down box and select the new, blank page you created for your blog posts. You will find it by its name. Click the 'Save Changes' button to update your blog.
6:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Auto
1. Log into WordPress using the username and password you used to set up your blog.
2. Select the blog you want to have auto-post to Twitter and Facebook from the 'My Blogs' tab. This will bring you to your blog's dashboard.
3. Scroll to the bottom of your Dashboard and select 'Sharing' from the 'Settings' menu.
4. Click 'Connect to Facebook' and then 'Authorize connection with Facebook.' Enter your login information when redirected to Facebook. Click 'Allow' on the two pop up windows that request permission to access your basic information and to post to your wall and access your data at any time. Once you allow both, your blog will connect to Facebook and you will be taken back to the Sharing Settings page.
5. Click 'Connect to Twitter' and then 'Authorize connection with Twitter.' Log into Twitter with your username and password. Click 'Authorize app.' You will be redirected back to the Sharing Settings page.
4:52 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove the Reply Box on Wordpress
Disabling Comments on One Post
1. Open the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard. Click 'Add New' or click the 'Edit' link under an existing post to display the post editing screen.
2. Click the 'Screen Options' pull-down menu at the top of the editing screen.
3. Click the 'Discussion' check box to select it, and then click 'Screen Options' again to retract the menu.
4. Scroll down to the 'Discussion' heading and clear the check from the box next to 'Allow Comments.'
5. Scroll back to the top of the page, and click the 'Publish' or 'Update' button.
Disabling All Comments
6. Open the 'Settings' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and then click 'Discussion.'
7. Clear the check from the box next to 'Allow people to post comments on new articles.'
8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Save Changes' button.
2:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Posts Go From WordPress to a Facebook Page
1. Log into your Facebook account.
2. Click 'Pages' on the left column and select the page you wish to edit.
3. Click 'Edit Page' and select 'Apps.'
4. Go to 'Apps' by clicking 'Go to application' under 'Apps.'
5. Click 'Edit Import Settings' at the bottom left.
6. Type in the RSS feed of your WordPress blog in the URL field. For example, if your website is 'www.mysite.com,' type in 'www.mysite.com/atom.'
7. Start importing WordPress posts to your Facebook page by clicking the 'Start Importing' button.
1:58 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Disable WordPress Plugins Without the Admin
1. Determine the address you will need to access your WordPress host through FTP. Typically this will be the same as the URL you use to access your website in a browser, but some hosting providers are different.
2. Connect to the FileZilla Project website and download the appropriate package for your operating system. FileZilla is available for Windows, OS X and Linux. The installation process will vary according to your operating system, so follow the instructions provided with the download.
3. Launch FileZilla and enter the URL, login name and password used to connect to your hosting site into the corresponding fields in the application window. Click the 'Quickconnect' button to connect.
4. Navigate to your WordPress plugin directory in FileZilla by double-clicking folder names as you would in Windows Explorer or any similar program. You may need to know where WordPress has been installed in relation to your home directory. From the WordPress directory, open the wp-content directory and then the plugins directory.
5. Right-click on the name of the problematic plugin directory and select 'Rename' from the menu. Type the new name into the field that pops up. If you do not know which plugin has caused the problem, temporarily disable all plugins. Right-click on the plugins directory and rename it.
7:43 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How To Install Wordpress Using Fantastico
Using Fantastico to Install Wordpress
1. Log into your CPanel account. Look for a little blue smiley face labeled Fantastico. You will want to click that to open it up.
2. Look under blogs once Fantastico has opened and click on Wordpress. This will open up your Wordpress window, and give you a couple options. Double check you have the space required, and then click new installation.
3. Configure your options. The first option is choose what domain to install on from the drop down. Your new domain name should be listed there. The second option is install in directory. You should leave this blank so that it installs in the root of your domain, unless you know what you are doing. We are trying to use the K.I.S.S. method here!
4. Create your administrator access data. Here is where you choose a log in and password to access your backend, to make changes to your blog. Choose something secure, and that you can either write down somewhere safe, or remember easily. An easy option is just use admin as the log in name, and then your passcode.
5. Choose your base configuration options. Choose the nickname, and the administration email. Make this an email you actually use as this is where important info regarding your site will come to. Input your site name, and a description. After you have input all of the information, click install.
6. Click the install Wordpress button. Fantastico will install Wordpress, and show you a window with all the changes that have been made. Wordpress is now installed! You will have the option to email the installation details to yourself, or return to the main overview window. It is a good idea to email the details to yourself and create a special folder to save important stuff like that. You never know when you might need it!
7. Click the visit site button once you return to the overview site showing your current Wordpress install. To log into your back end, type your domain URL into the search bar, then forward slash wp-admin. It should look like this: www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin. Then you are set! You can start customizing your blog and making it unique! Happy blogging!
2:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set the Gravatar Size in WordPress
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard and then navigate to 'Appearance.' Click on the 'Editor' link under 'Appearance' to load the theme editing screen. Find the 'comments.php' file for your theme in the right-hand list and then click on its link to load it in the editing box.
2. Find the get_avatar() function in the code of your comments template. This function usually exists between the opening and closing
tags of the template because each comment gets printed out as an item in a numbered list.
3. Add or change the size parameter within the get_avatar() function. Here is an example:
This function requires 'id_or_email,' but size is optional. Use multiples of eight for the best sizes, such as 16-pixels or 32-pixels.
4. Click the blue 'Save' button and then reload your website in the browser. Check that the new size fits with your design and make edits as needed.
1:34 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Pass Values Between Pages in WordPress
1. Log into the WordPress dashboard at the wp-admin directory of your website. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Editor' link to load the 'Edit Themes' screen. Click the link to page.php listed under the 'Templates' heading.
2. Add the following code where you want to output your passed value:
The above code looks for the variable 'myvar' in the page URL. If the variable is present, this code will output its variable onto the page. Click the blue 'Update File' button to save your changes.
3. Navigate to 'Pages' and edit or add a page. Type the text for a link in the editor box. Highlight the link text and click the 'Insert/edit link' button. Click 'Or link to existing content' and select a page from the list.
4. Add '?myvar=Hello' to the end of the URL in the 'URL' field of the 'Insert/edit link' box. Change 'Hello' to the value you want to pass to the linked page. Click the blue 'Update' button to finish creating your link. Update or publish the page to save your work. When you click on the link you created, it will take you to that page, where you will see the value of 'myvar' printed on the screen.
1:37 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Add Bidvertiser Ads to Your WordPress Blog
1. Sign up for a publisher account at Bidvertiser. Submit basic contact information and confirm your email address to get started.
2. Log into your account and add your websites. Once they have been approved, click the radio button next to the site you want to work with and then click the 'Choose Template' button.
3. Decide which size ads you want to use. This will depend largely on what part of your blog you will place them on. Vertical banners are usually best for sidebars, and full or half banners work well for ads within posts or in the header or footer. When you have decided, click the corresponding radio button.
4. Customize the colors for your ads. You can use one of their color palettes or create your own. When you're done, click the 'Get Ad Code' button and copy your code.
5. Log into your blog's admin panel, and click 'Presentation' and then 'Theme Editor' to add ads to the header, footer or single post. Click the link for the section you will be adding them to, find the area where you want your ads, and paste the code in.
6. Click 'Sidebar Widgets' instead of 'Theme Editor' if you're inserting the ads into your sidebar. Add a text widget if you don't have any available by selecting a larger number from the text widgets menu and clicking 'Save.' Then drag the text widget from the Available Widgets area to the place where you want it on the sidebar. Click the configuration icon, paste the code in, close the dialog box and click 'Save Changes.'
2:28 AM | Filed Under | 3 Comments
How to Move a Blog From WordPress to Tumblr
1. Log in to your WordPress account and then click 'Posts' on your dashboard. A List of all of your posts will appear.
2. Log in to your Tumblr account and then get your secret email address from the 'Goodies' page.
3. Click 'Quick Edit' under a post in WordPress and then highlight the post content. Click 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the content to the clipboard.
4. Compose an email to the secret Tumblr email address you obtained in Step 2. Cut and paste the contents of the clipboard into the body of the email by pressing 'Ctrl' and 'V' together. Type an appropriate title for your post in the 'Topic' line of the email and then click 'Send.'
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for every WordPress post that you want to transfer to Tumblr.
2:50 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Block Countries in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. This is usually found at yourbloglocation/wp-admin.
2. Click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.' Type 'iQ Block Country' in the 'Search Plugins' text field, then click the 'Search' button. When the results appear, locate 'iQ Block Country' in the list, and click the 'Install Now' link, just below the title of the plug-in. A pop-up box will ask you to confirm you want to install the plug-in. Click 'OK,' then wait a few moments for the plug-in to install. When prompted, click 'Activate Plugin.'
3. Click 'Settings' from the main menu bar down the left of the screen, then click 'iQ Block Country.' Scroll down the main list of countries in the middle of the screen, and locate the country you want to block. Click it once to block it. If you want to block an additional country, you must hold down the 'Ctrl' key while you click it -- if you do not hold down 'Ctrl,' all of your previous selections will be removed.
4. Click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the plug-in screen. When people from the countries you selected attempt to access your site, they will be presented with an error message stating 'Error 403 Forbidden -- Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site.'
2:20 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Paragraphs in WordPress
1. Log in to your WordPress account and create a new post or open a previous post. To create a new post, click 'Blog' at the top of the screen and select 'New Post.' To open an old post, click 'Blog' and select 'Dashboard.' Click 'Posts' on the left side of the screen, select 'All Posts' and then click the name of the post you want to edit.
2. Click the 'Visual' tab above the post text entry if you want to use the Visual Editor, which has many of the editing options found in word processing programs. Click the 'HTML' tab to open the HTML Editor to use HTML tags when writing your posts. New users with limited or no HTML experience should use the Visual Editor because it is easier to use.
3. Type your first paragraph in the post text entry box or, if you are editing a previous post, move the cursor to the front of the first word of the next paragraph.
4. Press the 'Enter' button once on your keyboard when using the Visual Editor or twice when using the HTML editor to create a new paragraph.
3:41 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed a Flickr Slideshow in WordPress
Creating the Slideshow
1. Sign into your Flickr account.
2. Click 'Your Photostream,' then click the name of the photo album you want to create a slideshow out of in the right column.
3. Click the 'Slideshow' button in the upper right.
4. Click the 'Share' link in the upper right corner of the slideshow's menu.
5. Click anywhere in the 'Grab the Embed HTML' field to highlight the entire code; then click the 'Copy to Clipboard' button underneath.
Embedding the Slideshow Into WordPress
6. Log into your WordPress administrative dashboard. The login page usually located at yoursite.com/wp-admin.
7. Open the page or post on your WordPress site into which you want to embed your Flickr slideshow. To create a new page or post, click the 'Add New' link under the 'Posts' or 'Pages' section in the admin dashboard. To embed the slideshow into a pre-existing page or post, click 'Edit' under the appropriate section.
8. Click the HTML tab in the editor to switch to HTML view and paste the embed HTML from Flickr into your document.
9. Switch back to live view by clicking the 'Visual' tab, and ensure that the document looks the way you want it to. Add any other text, images and other content you desire.
10. Click the blue 'Publish' button to publish your new WordPress document. If you're editing an existing document, click the blue 'Update' button instead.
8:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Load a WordPress Backup
1. Go to your website and log into your WordPress blog.
2. Scroll down the Dashboard to the 'Tools' section and click the 'Import' link.
3. Choose 'WordPress' from the list of systems you can import.
4. Click 'Choose File' to select the WordPress backup that you want to import.
5. Click the 'Upload File and Import' button to load the backup.
6. Select 'Admin' when prompted to assign an author to the backup on the 'Assign Authors' screen. This gives you control over the backup you are importing.
7. Click the 'Submit' button to complete the import of your WordPress backup.
8:12 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Redirect in Wordpress
Redirect Post Or Page
1. Log in to the admin area of your WordPress site. Click 'Plugins' on the left-side menu bar, then click 'Add New.' In the search box, type 'Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin' and press enter. This is a free plugin for WordPress that lets you easily redirect posts and pages.
2. Find 'Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin' on the results page and click 'Install Now.' Wait for the plugin to install, then click 'Activate Plugin.'
3. Click 'Redirect Menu' on the left-hand menu bar, then click 'Quick Redirects.' You will see two text boxes. One is under the header 'Request' -- in here, put the URL of the page you want to redirect, excluding the domain name. For example, type /my-post/ instead of http://mysite.com/my-post/. The other box is labelled 'Destination' -- this is where you want the post to redirect to. Type the URL in full in this box. This can be any URL -- it does not have to be on your own site.
4. Click 'Save Changes.' Whenever a visitor attempts to access the pages listed under 'Request,' he will be redirected to the corresponding destination.
Changing Permalinks
5. Log in to the admin area of your WordPress site. Click 'Plugins' on the left-side menu bar, then click 'Add New.' In the search box, type 'Permalinks Moved Permanently' and press enter. This is another free plugin. Whenever a visitor searches for a link that does not exist, the plugin searches for another post with the same slug -- the last part of the URL, usually containing the post title -- and if it finds one, redirects the visitor there.
6. Find 'Permalinks Moved Permanently' in the search results, and click 'Install Now' just below it.
7. Wait for the plugin to install, and click 'Active Plugin' when prompted to do so. No further actions are necessary -- the plugin is now installed and running, and will redirect visitors to the correct locations of your posts.
2:51 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Put a Theme to a WordPress Blog
Upload Your Theme in the Dashboard
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to 'Appearance' and then 'Themes.' Click the 'Add New' link under 'Themes.' Go to 'Upload' under 'Install Themes.' Select the zip file containing your theme and click 'Install Now.' Click the 'Return to Themes Page' link after the theme finishes installing.
2. Navigate to 'Appearance' and click the 'Themes' link to load the 'Manage Themes' screen. Find your new theme in the list of 'Available Themes' and click the 'Activate' link beneath its screen shot.
3. Look under 'Appearance' for a link with a name like 'Theme Options.' Look under 'Settings' for a theme options page if you do not see one under 'Appearance.' Not all themes come with an options page, but you can use this page to set up text, ads and other options. Remember to click 'Save' before previewing your website.
Install a Theme From the Directory
4. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and click 'Themes' to navigate to the 'Manage Themes' page. Click the 'Add New' link below 'Themes' in the menu and fill out the search form. You can search by keywords such as 'framework' or 'white' or search for themes by their names. Check off features under 'Feature Filter' to narrow down the results.
5. Browse the search results and click the 'Install' link under the theme you want to install. Click the blue 'Install Now' button on the pop-up. Wait for the theme to finish installing and then click the 'Return to Theme Installer' link.
6. Navigate to 'Themes' and find your new theme in the list. Click the 'Activate' link beneath a theme's screen shot to set it as your new theme. Locate the 'Theme Options' page if one exists to set up your theme. Not all themes come with an options page.
2:15 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Insert a Read More in WordPress Posts
1. Click 'Add New' in 'Posts' to create a new WordPress post, or click 'Posts' and then click 'Edit' under an existing post you want to edit.
2. Click the 'Visual' tab if it is not yet enabled. This ensures you are in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) mode.
3. Write your blog post. Click where you want the 'Read More' link to appear.
4. Click the fourth icon from the right on the editing toolbar. This icon is the 'Insert More Tag' command. It looks like two rectangles separated by a line. WordPress will now display a horizontal line followed by the word 'More' where you added it.
5. Resume writing your blog post. When you are finished, click 'Publish' if it is a new post or 'Update' if it is an existing post. Your blog will initially display only the words coming before the 'Read More' link. When a visitor clicks that link, the rest of the post will be displayed.
9:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Turn Excerpt Off in WordPress 2.9.2
1. Log in to your WordPress account.
2. Click 'Appearance' on the left-side menu bar of the admin control panel, then click 'Editor.'
3. Look at the list of posts on the right side of the page. The ones you need to modify are called archive.php and index.php. The archive.php file controls the appearance of your category, tag and archive pages, and index.php controls your main index page, which is usually the homepage of your site.
4. Click 'archive.php.' The code for this page now appears in the center area. Select all the text in the editor, and paste it into a text editor such as notepad. Do not use a word processor such as Microsoft Word, as this will add additional code to the file. Save the file to your computer's hard drive. Now you have a backup, so if you make a mistake you can easily replace the file with a working version.
5. Return to the WordPress admin screen and scroll through archive.php in the central editing area until you find the line of code containing 'the_exerpt()' (without quotations). This may be surrounded by php tags, like this:
6. Replace the word 'excerpt' with 'content,' so the code looks like this: 'the_content()' (again without quotations), then scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Update File.'
7. Go to your blog's main index page, followed by a category page, to confirm that the posts are displaying in full. If they are not, return to the code and ensure that the changes have been saved correctly and that there are no typing errors.
1:54 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed Images in Comments in WordPress
How to Enable Images in Comments
1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. From the large menu bar on the left side, click 'Plugins,' then click 'Add New.' Your user role must be either 'Super Admin' or 'Administrator' for the 'Plugins' menu to be visible to you. If you cannot see it, you will not be able to complete these instructions and must ask a site administrator to do it for you.
2. Type 'Comment Images' in the text field, then click the 'Search Plugins' button. Find 'Comment-Images' in the search results, which will probably be right at the top of the list, and click the 'Install Now' link, located just beneath the title.
3. Wait for the plug-in to finish installing, then click the 'Activate Plugin' link when prompted. The plug-in is now installed and active. You do not need to perform any further action for the plug-in to work.
How to Embed An Image in a Comment
4. Visit the blog post that you want to leave a comment on. Note that the above series of steps must be fully completed for images to be successfully embedded in comments. Scroll down to the comments section and write your comment in the text box.
5. Open a new browser tab or window, and locate the image you want to embed. When you find the Web page it is on, right-click the image and click 'View Image.' The image will appear in its own window. Copy the URL of this page.
6. Return to your blog comment and click the link to add an image, located directly beneath the text box. A pop-up window will appear asking you for the image's URL. Paste the URL into the text bo, and click 'OK.' The image will be embedded in your comment inside [img] tags. You can move this code to any location in your comment where you want the image to be displayed. When you are finished, click 'Submit Comment.'
8:33 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Restore a WordPress Blog From EZ Backup
1. Log into your WordPress blog.
2. Click 'EZ Backup' from the menu, then click 'Backup Browser.'
3. Select the backup you want to restore to from the drop-down list, then click 'Prepare for Download.'
4. Click the 'Download Now' link provided on the page to download a copy of the backup. This file will be in a '.tgz' format.
5. Right-click the downloaded file and select 'Decompress' or 'Unzip.' This will unzip the contents into a new folder on your computer. This folder contains the files backed up from your WordPress blog.
6. Launch your FTP program and log into your website hosting account.
7. Navigate to your WordPress blog directory on the server side of the FTP program. Navigate to the folder with the decompressed data on your computer's side.
8. Highlight the files and folders you want to restore from the decompressed folder in the FTP program. If you hold down the 'Ctrl' button, you can select many files at once.
9. Click the 'Transfer' button to upload the backup data into your WordPress folder on the server. This will restore any files that were corrupted or erased from your EZ Backup.
5:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Remove Featured Image
1. Open the 'Posts' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard menu. WordPress displays a list of the posts that are in published or draft status on your website.
2. Click 'Edit' under the name of the post that you want to remove a featured image from. The word 'Edit' appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the name of the post. WordPress opens the post editing screen and displays the contents of that post.
3. Scroll to the 'Featured Image' section in the post editor, and click the 'Remove Featured Image' link under the image that you want to remove.
2:16 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Create a Free WordPress Blog Badge
1. Design a strategy to encourage your followers to use the blog badge. You could start a post on 'The 100 best blogs in [your niche]' and create badges for 'Top 100,' 'Top 50,' 'Top 10' and so on. Then, email the relevant code to the websites. Alternatively, you might simply ask your loyal visitors to help you by writing a dedicated post about the badge and asking people to put it on their sites.
2. Create a badge. If you have graphic design skills, you can open Photoshop or a similar program and get to work. If not, ask an artistic friend or use a free logo generator such as the one on Cooltext.com. Regardless of how you design the badge, remember that you want it to stand out enough that it will be noticed and people will click on it.
3. Log in to your WordPress account. Go to 'Media' and click 'Add New.' Upload your badge to your website by clicking 'Browse' and locating the image file on your hard drive. Once you have uploaded the file, copy the text next to the 'URL' text box -- this is the location of the image on your website.
4. Determine the code that is needed to place your blog badge on another blog or website. Use the following format, replacing the example URLs with your own:
5. Advertise the badge on your website. Start a new post, telling people about the badge and providing the code you developed in Step 4. Alternately, you can place a small message on your WordPress sidebar by going to 'Appearance,' 'Widgets' and dragging a 'Text' widget to the sidebar. Add your message and the code for your badge to the 'Text' area.
8:42 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Check the RSS Outputs for WordPress
1. Sign in to your WordPress admin area.
2. Click 'Settings' and 'Reading' in the menu on the left.
3. Click the button next to either 'Full Text' or 'Summary.' Full text makes your entire posts available in RSS. Summary outputs only a portion of your posts. Click 'Save Changes.'
4. Click 'Posts' and 'Add New' in the menu on the left.
5. Create a test post. Depending on what you are trying to check with your RSS output, you will want to enter different things in your post. If you just want to see that the feed works, enter a few lines. If you want to check more advanced features like formatting, fonts and images, then enter the appropriate information to see those features.
6. Click 'Publish.' Wait awhile and then check your RSS feed in your RSS reader. Depending upon the service you use to download to your RSS reader, you may need to wait anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.
7:28 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make Your Own Free WordPress Template
1. Change the color for the text of the name of your blog under the 'Site Name' box. Type in the name of your blog or upload the logo you would like to use. Change the body size of the text. You can view the changes on the blog to the right.
2. Position the sidebar, if you would like one. You can insert the text bar into a specific position on the right or the left. Also, decide if you would like a third column. In the next box down, choose what components you would like to appear in your column(s).
3. Choose your blog background color and any background items you would like to appear. You can insert your own background items by typing your URL into each drop-down box. Move to the next box and adjust how you would like your text to appear. This includes both headings and regular text. Remember, this dictates the texts you'll be able to use on your blog, so choose carefully.
4. Decide on the Tags, Archives and Search options. When you're satisfied with your template, preview it. If everything appears OK, choose 'Save' and then download it onto your computer into a place that you won't forget. Each of the separate files, such as 'index.php,' are separate templates.
2:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export Content From WordPress to Tumblr
1. Navigate to Tumblr.com and log in to your account.
2. Click the 'Customize' link in the right column on your Dashboard.
3. Click the 'Services' link at the top of your 'Customize' page.
4. Click the tab under the 'Automatically import my...' and select 'Wordpress.com' from the drop-down menu. If you are using Wordpress.org, leave the tab on RSS and paste the URL for your blog's RSS feed into the field.
5. Enter your Wordpress.com blog name into the field.
6. Click the tab next to 'as' to choose which format you want to use to import your Wordpress blog. Click 'Links' to import only links to your Wordpress posts. Click 'Links with summaries' to import a link to your post with truncated text. Click 'Text without titles' to import the entire body for text posts. Click 'Photos' to import photos.
7. Click the 'Start importing this feed' button. Click the 'Save Close' button at the top of the 'Customize' page to save your changes.
5:45 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change the Theme of a Wordpress Blog
1. Choose a theme that you like and that complements the topic of your blog. There are a variety of free themes available online. Download several, if you can't decide. You can always upload them all and then experiment to see which one looks best on your blog (see Resources below).
2. Unzip the folder for the theme. Inside it, there will be another folder with the same name. Save this folder to your hard drive in an easy to find location, such as a folder labeled 'Wordpress Themes.'
3. Open your FTP software and upload this folder to your site's 'Themes' folder.
4. Log in to your Wordpress control panel and activate your new theme from the 'Design' tab. You should now be able to click the 'View Site' button and see your new Wordpress theme in action.
5:19 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Export WordPress to Facebook
1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Click 'Edit Page' and 'Apps.' Locate 'Notes' and click 'Go to App.'
3. Click 'Edit Import Settings.' Type the URL of your WordPress blog into the 'Web URL' box. Place a check mark next to the box that states that you have the right to produce the Web content you have added.
4. Click 'Confirm.'
5:49 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Change WordPress Permalinks for Split Posts
1. Sign in to WordPress. Choose the 'All Posts' link from the 'Posts' pane on the left side of the WordPress Dashboard.
2. Scroll through posts until you locate the one whose permalink you want to edit. Select the 'Edit' button below the post's name.
3. Click the 'Edit' button next to the permalink. Input any title you desired for the post, keeping in mind that you don't need to specify 'Page 1' or 'Page 2' -- WordPress does this automatically for your readers. Select 'Update' to update the entry to reflect the new permalink.
4:27 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Embed YouTube in Thesis WordPress
1. Go to YouTube.com and find the video you want to embed on your Thesis WordPress blog. Copy the URL in your browser's address bar.
2. Log in to you blog's admin area.
3. Click 'Add New Post.'
4. Click on the 'Add Video' icon. This icon will look like a film strip.
5. Click the 'Type' drop-down menu and select 'Flash.'
6. Paste the YouTube URL for the video in the URL field, and then click the 'Insert' button. Finish the rest of your blog post as normal. When you post the blog entry, the YouTube video will be embedded.
4:17 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Make a New WordPress Blog
1. Go online to the WordPress sign-up page (www.wordpress.com/signup).
2. Type the URL you want to assign to your blog in the first text field.
3. Type the username you want to be associated with your blog in the second text field.
4. Type a password you want assigned to your username in the second and third text fields.
5. Type your email address in the last text field and click 'Sign Up.'
6. Go to your email inbox and open the email sent to you by WordPress. Click the link in the email body to activate your WordPress blog. Your new WordPress blog is now active.
4:21 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Set Thumbnails in WordPress
Set a Featured Image
1. Log into WordPress and click 'Posts' in the left menu. Hover over the post that you would like to have a thumbnail, and click the 'Edit' link that appears. Look for a 'Set Featured Image' link in the lower-right corner. If it does not exist, your theme is not yet compatible with thumbnails and needs editing.
2. Click the 'Set Featured Image' link on the post editing screen's lower-right corner. Follow the prompts to upload an image, but do not click the 'Insert' button. Instead, click 'Set as Featured Image' next to the button.
3. Click the 'X' at the top-right corner of the media uploader to make it disappear. Check that your image appears in the 'Featured Image' box. Click the blue 'Update' button to save the post with the thumbnail.
Add Theme Support for Thumbnails
4. Open the functions.php file of your current WordPress theme in the plain text or code editor of your choosing. This file is found here:/yoursite/wp-content/themes/name-of-theme/Add this code anywhere between the
tags of the file, preferably at the very bottom or very top:if (function_exists('add_theme_support')) {add_theme_support('post-thumbnails');}
5. Start a new line and add in the following code:set_post_thumbnails_size(50, 50, true);Between the parentheses are three parameters for this function: width, height and cropping mode. Set the width to whatever you want, and set the height to 9999 if you want variable height. WordPress takes thumbnails and sizes them to the width first and the height second, and with variable height it leaves the height alone. Include the 'true' parameter to tell WordPress to hard-crop the thumbnail to exact dimensions. WordPress crops from the center of images.
6. Add various thumbnail sizes by including the following function on the next line:add_image_size('size-name', 300, 200);Here, the 'size-name' is whatever you want to call that image size when you use it in theme templates, so give it a name that makes sense and is easy to remember. The next two parameters are height and width, just like in the set_post_thumbnails_size() function.
Add Thumbnails to Template Files
7. Open up your template files in your theme's folder. Wherever you want thumbnails to appear, add this code:
instead to use a different thumbnail size set in the functions.php file.
8. Wrap the thumbnail function in conditional tags to keep WordPress from trying to load thumbnails when posts do not have them. Your code should look like this:
9. Use an Else statement to show a fallback image for posts without thumbnails. Fallbacks are useful for site designs that would look awkward without some type of image in the thumbnail spot. Here is an example:
/your-fallback.png' />
8:40 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Convert Wordpress to a Doc
1. Log in to your Wordpress account. Select 'Tools' and click 'Export.'
2. Change the filter values to download the Wordpress files you want and click 'Download Export File.'
3. Open Word on your computer. Select 'Open' from the File menu and choose the 'Wordpress.xml' file. Click 'Open.'
4. Select 'Save As' from the File menu. Choose 'doc' from the list of file types and click 'Save.'
8:24 AM | Filed Under | 0 Comments
How to Teach Yourself WordPress Visually
1. Sign up for a blog at WordPress.com. When signing up for a free WordPress blog, you have to choose a domain name which will look like http://yournewdomainname.wordpress.com. Access your WordPress blog by adding /wp-admin.php to your website domain name.
2. Choose a user name and a password and enter an e-mail address. WordPress will use the e-mail address entered to send (the website administrator) important e-mails. After choosing a username and password, WordPress will send you a confirmation e-mail to verify your account. Click on the link in the e-mail to verify your account and you are on your way to becoming WordPress proficient.
3. Sign in to your new WordPress account with your new username and password. After signing in, you will be taken to your account 'dashboard.' The dashboard is referred to as the 'back-end' of the blog, or the part of the blog that only you as the administrator will see. The 'front-end' of the blog is what the rest of the world will see. Along the left side of the window, you'll find a long list of buttons including Posts, Media, Links, Pages Comments, Ratings, Polls, Appearance, Users, Tools, and Settings. The easiest and quickest method of teaching yourself WordPress visually is to click through each button on this list.
4. Adjust the general settings of your blog. Click on the 'Settings' button and then on the 'General' button. These settings are basic to your blog and include your time zone, desired date and time format, and other settings. When you are finished making general setting changes, click on 'Save' and then continue to work your way down the 'Settings' list -- including 'Writing,' 'Reading,' 'Discussion,' etc. -- until you have made all of the changes you'd like under the 'Settings' button.
5. Decide what you are going to cover. You can do a photoblog, a food blog, write about technology or the stock market. You can vent your frustrations about the real estate market or your local congressman. Develop a writing or blogging plan. Most bloggers and writers write about their passions. List all of your passions and decide what to focus upon.
6. Choose your blog's 'theme'---not the overall point of the blog, but what the blog looks like. The point of the blog and the theme should go together. It wouldn't make visual sense to write about serious topics and have a theme that features pink polka dots and purple banners. There are hundreds of themes to choose from. A theme can be chosen under Appearance > Themes. You can preview each theme before assigning a new theme. Themes can be changed at any time.
7. Add 'widgets' to your Wordpress blog. You add widgets under Appearance > Widgets. Widgets add features and functionality to your blog that would not be available otherwise. There are literally thousands of widgets to choose from. Again, add widgets that make sense to your blog. These may include a text widget, a calendar widget, multiple back-end widgets that help with social media exposure and widgets that help track traffic.
8. Write your first post. Write the post in a word processing program first and copy and paste it into Wordpress later after you edit and proofread through the post. When it is ready to reveal to the world, click on 'Post > Add New.' Add a title to the post and paste the body text into the body field. Format the text how you would like, click on 'Save Draft,' and click on 'Publish.' Click on 'View Post' to look at your new post. Review it and make any changes you'd like in the body field, click on 'Update,' and click on 'View Post' to see the result of the changes you made. Changes to the body of the post can be made with the 'Visual Editor' or the 'HTML Editor.' The Visual Editor will add HTML tags to the text for you. Using the HTML Editor, you can add any supported HTML tags yourself.
9. Add photo and video files to your posts. Click on the 'Add Image' or 'Add Video' button and follow the prompts to upload and customize the image or video file and its display characteristics. If adding a video file to your blog, it is better to upload the video file to YouTube and add the video link.
10. Add links to your social media accounts so each time you add a post, your social media accounts are automatically notified of the update. All of your friends and contacts will automatically be updated with your new status. Also, add the 'Blog Subscription Widget' to your blog. This will allow your readers to sign up to receive post notifications by e-mail every time you add a new post.
3:22 AM | Filed Under | 1 Comments
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